

  • bananasandoranges
    bananasandoranges Posts: 2,410 Member
    KYLIA 2 crowns and cataract surgery is a lot!!!!! when I get dental (more than a simple cavity) work done I usually go to the osteopath soon after as I think it takes a toll. And fatigue, etc, takes a toll on mood. IF you are going the natural route : B12 is good, omega 3s, and more plant-y medically ( double blind tested) is saint john's wort. Less side effects as medical anti-depressants, and at least as efficient ON AVERAGE, according to many serious studies, BUT it's a case by cast thing and I am no doctor.

    HEATHER woohoo for 1 lb per week for 5 weeks!

    Machka9 wrote: »
    I wonder how many women come with some frequency on this thread. It seems like many dozens...

    . you could count it. :)

    It wouldn't be too hard to do. I'd do it in Excel and each time you come to a name, type it into Excel. If you come to it again, put an X in the box next to the name. Might be interesting!
    I'm finding the CICO not easy to master!

    What are you finding difficult?

    The concept is super simple ... eat fewer calories than you burn. CI < CO.

    The execution takes some effort in the sense of focus, concentration and deliberation. :grin:

    M in Oz

    I'm not motivated nor regular enough to count! but I tend to count things more than many people (my dad was always counting things, so I surely got it from him). so I figured there might well be some other counters out there! :D

    The concept CICO is indeed not difficult mathematically.
    Machka9 wrote: »
    What are you finding difficult?

    The execution takes some effort in the sense of focus, concentration and deliberation.
    Finding difficult ? not the concept but the execution part. :D

    Julie good to see you popping in. CICO is not easy if I’m honest in my logging. Hope all your busy ness means good progress on your writing/research project
    Nice to pop in! Agreed about CICO. Hummm for the rest.

    Julie - One thing I learned from this group was to pay more attention to a weekly CICO. Helped stop that constant barrage of negative self-talk for me.

    Good idea. I think in free laptop version only the daily is visible. I know in phone version the weekly is available in free version. (weird that variance!). Counting weekly is more reasonable.

    KAREN it's not the calculating that is hard but the execution!

  • bananasandoranges
    bananasandoranges Posts: 2,410 Member
    Basically, metabolism is said to slow down some with age. I had always been quite active, even VERY active. But at around 50-55 I had minor foot and knee issues so running (an easy quick calorie burn) is out. I have not found a replacement, and I'm simply not as into sports as I used to be. I eat out of stress slightly more than I did in my late 30s to early 50s. (not a ton more, just a bit, a few crackers here and there, for example..- but over years...).

    It's like some saying some old writer said (maybe someone can find it) something like: "With an income of 20 pounds 20.04 spent every month and 19.96 spent every month, is the difference between hell and heaven"( very very approximately quoted). Same with food. The variance is incidental, but over years it adds up.

    I'm really not that into sports like I used to be. I'm all for varying life experiences and liking to do more this and less that at different times of life. BUT exercise is one of those relative non-negotiable. I can pretty much commit to walking 30 min a day and following through on that. Other than that, I often don't follow through and when I do I often don't enjoy it...

    and sometimes I'm just plum tired too....also an age thing presumably. I had energy to burn and to give until my mid thirties at least, very active. didn't like to sit still much...
  • bananasandoranges
    bananasandoranges Posts: 2,410 Member
    So I'm experimenting.

    Skipping meals seems a fair option to experiment with.
    a few years back that was seen as a big dietary no-no. not so these days.

    having one yummy full meal can be an option.

    Today I had
    breakfast - carrot juice mixed with mango kombucha + 5 walnut halves
    lunch - went out for buckwheat crepes:
    savoury: 1. appetiser : salad greens and a bit of grated carrot beet radish, plus very vinagery vinaigrette; 2. main : asparagus, avocado, cheese buckwheat, crepe; 3.sweet (dessert) frozen raspberries and honey and lemon on buckwheat crepe.

    So a pretty full meal but not massive. Fine for having just 1 meal per day.

    about 40 min of walking...

    had insomnia last night...so now I'm knackered at 5pm!
  • auntiebk
    auntiebk Posts: 2,516 Member
    I wonder how many women come with some frequency on this thread. It seems like many dozens...
    . . .

    popped into my head this morning, quick rough estimate 30 including you and me!

  • auntiebk
    auntiebk Posts: 2,516 Member
    pip :love: your positive spin!
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Pip - Hoping you’re feeling better and better. <3
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Barbie— I would like your advice on poodles. We are hoping to buy a poodle from a reputable local breeder who was recommended by our Veterinarian’s office. I am wondering about the differences between a Standard Poodle compared to Medium Poodle. Do you have advice? Does one need more exercise? DH prefers medium sized & I’m not sure what I think. Our veterinarian’s office recommended this breeder and we trust the breeder has healthy dogs.

  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,793 Member
    Pip- i will let you know with most pain meds they will give you constipation ,i know only to well.. i sure hope you can get wverything taken care of..
    Well i got up and got dressed..did my pills for the week and picked up some things in my bedroom ,feels like i accomplished at least a little bit.
    Tomorrow will drop Carmine at school then have to go get bloodwork done and will go back and help with Miles..
  • dlfk202000
    dlfk202000 Posts: 3,020 Member
    edited February 2022
    Kylia- it is great to see you post- thanks for the update- Missed seeing you post.
    I had cataract surgery on both eyes at 50. Still wear glasses for astigmatism.
    Yes, still had dull ache/pain after drops were done.

