How do I know if I have wide hips or not?

I'm just curious in some clothing my hips look so dang flat in others they seem to curve somewhat. As I've gained more weight by taking biotin it hasn't been helping now I look more straight up and before when I didn't take biotin and while I was still a healthy weight of 100 lbs my hips actually curved in some clothing at least. I'm wondering is it possible at all that my lower half is curved? My hips are 33" my waist is 25 trying to get it back down to 24 though. When I was really skinny I was 24-32 waist to hip ratio though. It's not a perfect ratio but its not like .8 or anything. Do I have hips at all? What body shape would you say I was?

This is at my skinniest
This is at my heaviest without biotin.
Also apart of my hips actually is included with my butt which is medium to large idk if its included.


  • xombiebite
    xombiebite Posts: 273 Member
    to me you dont have big hips at all but if you want to know enter your measurements here to find out what type of body you have
  • Binkie1955
    Binkie1955 Posts: 329 Member
    you worry too much. just like yourself.
  • Ideal362433
    to me you dont have big hips at all but if you want to know enter your measurements here to find out what type of body you have

    Thanks but it doesn't give me a shape. I don't fit in completely supposedly with that calculator which has been my issue I've never quite fit as an hourglass. I used my ideal measurements I'd be an hourglass that wasn't changing my hip measurement though so maybe I have the hips to be an hourglass?

    I know I don't have big hips I was just saying proportionately compared to the rest of me to my waist. I have a defined waist which made me wonder if my hips were flat small medium or big? I have a bigger butt plus I tend to gain weight on my lower half it seems as well as top. So that's why I was wondering.
  • Ideal362433
    you worry too much. just like yourself.

    I'm alright with my body shape actually. I like improving my body shape that's my plan. And I was curious if I had curves if could be considered at least half hourglass shaped?
  • joshdann
    joshdann Posts: 618 Member
    those pictures are too small and blurry to really tell, but I'd say you have a womanly figure. I like a womanly figure, even on a fit woman. Most men I know do, too. Hips are a *good* thing. IMO, don't worry about how wide they are. worry about things like flab, tone, strength, etc. If you can be fit *and* have hips, you're truly lucky.
  • snazzyjazzy21
    snazzyjazzy21 Posts: 1,298 Member
    you worry too much. just like yourself.

    I'm alright with my body shape actually. I like improving my body shape that's my plan. And I was curious if I had curves if could be considered at least half hourglass shaped?

    Your bone structure (to me) looks like an hourglass. Some women simply have a more pronounced hour glass shape because of very wide hips and a smaller waist.
  • MuseofSong
    MuseofSong Posts: 322 Member
    Hourglass shape is usually noted as a 10 inch difference (min.) between the waist to hips & bust. Today waist means at the navel not necessarily your natural waist line which is where-ever you are smallest. No matter what weight I am, I always have a 10 to a 10.5 inch difference between my waist and hips and bust.

    You're a banana! Isn't that exciting!

    "Independent of fat percentage, weight or width, female body shapes are categorised in some Western cultures into one of four elementary geometric shapes, (though there are very wide ranges of actual sizes within each shape):

    Apple or V shape (triangle downward): Apple shaped women have broad(er) shoulders compared to their (narrower) hips. Apple shaped women tend to have slim legs/thighs, while the abdomen and chest look larger compared to the rest of the body. Fat is mainly distributed in the abdomen, chest, and face.

    Banana, straight, or I shape (rectangular): The waist measurement is less than 9 inches smaller than the hips or bust measurement. Body fat is distributed predominantly in the abdomen, buttocks, chest, and face. This overall fat distribution creates the typical ruler (straight) shape.

    Pear, spoon, bell, or A shape (triangle upward): The hip measurement is greater than the bust measurement. The distribution of fat varies, with fat tending to deposit first in the buttocks, hips, and thighs. As body fat percentage increases, an increasing proportion of body fat is distributed around the waist and upper abdomen. The women of this body type tend to have a (relatively) larger rear, thicker thighs, and a small(er) bosom.

    Hourglass or X shape (triangles opposing, facing in): The hip and bust are almost of equal size with a narrow waist. Body fat distribution tends to be around both the upper body and lower body. This body type enlarges the arms, chest, hips, and rear before other parts, such as the waist and upper abdomen.

    A study of the shapes of over 6,000 women, carried out by researchers at the North Carolina State University circa 2005, found that 46% were banana (rectangular), just over 20% pear, just under 14% apple, and 8% hourglass.[18] Another study has found "that the average woman's waistline had expanded by six inches since the 1950s" and that today's[when?] women are taller and have bigger busts and hips than those of the 1950s.[18]

    My mom and sister are also banana shaped. I don't know where my shape came from, probably a grandparent. I'm the only one in my immediate family without pancake booty. Most jeans are made for the banana shape, so to find pants that fit my hips, the waist ~always~ gaps and I have to wear belts.

    (Source: - particularly - McCormack, Helen (21 November 2005). "The shape of things to wear: scientists identify how women's figures have changed in 50 years". The Independent. UK.)

