
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,447 Member
    exermom wrote: »
    Heather – when I first saw that view of yours, the first thing I thought of was “what a pretty jigsaw puzzle”. What a view! Is it hard to find gas over there? I wouldn’t think people wouldn't use as much since it’s so expensive so there’d be a lot to be had. Maybe I’m wrong

    Michele NC

    There's a fuel shortage in the UK.

  • skuehn48
    skuehn48 Posts: 2,989 Member
  • auntiebk
    auntiebk Posts: 2,582 Member
    "Get to do"s and "chose well"s
    Chose well: : take BP, dogs to powerline, practice WBW, DM, SWTD,
    Bonus: streamside hike and beachwalk with T, Grocery Outlet, recycling.
    Just one thing: prepped hanging basket for transplanting dolphin flower plants
    Get to do: take BP, dogs to powerline, practice WBW, DM, SWTD, review SL, learn the right GDLL, backup files, then call pc guy to schedule tuneup, text C, fire district: research NFPA, grant NIMS requirements, input 2019 call sheets into NFIRS, work with chief on equipment letter, substance abuse policy, NFIRS mutual aid and other missing details, likewise Lee skills/tasks, ask for boots donator contact info, appreciation letter or certificate to boots donator, index mutual aid files; start Part D research with new rx info, watch STAS Day 20, declutter sideboard, learn new dances (Tequila Little Time, Homesick, Nothing but You, A Little Less Broken, Blame it on my beating heart, Do Your Thing, practice dances: All Night, TGIF, I ain’t never gonna love nobody but Cornell Crawford (Alley cat), One Margarita, I’m so used to being broke); finish mulching flowerbed, invest another 10 minutes in prepping living trust, Freddie’s for complete series TDAP <$48, get Shingrix vaccine, find and configure a screen time popup, figure out where to plant the last of the naked lady bulbs, and soon as it warms up above 50 and dries out below 60% humidity I’ll tape and spray paint those rusted areas of Aunt Elsie’s stove, ask Te about GB’s FD firetruck tax levy – contacts, media, advocate???, Sunday: call S, Reward: inventory seeds, plan this fall’s garden, wishlist replenishments (Milena F1 orange peppers and beit alpha cukes next year).
    Reminder: Weekly: Mon=15 mins SWSY. Tues=30 mins line dance at home. Wed=30 mins T’ai Chi & 1 hr pack walk. Thurs=15 mins BB&B. Fri=30 mins T’ai Chi. Sat=1 hr pack walk. Sun=15 mins pilates, yoga or wii balance games.
    12: Look out for positive news and reasons to be cheerful today. https://youtu.be/XmcSh0GdPlc

    Lovely long walk with T. Half hour standing chat with long-missed D. Grocery shopping and recycling. Over 10K steps left me too pooped to line dance for 30 mins. Maybe tomorrow in between fire district grant research and board meeting prep.

    Heather, I’m a little startled to see a palm tree in an English garden ;) Congrats on finishing the editing. Hope Bea’s and Max’s test results are negative.
    Kylia you are right about not leaving food in cars in bear country. Back in Idaho, a hungry bear slashed open the side of a camper trailer to get at the bacon being cooked. Terrifying pictures on TV. Campers drove bear off by banging pots and swinging skillet. :noway:
    Machka hope those tears were cathartic. Have a twist on your question. I do not and have never liked strawberries, yet clearly remember drinking strawberry milkshakes with Daddy after going with him to the barbershop on Saturdays. Did I like them then? Don’t know, don’t remember. I do not like fish, seafood or fishy things, and the only tuna salad I’ll eat is the one I prepare myself, (after an explosively bad experience from tuna in the King David hotel one Friday night.) As a child, like Julie, I didn’t like to eat much, especially onions or spicy food. Now I love to eat, to my detriment. Still can’t eat mushy vegetables. :naughty: “slightly sunburned cow” hahahaha.
    Annie why are you distancing yourself from the caring group? What Kim, Beth, Margaret, Heather, Tina and Mary said. Hope the feeling of having been rejected morphs into feeling relieved and having dodged a bullet.
    Allie good luck with the new rx.
    Rebecca glad you are advocating for your own healthcare, if you don’t who will?
    Beth first shower after weeks of sponge baths, heaven!
    Kim “… possible… “ :laugh:
    Maylinda brava! Keep dancing and the soreness will go away.
    Katla thanks for the example of gardening in pots, think I’ll try that as plants conveniently located are more likely to get my attention and survive ;) People here have good luck with tiny orange colored cherry tomatoes when other tomatoes don’t produce. Not me, I’m not a fresh tomato fan. Good luck with the PT. Hope your knee pain disappears before your trip.
    Julie fortunately I’ve only seen the results. Doubt I’d sound as calm if I’d seen the bear itself… ;)
    Pip what great service gifts you gave your mom.

