Reigniting the passion

chloecola Posts: 104 Member
edited February 2022 in Introduce Yourself
I've had a personal trainer since October and strength/endurance wise I'm the strongest I've ever been. I want to lose about 30 lbs. I lost 80 before. I'm 40 lbs up from that but my composition is a *lot* more muscle than I had when I lost the weight.

I'm starting to really hunker down on my diet and mental clarity again (also calm tf down on the drinking/learning to say 'not again/tomorrow is day 3 of no marijuana).

I want hard working motivated buddies!!

I appreciate tf out of the giant muscular dudes that always tell me to add more weight when they think I can do more at the gym.

I want people that support and push me in my corner!! I'd love to do the same:)