    You're normal! Go you!
  • Ideal362433
    Most of my mom's family are pears actually I thought pear was the norm.

    I have a low body fat percentage actually well before I gained weight now.
    I gain weight on my butt thighs hips then waist and then breasts my arms stay skinny. I don't really gain back fat which I'd think I would but I don't have much back there.

    Also I don't have a flat butt at all. I have something back there.
  • xapril77x
    xapril77x Posts: 248 Member
    Hourglass shape is usually noted as a 10 inch difference (min.) between the waist to hips & bust. Today waist means at the navel not necessarily your natural waist line which is where-ever you are smallest. No matter what weight I am, I always have a 10 to a 10.5 inch difference between my waist and hips and bust.

    You're a banana! Isn't that exciting!

    "Independent of fat percentage, weight or width, female body shapes are categorised in some Western cultures into one of four elementary geometric shapes, (though there are very wide ranges of actual sizes within each shape):

    Apple or V shape (triangle downward): Apple shaped women have broad(er) shoulders compared to their (narrower) hips. Apple shaped women tend to have slim legs/thighs, while the abdomen and chest look larger compared to the rest of the body. Fat is mainly distributed in the abdomen, chest, and face.

    Banana, straight, or I shape (rectangular): The waist measurement is less than 9 inches smaller than the hips or bust measurement. Body fat is distributed predominantly in the abdomen, buttocks, chest, and face. This overall fat distribution creates the typical ruler (straight) shape.

    Pear, spoon, bell, or A shape (triangle upward): The hip measurement is greater than the bust measurement. The distribution of fat varies, with fat tending to deposit first in the buttocks, hips, and thighs. As body fat percentage increases, an increasing proportion of body fat is distributed around the waist and upper abdomen. The women of this body type tend to have a (relatively) larger rear, thicker thighs, and a small(er) bosom.

    Hourglass or X shape (triangles opposing, facing in): The hip and bust are almost of equal size with a narrow waist. Body fat distribution tends to be around both the upper body and lower body. This body type enlarges the arms, chest, hips, and rear before other parts, such as the waist and upper abdomen.

    A study of the shapes of over 6,000 women, carried out by researchers at the North Carolina State University circa 2005, found that 46% were banana (rectangular), just over 20% pear, just under 14% apple, and 8% hourglass.[18] Another study has found "that the average woman's waistline had expanded by six inches since the 1950s" and that today's[when?] women are taller and have bigger busts and hips than those of the 1950s.[18]

    My mom and sister are also banana shaped. I don't know where my shape came from, probably a grandparent. I'm the only one in my immediate family without pancake booty. Most jeans are made for the banana shape, so to find pants that fit my hips, the waist ~always~ gaps and I have to wear belts.

    (Source: - particularly - McCormack, Helen (21 November 2005). "The shape of things to wear: scientists identify how women's figures have changed in 50 years". The Independent. UK.)

    You're normal! Go you!

    Good info! At 1st I thought this was a silly topic but now I'm starting 2 wonder what shape I am... lol I think I'm an apple or banana... Would luv 2 be hourglass tho... da*n u genetics!!! lol
  • Ideal362433
    I'm not a rectangle. My bottom and top aren't the same size. There's a 3 inch difference. But neither are the same size as my waist. I guess I just don't fit anywhere. Oh well thanks for your advice...
  • Ideal362433
    In my skinniest picture I'm toned that's just how my stomach looks compared to my hips. I want to get it 9 inches smaller than my hips.
  • autopilot_on
    I'm just curious in some clothing my hips look so dang flat in others they seem to curve somewhat. As I've gained more weight by taking biotin it hasn't been helping now I look more straight up and before when I didn't take biotin and while I was still a healthy weight of 100 lbs my hips actually curved in some clothing at least. I'm wondering is it possible at all that my lower half is curved? My hips are 33" my waist is 25 trying to get it back down to 24 though. When I was really skinny I was 24-32 waist to hip ratio though. It's not a perfect ratio but its not like .8 or anything. Do I have hips at all? What body shape would you say I was?

    This is at my skinniest
    This is at my heaviest without biotin.
    Also apart of my hips actually is included with my butt which is medium to large idk if its included.

    I'd say your body shape is beautiful.
  • Ideal362433
  • MuseofSong
    MuseofSong Posts: 322 Member
    I don't understand what you don't understand.

    This is genetics.

    Unless you're just looking for people to compliment you? Then okay?

    Maybe it was TL;DR? You are 'banana' shaped if you want to go with the fruit definition. That does not mean you are a rectangle, but rectangular, it means your waist is 9 inches or less difference from your hips. They used to say 'thick waisted' but that become outmoded because it sounded like you were saying someone was fat, but weight has nothing to do with it.

    Most models are all very tall, banana shaped women, so you are in good company if you're into that kinda thing.

    Don't feel insulted by something that's genetic. There's nothing wrong with you. There's nothing wrong with being pear or apple or banana. But you're going to be the shape you are, no matter what size you are, no matter what weight you are, because that's your genetic shape.

