At Goal & Successfully Maintaining. So Why Am I Doing This All Over Again?



  • steveko89
    steveko89 Posts: 2,217 Member
    edited May 2022
    @steveko89 you’ve touched on a secret worry of mine. I assume you’re much younger than me, judging from the “89”.

    This very powerful comment of yours pretty much sums it up:

    Father Time? Forever undefeated, chipping away at my being, which I came to build, respect and preserve too late in life; all is futile. It’s but a fool’s errand going to the lengths I attempt at wellness

    There are those times I worry, OK, I’m here. I’ve done this. I am not the person I was 45 months ago.

    In a few years when I can no longer do a headstand/ bench press/ do crunches, when my muscles turn “old” (I work out at the Cocoon gym, I’ve seen ‘em on the next bench)……then what? Have I failed? Did I succeed, but just in the nick of time and just for a few years? What next? Was it worth the effort? The denial? The sore shoulders and aching tender periformis?

    I guess that’s why I’m so busy trying to harvest “wins” now, while I still can.

    Right now it is worth it. I’ve proved something to myself. I’m not quite sure what it is, mind you, but it satisfies something in my soul to know “I did this. I can do this. If I try this, I’m certain I can complete it on the nth try. I can do this better than *that* person over there, therefore, I am complete. For a minute or two .”

    You’re not the only one thinking crazy *kitten* as you blow through curls and such.

    @Springlering62, your speculation on the "89" is correct, I turned 33 last month. It's comforting knowing I'm not the only one with moments of doubt and I know fitness is worth it and usually a better-late-than-never proposition.
  • springlering62
    springlering62 Posts: 7,885 Member
    @ythannah :
    …all the resistance training I've done for the past 10 ish years has failed to stave off osteoporosis….

    I feel ya, honey. I feel ya. That’s how I felt when I got the density scan results last week. WTF? I’m doing everything right?

    Brief Thread Hijack, since several of you have the Ninja Creami. I made the perfect vanilla. Lovely taste, great creamy texture. This is the keeper recipe:

    103 cal/serving, including a pretty good helping of protein.

    Topped off with ice water to seven cups fills all three containers to the fill line, so you’re getting a bit more than a half-pint per serving.

    In homage to some wonderful ice cream we enjoyed in Ireland, I got some chocolate honeycomb candy from Sprouts. Put an ounce in a baggy, cathartically whacked it with the rolling pin and stirred it in. That added 65 cal apiece and felt really decadent, even though the whole thing came to under 170 calories.

    Found the vanilla almond Skinny Syrup at TJMaxx for $3.99 for 30 oz bottle. Planning to try same ratios with chocolate pudding and peanut butter cup syrup, and maybe a pulverized Reese’s.
  • EliseTK1
    EliseTK1 Posts: 483 Member
    @ythannah :
    …all the resistance training I've done for the past 10 ish years has failed to stave off osteoporosis….

    I feel ya, honey. I feel ya. That’s how I felt when I got the density scan results last week. WTF? I’m doing everything right?

    Brief Thread Hijack, since several of you have the Ninja Creami. I made the perfect vanilla. Lovely taste, great creamy texture. This is the keeper recipe:

    103 cal/serving, including a pretty good helping of protein.

    Topped off with ice water to seven cups fills all three containers to the fill line, so you’re getting a bit more than a half-pint per serving.

    In homage to some wonderful ice cream we enjoyed in Ireland, I got some chocolate honeycomb candy from Sprouts. Put an ounce in a baggy, cathartically whacked it with the rolling pin and stirred it in. That added 65 cal apiece and felt really decadent, even though the whole thing came to under 170 calories.

    Found the vanilla almond Skinny Syrup at TJMaxx for $3.99 for 30 oz bottle. Planning to try same ratios with chocolate pudding and peanut butter cup syrup, and maybe a pulverized Reese’s.

    Thank you for that recipe! I will be trying it.

    Question for both of you @springlering62 and @ythannah - have you taken vitamin D and/or calcium over the years? Have you ever had your Vit D levels checked?

    I recall reading a study when I was in school about how heavy exercise can actually decrease bone density in women unless they supplemented those.
  • springlering62
    springlering62 Posts: 7,885 Member
    edited May 2022
    EliseTK1 wrote: »
    @ythannah :
    …all the resistance training I've done for the past 10 ish years has failed to stave off osteoporosis….

    I feel ya, honey. I feel ya. That’s how I felt when I got the density scan results last week. WTF? I’m doing everything right?

