Women 200lb+, Let's Have A Momentous May!!!



  • CupcakeCrusoe
    CupcakeCrusoe Posts: 1,382 Member
    Good morning everyone!

    Pole class was SO FUN yesterday! But this morning everything is sore. Everything. Parts I didn't know I had. Haha. So as a result, scales up- 188.2, all the water my muscles are retaining to heal up. It doesn't help that I didn't get a refill on my bp meds until after dinner yesterday. I didn't go over maintenance yesterday either.

    So that's going to mess up my MacroFactor calculations, but that's fine. It'll catch on eventually.

    Today, relaxing. That's the only goal today. I bought some lovely candles from aldi yesterday, maybe I'll burn one. And clean house, and do the laundry, etc, etc....

    Tag party!
    @lmgoff232 moving is SO exhuasting and stressful! you're almost halfway there now, you've got this. One weekend you'll wake up, and there won't be any more boxes to unpack, haha. Just gotta get there.

    @goal06082021 I totally sympathize with these feels. It's true, we were never meant to "do it all," society is built around unpaid labor. And, these days, unpaid labor on top of paid labor in order to make ends meet. I know in the UK they've got carer's allowance things, in the US we've only really got FMLA, is that something that might help you all while he recovers? I hope everything happens in the best way it can happen for both of you.

    Have a great Sunday, everyone!

  • porquenoirl
    porquenoirl Posts: 76 Member
    SW (Feb 3rd): 220

    Feb: -6lbs
    March: +3lbs
    April: -10.2

    5/14: 203.8
    5/21: 205

    May GW: 201

    Hey all, been a stranger on here again this week BUT I'm starting to feel like work isn't as tough going towards the end of this week, like I'm wrapping my head around it more, so hopefully I won't have as much of this feeling fried, eating too much during the week and get more balance back in my week! Also we had drinks with work on Friday (during the day) and I ate so much Friday evening. So I'm up a little over a lb, not going to spiral about it but learn from it. Also I am not a fan of drinking during the day but I also enjoyed drinks with my colleagues. I'm fasting again over the weekend, if I feel good I'll bring it into next week too.

    Otherwise I have my 800M swim next Sunday, had my first proper dip in the sea last week. My new bow arrived but waiting for the people in the archery club to help me set it up properly, so that should be another activity that I can spin into my week! Exercise wise it's mostly been some walking and gentle paddles in the kayak, but I'm gradually adding in some body weight exercises around the house, like push ups from the countertop.

    Hope everyone is keeping well. And hopefully, I'm in here more during the week!
  • porquenoirl
    porquenoirl Posts: 76 Member
    Age: 39
    Height 5'10"
    SW Jan 7 2021: 271.1
    SW May 2022: 183.6
    GW this month: 180
    Goal for 2022: reach maintenance (160-170?)

    5/5/22 - 183 (-0.6lbs)
    5/12/22 - 183 (-0.0)
    5/19/22 - 182 (-1.0)
    5/26/22 -

    May Loss: 1.6lb
    LTD: 89.1 lbs

    So close to getting over the 90lb hurdle!

    This week I managed to break my spin bike (pedal stripped from the shank while riding). I was a little sore from the incident but was more disappointed that I have to miss out on my regular spin exercise until the replacement parts get here. I already had to shift my walking routine to spin bike. We moved to the country where it is not safe to walk in the early morning before dawn because of mountain lions. I used to walk 5 miles before work when I lived in the suburbs and now can only get about 1.5 miles during the day. I think I am going to try an online yoga or barre class today to give my body something different.

    I seriously thought you were going to say because of traffic....but no, mountain lions! WOW. Ireland is so tame compared to the rest of the world. You might be careful because of a bull in a field, otherwise not much to watch out for. Safe travels. And hope you feel better from the bike incident. I once hurt myself from having to break suddenly on my road bike because of a van, I didn't walk well for a few days after :s
  • porquenoirl
    porquenoirl Posts: 76 Member
    Haven't been around a ton lately - dealing with ongoing, debilitating migraines and I'm just done in. The Emgality (migraine preventative shot) has so largely eradicated my migraines that it makes it harder to deal with the rough ones because I'm kind of out of practice.

    We get a new weather pattern tomorrow and I'm praying it's better for my poor brain. Was up from 2:30 - 5 this AM basically just hoping my head would fall off of my body and leave me in peace while I waited for every rescue med I have to kick in.