    Lighter, lovelies!
    f8qt1s098sxm.gifBarbara, the Southern Oregon Coastie AHMOD
    October: leaner/stronger/kinder than September.
    daily: sit with Joe:12, weigh/wii: 12/1/31; steps>7228=10874! vits=12, log=12, CI<CO=12, CI<250<CO=8, Tumble=11, Shadow=15, mfp=12, outside=17, up hill=15, clean 10=13.
    wkly: Sun:P, Y or W=2, Mon:SWSY=.67 , Tue:LD=1 , Wed:TC=1.87 , PW=2, Thurs: BB&B=1, Fri:TC=1, Sat:PW=2, rX x4=2.
    wt=1/31:141.3 2/28:142.4 3/31:145.3 4/30:141.5 5/31:142.4 6/30:141.5 7/31:140.2 8/31:140.0 9/30:141.2 10/3:141.3 10/10:141.8 :astonished: 10/17: 10/24: 10/31:
    mnthly: board mtg= , grant=, plan=, waist=42.
    bonus: AF=6, play=31 sew=
    2021: choose to be leaner/stronger/kinder NOW
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,601 Member
    The shortage in the UK is of truck and tanker drivers. Fortunately, DH found a big garage with no queues.
    Getting the petrol to the gas stations is the problem, along with other delivery issues for supply to shops etc.. It hasn't affected us personally much, so far.
    Nationally, there is is a problem with gas prices, (the kind you burn in your home). Manufacturing, like glass and paper, is badly hit. Our heating costs will go up.

    Our biggest problem in Brighton and Hove is a strike by the refuse collectors. It has been going on for two weeks and looks set for a few more. It's getting a bit desperate. :o Rubbish piling up in the centre of town. Our bins are full.

    Oh well. The palm tree fronds are still. The sky is blue. Run time! :p

    Love Heather UK xxxxxxxx
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,994 Member
    Morning ladies
    Its 3 am ,i got up to use the rst room and will try and go back to sleep for a little bit but I broke down and took 1/2 an adivan last night and i must say slept from about 7 :30 almost 3 soundly.. which is a God send..
    Will check in later.
  • LisaInArkansas
    LisaInArkansas Posts: 2,787 Member
    edited October 2021
    Your pictures always make me happy – thank you for posting them. The spring flowers are wonderful, and photographed well, and the seascapes make me want to live near the ocean again. So glad your long weekend was restful.
    Annie –
    I think you trusted your instincts, and they were correct. That’s a very good thing in the dating world.
    Rebecca –
    Glad your young doctor listened to you. Athena’s pictures are always such a joyful thing…
    KJ –
    Same with Miguel – such joy radiates from that boy that he lights up the photos.
    Heather –
    What a lovely view from your back window…
    Tracey –
    Love the look on Ember’s face. Can’t believe it’s already been a year!
    Am getting sleepy – so back to bed. Well, recliner. Still up too much during the night, and Corey needs to sleep, so it’s best for a while yet that I sleep in the living room. As I wrote all that, an old Mother Goose rhyme “To Bed! To Bed!” came to mind:
    ‘To bed! To bed! '
    Said Sleepy-head;
    ‘Tarry awhile, ' said Slow;
    ‘Put on the pan, '
    Said Greedy Nan;
    ‘We'll sup before we go.'
    (from Mother Goose)

    That's all I remembered of it, but when I looked it up, of course there were more verses than Mother Goose wanted to publish. And with good judgment - the rest is both bizarre and macabre...
    They sat at the kitchen table as
    The candle flickered low,
    And Greedy Nan put on the pan
    To indulge her sister, Slow,
    While Sleepy Weepy Annabelle
    Blotted her book with tears,
    And thought of her Beau from long ago
    Who she hadn't seen for years.

