
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Cheri— I love “Pumpkins of a Certain Age.”
  • Whidislander
    Whidislander Posts: 3,691 Member
    My doctors appointment went well. Its not an internal issue, but more muscle spasms because of the fact that my hot baths help them. If it was internal, I wouldn't be wanting to do that. So I have some exercises to help me. He was a young kid of a doctor, but I thought he listened well. The frustrating part about my episodes, was that they weren't all food triggered, so it wasn't like we could blame the sauerkraut, because I had the sauerkraut from Arbey's and tolerated that just fine.
    Husband asked if I wanted something from the bakery and I said yes. Earlier in the year I had an Italian cream filled donut that was excellent. So I went in with that in mind. They didn't have them so I didn't get anything. It frustrated Lee, but I told him, he should be happy I just don't get whatever. I call that appetite correction!
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,203 Member
    Annie You rejected him to be safe. Wise move!
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,601 Member
    Annie - He's not even a good seducer! Whatever happened to 'grooming'? What a loser! :p

    Lots of love, Heather UK xxxxxxxx
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
  • Peach1948
    Peach1948 Posts: 2,473 Member
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,994 Member
    Afternoon ladies
    Went to the Dr ,saw one that I usually dont see so the did an EKG ,normal for me and we chatted... both of us figured it is anxiety and im going on a small dose of anti anxiety meds but will wait until i get back from my trip it takes about a month to kick in anyway..
    Then went and got my hair done.. that always makes me feel better.....
    Tomorrow is doing laundry and finishing up packing . Was up early today.. but no nap I want to be able sleep tonight,i might try taking 1/2 an adivan tonight just hoping that will help me sleep.
  • sh0tzz99
    sh0tzz99 Posts: 966 Member
    Annie-I agree with others. That guy was not a good guy. You were not rejected. He was and is obviously childish. You don't need him.

    Tina in CA
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    Allie glad you were able to talk to the doctor and at least getting some answers. It sounds like you had a good day :)
    Annie I think that you really were lucky that guy sounds like a character out of CSI show! I would fear for the worse with him!

    <3 Mary from Minnesota/ Arizona
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Barbara – I enjoy gardening, even though I have very limited space. I wanted to grow mint for my tea but knew that it can be invasive. I planted a chocolate mint plant in a fairly large pot and put it on the outside ledge of our deck, about five feet above the ground. It is doing well and staying in its pot. :heart: The deer that ate my beans a year ago are still in the neighborhood. I planted tomatoes this year and they were not bothered by the deer. One is in the ground & I protected it with a wire cage & a net. The other tomato is on the inside our fenced deck. Neither tomato plant was as productive as I’d hoped. I may try something different next year. Our hanging fuchsia died in the heat last summer. I replaced it with a hanging geranium that has done well and is still flowering nicely. :smiley:

    Allie – Good news that you had a positive visit with the doctor. :star:

    (((Machka))) – You have had a day filled with emotion. It seems like there was a lot that is good and helpful. I have seen bits of Canada along the west coast and Vancouver Island. British Columbia is one of my favorite places. :heart:

    Rebecca – Good luck with your doctor visit. :star:

    Heather – We had our Pfizer booster shots on Saturday. We both felt great afterward. By Monday, DH was not feeling good & he is still not feeling very well.

    I had a visit with my doctor about a knee injury caused by a fall. The knee feels great sometimes and painful sometimes. He recommended that I get some physical therapy & I plan to give it a try.

    Katla in NW Oregon
  • skuehn48
    skuehn48 Posts: 2,989 Member
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,474 Member
    Worked so no formal exercise but I did go for a walk around the block. Same for tomorrow

    After work stopped at Food Lion to get Vince milk, then went for his allergy shot, then stopped at the Salvation Army then stopped at Michael’s to get some shells for the mermaid.

    Barbara – yup, I only get one shirt from BK. That’s all I got at Food Lion, too. Back when when Vince and I worked at Gino’s (remember them?) we got two uniforms. Of course, that was 40 years ago.