    Had a migraine break yesterday and was able to get a workout in. But today it's back to a dark room and rest.

    Hope you feel better soon! I get mild headaches when the air pressure changes (same with my Dad) but nothing as hectic as a migraine.
  • porquenoirl
    porquenoirl Posts: 76 Member
    KeriA wrote: »
    Hi All,

    Today I am down to my low so if I continue to keep below my calorie goal I should see a loss soon. Uncharacteristically I have been hovering right above it until today. I usually vary by a few pounds daily. This is another good sign. I have been walking everyday this week and my goal this week is to have another week of getting exercise 6 days per week.

    So far my husband and I feel well despite living with our youngest with COVID. We will take an at home test today since it has been 5 days since they tested positive. They have stayed downstairs and we deliver them their food. Miss them :( . The good news is they are feeling better and working remotely now. But they still tested positive yesterday and have some symptoms.

    On another front I have been invited to have a phone screening interview for 1 of the few jobs I have applied to. I am being picky. This one pays as well as my last job with similar benefits and is a similar position with the right job title. The commute isn't bad and I think can be hybrid in that I will be working some days in the office and some remotely each week. Unlike my last job it is a permanent position. So it means I made it past the application phase. Hopefully I will make it into the regular interview phase.

    Now to reading your posts and seeing how you are doing!

    Best wishes! I'll keep my fingers crossed for you.
  • porquenoirl
    porquenoirl Posts: 76 Member
    Age: 30
    Height: 5'3"
    SW: 252.8 lb (11/13/2020)
    CW: 185.8 lb (4/30/2022)
    5/7: 184.6 lb
    5/14: 185.4
    5/21: 185.8
    GW for May: 180
    GW for 2022: 155

    Ughhh. I think I'm hormonal - I remained ravenous this week (even knowing Tuesday was MIL's birthday and trying to plan around that), and I cried listening to the most wholesome story ever told by the podcasts I listen to (Ridiculous Romance, "Deland McConnell's Birth Parents" from November 2021 - 10/10 wholesome and delightful).

    Husband is not quite back in the saddle. We have a treatment plan set up that may or may not result in additional surgery - that surgery would be less intensive than the original one to remove the tumor, at least, but we're still not excited about basically resetting the clock on his recovery. If it comes to that, he's basically going to need to take a leave of absence from his radiography program and finish it next year. I have a lot of feelings about all of this - I'm worried, of course, but I'm also tired. No one was ever meant to work full time and manage a household full time; "the system" such as it is assumes the full-time worker has domestic help, so it doesn't work when both of those are the same person. Most household chores are beyond him right now, which means they fall to me, which means some of them don't get done and I feel a way about that. None of this is his fault or his responsibility to fix for me, so all I can do is just sit with my feelings until he's healed up and able to do literally anything besides lay in bed. Again, not his fault and I don't begrudge him for that, laying in bed is what he needs to do to get better. It's just a frustrating position to be in.

    OMG I wish I could go and help you for even a day. You are so right, it's bonkers what is expected of people. We're here for venting. Sending hugs from Ireland.
  • KeriA
    KeriA Posts: 3,275 Member
    edited May 2022
    69 years old
    SW: 266ish
    CW: (End of April, 5/1) 250.6 new scale weighs me 6 lbs heavier than old one so not sure about how much I have lost.
    Halfway GW: 199.5
    UGW: 150 then see what I think and feel.
    May GW: get back into and stay in the 240s

    I post weigh- in when I lose.
    5/2: 250
    5/3: 249.6
    5/6: 249.2
    5/8 249
    5/22 248.6

    🌻 May GOALS! 🌻
    🟨 Log daily on MFP and track on my spreadsheet ✔
    🟨 Keep making progress with walking longer and try to get to 6 days a week ✔ I have been walking 6 days a week for the past 2 weeks
    🟨 Add strength training (weights, body weight and stretching) I tried to start this a few weeks ago and injured my wrist. I will wait and start again when I feel there is little risk to reinjury
    🟨 plan and cook healthy meals at home ✔
    🟨 Eat at a sensible deficit ✔ If I don't stay below my calorie goal everyday my weekly average does stay below every week

    Although the weight loss is slower I realize for now my primary goal is to get stronger and get my fitness level to where it was just before I started working full time a year and a half ago. I have a phone screening interview tomorrow. So I may not have all the time in the world to get to exercising everyday for 45-60 minutes which is my goal. As long as I am losing and I am getting stronger I am happy. Although I was really working on the calories in the last few days. Although I have gotten into the 240s I haven't stayed there however I have kept my weight hovering around 249-250 which is saying something for someone who's weight usually varies by 2-4 pounds.