    You're fixating on a problem that does not exist. (Or fishing)

    P.S. I'm gonna snark because you're being silly. Pushing your tush out in picture three does not equal booty.
  • Ideal362433
    I wasn't pushing my butt out. That's just my anatomy. I can tuck my butt under. Well I used to be able to do that trick. But if I don't tuck it looks like that... Actually more now since I have gained weight that was a mild picture of my butt.

    Anyhow I'm not banana shaped. It's not that it's an insult to me at all. My mom would be considered a banana 31-23-33 with narrow hips. I'm not looking for compliments if I were I'd have shown my top half. I cut it off to see if without my shoulders could I look at all like an hourglass. I was saying I wasn't a banana because the boobs and shoulders have to be the same size and they're far from it. My shoulders and bust actually make me top heavy. But I'm aware there are top heavy hourglasses. I just don't fit perfectly in the apple shape as the midsection is bigger compared to the hips. It's why whenever I plug in my measurements I am either placed as an hourglass or none of the above. Which is why I'm confused because I have narrow hips... How can I really be an hourglass. But I do notice I have a small waist compared to my hips in measurement due to my due. Which is why I'm like am I or am I not an hourglass a top heavy hourglass because I have narrow hips but my measurements more similar to an hourglass than top heavy due to my stomach.
  • Achrya
    Achrya Posts: 16,913 Member
    A. Top heavy hourglasses don't exist. If your top and bottom around about equal (and 10 inches larger than your waist) then that isn't an hourglass. People seem to be real confused about that.

    B. You aren't an hourglass.

    C. You look like a banana but if you're as top heavy as you claim I guess you could be an inverted triangle.


    D. Judging by your measurements I'd say you do not have big hips.
    _SABOTEUR_ Posts: 6,833 Member
    If you use the magical beauty equation your hips should be 1.68x your waist for perfect proportions. If your hips are wider than this calculation too wide. If narrower too narrow.

    But it is all a load of rubbish. Just learn to like yourself and try clothes on to see if they fit.
  • Ideal362433
    A. Top heavy hourglasses don't exist. If your top and bottom around about equal (and 10 inches larger than your waist) then that isn't an hourglass. People seem to be real confused about that.

    B. You aren't an hourglass.

    C. You look like a banana but if you're as top heavy as you claim I guess you could be an inverted triangle.


    If my waist was 2 inches smaller I'd have to be a top heavy hourglass. 36-23-33. That's a top heavy hourglass? Is it not?

    Sometimes people say if you're 8 or 9 inches smaller in the waist you can qualify as an hourglass.

    But anyway does an inverted triangle have a defined waist? Or hips that are bigger than the waist? Because that's what I constantly here is that they're thick waisted and the midsection is equal to the hips when I do body shape calculators I never get this shape. But I do uptop look more inverted triangle than anything just the math behind doesn't make sense to me... That's all.
  • Ideal362433
    If you use the magical beauty equation your hips should be 1.68x your waist for perfect proportions. If your hips are wider than this calculation too wide. If narrower too narrow.

    But it is all a load of rubbish. Just learn to like yourself and try clothes on to see if they fit.

    I like my body shape but I'm tired of not knowing exactly which body shape I am.

    My butt sets everything off. If I had wider hips or an A cup I'd be able to pinpoint my shape better I think.
  • Achrya
    Achrya Posts: 16,913 Member
    A. Top heavy hourglasses don't exist. If your top and bottom around about equal (and 10 inches larger than your waist) then that isn't an hourglass. People seem to be real confused about that.

    B. You aren't an hourglass.

    C. You look like a banana but if you're as top heavy as you claim I guess you could be an inverted triangle.


    If my waist was 2 inches smaller I'd have to be a top heavy hourglass. 36-23-33. That's a top heavy hourglass? Is it not?

    Sometimes people say if you're 8 or 9 inches smaller in the waist you can qualify as an hourglass.

    But anyway does an inverted triangle have a defined waist? Or hips that are bigger than the waist? Because that's what I constantly here is that they're thick waisted and the midsection is equal to the hips when I do body shape calculators I never get this shape. But I do uptop look more inverted triangle than anything just the math behind doesn't make sense to me... That's all.
    Hourglass or X shape (triangles opposing, facing in): The hip and bust are almost of equal size with a narrow waist. Body fat distribution tends to be around both the upper body and lower body. This body type enlarges the arms, chest, hips, and rear before other parts, such as the waist and upper abdomen.

    No to top heavy hourglasses. 3 inch difference isn't 'almost equal' or else I'd be a 'bottom heavy hourglass' (37-28-40) and in fact close to an hour glass shape than you yourself are. But I'm not an hourglass, bottom heavy or otherwise, I'm a pear.

    What makes you think an inverted triangle can't have a defined waist?
    Apple or V shape (triangle downward): Apple shaped women have broad(er) shoulders compared to their (narrower) hips.

    The size of your waist seems largely a none issue, as it comes down to Shoulder/Bust vs Hips
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