Calories after puking?



  • Achrya
    Achrya Posts: 16,913 Member
    I've never seen forum users attack an OP like this before. She asked how she should log her calories if she threw a good amount of her food up and if she should eat more to compensate. There is nothing in there that suggests that she has an eating disorder. A person with an eating disorder would not worry about trying to eat more food. And with all the forum users on here saying that they log their food down to the piece of lettuce, and all the users also warning not to eat below 1200 for fear of "starvation mode" the OP's questions are perfectly acceptable.

    There are also comments on here saying something along the lines of "when you're sick, the last thing on your mind should be counting calories." Actually, when you're sick you can't do much so calorie counting is just a blip in the day and doesn't expend much energy.

    As for the age thing, once the OP stated her age, if you were confused about it then instead of asking the OP about it, because it really had no bearing on her original question, and then attacking her because she didn't answer, you should have just googled it.

    My advice for OP: log what you did eat, but make a note that you were sick. If you don't feel like eating more, don't.

    Lol. You must be new to the internet. How cute.

    I hate to be the one to rain on the high horse parade but the OP's question isn't new or special, there are girls on here asking if they should record the vomited calories every other damn week and while they all claim to just be sick if you delve deeper you'll find a history of disordered thinking/posting and a diary that's littered with binges and ultra low calorie days.

    So I'm glad some of you are so fresh faced and new that you don't sigh and go "this question again." And that you actually think this is some kind of serious attack. Go hang out on video game message boards then come back and tell me how thus is the worst thing you've ever seen.

    And I hope this earns me an ignore. I never get invited to the logical kid's tables. You can all continue being better people than the rest of us now.

    Welcome to the ignore list. Your condescending ignorance AND your assumptions without any logical reasoning is proof of your immaturity and poor disguise. Sorry but it's too early for Halloween and sorry. You don't know me like you wish you did. I don't have an eating disorder and I'm sure that no matter what I say, you'll just delve into your own fantasy that you are better than me soo..waste of time. Ignore button is pressed. Bye.

    It is never NEVER too early for Halloween. At first I was all "I wanna be Lana Kane." But now I'm thinking poison ivy. I've kind of always wanted to be Emma Frost but I feel like people would see me, assume Storm, and then I'd blow up in a fiery blaze of nerdrage. /firstworldnerdproblems

    K bye. I have to screenshot this and add it to my blog so I never forget. <3
  • needtoloseafewpounds
    needtoloseafewpounds Posts: 161 Member

    I'm not sure why people were insinuating an eating disorder either. Especially when you were asking about eating back the calories that you just threw up. And I don't see how age plays into the whole thing either. A lot of the questions/reactions left me scratching my head.

    Anyway, if you're still feeling bad after you wake up, I'd eat some chicken soup (mostly just the broth) and a few saltine crackers. And drink some 7-up or Sprite, but when you pour it in your glass, mix it up a bit to get rid of a bit of the carbonation.

    ^^ This is what my mom did for me when I had an upset stomach or was throwing up, and that's what I did for my son (because sometimes people actually do throw up from being sick and not just because they have an eating disorder). We both always felt better, and was able to keep the food down.

    Thanks for the advice. I actually went and got myself 3 packs of ginger ale, celery, chicken broth, noodles, saltine crackers, tomato paste, beef, broccoli, onions, and a few other foods to help me with the next few days :) 7 UP is also good but I heard so many suggestions about ginger ale that I had to grab myself some! haha

    Also, all of the criticism and questioning left me scratching my head as well. It was almost frustrating at how irrelevant some people were and nobody was trying to answer my question. What really got me was when people like the recent woman who decided that since the question pops up so many times they don't want to answer it or they're "tired of it". But you know there was also the choice of "not answering it". Just saying :)
  • needtoloseafewpounds
    needtoloseafewpounds Posts: 161 Member
    Jesus Christ. OP, you are the biggest child I've seen on MFP. Stop throwing your toys out of the bloody pram.

    If you didn't want opinions you shouldn't of posted in the first place. Grow a pair and accept some criticism, I've seen/read a lot worse on this website than people telling you to "relax".