    ‘Why doesn't Roger notice me,
    Why doesn't Alan Dell?
    I'm wearing the dress cut low for me
    And I've hitched my skirt as well.
    I've a pretty turn to my ankle, so
    You'd think it would drive them wild.'
    ‘But men are a mystery, ' said Slow,
    ‘And Alan Dell's a child.'

    While over the pan stood Greedy Nan,
    Was cracking a turkey's egg,
    A lump of yeast and a slice of beast
    And a single spider's leg.
    With a wing of bat and an ounce of fat
    And a toe of frog for the spell,
    She needed to turn her sister off
    From her crush on Alan Dell.

    For Greedy Nan was the eldest girl
    And would have to marry first,
    The other two would wait in the queue
    Or their fortunes be reversed,
    The omelette sizzled, and in the pan
    She added before they saw,
    A piece of some Devil's Trumpet plant
    For the mating game meant war.

    She sliced the omelette into half
    And she served them up a piece,
    ‘Didn't you want? ' said Annabelle
    But Slow enjoyed the feast.
    ‘I'm not that terribly hungry now
    I've cooked it up in the pan,
    I think I'll just have a slice of bread, '
    Said the scheming Greedy Nan.

    They finished up and they sat awhile,
    And they mused about their fate,
    ‘If Greedy Nan isn't married soon,
    For us it will be too late.'
    ‘I've set my sights on a country squire, '
    Said Nan, without a blink,
    Lured them away from her secret fire
    To confuse what they might think.

    ‘The room is woozy, spinning around,
    I'd better get me to bed, '
    Said Annabelle, while Slow with a frown
    Saw Dwarves dancing in her head.
    But Greedy Nan was cleaning the pan
    To clear all signs of the spell,
    Her back was turned to her sisters, spurned
    For the sake of Alan Dell.

    And when he came in the morning
    Greedy Nan was sat by the door,
    While Annabelle and her sister Slow
    Were lying dead on the floor,
    ‘I didn't mean it to kill them, Al,
    It was only a simple spell, '
    But as he cuffed and led her away
    He frowned, did Alan Dell.

    Welcome to those of you who are new, and many hugs for those who need them.

    Lisa in AR

  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,994 Member
    Well I didn't go back to sleep ugh oh well.. watching morning news ,and will feed Alfie and start some laundry..I must say it feels good to actually have a good nights sleep.
    Tonight,could be iffy because of the excitement of the trip.. will just take the Melatonin tonight.
  • bananasandoranges
    bananasandoranges Posts: 2,410 Member
    another thing I used to not like and now like - the newspaper La Liberation in France, but it's because the newspaper changed ! it seems more fact - based less rhetoric based.
  • bananasandoranges
    bananasandoranges Posts: 2,410 Member
    The shortage in the UK is of truck and tanker drivers. Fortunately, DH found a big garage with no queues.
    Getting the petrol to the gas stations is the problem, along with other delivery issues for supply to shops etc.. It hasn't affected us personally much, so far.
    Nationally, there is is a problem with gas prices, (the kind you burn in your home). Manufacturing, like glass and paper, is badly hit. Our heating costs will go up.

    Our biggest problem in Brighton and Hove is a strike by the refuse collectors. It has been going on for two weeks and looks set for a few more. It's getting a bit desperate. :o Rubbish piling up in the centre of town. Our bins are full.

