October 2022 Monthly Running Challenge



  • tarun_yadavA
    tarun_yadavA Posts: 1,163 Member
    Good morning all! Well, I finished Wineglass yesterday, although it did not go as planned at all.

    The weather could not have been more perfect. 48F and sunny at the start, which was chilly at the start line but felt great after we got going. The first half went really well and I was on track to make my goal finish time. My hubby, his parents, and his cousin and wife followed me on the route to cheer me on.

    A little after mile 14, I developed the worst stomach cramps. I have never had stomach cramps while running before and was afraid it was the dreaded “runner’s trots.” I stopped at one of the water stations with a porta potty but realized that wasn’t the issue. I ended up throwing up. I’m not sure what caused it. I really thought i was going to have to drop out. I called my hubby who encouraged me to sit for a minute and then walk for a little while before deciding if I was going to quit.

    So I walked the next two miles and gave up any hope for a PR. I slowly drank some water and ate a Gu. I then began a run/walk for the last 9 miles. At the end, I was able to just run and picked up the pace. It took me an hour longer than planned to finish, which was disappointing.

    I know every run isn’t a good run, but I just really wish it hadn’t happened yesterday! Oh well, I finished.

    @marisap2010 congratulations on the marathon!
    Don't beat yourself up over timings. It's an amazing accomplishment
  • Teresa502
    Teresa502 Posts: 1,747 Member
    10/2 – 7.07 miles
    10/3 – 5.01 miles
    Total – 12.08

    I met some friends for 5 miles this morning on a route near the office that was mostly flat. After running trails yesterday, I needed it. We had a few sprinkles of rain at the beginning but they never amounted to anything. Temp felt good at 52F.

    @marisap2010 – I’m so sorry about your tummy issues yesterday. Super kudos to you for hanging in there and not giving up! A marathon is hard enough when the body is cooperating but you deserve double medals for finishing when have issues. The course looks beautiful!
  • eleanorhawkins
    eleanorhawkins Posts: 1,657 Member
    @marisap2010 huge kudos for finishing anyway, and as everyone else has already said just getting from start to finish is an amazing accomplishment, no matter how long it takes!
  • kgirlhart
    kgirlhart Posts: 5,014 Member
    @marisap2010 So sorry that your Marathon didn't go as planned, but great job on finishing despite adversity that would make most people quit. You earned that medal. Be proud!
  • yirara
    yirara Posts: 9,522 Member
    03.10 Mon 13°C 4.1km 36min

    total: 4.1/80.5km

    Was away during the weekend and didn't manage to run yesterday as I arrived back home too late. No probs. First run of the month. HR still too high after covid, but running went easy.
  • Teresa502
    Teresa502 Posts: 1,747 Member
    Welcome @jane_76! I started running using the C25K program. I think many people here did the same. Just trust the plan and keep us posted on your progress!
  • SummerSkier
    SummerSkier Posts: 4,885 Member
    @marisap2010 Congrats on finishing your marathon!!!! That's so awesome and even more so since you puked halfway thru.. Yikes. You are a warrior. wow.
  • martaindale
    martaindale Posts: 2,115 Member
    edited October 2022
    @jane_76 Welcome!! All experience levels are welcome and we'll cheer you on every step of the way.

    @quilteryoyo So glad to see you back!

    @kgirlhart Yay for an impromptu HM.
  • martaindale
    martaindale Posts: 2,115 Member
    @marisap2010 You're amazing for toughing out your marathon! Stomach issues are so unpredictable and seem to pop up at the worst times. Congratulations on finishing even if you missed your goal. Finishing alone is a major achievement!
  • katharmonic
    katharmonic Posts: 5,720 Member
    @marisap2010 I'm sorry your race didn't go as planned! It's so frustrating to say the least that the bad run happened on race day. Very unfair. Oddly enough a similar thing happened to my friend running the Wineglass too. She ended up throwing up during the race and had back pain out of nowhere. She is so disappointed because she hoped to BQ and she was so ready for this one.

    But, back to you, you trained hard and you finished a marathon despite the stomach issues that you couldn't control. Good for you for toughing it out and being strong enough to do so. I'm sorry for the disappointment but impressed and inspired at your ability to finish!
  • martaindale
    martaindale Posts: 2,115 Member
    October total: 22.3/180 miles

    10/1: 10 miles
    10/2: 6.1 miles
    10/3: 6.2 miles

    Speed work today. 6 x 800m with 400m recovery. It was beautiful this morning but I had to be at work early so I did this on the treadmill after work. Even though it's getting nicer, it is still hotter than I would like for speed workouts during the day.
    Today I realized that I need to focus on my form more on the treadmil during faster paces. As the pace picks up, I settle back a little and it changes my stride. Today I really had to focus on my form because maintaining that fast pace for a half a mile is really tiring. When I focused on pushing off like I would outside and holding my chest up and forward a little bit more the repeats felt significantly easier.
  • jane_76
    jane_76 Posts: 43 Member
    @Teresa502 and @martaindale - thanks for the welcome! :)

    @quilteryoyo - no joke that I know what NOT to do now. I can't believe how badly I injured my knee in one run/walk where I completely overestimated my readiness. I've never had a knee issue before, so I have a new found appreciation for just how debilitating they are. As for the C25K program, I just use the app I downloaded years ago by Zenlabs - it's a free 8-week program with three runs a week. Do you have any others that you would recommend? This one lets me play my own music with prompts cutting in over my music to tell me when to walk/run.

    It's been great to read everyone's posts - it's getting me excited to get back out there! Tomorrow is day one. I have physio scheduled for Wednesday, so I figure if I encounter any issues, I can get it sorted out quickly.

    Happy running!
  • tarun_yadavA
    tarun_yadavA Posts: 1,163 Member
    @quilteryoyo - awww thank you! When I start to feel stiff, I just ignore the pace. Want to run as much as possible over the next 2 weeks as I probably won't get a chance to run the last week of this month