    As for my opinion. Check out this link, it'll explain everything:

    Guess what? I didn't click on the link because judgmental "my opinions are facts and I know everything" attitude is just more immature than you know. In other words, I don't respect you. Welcome to the ignore list. It's like everyone's coming here to pick on me so you guys might as well come faster. so I can ignore all of the vermin of MFP sooner.
  • Achrya
    Achrya Posts: 16,913 Member

    I'm not sure why people were insinuating an eating disorder either. Especially when you were asking about eating back the calories that you just threw up. And I don't see how age plays into the whole thing either. A lot of the questions/reactions left me scratching my head.

    Anyway, if you're still feeling bad after you wake up, I'd eat some chicken soup (mostly just the broth) and a few saltine crackers. And drink some 7-up or Sprite, but when you pour it in your glass, mix it up a bit to get rid of a bit of the carbonation.

    ^^ This is what my mom did for me when I had an upset stomach or was throwing up, and that's what I did for my son (because sometimes people actually do throw up from being sick and not just because they have an eating disorder). We both always felt better, and was able to keep the food down.

    Thanks for the advice. I actually went and got myself 3 packs of ginger ale, celery, chicken broth, noodles, saltine crackers, tomato paste, beef, broccoli, onions, and a few other foods to help me with the next few days :) 7 UP is also good but I heard so many suggestions about ginger ale that I had to grab myself some! haha

    Also, all of the criticism and questioning left me scratching my head as well. It was almost frustrating at how irrelevant some people were and nobody was trying to answer my question. What really got me was when people like the recent woman who decided that since the question pops up so many times they don't want to answer it or they're "tired of it". But you know there was also the choice of "not answering it". Just saying :)

    If you aren't gonna be nice and tell me what I want/answer how I want you just need to stay out of this public discussion!

    And that is Angry OP bingo for me. Anyone else got bingo?
  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    I wasn't feeling well today and I ended up letting go of an entire dinner immediately in flying colors but I'm not sure how I should log my calories. (I have acid reflux so it was pretty/ugly bad) If I retained half of the calories should I eat some back in ice cream or should I just assume I had all of my calories and go to sleep? (its almost 2 am now) I don't think I can eat any solids right now because my stomach is unsettled and I'm too tired to find an open store with healthy foods as there will be none besides convenient stores and they only sell instant food.

    Okay sorry you are sick but tbh the comments about reveiwing your relationship with food is due to the following:

    You were not feeling well today and ended up vomitted and were on this site at 2am wondering if you should log calories or not...and wondering if you should force yourself to eat maybe some ice cream to get those calories up...when I am sick I get my butt to bed and sleep with a bucket, a glass of water and some crackers.

    There was no hint you were bulimic or have an eating disorder the comments were to highlight that you were considering eating when you didn't want to because you were feeling ill still, and you were wondering about calories in/out...when instead you probably should have taken something with ginger (which you should know from your mother/grandmother/aunt) and gone to bed instead you stayed here read comments too major time to requote and ignore users for mentioning a possible issue with your relationship with food and continue to comment on the same thing.
  • needtoloseafewpounds
    needtoloseafewpounds Posts: 161 Member
    I am sorry you are sick. There are a lot of concerns after dehydration, possibly retaking pills you may have lost in the purge...and not being sure of your intake.

    I am sorry for the negative comments you have received.

    I am a recovering bulimic (that just went through a rough patch). I know you are NOT bulimic, but wanted to offer some support.

    If you truly feel you purged until your stomach was empty, I would consider that meal lost. If your body can tolerate it, i would eat some saltines, maybe some soup. If you can' lost meal will not throw things out of whack. The important thing is that you get better so you can resume your normal eating patterns and daily routines. And again...just another warning about any vital pills you may have consumed within two hours of the purge are likely considered lost. Consult a pharmacist if this is the case.

    And again, please no judgment from the community for my post. i am just reaching out to someone who clearly isn't feeling well and doesn't know what to do with the lost calories.

    There are also many woman concerned about calorie loss due to morning sickness, and question how to replace those calories.

    someone also mentioned sprite and 7-up. I agree that both help settle the stomach and rehydrate (since they don't have caffeine).