    We are still quarantining except for necessary trips so I need to meal plan tomorrow afternoon. My youngest is feeling much better and working remotely. However Thursday they still tested positive. My husband and I tested negative yesterday and are feeling well so far. Last night we had a physically distanced drink with them on the deck with N95s when not drinking. We have a huge deck over our carport. They have been stuck in the basement :( . I want them to get outside a bit everyday now that they feel better. Their birthday is Thursday so I hope we all are testing negative by then. The weather has been beautiful and finally warming up a bit. Still not hot.

    Now to reading how all of you are doing.
  • KeriA
    KeriA Posts: 3,275 Member
    Sorry for repeating news above. Can't remember what I have told you guys and what I haven't.

    @Imgoff232 hope your move goes well and at least you hit your water and step goals.

    @goal6082021 Wow this is a really challenging time for you right now. My husband was in your position for some of last year. And it is so important for you to take care of yourself. That isn’t easy I am sure.

    @CupcakeCrusoe I am glad you are enjoying the pole class and obviously it is getting you stronger. I am so glad you realize that it is only water weight. Hope you enjoy your day.

    @porquenoirl Hope all settles well with work.
  • 77topcat
    77topcat Posts: 39 Member
    I’m on target for Mays goal!!!! 🤞🏻 just need to keep a good grip on the next 10 days!!!

    May - 224.8
    - 224.2
    - 220.8

    * Walk every day ✅
    * Cycle min’ 2x’s week ✅
    * Log every day ✖️
    * Go into June 220lbs 🤞🏻

    Logging is still a no go for me but my exercise is on the increase!! I’m doing the MapMyRun 1022km year challenge and I’m also doing the conqueror challenges and setting myself some really tough targets but……. It’s working! Highly recommend the conqueror challenges, the medals are great!

    I weighed one day this week and although I had lost a lb and my bmi had decreased, I had also lost muscle mass and water % and my fat % had increased!
    So I stepped up my exercise and now weight, bmi AND most importantly my fat % is going down and water and muscle is on the ⬆️ 🙌

    Wishing you all a healthy, happy and successful end to May ❤️❤️
  • nads_ayoub
    nads_ayoub Posts: 24 Member
    When you started a diet or fitness routine after a few years of poor eating and no exercise, how long did it take for you to see results?

    I weigh 190lbs and on the 9th of May, I decided to change the way I was living. It’s been two weeks now that I go for a brisk 4km walk every morning, get my 10k steps in daily, fast 16:8 from 8pm till 12, drink 15 glasses of water daily and am on a gluten free vegetarian diet.

    Despite this, I see no movement on the scale. I am definitely not bloated and clothes are looking better but why am I not dropping any pounds?

    Please share your experience and if you might have faced the same. X
  • porquenoirl
    porquenoirl Posts: 76 Member
    nads_ayoub wrote: »
    When you started a diet or fitness routine after a few years of poor eating and no exercise, how long did it take for you to see results?

    I weigh 190lbs and on the 9th of May, I decided to change the way I was living. It’s been two weeks now that I go for a brisk 4km walk every morning, get my 10k steps in daily, fast 16:8 from 8pm till 12, drink 15 glasses of water daily and am on a gluten free vegetarian diet.

    Despite this, I see no movement on the scale. I am definitely not bloated and clothes are looking better but why am I not dropping any pounds?

    Please share your experience and if you might have faced the same. X

    Muscle weights more than fat. So as you are getting stronger and fitter you might not initially see a movement on the scale, or there will be periods that while you are improving your fitness and your body, it's not shown on the scale. My sister has been through similar recently, she joined the gym about 2 months ago but the scales haven't really moved, but she can see it in her body. It took me saying it to her though for her to recognise that she's still making amazing progress. I think this is my non-scale wins (NSW) are so important. Brava! You are doing amazing.
  • CupcakeCrusoe
    CupcakeCrusoe Posts: 1,382 Member
    Good morning everyone!

    Still sore today! And still 188.2. Which is all fine. Man, can't wait to see how much better I get at pole when I start taking it regularly, if it's this good a workout. Yesterday I flexed in the mirror and my biceps were popp.ing. 👀 Whatsisface is very supportive of my taking pole as well, saying not to worry about class times, he'd take care of the girls, which, of course he is about pole, :lol:. But to be extremely fair to him, he was the same when I took tai chi. He's a supportive guy.

