December 2021 Monthly Running Challenge



  • Teresa502
    Teresa502 Posts: 1,751 Member
    December 1 – 5.16 miles
    December 4 – 10.05 miles
    December 5 – 5.13 miles
    December 6 – 5.30 miles
    December 7 – 2 miles (treadmill)
    December 8 – 5.1 miles
    December 9 – 5.11 miles

    37.85/100 miles completed

    I met a friend after work yesterday and we ran in a section of town that has a lot of houses decorated with Christmas lights. She loves to post pictures on FB so there was a lot of stopping and starting but it was a very nice evening with temps around 45F when we started and around 37F when we finished.
    It’s raining today and is supposed to continue tomorrow. I signed up for an 11-mile hike with a local state park for tomorrow but it is supposed to rain in the morning with thunder storms and wind gusts in the afternoon. I may just forfeit my $5 registration fee and skip it.

    @shanaber – I hate being cold. Your body was probably wondering what was going on with the extreme (for you) weather change! Beautiful scenery though.

    @quilteryoyo – So sorry about the back pain. Do you think it’s time to go to someone besides the chiro and get it checked out?

    OMG @polskagirl01 Your idea of fun and mine are quite different! The snow though is beautiful!

  • rheddmobile
    rheddmobile Posts: 6,840 Member
    edited December 2021
    On Wednesday ran 5k on trails, after a walk my heart seemed fine so ran another mile. Still hanging out trying not to die until the 22nd!

    My husband got me a weight bar for Christmas since the one I’ve been using at home since Covid was a cheap hollow bar that maxed out about 180 lbs and has been sagging more and more alarmingly with repeated use. This one is rated up to 1500 lbs, which considering it’s a 5’ short bar with only 9” loadable area per side, I have no clue how you would get 1500 on it! It’s a groovy bar, got it at half off on Amazon because the packaging was damaged! Using all my willpower not to actually use it until Christmas but I had to get it out and test it yesterday when it arrived. With my current brand of weights I could theoretically get 500 lbs on it, more than I will ever need. The knurling is like a chain saw on my hands though, I need to buy some silicone wrap tape for it. Why is knurling made so rough?

    Not running today since it was supposed to be storms, but they have pushed the storms back until tonight so I could have run after all. It’s 80 degrees out! Record high for this date. Under a tornado watch now, cold front coming through.
  • rheddmobile
    rheddmobile Posts: 6,840 Member
    @SummerSkier I can’t remember where you are, are you under the same tornado watch we have here in Memphis? Stay safe!
  • RunsOnEspresso
    RunsOnEspresso Posts: 3,218 Member
    @rheddmobile I love checking for daged box stuff on amazon. We've gotten great deals on new items because a box is dented.
  • SummerSkier
    SummerSkier Posts: 4,905 Member
    @SummerSkier I can’t remember where you are, are you under the same tornado watch we have here in Memphis? Stay safe!

    @rheddmobile no I am in central Tx and no Tornado watch but that storm is going to come thru with very high winds over night so tomorrow instead of shorts and tee it will be a few more layers. LOL. Esp with the arctic wind from the north gusting over 20 mph. Stay safe and glad to hear your heart is behaving for you......
  • sweetdaisy13
    sweetdaisy13 Posts: 357 Member
    edited December 2021
    01/12 - 3.1 miles - 8:42 min/mi - 276 feet - Road
    09/12 - 11 miles - 10:04 min/mi - 1,358 feet - Trail
    10/12 - 4.5 miles - 9:16 min/mi - 253 feet - Road/Trail
    11/12 - 4 1 miles - 9:39 min/mi - 460 feet - Trail
    4.1 mile trail run this morning. Got soaked as it was heavy drizzle, but not cold. There's something refreshing about running in the rain.

    December cumulative:
    22.8 miles & 2,347 feet of elevation
  • Teresa502
    Teresa502 Posts: 1,751 Member
    December 1 – 5.16 miles
    December 4 – 10.05 miles
    December 5 – 5.13 miles
    December 6 – 5.30 miles
    December 7 – 2 miles (treadmill)
    December 8 – 5.1 miles
    December 9 – 5.11 miles
    December 11 -10.13 miles

    47.98/100 miles completed

    I met a friend at 6:30 this morning so that we could beat the winds and rain. She rain with me for the first six and then I did another 4 by myself. It was a balmy 48F. Hard to complain about the weather when so many lives have been lost and destroyed by these storms. Hope that you and your area escaped the worst of it @rheddmobile.

    Great job on your park run @Orphia but sorry about the back issues.

    Congratulations to your daughter @Tramboman and to you for raising such a smart cookie!

  • katharmonic
    katharmonic Posts: 5,720 Member
    Congratulations to your daughter @tramboman.

    @orphia hope your back is ok!

    Date :::: Miles :::: Cumulative
    12/01/21 :::: 0.0 :::: 0.0
    12/02/21 :::: 2.2 :::: 2.2
    12/03/21 :::: 3.1 :::: 5.3
    12/04/21 :::: 10.1 :::: 15.3
    12/05/21 :::: 4.0 :::: 19.4
    12/06/21 :::: 3.1 :::: 22.5
    12/07/21 :::: 3.1 :::: 25.5
    12/08/21 :::: 3.1 :::: 28.6
    12/09/21 :::: 1.7 :::: 30.3
    12/10/21 :::: 3.3 :::: 33.6
    12/11/21 :::: 4.5 :::: 38.1

    I woke up to pouring rain and wind, and a flurry of texts from people bailing out on meeting up to run. I was not unhappy about that. It stopped raining and a few of us met up at 10 to do at least a shorter run. It was still pretty windy but actually quite warm in the 50s. I was happy to get something done and got a little bonus sleeping in and lounging with coffee time.

    I was really supposed to do a 5k race tonight but I also bailed on that because it is supposed to be rainy and windy again, and I didn't want to take the time to go out of town when it's been a really busy week and I have a lot to do and just need some time at home.