From Melbourne Australia

Hi, looking to make new friends on this journey.
52 yr old mum to 5 and grandma to a little boy.
Looking to lose 20kgs.
But I dint focus too much on the kgs, more the cms.
I do more strength training at gym.
I set a challenge last yr to do stadium stomp which is now in February.
I need to get serious training in for.

I was diagnosed with supraventricular tachycardia aka SVT this year. Thought i was having a heart attack and treated as such. Not long after being left at the hospital my heart rate jumped from 70 to 170 in a matter of seconds setting off all the bells in the hosp.
Had 3 episodes since.
Recently found put my iron levels are low which may of caused of my palpitations that set this off.

So fitness and health is a priority to help keep my heart healthy ,(and apparently my heart is extremely healthy).

Like to be around and watch my grandson grow preventative is the best measure.

I cycle (mtb and road bike), love being out I'm nature.
Walking, hiking and just breathing in fresh air.

My work makes it hard to do things on weekends but hoping I may make new friends that maybe want to do some walks/hikes.

Feel free to add me


  • Br00klynbaby90
    Br00klynbaby90 Posts: 60 Member
    Add me!
  • timcoll
    timcoll Posts: 4 Member
    Hi need some accountability here. Covid is high near me but used to love to lift I need to drop about 100 lbs
  • DavisAlex1
    DavisAlex1 Posts: 4 Member
    you all can add me! i exercise daily and give support
  • chuckb24c
    chuckb24c Posts: 30 Member
    I too have SVT so I know how you feel. Couple of visits to the ER. I have low iron too and I am working on that through diet and supplements. Add me if you want. I am pretty responsive and serious about my health. Trying to lose about 25 lbs. Need more strength training too.