    I won't judge you and I appreciate the time and effort you gave to me for this input. I'm also really proud of you for recovering from such a traumatic problem and I'm sorry if I hurt you in any way after getting angry at people for implying that I had bulimia. However bulimia is really bad and you are at least recovering from it now which is good! It really means a lot to me to see real supportive and motivational characters here in a website that is meant exactly for that. I've already gone shopping this afternoon and I'm stocked on soup ingredients, crackers, and ginger ale :) You don't need to be sorry for anything because I'm the one who decided to bite back. People will call me many names but to be honest I don't care. I actually have real friends and a life unlike some of the people here in these forums.
  • trogalicious
    trogalicious Posts: 4,583 Member
    Just gonna leave this here:
  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    There's no hope for humanity.. You people are attacking this girl just because she asked a simple question. Good job guys... Way to be supportive.. These forums are a bunch of BS.. There are so many people lurking on MFP solely for the purpose of cheap entertainment for themselves.. I see the same people on multiple posts, all being sarcastic or condescending to the OP or searching for comments to attack those individuals. It make me sick! Maybe you should reevaluate your relationship with YOURSELF. If attacking people directly or indirectly really satisfies you, then you need help..

    Have a nice day..

    Wow all is lost....might as well bring on the flood...someone on the internet smacked someone else on the internet...I get smacked on a regular basis and my literacy came into question last time...just as an FYI these posts typically come from one of two sources

    People with real issues with food or control in their life...



    Either way they don't need "support" for thier issues from a weight loss site they need professional help or they don't need support for a troll post that was posted soley to garner adverse reactions and/or sympathy along with the type of post you made....
  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    Just gonna leave this here:

    so saving this for later.....:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
  • needtoloseafewpounds
    needtoloseafewpounds Posts: 161 Member
    I wasn't feeling well today and I ended up letting go of an entire dinner immediately in flying colors but I'm not sure how I should log my calories. (I have acid reflux so it was pretty/ugly bad) If I retained half of the calories should I eat some back in ice cream or should I just assume I had all of my calories and go to sleep? (its almost 2 am now) I don't think I can eat any solids right now because my stomach is unsettled and I'm too tired to find an open store with healthy foods as there will be none besides convenient stores and they only sell instant food.

    Okay sorry you are sick but tbh the comments about reveiwing your relationship with food is due to the following:

    You were not feeling well today and ended up vomitted and were on this site at 2am wondering if you should log calories or not...and wondering if you should force yourself to eat maybe some ice cream to get those calories up...when I am sick I get my butt to bed and sleep with a bucket, a glass of water and some crackers.

    There was no hint you were bulimic or have an eating disorder the comments were to highlight that you were considering eating when you didn't want to because you were feeling ill still, and you were wondering about calories in/out...when instead you probably should have taken something with ginger (which you should know from your mother/grandmother/aunt) and gone to bed instead you stayed here read comments too major time to requote and ignore users for mentioning a possible issue with your relationship with food and continue to comment on the same thing.

    Just like how you waste your time to judge people, I have freedom to go to a website about health and ask a serious question if I should have forced calories before I slept. In case you're new to the internet or quite slow, a LOT of the users were implying that I was bulimic and/or underaged without even answering my question. One said that the thread will soon be locked for what reason would that be? Hmm.. Someone actually had the nerve to tell me to eat my calories back by eating my puke. (through private messaging) Lovely, right? Well since you loove to be judgemental go ahead but not to me because you are ignored. I have a right to stand up for myself whether it looks ridiculous to your or not. You can get off your high horse now.
  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    Just gonna leave this here:

    so saving this for later.....:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
  • needtoloseafewpounds
    needtoloseafewpounds Posts: 161 Member
    There's no hope for humanity.. You people are attacking this girl just because she asked a simple question. Good job guys... Way to be supportive.. These forums are a bunch of BS.. There are so many people lurking on MFP solely for the purpose of cheap entertainment for themselves.. I see the same people on multiple posts, all being sarcastic or condescending to the OP or searching for comments to attack those individuals. It make me sick! Maybe you should reevaluate your relationship with YOURSELF. If attacking people directly or indirectly really satisfies you, then you need help..

