Hello, Cardiac/Liver patient here

Hi there, my name's LC. I've been on here before and was doing very well. I finally made it to the first plateau of my weight loss (went from over 260 to under 220) but lately, I keep blowing it. It starts out simple- I'm tired, or not feeling well, hubby doesn't cook and so we end up eating out and I rationalize to myself that it's okay. Just that one time. Before I know it, we're back to eating out every week, at least once a week, mostly fast food. Does anyone else have this issue?

Anyway, I am an afib patient and I had been doing very well but this past stress test they said showed an issue. Strange- it's the first time I ever did the actual stress test on the treadmill and succeeded to reach the goal they set. And yet...sigh. I'm kind of nervous about this upcoming meeting with the cardiologist because I don't know what's going on yet. I have a feeling that I'm going to see some pretty stricter measures and to be honest, I'm both excited and anxious about it all.

I guess I've been playing too long with my health. I am 66 now, not getting younger, and realize that the after-shocks of menopause aren't being kind to my body but then, neither am I.

So now that you all know I'm a nut, It's good to be here and I hope to learn a lot from folks.