    Brief Thread Hijack, since several of you have the Ninja Creami. I made the perfect vanilla. Lovely taste, great creamy texture. This is the keeper recipe:

    103 cal/serving, including a pretty good helping of protein.

    Topped off with ice water to seven cups fills all three containers to the fill line, so you’re getting a bit more than a half-pint per serving.

    In homage to some wonderful ice cream we enjoyed in Ireland, I got some chocolate honeycomb candy from Sprouts. Put an ounce in a baggy, cathartically whacked it with the rolling pin and stirred it in. That added 65 cal apiece and felt really decadent, even though the whole thing came to under 170 calories.

    Found the vanilla almond Skinny Syrup at TJMaxx for $3.99 for 30 oz bottle. Planning to try same ratios with chocolate pudding and peanut butter cup syrup, and maybe a pulverized Reese’s.

    Thank you for that recipe! I will be trying it.

    Question for both of you @springlering62 and @ythannah - have you taken vitamin D and/or calcium over the years? Have you ever had your Vit D levels checked?

    I recall reading a study when I was in school about how heavy exercise can actually decrease bone density in women unless they supplemented those.

    I haven’t. But I eat a fair amount of dairy and am outside a couple hours per day, well, since “new me” began four years ago!

    I do supplement b12 at suggestion if my GP, who is holistic as well as traditional meds. She suggested a particular brand that is different from standard and melts under the tongue. When it was sold out during lockdown (apparently B12 was one of the miracle cures then) I could def tell a difference in energy levels not taking it.
  • ridiculous59
    ridiculous59 Posts: 2,864 Member
    edited May 2022
    Re Vitamin D, I just read a couple of articles on vitamin D deficiency in people living in northern climates. One was published by Harvard and the other by Tufts. They both determined that people living north of the 37th parrallel don't receive enough Vitamin D from the sun's rays and must therefore make up for it in their diet. The Harvard article also said that obese people tend to have lower levels of Vitamin D (I thought that was interesting).

    As a child, my mother always made us take halibut liver oil capsules in the winter. I then did it for my children as well, though I never knew why (I'm not sure my mother knew why either, but obviously she had read or heard something about it, back in the 60's).

    I don't eat a lot of fish and live in a northern climate so I take a cod liver oil capsule daily (not just in the winter months). Will it help? I hope so. I should probably ask for a bone density test on one of my very rare visits to the doctor. Things come and go (like B12 being a "miracle cure" LOL) but it seems that fish oil has been researched many times and is still found to be a good addition to a northern diet. Maybe it's something to talk to your health care provider about at your next visit, especially for those people living north of the 37th parallel.
  • littlegreenparrot1
    littlegreenparrot1 Posts: 695 Member
    Re Vitamin D, I just read a couple of articles on vitamin D deficiency in people living in northern climates. One was published by Harvard and the other by Tufts. They both determined that people living north of the 37th parrallel don't receive enough Vitamin D from the sun's rays and must therefore make up for it in their diet. The Harvard article also said that obese people tend to have lower levels of Vitamin D (I thought that was interesting).

    I'm in the UK, it is now an official recommendation that we take Vitamin D through the winter for exactly this.
  • ythannah
    ythannah Posts: 4,368 Member
    edited May 2022
    EliseTK1 wrote: »
    Question for both of you @springlering62 and @ythannah - have you taken vitamin D and/or calcium over the years? Have you ever had your Vit D levels checked?

    I've taken an "insurance" multivitamin for many years which has vit D and I used to supplement 1000 mg calcium daily which added another 400 D. Then my dr said there were negative side effects from supplemental calcium and told me to cut it in half so I've only been adding 500 mg calcium/200 IU D for about the past 10 years, plus whatever is in my multi.

    When I had bone loss in my jaw she immediately told me to "take more vit D" without even checking my levels to see if it was an issue, so I started adding 1000 IU daily. That was about 5 or 6 years ago.

    In addition to normal dietary sources, I currently supplement a daily total of 800 mg calcium and 2000 IU vit D.

    ETA: I also take a 1000mg wild salmon and fish oil capsule, mainly because my dad does and he's smarter than me lol. Although I'm pescetarian so I do eat a LOT of fish and seafood.

    ETA2: my dr does check my B12 levels regularly because somehow she thinks I'm vegan. I do eat eggs and dairy, however. Yes, my dr goes off on the wrong tangents constantly.