    Oh well. The palm tree fronds are still. The sky is blue. Run time! :p

    Love Heather UK xxxxxxxx

    Sorry about the shortages. I checked to see if that is coming across the channel but apparently not expected to - soon anyway. Do any of you remember gas (petrol- for cars) shortages and lines in the 70s energy crisis

    -I might well be afraid to go outside in the evening with bears as visitors. What sort of bears are they? Black, brown, grizzly? or other ?
    -Are you doing line dancing together or online these days?
    - Agreed cherry tomatoes (even red ones) seem to grow more easily than some sorts of tomatoes.

    needed to rest yesterday afternoon, just the way it is. today feel okay so far.
    nurse changing bandages this morning at 7 said its very well healed and we can remove stitches on Sunday rather than Thursday. The 6 am wakeup felt early today. I had to use snooze. but okay it got me going. I sometimes listen to relaxing music if I awake stressed at night, so have to put earphones half on half off so I can hear the alarm.

    mixed up time for an appointment this morning. 1h wasted traveling there and back. glad I took public transport as I could work on a mail online. I took advantage on the way home to stop by my art supply store and get 2 handy inexpensive sketchbooks (I'm out and that is a must for me), then walk about 30 min home and grabbing a coffee at my usual café on the way home.

    Ah something else I like that I didn't used to like: darker movies. I used to not be able to bear shows with a lot of murders (which is a lot of them), but now if it has a really good story line and not just murders I can find it okay. I think I liked more light stuff in the bast and now I like darker things more than I did. o:)>:)
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,447 Member
    Gastroscopy at the end of September = abnormal stomach cells = biopsy
    Results = no stomach cancer 😃

    But my stomach does not empty properly so I'll be on medication. Medication that can cause a disruption in the heart rhythm, so I went for a baseline ECG today.

    About Gastroparesis:

    M in Oz
  • TerriRichardson112
    TerriRichardson112 Posts: 18,792 Member
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,447 Member
    Machka9 wrote: »
    October Calendars

    If you're interested in following some ideas each day in October for "Optimistic October" or "Mental Health Month". :)

    This month's theme: Optimistic October

    Especially when things are feeling a bit tough, it can help to set some goals. Making goals achievable and ensuring that you have a few short term as well as longer term, more ambitious goals helps us feel we're making progress. It doesn't matter if your goal for the day is something really small, the important thing is to give yourself the opportunity to feel like you've achieved something and to celebrate that! This month's calendar is full of ideas to help you think about how you can put this into practice.


    Mental Health Month: October

    Self-Care Calendar for Mental Health Month: October

    What three things are you looking forward to this month?

    - time off. I'm taking days of leave here and there throughout October. Of course, we can't travel yet (COVID) but I can still enjoy time off
    - cycling. This month's exercise focus is going to be more on cycling. With DST starting and with time off, we should be able to cycling more
    - spring! Yes, last month was the first month of spring, but this month has the advantage that flowers are really coming up and blooming, the weather should be warmer, and we'll have DST!

    Find something to be optimistic about.
    • 3 days of relaxation after two long, stressful days of medical procedures and tests
    • DST
    • Cycling in the evenings now that DST is here ... :)


    Today I spent over 2 hours vacuuming *everything* in the house. Furniture was moved. Sofas were thoroughly vacuumed. Edges, baseboards, cobwebs in the corners, under the fridge, stove and dishwasher ... it was all vacuumed. I worked up a sweat. My hair curled. My toes cramped. I had to drink several glasses of water to help stop my toes from cramping. But it's done!
    I also washed and hung the towels, put away my laundry, and tidied my corner of the main room.
    It's all to meet the goal of having a clean house. :)


    Colouring and cycling!! :)

    M in Oz

  • kymarai
    kymarai Posts: 3,701 Member
    Good morning or evening,
    Yesterday was better.....still overwhelmed but managed to get some things accomplished. Migraine. Ugh. Did track and managed 40 oz of water. Was a little over on calories, but how many stayed in the body when it came out within 15 mins? I didn't read that there was sausage in the omelette that I had for breakfast meeting. While I picked out the sausage, I am sure there was plenty of fat still. My tummy wasn't happy, barely got my pants down in time. Was fine after that. Other than migraine, was good day. Was asleep by 9. Today my DH has to get xrays at dentist before work, then have to call this evening to see if he has to go to jury duty tomorrow. He got selected for the next two Thursdays, so we call the night before to see if he has to attend. If he does have to stay, I will have a long day at the courthouse. His anxiety gets really high when in unfamiliar places without me. I joke that I am his seeing eye dog, but it really is kind of true.
    Machka- Glad it isn't cancer. Hopefully the medicine will do the trick. My SIL just got retested for h-pylori. She burps nonstop! She has done one round of antibiotics, now to wait on test results. Stomach issues suck!
    Julie- Good about healing! Great job at making mistake time productive.

