Tell me how you're feeling, right this minute



  • KosmosKitten
    KosmosKitten Posts: 10,476 Member
    Mildly concerned at this dry cough I've developed? Admittedly, it's very dry, windy and chill here. The breeze blows strongly off the river front and leads to some gale-type weather a lot. However, the last week or so, I've developed this mildly irritating dry cough and I am unsure if it's a symptom of a minor infection (cold, Covid, etc.) or just a result of the very, very dry air and the fact that I really thrive more in humid climates?

    For what it's worth, I have no other symptoms that I can find. No fatigue (outside of general sleep deprivation), no terrible sinus issues (for once!) and nothing else that marks it as concerning. It's just.. irritating. Seems a bit worse when I lay down.
  • glassyo
    glassyo Posts: 7,651 Member
    @cwolfman13 Good to hear! Also probably a good thing you didn't want tips. You don't want to know what happened to the last person I discussed colonoscopies with.

    I'm having fantasies about just up and quitting my job. I can't. I need the medical insurance and the paycheck but, even tho I complain about my boss here a lot, I also defend him and I'm starting to feel like I'm in a domestic violence situation, you know. (NOT A LITERAL ONE.)

    I thought I was keeping up with something but apparently not and now, yet again, he's mad and sometimes I think he wants me to quit instead of firing me. Or, as he says it, you fire yourself. And there's no defending myself because he's grumpier than normal and I still, apparently can't do anything right anymore.

    This thread as therapy, huh?

  • One9eightfour
    One9eightfour Posts: 20 Member
    I am equal parts bored yet happy. Seems weird right?
  • ReenieHJ
    ReenieHJ Posts: 9,724 Member
    Walking out to the kitchen as I was waking up this morning and flipping the on button for my coffee, I found myself feeling pretty dang content. Thinking of all I had to do today and coming up empty, I thought hey I only have to do what *I* want to do. That can be a very content and freeing feeling.

    Here's hoping everyone has a content freeing day. :)
  • Singing_Banshee
    Singing_Banshee Posts: 44 Member
    Sore in pain and just want a long massage to ease it 😣 or a really good distraction that makes me laugh? 😃
  • jjpptt2
    jjpptt2 Posts: 5,650 Member
    Frustrated. Not everything needs to be run by committee. Not everything needs it's own meeting. More people aren't always the answer.
  • boilerdawg2009
    boilerdawg2009 Posts: 979 Member
    Sore in pain and just want a long massage to ease it 😣 or a really good distraction that makes me laugh? 😃

    I'll give you a massage! And if I do a bad job then maybe that will be funny enough to make you laugh?
  • boilerdawg2009
    boilerdawg2009 Posts: 979 Member
    So glad that I got a new SUV at a great price!
  • glassyo
    glassyo Posts: 7,651 Member
    I'm feeling like I was today year's old when I found out if I waved my hand over my phone all graceful and magician-like, that it would magically turn on and show me the time. :)
  • RAinWA
    RAinWA Posts: 1,980 Member
    I have "decision paralysis" - trying to chose everything for the bathroom is driving me nuts. I want someone to give me 3 options and not 80,000,000 options.
  • ReenieHJ
    ReenieHJ Posts: 9,724 Member
    @RAinWA Are you having your bathroom redone?? That's exciting.

    But yes, making a choice can be daunting. TBH I left some choices up to our contractor and my dh. :( I have no taste. I wish my youngest dd had been here; she works in Seattle as an industrial designer and has always put things together so well. She must be adopted because my design genes are sorely lacking.

    Maybe you'll share pictures when it's done? Good luck with it. :)

    Hope you're doing well; you've been on my mind.
  • Singing_Banshee
    Singing_Banshee Posts: 44 Member
    Bahahahaha yea I’m in hysterics 🤣 I feel nada 🧊 I think I’ve ran out of emotions or tears long time ago now 🤷🏻‍♀️
  • Rsrs35
    Rsrs35 Posts: 46 Member
    Feeling super fat and frumpy. Clothes don’t fit but I’ve lost all motivation to get going and even if I do manage something I can’t stay consistent, so no results… leads me to over eat. And over eating is just something I do every day, especially at night.
  • RAinWA
    RAinWA Posts: 1,980 Member
    ReenieHJ wrote: »
    @RAinWA Are you having your bathroom redone?? That's exciting.

    But yes, making a choice can be daunting. TBH I left some choices up to our contractor and my dh. :( I have no taste. I wish my youngest dd had been here; she works in Seattle as an industrial designer and has always put things together so well. She must be adopted because my design genes are sorely lacking.

    Maybe you'll share pictures when it's done? Good luck with it. :)

    Hope you're doing well; you've been on my mind.

    I will definitely share pics when it's done. It's a wreck right now. Had a major flood in there in early November and I'm tired of it being torn apart. I am excited to get it done, partly because I'm tired of brushing my teeth in the kitchen! But it's been hard to get things done when I've had a lot of other stuff to deal with. I'm close to Seattle, maybe I should borrow your daughter! :D

    I am doing well, some days are good and some not so good. Being alone is a strange experience for me after 30 years but I'm adjusting. Thanks you for asking, you are a sweetheart.
  • Unsafespace
    Unsafespace Posts: 88 Member
    edited February 2022
    Driven to madness. As of late in general, not just right this minute. Been alone for a straight month now with no meaningful human interaction. Starting to long for familiar places and faces, and some in-person human interaction. No, this has nothing to do with covid social distancing.
  • Fascinationstreet10
    Feeling good. Second day of working out. A little achy but proud o got straight into it today. Tidied the house, went to the shops and now chilling.
  • skctilidie
    skctilidie Posts: 1,404 Member
    Feeling apprehensive about a job change that’s coming in 10 days, and now also melancholic and wistful and nostalgic because earlier I was feeling bored and lonely, which somehow led me to randomly read private messages here from 3.5 years ago, a whole novel worth of them between me and someone who’s been one of the most important people in my life since then. That reading got me reflecting on all the evolutions our relationship has gone through in those years and all the things we’ve helped each other through and it’s all a huge emotional roller coaster.
  • ReenieHJ
    ReenieHJ Posts: 9,724 Member
    Feeling a little.....I don't know. :/ DH wants to do lunch sometime this week and, partly because of calorie counting and I just wanna do my own thing, I'm feeling.....cornered? Obligated? I don't want to go out, spend too much money on too many calories that I won't enjoy because it'll be my 1 meal for the day, in public which I don't like either. I'm going to try and talk him into breakfast so I can just indulge in a good coffee and call it good. :) So maybe in the end I'm feeling selfish. :(
  • boilerdawg2009
    boilerdawg2009 Posts: 979 Member
    ReenieHJ wrote: »
    Feeling a little.....I don't know. :/ DH wants to do lunch sometime this week and, partly because of calorie counting and I just wanna do my own thing, I'm feeling.....cornered? Obligated? I don't want to go out, spend too much money on too many calories that I won't enjoy because it'll be my 1 meal for the day, in public which I don't like either. I'm going to try and talk him into breakfast so I can just indulge in a good coffee and call it good. :) So maybe in the end I'm feeling selfish. :(

    Don't hide how you're feeling about it! If this person cares about you they need to know how you feel about going out to eat!
  • boilerdawg2009
    boilerdawg2009 Posts: 979 Member
    Sad that I can't figure out how to make a friend see how gorgeous she is and to be patient with her weightloss.