January 2022 - Accountability Month



  • ashleycarole86
    ashleycarole86 Posts: 6,194 Member
    MFP starting weight: 293 (1/28/21)
    January starting weight: 190.6
    January goal: 184.4
    UGW: 168

    1/1 - 190.6
    1/2 - 188
    1/3 - 188
    1/4 - 186.8
    1/5 - 188.2
    1/6 - 187
    1/7 - 186.8
    1/8 - 185.2

    Week 1 loss - 5.4

    1/9 - 185.4
    1/10 - 184.8
    1/11 - 184.6
    1/12 - 183.4
    1/13 - 184.6
    1/14 - 183.2
    1/15 - 182.2

    Week 2 loss - 3

    1/16 - 184.4
    1/17 - 185.4
    1/18 - 184.4
    1/19 - 183.2
    1/20 - 181.4
    1/21 - 183
    1/22 - 185

    Week 3 gain - 2.8

    1/23 - 185.2
  • dawnbgethealthy
    dawnbgethealthy Posts: 7,657 Member
    Sometimes it takes 2 or 3 days for stuff to show up, be it good or bad.
  • Lavoisier61
    Lavoisier61 Posts: 255 Member
    01/01 - 195.1lb
    02/01 - 195.5lb
    03/01 - 194.8lb
    04/01 - 194.6lb
    05/01 - 195.0lb
    06/01 - 194.6lb
    07/01 - 194.8lb
    08/01 - 194.8lb
    09/01 - 194.6lb
    10/01 - 194.4lb
    11/01 - 194.4lb
    12/01 - 195.5lb
    13/01 - 195.1lb
    14/01 - 194.6lb
    15/01 - 195.1lb
    16/01 - 195.1lb
    17/01 - 194.8lb
    18/01 - 194.6lb
    19/01 - 195.1lb
    20/01 - 195.1lb
    21/01 - 195.0lb
    22/01 - 195.0lb
    23/01 - 195.5lb
    24/01 - 195.5lb
    25/01 -
    26/01 -
    27/01 -
    28/01 -
    29/01 -
    30/01 -
    31/01 -
  • TinaLeigh67
    TinaLeigh67 Posts: 669 Member
    My name is Tina, Height: 5'6" Age: 54
    MFP starting weight: 149.2 (3/30/21)
    December results: + 3 pounds
    December end weight: 141.4
    UGW: 130

    1/01 - DNW - out of town
    1/02 - DNW - out of town
    1/03 - 143.0 (142.2 trend)
    1/04 - 141.6 (142.1 trend)
    1/05 - 140.4 (141.9 trend) - good week so far. Hoping to continue. This is motivating. Almost have Decembers gain gone.
    1/06 - 140.6 (141.7 trend) - pizza last night. Actually expected a higher jump
    1/07 - 140.4 (141.5 trend) - pleased so far with the week. Hoping I can keep control over the weekend
    1/08 - DNW
    1/09 - DNW
    1/10 - 140.4 (141.1 trend) - first weekend in a long time that I didn't have a gain. Proud of myself
    1/11 - 139.8 (140.9 trend) - dinner out with kids for my daughters birthday. Hoping to keep things under control
    1/12 - 140.8 (140.9 trend) - thought I did well last night. Mexican restaurant, no chips or alcohol and still up. Did get a workout in. First of the year. Not doing as well there as I had planned.
    1/13 - 140.6 (140.9) - incident occurred last night that kicked in my motivation. Shed a few tears and then packed my food for the next day with a renewed determination. Have not been tracking as I should and it is seen in the numbers. Today is a new day!
    1/14 - 139.6 (140.7)
    1/15 - DNW
    1/16 - 139.6 (140.4)
    1/17 - DNW
    1/18 - 142.0 (140.8)
    1/19 - 140.6 (140.8)
    1/20 - 140.2 (140.7)
    1/21 - 138.6 (140.4) - two days of moving more, lots of water and better food has paid off. Now to get through the weekend without destroying it.
    1/22 - DNW
    1/23 - DNW
    1/24 - 142.8 (141.3) - should not have weighed. Thought I did well over the weekend but obviously not so. I really need to weigh on the weekends. It helps me keep in check. A lot of dedication needed this week
    1/25 -
    1/26 -
    1/27 -
    1/28 -
    1/29 -
    1/30 -
    1/31 -