    So today I have sorted laundry to start washing, made bed, gotten ready for work. My goals remain the same. Water and logging.

    Make the best decision you can with the situation at the time!
    Much love and support,

    Kylia in Ohio where the summer like temperatures continue for another day. ;)
  • kymarai
    kymarai Posts: 3,701 Member
    I tried to think of things I didn't like in the past, but enjoy now....the only thing I can think of is going to bed early and getting up early. Food wise......maybe fish. I am extremely picky about my fish. Never liked brussell sprouts. I keep trying different ways to make them, but still a no.
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,447 Member
    edited October 2021
    October hasn't been great for exercise ... yet!

    Review ... (Distances include cycling + walking + a bit of rowing)
    Mar-15 … 489.8 km (304.3 miles) = 38 hours 4 min
    Apr-15 … 491.94 km (305.6 miles) = 43 hours 6 min
    May-15 … 361.81 km (224.8 miles) = 35 hours 50 min
    Jun-15 … 569.53 km (353.9 miles) = 41 hours 53 min
    Jul-15 … 230.7 km (143.35 miles) = 32 hours 45 min
    Aug-15 … 211.3 km (131.3 miles) = 28 hours 8 min
    Sep-15 … 306.7 km (190.6 miles) = 35 hour 2 min
    Oct-15 … 441.82 km (274.5 miles) = 47 hours 43 min
    Nov-15 … 660.21 km (410.23 miles) = 60 hours 41 min
    Dec-15 … 499.91 km (282.8 miles) = 54 hours 56 min
    Jan-16 … 864.79 km (537.35 miles) = 65 hours 36 min
    Feb-16 … 470.53 km (292.4 miles) = 40 hours 39 min
    Mar-16 … 917.73 km (570.2 miles) = 66 hours 13 min
    Apr-16 … 417.83 km (259.6 miles) = 40 hours 23 min
    May-16 … 267.09 km (165.9 miles) = 36 hours 10 min
    Jun-16 … 552.1 km (343 miles) = 54 hours 48 min
    Jul-16 … 709 km (440.5 miles) = 60 hours 41 minutes
    Aug-16 … 775.9 km (482.1 miles) = 54 hours 52 minutes
    Sep-16 … 371.3 km (230.7 miles) = 32 hours 20 min
    Oct-16 … 649 km (403.3 miles) = 49 hours 46 min
    Nov-16 … 403 km (250.4 miles) = 52 hours 16 min
    Dec-16 … 511.05 km (317.55 miles) = 52 hours 2 min
    Jan-17 … 741.9 km (461.0 miles) = 70 hours 3 min
    Feb-17 … 600.5 km (373.1 miles) = 57 hours 30 min
    Mar-17 … 1113.2 km (691.7 miles) = 78 hours 25 min
    Apr-17 … 1181.9 km (734.4 miles) = 76 hours 45 min
    May-17 … 426.6 km (265.1 miles) = 39 hours 21 min
    Jun-17 … 575.7 km (357.7 miles) = 41 hours 53 min
    Jul-17 … 714 km (443.7 miles) = 52 hours 23 min
    Aug-17 … 475.8 km (295.6 miles) = 38 hours 41 min
    Sep-17 … 455.5 km (283 miles) = 41 hours 25 min
    Oct-17 … 647.1 km (402.1 miles) = 57 hours 19 min
    Nov-17 … 427.0 km (265.3 miles) = 50 hours 4 min
    Dec-17 … 553.5 km (343.9 miles) = 52 hours 12 min
