Women 200lb+, Let's Remember to Nurture Ourselves This November!!!



  • pamperedlinny
    pamperedlinny Posts: 1,599 Member
    Morning all!

    Friday's Friendsgiving movie night was fabulous and so much fun. As usual, that is the one day a month that I just don't try to track but I didn't feel I went as overboard as I sometimes do so that is still a win to me.

    Saturday my daughter had her volleyball tournament and celebration for the end of the season. Then we had dinner at a friend's house. I still managed to stay on track throughout all of that and keep my portions in check. Then on Sunday after church myself and 2 friends drove a few hours away to see Chris Tomlin in concert. Of course, that included going out to dinner. I actually manged to order really well, not snack constantly in the car and still stay on track! I was so proud of myself for things like ordering my food grilled instead of fried, sauce on the side (and remained unused), green sides instead of starchy ones, etc. My meal was excellent and so tasty. Sometimes when I'm out at a restaurant I seem to forget how much I actually like the healthier options. It's like my eyes immediately stray to all the fried things and I need to stop doing that. Seriously.

    Today, I'm honestly struggling just with being awake but I'm still making a plan for some exercise today. Just need to get my eyes to stay open to get it done.
  • RavenStCloud
    RavenStCloud Posts: 358 Member
    Nov Start: 260
    End of Week 1: 257
    End of Week 2: 255
    End of Week 3: 253

    Some Week 3 Goals:
    🍁 Swim 4/3 (one extra swim)
    🍁 Salad 3/5 (one more than last week)
    🍁 Log All Food 7/7
    🍁 Stay Within Calorie Range 7/7
    🍁 Crochet 6/3 (extra crafting!)

    Happy with the progress I've been making. I think for December, I'll change my swim goal to 4x a week instead of 3x, because four has been pretty doable.
    I need to eat more salads and one more serving of fruit a day, but I'm bang on for daily vegetable servings.

    I'm going to write Thanksgiving off and not log anything because the whole day is going to be a blur, but I've been doing well, so as long as I get right back on the wagon, I think I'll be okay.

    Seeing steady progress on the scale has really helped keep me motivated, but I'm afraid next month or the month after, when I'm not losing as quickly, it's going to mess with me. But anyway, here's to keep on keepin on!!!
  • VickyEltonGreen
    VickyEltonGreen Posts: 116 Member
    edited November 2022
    Hi Everyone,

    Had a successful first week back.

    SW 217
    TW 215.8 <3

    My husband turned 70 on Friday and surprised him and flew over my daughter, son-in-law, and grandson from London, England for the week. Along with my other daughter, son-in-law and two grandsons here had a wonderful week of celebrations. I absolutely love being a granny and having my house full.

    I am off work until January as have had some challenges with my health so really looking forward to feeling better. Absolutely don't want to spend the rest of my life not feeling well. It's been a huge wake-up call.

    I will go back and read all the posts as really find them inspiring!
  • VickyEltonGreen
    VickyEltonGreen Posts: 116 Member
    40 years old
    SW: 300 lbs
    Nov 10 - 222.2 lb
    Nov 11 - 221.6 lb
    Nov 13 – 220.6 lb

    My friend drove home yesterday and I am pretty excited at how well I did during his visit. I still managed to have my 10,000 steps in Monday thru Friday and I still had over 5,000 steps Saturday and Sunday. At the chili cook-off on Thursday I stayed on track. When we hit the bakery I brought things back with him but only had a few bites of anything at a time. Instead of milkshakes I had a single scoop of ice cream. All things along those lines. I stayed within maintenance all except last night when I got into the leftovers and some chips… but I also didn’t go crazy for too long. There was essentially a 2 hour window I just had whatever and I still was about 500 calories over maintenance even with that. Far from the craziness I’ve had in the past.

    Photo of myself, daughter, husband and friend all out together.

    Today I finally see the new doctor. I’m really excited and nervous. I want someone to look at how far I’ve come, where I am now and work with me on my health. Not just write a script for medication I can’t afford or give me a lecture on how I need to do better. Not someone who will get me in and out in 5 minutes and doesn’t know anything about me. From what I’ve heard this is the doctor I need to see. I think the anxiety over that, my daughter’s panic attack yesterday (there was a bee that landed on her) and my friend leaving all fed into my snacking last night. Knowing those triggers is helps me to reign it in before it gets too crazy as well. I am definitely an emotional eater.

