

  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,036 Member
    Thank you all for the Anniversary greetings. :):heart:

    I am so thankful for every year my husband and I have together now.

    Machka in Oz
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,036 Member
    skuehn48 wrote: »
    I would like to get started going to the symphony again this fall and would like to find someone to go with me. My DD is not into classical music. I think maybe one of the ladies at church may be interested. Otherwise I will just go by myself.

    Welcome to the newbies.

    Everyone take care, Sue in WA

    I would also like to start going to the symphony again, but they've dramatically increased the price from pre-COVID times. :(

    Pre-COVID, we could get tickets for about $35 each. Now the least expensive tickets are about $75 each!! With two incomes, at $35 each, we could afford to go about every 6 weeks. With one income, at $75 each, we might be able to pick one event.

    M in Oz

  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,036 Member
    Vickil57 wrote: »
    Machka--My regular schedule is 4- 8 hours shifts and one 9 hour shift a week. But right now I am training a new person and have one out of medical leave from having surgery. So I am working 2-3 12 hours shifts and 3 10 hour shifts a week. We are a 24/7 department and since I am the supervisor I have to fill in. I am lucky that a couple of my staff are also working extra, but the most falls on me. Next week we should be back to full staff and my hours cut down. I sure hope so as this is getting to be way to much and since it is the end of and start of our new fiscal year a lot of reports and evaluations have to be done also. I am also 65 and looking at retirement next year in the Fall. Happy Anniversary.
    Blessings, Vicki GRAND ISLAND, NE <3

    I hope they're paying you well for all that overtime!! Retirement in the relatively near future sounds good. They'll probably hire two people to replace you!

    In my recent 6-month position (kind of IT help desk in health field), I had the opportunity to work some nights assisting with software upgrades. While I would have got double-time, I wasn't keen on doing it.

    M in Oz

  • ginnytez
    ginnytez Posts: 1,341 Member
    Happy Anniversary Machka!

    Shellee135-welcome to the group. I haven't had knees done but have had both hips replaced. I will be 68 in Nov., walk 3 miles or more daily and I still work full-time. You can do this one day at a time.

    BethHope your mom gets her fight back. She has been through a lot. Medicare and Social Security are a maze. The Local Area on Aging may have some good resources.

    Katla-I am so happy you and DH are settling in.

    Galrayne-I'm am exploring the all inclusive independent facilities. I won't move, most likely, until next April-June (after retirement). I may have to start rent before actually moving for a month or two to secure what I want.

    I am so glad to hear so many of you find the sorting through process to be time consuming. I get started on a stack, make it through, get overwhelmed, put stuff aside and come back later. Slowly plowing through it. I am getting more disciplined in handling the new incoming stuff.

    I have no plans for remarrying. I suppose it could happened. I just don't think I want to bury another husband. For the most part, I enjoy making my own decisions and finding new things.

    Today is my Friday-taking tomorrow off. Just doing stuff around house. I need to use some vacation time so working on some of those stacks and saving some weekend time is a win.

    Take care all,

    Ginny in Ohio

  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,296 Member
    I've booked my digital train tickets for Saturday. I'm going to my niece's engagement party. I've told my brother I will get there just before the party and can help out with prep. I will have to leave early, so that works out.
    DH is not keen on my extended family, although he is OK with my brother and his wife. My family is too big, too loud, and he says he has nothing in common with them, so doesn't know how to talk to them. That's fine with me. I would rather go on my own and have a good time, than be worrying whether he is enjoying himself. :D I will wear my purple dress and coral cardigan.
    My brother has 6 children from two marriages, 10 grandchildren, and 2 great grandchildren. Plus all the spouses. My DSIL also has a big extended family on her mother's side. They also have lots of friends. People seem to be pleased to see me, so I just chat to whoever is happy to talk to me. I'm very fond of a few of them, others I hardly know.
    My niece and boyfriend have already bought an apartment together, so I am not getting them a house gift. I've bought them smoked olive oil, which is my new 'go-to' gift for everyone. Must get a card.