    Jan-18 … 590.2 km (366.7 miles) = 57 hours 49 min
    Feb-18 … 826.9 km (513.8 miles) = 57 hours 35 min
    Mar-18 … 582.01 km (361.6 miles) = 50 hours 11 min
    Apr-18 … 176.23 km (109.5 miles) = 29 hours 47 min
    May -18 … 167.6 km (104.1 miles) = 29 hours 08 min
    June-18 … 349.9 km (217.4 miles) = 36 hours 58 minutes
    July-18 ... 324.2 km (201.5 miles) = 24 hours 26 minutes
    Aug-18 ... 210.1 km (130.6 miles) = 25 hours 59 minutes
    Sep-18 ... 261.7 km (162.6 miles) = 25 hours 11 minutes
    Oct-18 ... 230.8 km (143.4 miles) = 30 hours 15 minutes
    Nov-18 ... 216.8 km (134.7 miles) = 30 hours 3 minutes
    Dec-18 ... 285.2 km (177.2 miles) = 37 hours 49 minutes
    Jan-19 ... 241.6 km (150.1 miles) = 27 hours 2 minutes
    Feb-19 ... 175.5 km (109 miles) = 19 hours 8 minutes
    Mar-19 ... 170.3 km (105.8 miles) = 28 hours 21 minutes
    Apr-19 ... 160.3 km (99.6 miles) = 25 hours 4 minutes
    May-19 ... 164.0 km (101.9 miles) = 29 hours 10 minutes
    Jun-19 ... 246.2 km (153 miles) = 25 hours 40 minutes
    Jul-19 ... 217.3 km (135.0 miles) = 33 hours 45 minutes
    Aug-19 ... 162.5 km (100.9 miles) = 28 hours 4 minutes
    Sep-19 ... 136.0 km (84.5 miles) = 23 hours 10 minutes
    Oct-19 ... 196.5 km (122.1 miles) = 31 hours 27 minutes
    Nov-19 ... 155.5 km (96.6 miles) = 25 hours 01 minutes
    Dec-19 ... 203.7 km (126.6 miles) = 26 hours 54 minutes
    Jan-20 ... 304.4 km (189.2 miles) = 32 hours 49 minutes
    Feb-20 ... 248.6 km (154.5 miles) = 34 hours 50 minutes
    Mar-20 ... 148.3 km (92.2 miles) = 30 hours 12 minutes
    Apr-20 ... 171.9 km (106.8 miles) = 19 hours 28 minutes
    May-20 ... 183.7 km (114.1 miles) = 20 hours 49 minutes
    Jun-20 ... 130.9 km (81.3 miles) = 18 hours 50 minutes
    Jul-20 ... 41.8 km (26 miles) = 9 hours 8 minutes
    Aug-20 ...148.9 km (92.5 miles) = 21 hours 43 minutes
    Sep-20 ... 119.8 km (74.4 miles) = 23 hours 17 minutes
    Oct-20 ... 191.7 km (119.1 miles) = 23 hours 40 minutes
    Nov-20 ... 273.0 km (169.6 miles) = 29 hours 16 minutes
    Dec-20 ... 216.8 km (134.7 miles) = 21 hours 59 minutes
    Jan-21 ... 208.2 km (129.4 miles) = 24 hours 39 minutes
    Feb-21 ... 229.6 km (142.7 miles) = 29 hours 01 minutes
    Mar-21 ... 259.8 km (161.4 miles) = 30 hours 48 minutes
    Apr-21 ... 282.1 km (175.3 miles = 28 hours 42 minutes
    May-21 ... 197.9 km (123 miles) = 25 hours 3 minutes
    Jun-21 ... 188.2 km (116.9 miles) = 28 hours 5 minutes
    Jul-21 ... 244 km (151.6 miles) = 32 hours 33 minutes
    Aug-21 ... 234.4 km (145.6 miles) = 27 hours 53 minutes
    Sep-21 ... 216.3 km (134.4 miles) = 33 hours 04 minutes

    All set for October ... as I sit in my house watching the rain. It's been a rainy month.