    GOAL: 138.0
    Rolling total: .2 lb loss
  • dawnbgethealthy
    dawnbgethealthy Posts: 7,657 Member
    Hi. I am Dawn. 61yrs, 5'2"
    I topped out at 207 pounds years ago, I started MFP over 3 years ago at 191.
    I hit 130.6 in March or April of 2021 and then gained a bit each month after that for the rest of the year. Those illusive 120s, maybe this year.
    My ideal weight for my body structure is 110 according to many methods.

    1/1 - DNW - I am using my end weight from last month as my start weight. 136.0
    1/2 - DNW
    1/3 - 139.2 - This seems inflated. Hope to never see this number ever again, hadn't seen it this high since 2020.
    1/4 - 136.4 - Burned more calories than I ate yesterday with a beautiful big dump of snow to shovel, plus skating. Clear and blue this morning, hoping to be able to grab a quick cross-country ski today after work before it gets dark.
    1/5 - 136.0 - Broke even. Going skating to 2 different arenas today, one before work and one after. Cooking up my veggies for the next 2 days this morning.
    1/6 - 135.2 - I am losing weight, but my activity has been much more than my intake this week. This is not sustainable over the long term, but happy to see the scale dropping nevertheless.
    1/7 - 135.2 - Odd for me to have the same weight 2 days in a row. Planning for a bit of an indulgent weekend, but will try to keep it reasonable. Ice skating this morning before work which should fire up my metabolism.
    1/8 - 137.8 - Ouch, but expected. Mulled Cider spiked with spiced rum, pizza.
    1/9 - 139.0 - Very early weigh in, I wasn't even going to get up, but once I did I wanted a glass of water, so thought that I should weigh before that. Feeling kind of lean, so expect the scale to really drop tomorrow when I can hopefully sleep until 7am.
    1/10 - 139.8 - Double ouch. 3 slices of Pizza from Friday still showing up? Argh. Truly expected a big drop today, very active weekend and good food choices. Oh well, ice skating this morning before work and cross-country skiing after work.
    1/11 - 139.0 - Very active time of year for me with lots of ice skating. Hoping to see a big drop on the scale to reflect it. Not today : - )
    1/12 - 138.8
    1/13 - 138.6
    1/14 - 138.2 - Skating this morning before work, so will burn extra calories having fun, on top of my usual workouts. Good thing because Friday night I typically have a couple of cocktails and eat something a little yummier than my usual veggies with a small slab of meat on the George Foreman grill. I will have a bit of a buffer. I still haven't changed my check-in on MFP since March when I was sitting at 130.6. Pedometre is set at that weight also.
    1/15 - 136.8 - Wow, I even had East Indian food from work last night. Surprised by the drop, but maybe my active week finally registered in my slow to catch up body. On days off now for 2 so will be eating well and prepping food for next week.
    1/16 - 139.6 - Wow. Yo-yo on the scale. Skating today, so hope to even this out.
    1/17 - 139.8 - Couldn't skate yesterday, I was too achy and chilled from my booster shot. It shows.
    1/18 - 139.2
    1/19 - 139.2 - I think that it would have been less except that I ate 2! samosas yesterday which I don't normally include as food. Double skating today, before work and during my break on my split shift, so hopefully a nice loss on the scale in the days to follow. Really don't like being up this high at all.
    1/20 - 138.8 - Huge calorie burn yesterday.
    1/21 - 139.2 - Skating today, but also having pizza with a friend after work, so we'll see. These are my most active months until March, so had hoped to weigh less like most years from the increased activity. Nope : - )
    1/22 - 138.8 - No skating today, guess that I have to clean my house lol.
    1/23 - 137.6 - Ice skating today
    1/24 - 139.0 - Back to weighing at my regular time, this is likely my real weight. Skating before work today, my quads and glute should be starting to burn fat on their own now : - )
    1/25 -
    1/26 -
    1/27 -
    1/28 -
    1/29 -
    1/30 -
    1/31 -

    January start weight 136.0
    Rolling loss/gain: Gain 1.6 pounds