    Have a nice day..

    Thanks I totally agree but I don't need the support because I don't really visit the forums often anyway :) (too many territorial crybabies here)
  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    I wasn't feeling well today and I ended up letting go of an entire dinner immediately in flying colors but I'm not sure how I should log my calories. (I have acid reflux so it was pretty/ugly bad) If I retained half of the calories should I eat some back in ice cream or should I just assume I had all of my calories and go to sleep? (its almost 2 am now) I don't think I can eat any solids right now because my stomach is unsettled and I'm too tired to find an open store with healthy foods as there will be none besides convenient stores and they only sell instant food.

    Okay sorry you are sick but tbh the comments about reveiwing your relationship with food is due to the following:

    You were not feeling well today and ended up vomitted and were on this site at 2am wondering if you should log calories or not...and wondering if you should force yourself to eat maybe some ice cream to get those calories up...when I am sick I get my butt to bed and sleep with a bucket, a glass of water and some crackers.

    There was no hint you were bulimic or have an eating disorder the comments were to highlight that you were considering eating when you didn't want to because you were feeling ill still, and you were wondering about calories in/out...when instead you probably should have taken something with ginger (which you should know from your mother/grandmother/aunt) and gone to bed instead you stayed here read comments too major time to requote and ignore users for mentioning a possible issue with your relationship with food and continue to comment on the same thing.

    Just like how you waste your time to judge people, I have freedom to go to a website about health and ask a serious question if I should have forced calories before I slept. In case you're new to the internet or quite slow, a LOT of the users were implying that I was bulimic and/or underaged without even answering my question. One said that the thread will soon be locked for what reason would that be? Hmm.. Someone actually had the nerve to tell me to eat my calories back by eating my puke. (through private messaging) Lovely, right? Well since you loove to be judgemental go ahead but not to me because you are ignored. I have a right to stand up for myself whether it looks ridiculous to your or not. You can get off your high horse now.

    I personally wasn't judging just explaining what I saw from the comments. But your choice on who you choose to view and don't. I have read all the comments and the reason this could be blocked is the attacking which goes against TOS.

    As for my high horse I am not on one actually I was trying to explain the "relationship with food" comments but alas you are too angry to view anything other then someone totally agreeing with you and patting your head to tell you it will be alright.

    Okay adieu and good luck with life...

    PS I never said you looked ridiculous...I only pointed out what you were doing instead of resting your sick self and keeping stress free.
  • robin68562
    robin68562 Posts: 116 Member
    Just gonna leave this here:

    I know it's completely irrelevant to the post but ---- Too funny!
  • highervibes
    highervibes Posts: 2,219 Member
    LOL @ "welcome to the ignore list" buahahaha
  • highervibes
    highervibes Posts: 2,219 Member
    Just gonna leave this here:

    this is AWESOME lol
  • TheDoctorDana
    TheDoctorDana Posts: 595 Member
    Lastly, to satisfy your irrelevant question, I am 21 years old in American age. 22 in Korean.
    What's the conversion rate on that?

    I know what she means. My best friend is Korean and she has her American birthday and Korean birthday. OP, I feel for you. I hate throwing up more than anything in the world!!! I hope and pray you feel better soon. Meantime, get some sleep maybe some seaweed and chicken soup (miyeok kuk?) I know it was great for morning sickness for me :drinker: Hope you feel better.
  • sunshyncatra
    sunshyncatra Posts: 598 Member
    You are sick. Don't worry about counting calories and listen to your body. Stop counting until you are better. Just pay attention to what your body needs.
  • Papillon22
    Papillon22 Posts: 1,160 Member
    Just gonna leave this here:
  • wildheart_cowgirl
    To answer your question food begins to be digested immediately upon entering the mouth, and vomiting does not expel all of the stomach contents. When the stomach suddenly contracts to vomit, around 50% of its contents are pushed further down into the intestine where they will be digested and absorbed.

    However, I don't worry about calorie intake when I am sick. Therefore, I would suggest that you also not focus on counting calories as well but instead resting and getting plenty of fluids. Then, when you are feeling better just start logging your calorie intake again.