    Friday, 1 October 2021 … 0.8 km walking + 0.0 km cycling + 0.0 km rowing + 0 flights of stairs
    Saturday, 2 October 2021 … 0.0 km walking + 0.0 km cycling + 0.0 km rowing + 0 flights of stairs
    Sunday, 3 October 2021 … 0.0 km walking + 0.0 km cycling + 0.0 km rowing + 0 flights of stairs
    Monday, 4 October 2021 … 1.8 km walking + 0.0 km cycling + 0.0 km rowing + 35 flights of stairs
    Tuesday, 5 October 2021 … 1.8 km walking + 0.0 km cycling + 0.0 km rowing + 31 flights of stairs
    Wednesday, 6 October 2021 … 1.8 km walking + 0.0 km cycling + 0.0 km rowing + 33 flights of stairs
    Thursday, 7 October 2021 … 3.0 km walking + 0.0 km cycling + 0.0 km rowing + 34 flights of stairs

    Friday, 8 October 2021 … 0.0 km walking + 0.0 km cycling + 0.0 km rowing + 0 flights of stairs
    Saturday, 9 October 2021 … 4.2 km walking + 0.0 km cycling + 0.0 km rowing + 0 flights of stairs
    Sunday, 10 October 2021 … 0.0 km walking + 0.0 km cycling + 0.0 km rowing + 0 flights of stairs
    Monday, 11 October 2021 … 0.0 km walking + 0.0 km cycling + 0.0 km rowing + 0 flights of stairs
    Tuesday, 12 October 2021 … 1.0 km walking + 0.0 km cycling + 0.0 km rowing + 0 flights of stairs
    Wednesday, 13 October 2021 … 4.1 km walking + 10.4 km cycling + 0.0 km rowing + 34 flights of stairs

    2021 Monthly October
    Walking/Running Distance (km): 18.5
    Walking/Running Time (min): 231.0
    Cycling Distance (km): 10.4
    Cycling Time (min): 38.0
    Flights Stairs Climbed Number: 167.0
    Flights Stairs Climbed Time (min): 120.2
    Rowing Distance (km): 0.0
    Rowing Time (min): 0.0
    Other Distance: 0.0
    Other Time: 0.0

    Total Distance (km): 28.9
    Total Distance (miles): 18.0
    Total Time (min): 389.2
    Total Time (hr): 6:29:14

    M in Oz
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,601 Member
    Struggling with the layout of my memoir. I know what I want to do, but the f...... thing won't obey me. Lots of tries. Then, out of the blue it froze and then, Abracadabra, it did! I am not a typist and have never had to produce finished documents, so it's a steep learning curve for me. Still blurb and mini biog to do.
    I'm supposed to be going to French Circle tonight after early dinner. ;) Right now, I don't feel like it, but it's good for us to get out and about together. It will be worth it, but I can see a nap in my future.

    Love Heather UK xxxxxxxx

  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,132 Member
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,994 Member
    Well I did fall back to sleepfor a couple hours and feel much better.. have the laundry in the dryer and Alfie and I are just relaxing..
    Im basically packed.. going down to get Homer out will take Alfie down so he can run around outside.. Alfie will have a blast with Leah and the dogs .and I love her dearly.. i asked her mom what i could bring her back.. and she said some type of spices or im thinking of getting a nashville puzzle, she loves puzzles..
    Im waiting to download to boarding pass on my phone..
  • TerriRichardson112
    TerriRichardson112 Posts: 18,792 Member
  • Anniesquats100
    Anniesquats100 Posts: 3,226 Member
    Ladies thank you so much for helping me deal with being unfriended. I feel better about the whole thing now.

    Machka great news no stomach cancer!

    AuntieBK The group I want to distance from is a Buddhist meditation group. I like the meditation, but I reach my limits with the Buddhism part. I like the morality but I'm not motivated by the fuzzy idea of enlightenment or Nirvana.

    I did text my sister and they arrive around seven. She said not to hold dinner. But I will have something for them to eat if they want. Gotta feed guests, it's tradition.

    I stayed up late last night reading. Time for a nap.

    Annie in Delaware