    I've also paid for my pottery throwing lesson today. :o

    My friend L is finding my new book very illuminating. It speaks to her. I'm very happy to be of service. She says it is helping her find peace. <3

    I'm avoiding writing the newspaper article, obviously. :laugh:

    Love Heather UK xxxxxxxx

  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,756 Member
    Morning ladies
    Well Tracy feeling much better,so she will make her job interview..i didn't sleep well,but glad that i was able to help out ..
    She said yesterday I dont know what I would do without you..,I remember being sick and having little kids and my mom helping me.so it is only right to pass that on..
    Machka- sorry forgot to wish you and the hubby a Happy Anniversary. I hope you have many many more years of happiness..
    Tracy is out for a walk with Miles while it is still cool outside.
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,036 Member
    edited August 2022
    Almost there!!


    In the last 30 days ...


    Today, I decided to get my 4th COVID shot (2nd booster). Feeling a little ick tonight but that's OK, I have Friday off so I'll sleep.

    Machka in Oz
  • KetoneKaren
    KetoneKaren Posts: 6,411 Member
    edited August 2022
    Galrayne, I would politely pressure the management/maintenance people at your 55+ apartment to get the lift fixed. Believe me, you are paying for it, and it should be available to you. Be a nice squeaky wheel. I wonder - if you use flippers and a paddle board maybe you could actually swim a little. (??)

    Karen in Virginia
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,036 Member
    edited August 2022
    Beth You are sooooo smart to deal with the paper now. Paper doesn't age well in storage. Best to get rid of all but the truly essential stuff and avoid sending any paper items to storage. I am with you in spirit as we both sort through parents' papers (and in my case, my own as well).

    What papers do we really need to keep, anyway? You are way ahead of me on this one.

    During this downsizing operation paper has become the bane of my existence. Dealing with it has forced me to reconsider how I deal with correspondence.

    I already receive statements and most end-of-year forms electronically, but now I shred/recycle/respond to all mail daily, a habit I wish I'd developed decades ago. Very few papers are filed these days, and even most personal mail goes into the shredder after a few days and several rereadings. No more piles of mail. It's amazing how painless it is once started. Finding stacks of old greeting cards, Christmas letters, memorial cards, and letters has certainly cured me of saving every.single.one.

    Karen in Virginia

    Someone posted this in these threads several years ago. I don't know if it would help but ...


    And congrats on the weight loss.

    My husband and I made a change in what we eat this week, and I've dropped about 1.5 kg (3 lbs). I'm not anticipating that's "real" because it seems like a lot in a week, but I'll take it for now. :)

    Machka in Oz

  • KJLaMore
    KJLaMore Posts: 2,831 Member
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,622 Member
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,073 Member
  • Vickil57
    Vickil57 Posts: 1,807 Member
    Beth--Sending prayers for you and your mom. Good Luck figuring out the medicare and insurance. I think they have so many rules that most people just give up. I know I have been fighting with my insurance company for months about covering chiropractor visits. My policy says 24 visits a year, but they are refusing to pay because they say I am not getting better. I try to explain I do fine long as I go every 4-5 weeks. They would rather I have surgery or go on pain meds. So I just keep filing appeals. I hope you can work it out to move your mom closer as that would be a benafit to both of you.
    Karen--Sounds like you are doing a great job of down sizing. Hope your spouse can let go of some things too. My DH has taken to putting things I want thrown away or given away in the garage, because I might change my mind. His thinking is I don't go out there much so I won't know. Drives me nuts.
    Machka--Thanks for the reminder of My Lovelist. I had seen it before and printed it out and then ended up losing it.
    I am only working until noon today as I have the appointment with the heart doctor. I had my blood work done here at the hospital yesterday. Trying to get a copy of the results. I used to just sign a release at the lab and then pick them up later in the day. Now they tell me they can not do that anymore have to get them from medical records. So have gone on line several times and they are not there. Called and they tell me they will load with done and lab says they should of by now. So will stop by medical records on my way out. Change is not always better.
    I am off tomorrow and work 12 hours Saturday. Going with a friend out for lunch and take her to run to the bank and store as she doesn't have a car anymore.
    Blessings, Vicki GRAND ISLAND, NE <3
  • suebdew
    suebdew Posts: 1,330 Member
    ❤️ pg 49
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    DH is working on improving his health following a major hear attack, and he is making progress. Our daughter has taken my car for herself. I am furious and DH is in my court. We will see how things go from here.