    Back to the work grind today, with an appointment for the baby in the middle, and tomorrow I have a dentist's appointment. This coming weekend is memorial day weekend, I welcome the extra day.

    Tag party time!
    @porquenoirl you're crushing the exercise game! Incredible stuff.

    @KeriA I'm glad you and your husband are still testing negative, and I'm glad Youngest seems to be coming around the bend. I hope they are testing negative for their birthday, that would be great. I love that you're seeing progress, taking it all in stride, even if the scale's not moving a lot (although that itself is a bit of a change for you).

    @swimmom_1 Never got the chance to see the Blue Angels! I'll have to see when they're by me next.

    @77topcat good progress, way to go! Exercise apps can be very motivating.

    @nads_ayoub Hi! Exercise and water are great additions to your life! There are a couple of reasons you might not be seeing progress on the scale, so consider all of them, and see what might be likeliest:
    1) you're still eating too many calories. Do you log your food, weighed and measured? Do you know how much you're taking in?
    2) are you on your cycle? That can mess with weights.
    3) are you sore from your exercise? It might be water retained by your muscles from your new exercise routine.

    But for two weeks, my bet would be that you're accidentally taking in too many calories. I've done it, too, where I eat a cookie, forget all about the cookie, and log a "good" day in myfitnesspal. Done enough, it's enough to stall progress. I tried looking for your profile to see your diary, but couldn't find it. Let us know some about your and we can help you better!

    Have a great Monday, everyone!
  • pamperedlinny
    pamperedlinny Posts: 1,584 Member
    Good morning! I'm just catching up since I haven't checked in the community in a few days.

    Yesterday I took a day off of exercise. I only had about 3,000 steps and took a nap in the middle of the day. Sometimes we all need to give ourselves a break. Saturday I managed to have 13,000 steps before noon so taking that day off exercise felt like a good move.

    I updated my recipe blog with a new post this morning and that always makes me feel more in control. It keeps me accountable even if there are only about 10 people that read it. Once I post something my mom, aunt and few others will respond and that motivates me to keep on track.

    As for weigh in.... I was down 3 lbs this Saturday. Woo Hoo!!! Though I'm more worried about my blood glucose than the weight I'm certainly not mad at the loss. Also, my fasting number has been below 140 almost every day for 2 weeks and that was my ultimate goal for May.

    I didn't keep track for tag party very well but let me see...
    Mountain Lions - Oh My Goodness. That would certainly be something to keep my inside.
    Moving - I HATE moving. I hope it goes well and quickly.
    Blue Angels - They used to do fly overs where my old house was located. I miss just laying on the front yard when there were nearby events and watching them go back & forth without having to fight any of the crowds.
    Pole Class - I was invited to a pole class but was too broke that week to go. I should try it one day though! It sounds fun.

  • PansyLass13
    PansyLass13 Posts: 14 Member
    weekly check in time...

    This week has been so so good nutrition-wise. I've been making some great recipes and have some good food on hand to be prepared. 15-20 years ago, i had good success with the original South Beach Diet, and have gone back once in a while to some of the recipes like egg cups and ricotta creme. Looking for more of an updated edition of the book, i found the new "keto-friendly" version and am using it for my recipes this month.

    I'm in that stage where I FEEL IT, but it's not visibly noticeable yet. :) TBH, I'm dreading a bit where it is noticeable to others and my husband says something, not bad in any way but just, idk why, i just don't want to acknowledge it at all. It makes it all more psychological about self-image, motivations, etc, etc.
    I know my mom will say a well-meaning "You look so skinny!" type of thing meant to be a compliment, but i find it hard to take. its just so loaded, as the weight struggle has definitely been generational. so, we'll see, lol. <3

    goals for may:
    *log daily, every bite
    going on a week+ of consistently logging! wooo!
    *lights out by 11pm
    -by midnight most nights, still good in my book.
    *move every day, at least 20 min.
    -gone on walks with kids but haven't been getting those good, sweaty workouts in recently. goal this week 3/xs to the gym.

    Starting weight: 218.4
    Current weight: 212.6
    Goal weight: 170 (or 25% bf)

    weekly weights
    5/9: 218.4
    5/16: 220.4
    5/23: 212.6