Mad Gains

2ptripp Posts: 2 Member
edited April 2022 in Introduce Yourself
i’m tripp, he/him, 21. i think i want to start bodybuilding— that is, to say, right now i would just like to get really big and strong. i’ll worry about what i want definition to look like later. i’m working on my diet and general athleticism all around. i was very active in highschool but never functionally strong, and it’s been a couple years, so there’s a lot to work on. maybe at some point i’ll want to try olympic lifts, but i like bodyweight training the most. what are you up to? is there anyone else beginning or already into natural bodybuilding or bodyweight training? let me know~


  • CFMom2020
    CFMom2020 Posts: 2 Member
    Hi Tripp! I'm a 51 yr. old female, I started lifting weights at CrossFit 5 years ago and LOVE it!!!I feel strong, and my legs and back and arms have gotten strong over these years. Most cities have a local CrossFit box, good way start!
  • 2ptripp
    2ptripp Posts: 2 Member
    CFMom2020 wrote: »
    Hi Tripp! I'm a 51 yr. old female, I started lifting weights at CrossFit 5 years ago and LOVE it!!!I feel strong, and my legs and back and arms have gotten strong over these years. Most cities have a local CrossFit box, good way start!

    this is a good idea! do you have a favorite website for crossfit videos? i don’t know if i’ll be able to afford a membership right now, and i’m afraid of other gym people still (working on it), but i could certainly follow along at home to start, i think