15 pounds to lose challenge November 1- January 31, 2022



  • Paz922
    Paz922 Posts: 346 Member
    Annawan24 wrote: »
    MFP SW (Mar 2021) - 171.8
    November SW - 134.6
    November GW - 130
    January/Ultimate GW - 125 (then I will re-evaluate)

    Total loss to date: -39

    Nov 1 - 134.6
    Nov 8 - 134.2
    Nov 15 - 133.4
    Nov 22 - 133.6
    Nov 29 - 132.8
    Nov 30 -

    I now weigh the same as I did on my wedding day. That was 18 years ago and 3 kids later. I'm so proud of myself for putting my mind to finally losing this weight and achieving this goal in life. I need to get back to weighing in everyday though.

    Keep up the great work everyone! I was told this weekend at the ringette tournament I was at that I looked like a tiny teenager, lol. I'm 51 and only 5"0 so I guess I could see that with my jacket, mask and hat on, lol. Figured that was a compliment!

    @Annawan24- congratulations! You motivated me so much! 😊💪
  • Toronto6fan
    Toronto6fan Posts: 461 Member
    Way to go swimmom!

  • Toronto6fan
    Toronto6fan Posts: 461 Member
    KakoHikes wrote: »
    Hello! I’m 34F, 5’4 and started using MFP again at the end of May and feel like I am in it for the long haul this time, learning how to cook healthy foods and creating healthy habits.

    May 28th 2021 Weight 240lbs (also my highest weight)
    Ultimate goal weight 170lbs (I’ll reassess once there but that feels more like a doable goal right now)

    Challenge starting weight- 204lbs
    Challenge end goal- 195lbs (was 190lb but adjusted my calorie goal a bit higher)
    Sunday is my weigh in day

    11/01 204.0 up a bit from yesterday but had double my normal sodium intake yesterday. It makes for an even number to start out with
    11/07 205.8 +1.8lbs had an imaging appointment the next town over was stressing out for, day of didn’t eat beforehand then went shopping and brought so many treats plus fast food for lunch and dinner. That was the only day I actually went over my bmr but was over my calorie goal more often this week. Plus side, results of imaging were good news.
    11/14 204.0, 1.8 lbs lost, 0.0lbs lost this month. Alright, am now at least back where I started this month. Had a pretty good week, two hikes, one walk and two shopping days that got a lot of steps. Finally found a pair of hiking shoes that fit (had to get a mens pair as have not found one women’s pair in wide) Been wearing them around the house and for shopping, hopefully will be good today, first time using them on a hike.
    11/21 203.4 -.6lbs the week and month. Okay week. 1 hike and 3 walks but was more hungry this week, and ate out a couple days so I was over my calorie goals a few times. Edited my calorie goal to losing .5lbs a week and may keep it like that for a bit… I won’t make my 190lb challenge goal that way but will still be in onderland by end of the challenge
    11/28 202.2 -1.2lbs this week, 1.8lbs this month. 4 walks this week, I eat somewhat unhealthy for a few days this week. On the plus side I also tried a couple healthy new recipes: a Lentil-potato soup and a chicken curry. Both very nummy. Think the loss is more a cumulative couple week whoosh than anything in particular I did this week.

    -1.8lbs total this month.

    12/05 201.0 -1.2 this week and month. -3lbs challenge. Had a pretty good week, 1 hike, 4 walks and a yardwork day. Under my calories goal every day. Tried a red lentil curry and a tomato garlic chicken curry. Both tasted amazing, I did overcook the lentils, it is a learning process.

    Red lentil curry sound amazing!