    It does seem that I’m not getting in as much water now that I’m working. I used to routinely get in over 100oz/day, now I get only around 80-90. Still not a bad amount

    Heather – when I first saw that view of yours, the first thing I thought of was “what a pretty jigsaw puzzle”. What a view! Is it hard to find gas over there? I wouldn’t think people wouldn't use as much since it’s so expensive so there’d be a lot to be had. Maybe I’m wrong

    The other day after work I went to get my pocketbook out of my trunk (where I keep it while I’m working, need my license to drive but I don’t want to take my pocketbook in with me), there was this “stuff” on the back of the car. It looked like liquid egg. So I just took the hose to it and it washed right off.

    When I was young, I didn’t like mushrooms; now I like them. Same for spinach.

    Anne DE – That guy unfriending you...no loss, that’s for sure. Things will get better.

    Cheri – thanks for that smile

    Bought 6 heads of cabbage at Food Lion. It was on sale for 49 cents/lb. I’ll make some sauerkraut (more like a lot) with only using the Tbs of salt.

    Rebecca – why does the number 4 in Japanese culture represent bad luck? Tell me more about this.

    Went to Belk and got a king size sheet set for $11. Think that’s pretty good.

    Ceramics tonight. In about 2 weeks I should have the mermaid done. Then to wait for Vince to put the shells on.

    Michele NC
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,132 Member
    :)Today was our adventure filled day---Walgreens drive through to get a prescription, library to return and check out a book, Taco Time drive through to get lunch (I got a taco salad).

    <3 Barbie in NW WA
  • bananasandoranges
    bananasandoranges Posts: 2,410 Member
    Kylia, I hope you have a nice day off on Saturday.
    If you want time away from your DH are you able to take a weekend to get away? (retreat, yoga camping ?)
    I used to early in a relationship ask my SO go out for a couple of hours sometimes because I needed to have a little bit of time home alone. Later it was less of a need. I would find I needed to be more "on" early in the relationship before the SO felt totally familiar like family.

    I am alas feeling physically exhausted a fair bit of the time, on and off! That's one thing that is pretty hard to gage.

    Barbara I think Rhodes are very resistant and hardy. Bears so close to home sound scary to me, but it sounds like you are very used to them.

    Machka That is a difficult and moving day.

    Annie it sounds wise for you to not meet a guy at a hotel at night. It's actually you who turned him down. He sounds like an uninteresting person (poor behavior to ghost you for not going to a hotel), so - yes - no loss at all. I'm sorry that it's upsetting though. Can you still ask their arrival time for your guests today?

    Beth a shower is worth a lot! Good for you!
  • bananasandoranges
    bananasandoranges Posts: 2,410 Member
    Machka9 wrote: »
    Getting to Know You Question

    Have your ever disliked something and then changed your mind?

    I liked to eat almost nothing as a kid : didn't like, salad, fish, beans, tomato sauce, pizza, spicy food (on occasion), curry, to name a few that come to mind. Now I like them all.
    Other things I didn't like but now I do:

    - green tea
    - coffee
    - veggie juice
    - long meals (common here) chatting ...sometimes (I used to find long meals unbearable but now I enjoy the long bantering sometimes .... like on a Sunday or an occasional evening...
    - raised bed (I used to prefer futon on ground!)
    - recumbant bike - I thought it was too boring to bike inside
    - sushi - the idea seemed gross, to eat raw fish, but I loved it when I tried it
    - the beach - I used to find it boring but now I like it
    - watching videos - I had no videos no VCR no tv between ages 18 and 40- ish, used to not like them - found them kind of boring - but now I do like them (liking them is not necessarily a plus).
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 17,061 Member
    Stats for the day- housework done at moms house and washed and dry moms dog

    Walk w/family- 2hrs 18min 39sec, 53elev, 81ahr, 96mhr, 7.20mi= 657c
    Strava app = 870c
    Other- clean inside windows, clean shudders, laundry, 1hr 5min 30sec= 298c
    Other- wash dry dog, pick up dog poop front and back- 40min 50sec= 188c

    Total cal 1143
  • GodMomKim
    GodMomKim Posts: 3,695 Member