October 2022 Monthly Running Challenge



  • SummerSkier
    SummerSkier Posts: 4,884 Member
    My MIL is currently doing C25k with a goal of running her first 5k later this year. One thing she did to modify the C25k program that I thought was really clever was adding in walking to get to the 5k distance after her workout. She was already pretty active and walked regularly but has never really run. Even if she wasn’t ready to up the running mileage, she still felt like she needed more time on her feet. So we mapped out a 5k route and she follows it for her workout then walks out the rest. She has found it really motivating because she has a visual benchmark of improvement with how much farther she gets along the route with each week.

    that is a REALLY cool idea. When I was doing the program back in 2017 to jumpstart my running again I absolutely KNEW that I was not fast enough to really be doing 5K on the workout. I am not sure anyone is? thank you for sharing!
  • marisap2010
    marisap2010 Posts: 909 Member
    I started a Hal Higdon half training plan today to potentially run the Museum of Aviation half in mid-January. Today's run was 3 miles easy. It is overcast and cool here, so it felt pretty good while I was out.

    @Fit2btied2016 If you are shooting for a 5k race, I would try to stick with a plan that is made for 5ks. A 10k plan might push you a bit harder than you want too early. Since your race isn't until March, you have enough time to complete a 5k plan and then probably start (and maybe finish) a 10k plan after.
  • polskagirl01
    polskagirl01 Posts: 2,014 Member
    @Fit2btied2016 the first half of 10k training is going to get you to 5k anyway, so focus on that first, get comfortable with that distance, and then decide whether you want to train to go further.
  • quilteryoyo
    quilteryoyo Posts: 6,076 Member
    Nice run @tarun_yadavA ! Enjoy the rest of your trip!
  • martaindale
    martaindale Posts: 2,114 Member
    October total: 178.6/180 miles

    10/1: 10 miles
    10/2: 6.1 miles
    10/3: 6.2 miles
    10/4: 5.1 miles
    10/5: 7 miles
    10/7: 6.6 miles
    10/10: 5.9 miles
    10/11: 3 miles
    10/12: 7 miles
    10/13: 6 miles
    10/14: 10 miles
    10/16: 6.5 miles
    10/17: 6.1 miles
    10/19: 10 miles
    10/20: 6 miles
    10/21: 5 miles
    10/22: 15 miles
    10/24: 6.6 miles
    10/25: 5.5 miles
    10/26: 10 miles
    10/27: 5 miles
    10/28: 6 miles
    10/29: 10 miles
    10/30: 5 miles
    10/31: 9 miles

    Recovery miles on the treadmill yesterday afternoon. Kept it super easy and did a good stretch afterwards. I think @scott6255 is onto something with doing PT on the treadmill. It really does feel like more of a recovery run than the same mileage outside. Legs felt great this morning.
    Headed out again this morning for the last run of the month. 6x1 mile with 400m recovery. The weather was great! I saw a lot of kids and teachers around the elementary schools all dressed up for Halloween. It was really cute!
    The target pace for these repeats was basically HM race pace, so I found the pace pretty quickly and my first 4 repeats were spot on. The repeat 5, I started speeding up a little, 10 secs fast. Then the last repeat was 40 secs fast. I’ve decided this is just a thing I do with repeats. That last one is like the last mile of a race and I subconsciously speed up to fast finish it. Overall, I’m really happy with how this workout went. And despite my brief knee problems earlier this month, I completed the rest of my plan and only fell short a couple of miles. Another personal best for monthly mileage. See you guys in November!
  • quilteryoyo
    quilteryoyo Posts: 6,076 Member
    October: 72.00/80 mile goal

    1 Oct - Ran 2.50 miles, Walked 1.00 mile - treadmill
    2 Oct - Walked 1.00 mile - treadmill
    3 Oct - Ran 2.75 miles - walked 0.70 mile - driveway laps
    4 Oct - Ran 3.00 miles - walked 1.00 mile - driveway laps
    5 Oct - Wun 2.00 miles - driveway laps
    6 Oct - Ran 2.30 miles - walked 0.80 miles - in town while on lunch break
    7 Oct - Walked 1.00 mile - driveway laps
    8 Oct - Walked 1.00 mile - driveway laps
    9 Oct - Walked 1.00 mile - driveway laps
    10 Oct - Walked 1.00 mile - driveway laps
    11 Oct - Walked 1.00 mile - driveway laps
    12 Oct - Walked 1.00 mile - treadmill
    13 Oct - Ran 2.00 miles - Walked 1.00 mile - treadmill
    14 Oct - walked 1.00 mile - driveway laps
    15 Oct - Wun 4.00 miles - 2 on the driveway and 2 on the treadmill
    16 Oct - Walked 1.00 mile - driveway laps
    17 Oct - Walked 1.00 mile - treadmill
    18 Oct - Ran 3.00 miles - Walked 0.70 mile - treadmill
    19 Oct - Walked 1.00 mile - treadmill
    20 Oct - Walked 1.00 mile - driveway laps
    21 Oct - Ran 3.50 miles - Walked 0.70 mile - treadmill
    22 Oct - Walked 2.00 miles - driveway
    23 Oct - Walked 1.00 mile - Ran 6.00 miles - half on treadmill and half on the driveway
    24 Oct - Walked 1.00 mile - Driveway laps
    25 Oct - Walked 1.00 mile - Treadmill
    26 Oct - Ran 2.30 miles - Walked 0.70 mile - treadmill
    27 Oct - Walked 1.00 mile - treadmill
    28 Oct - Walked 2.00 miles - driveway - Played singles tennis earlier in the day
    29 Oct - Walked 1.00 mile - driveway - did leaves too
    30 Oct - Walked 1.00 mile - treadmill
    31 Oct - Ran 8.00 miles - Walked 2.05 miles - treadmill

    I hadn't posted my activities since the 23rd! Sorry about that. But, as you can see, I continued my streak and only got in one run last week.

    I didn't have to work today, had no appointments, slept pretty good, and felt good, so decided to go for a long run on the treadmill and see how it went. I did a 3/2 min run/walk at 4.2 - 5.3/3.8 mph for the first hour and then did 2.5 x (4.5 - 4.2 mph) to finish it up. I ran a total of 8.0 miles - most this year, and walked 2.05 mile - one mile was at 3.8 mph and the 1.05 mile at 3.5 mph. I threw in the .05 to even out my mileage for the month. So, this was a trial "run" for the 10 miles in Dec. Took me a total of 2h26m28s, well under the 3 hour cut off. Now I need to get those hotel reservations made. LOL

    Great running @martaindale ! Congrats on a personal best for monthly mileage! Awesome sauce.

    @AlphaHowls I'm so sorry you are having back spasms. When I had all of my issues last year, the worst was sitting and getting up from a seated position, or off of the floor. Do you ice it, or heat? Maybe get some muscle relaxers from the doctor if it doesn't calm down? It amazes me that you can still run like you do. Such cute pumpkins. My favorite is the granny with curlers in her hair.