    CICO- I have no problem at all with CI- many days I am under 1000 a day, I grab a little snack to get it to 1000-1100. I did 1000 cal a day for almost 2 yrs then took a few months break then got back. Still stick closer to 1000 because I worry about if I am tracking correctly(like yesterday- had imitation crab salad from the deli- tracking it could be 110 cal up to 350 cal. I have asked dh to find out as it came from his deli but he hasn't or if I forget to put something in. My problem is CO- I used to do well but never 1000 cal. out. I do zumba two nights a week and then some gardening sometimes(not much during the winter but it will pick up soon but still not 1000 calories worth). I need to find my motivation.
    Intermittent fasting is pretty easy- don't eat until noon most days with no problem- yesterday it was almost 3PM before I ate anything- just plain black tea before that.

    Pip- milk of magnesia works great for that- DH went 10 days without going after his first hip replacement surgery- He still has "issues" because of waiting so long- he made sure he had a bottle here after the second(and third and forth) surgeries.

    Watching church now and then plan to clean out both refrigerators- really clean out, not just dump the old left overs, so I have room for stuff and can find what I need.
    Other house cleaning to do but not sure how much will get done.

    Napa Valley,CA
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,684 Member

    Pip- i will let you know with most pain meds they will give you constipation ,i know only to well.. i sure hope you can get wverything taken care of..
    Well i got up and got dressed..did my pills for the week and picked up some things in my bedroom ,feels like i accomplished at least a little bit.
    Tomorrow will drop Carmine at school then have to go get bloodwork done and will go back and help with Miles..

    I’m well aware of that as well, having a pharmacy tech for a husband gives me insight. I wasn’t taking any meds at that time tho.

  • AlexandraFindsHerself1971
    Well, I went to bed on time last night and that was all fine, except that every time I drifted off to sleep I woke up in the middle of a hot flash. Like, five times in a row over five hours! I'd throw off the blankets, sprawl out for the breeze from the fan, go back to sleep, get cold, pull the covers over me again, and then BAM, another one. I don't find this amusing. I finally slept for a few hours straight, but when the alarm went off I was not arising with a song in my heart and a smile upon my lips, to say the least. (grin) There was an afternoon nap.

    Got about half the work done today I had planned, although I pushed making the garlic loaf to tomorrow because it takes five hours for bread and I didn't want to give up the nap. Still, I will want garlic bread Tuesday night with the Cajun shrimp fettucini alfredo, so I'll lay things out for it tonight and make it tomorrow morning when I get up. I can work on cleaning the downstairs during the rises.

    I am, despite last night, feeling better every day. I have a remote appointment with my surgeon's office tomorrow morning, and I should get cleared to do all the housework I haven't been doing for the last two weeks. Which is good, since Boyfriend invited his best friend from college over to see his new house and have lunch on Sunday. It's fun for me because she is doing paleo so giving everyone really good food them can eat is a little more challenging than usual.
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,149 Member
    dlfk202000 wrote: »
    Kylia- it is great to see you post- thanks for the update- Missed seeing you post.
    I had cataract surgery on both eyes at 50. Still wear glasses for astigmatism.
    Yes, still had dull ache/pain after drops were done.

    CICO- I have no problem at all with CI- many days I am under 1000 a day, I grab a little snack to get it to 1000-1100. I did 1000 cal a day for almost 2 yrs then took a few months break then got back. Still stick closer to 1000 because I worry about if I am tracking correctly(like yesterday- had imitation crab salad from the deli- tracking it could be 110 cal up to 350 cal. I have asked dh to find out as it came from his deli but he hasn't or if I forget to put something in. My problem is CO- I used to do well but never 1000 cal. out. I do zumba two nights a week and then some gardening sometimes(not much during the winter but it will pick up soon but still not 1000 calories worth). I need to find my motivation.
    Intermittent fasting is pretty easy- don't eat until noon most days with no problem- yesterday it was almost 3PM before I ate anything- just plain black tea before that.

    Pip- milk of magnesia works great for that- DH went 10 days without going after his first hip replacement surgery- He still has "issues" because of waiting so long- he made sure he had a bottle here after the second(and third and forth) surgeries.

    Watching church now and then plan to clean out both refrigerators- really clean out, not just dump the old left overs, so I have room for stuff and can find what I need.
    Other house cleaning to do but not sure how much will get done.

    Napa Valley,CA

    A good portion of CO is existing. We burn calories just being and most of us will burn at least 1000.

    So if you're eating 1000 calories and remaining the same weight, your CO is 1000 calories.

    Things like standing rather than sitting will burn a few more calories. Walking burns more than just standing. Climbing stairs burns more than walking. But all those things increase your CO.

    M in Oz
  • skuehn48
    skuehn48 Posts: 2,881 Member
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,793 Member
    Pip- forgot thats what Kirby did before retirement... my bad...
    Kelly...I too hope that my daughter would contact you all if something should happen to me.. but i will have to write out specific instructions or it wont get done ...