    I’m hoping to get to my Zumba class tonight as well but we’ll have to see how it all goes.

    In case you were wondering it is NATIONAL PICKLE DAY!

    Such a beautiful family
  • justanotherloser007
    49 yo 5’3” 6/11/2013 SW 277
    November goal: Keep some kind of deficit. Keep up the good work with fitness!
    Ultimate Goal weight: 141 (normal BMI) No goal date, it happens when it happens.

    1/1 172.2
    2/1 172.2
    3/1 165.8
    4/1 161.4
    5/1 156.8
    6/1 156.8
    7/1 153.0
    8/1 153.4
    9/1 149.2
    10/1 147.8
    11/7 147.4
    11/18 146.0

    🧅 Hit 3 servings of vegetables every day except Sundays! I reserve Sundays for not hitting my usual protein/oil/carb goals.
    🌶️Always be thankful!!!
    🍆Be patient! Remember that increments are where it is at, and focus on habits.
    🧄Remember: Total loss of 131 lbs!!

    Hello all, I will read and check in a bit. Been helping the ma-in-law while hubby had to go up North for work. (((hugs to all))) keep on keeping on. Still grateful I don’t have hives!! I have been spending long periods standing walking/pacing so that I can eat all the food for Thanksgiving! Lols, I started all last week and have banked over 3k calories for the food holiday. Of course, I may not use it all and I will be banking more, but it is a good way to have a stress free holiday!

    I will be making small red potatoes, and mushroom gravy. Since so many in the family stress about their weight, I will be making lighter dishes to they can fully grub out on their favorite foods! Catch you on the flip side! I wanted to make the okra, but I think I am the only one eating a pound of the stuff a day due to ... reasons. I mean, last year it was onions. A pound of onions a day. I have a lady on my thread who is all adventurous with her veggies... maybe some other year? Maybe next lent.. I have a hard time with veggies I don't like, and I turn into a kid sometimes "It is new and therefore should be shunned."

    @pamperedlinny I LOVE the picture of your family... and whoever is wearing the splenda shirt hilarious!!
  • pamperedlinny
    pamperedlinny Posts: 1,599 Member
    Good morning all!

    Last night I did get in my 30 minutes lunch time workout but I completely skipped my evening Zumba class and instead went to bed at 8pm. Since I had only managed 6 hours of sleep, and the last hour was constantly interupted, I wasn't really functioning any longer by the time I got off work. Thankfully the dinner plan for yesterday was already pizza because I knew I was going to be exhausted so sticking to that plan was easy.

    Today I'm more alert and feel better after getting a full night sleep. I already informed my husband dinner is the leftover pizza and I'll actually get to my Zumba class tonight. Especially since the gym is closed both Thursday and Friday. I'm going to still get my lunchtime workout in today too. At least 30 minutes but I'm not sure if it's going to be walking with my neighbor or an indoor YouTube workout yet. Depends on the neighbor's call and meeting schedule today.

    @RavenStCloud I love that you are swimming for exercise. My daughter has been asking to go to the indoor pool near us but that water tends to feel so cold that I end up just watching her swim. I should just bite the bullet and get in too.

    @VickyEltonGreen Happy Birthday to your husband. That sounds fabulous! I hope you feel 100% soon.

    @justanotherloser007 My husband is in the Splenda shirt. I bought it for him a few years ago. I love that you’re making lighter dishes for Thanksgiving. I kind of wish our group would do that…. But no dice.
  • RavenStCloud
    RavenStCloud Posts: 358 Member
    @pamperedlinny Definitely give swimming with her a try!

    Both the air and water temperature at my gym's pool vary wildly from day to day (which is crazy), so I've been taking hot showers in the locker right (with my swimsuit on) and then waiting a few minutes until I'm freezing, to actually hop in the pool. That way it feels a bit nicer, regardless of the temperature! 🤣🤣🤣
  • pamperedlinny
    pamperedlinny Posts: 1,599 Member
    @pamperedlinny Definitely give swimming with her a try!

    Both the air and water temperature at my gym's pool vary wildly from day to day (which is crazy), so I've been taking hot showers in the locker right (with my swimsuit on) and then waiting a few minutes until I'm freezing, to actually hop in the pool. That way it feels a bit nicer, regardless of the temperature! 🤣🤣🤣

    That's an idea. :D I hate being cold in the water.
  • KacyCarpe
    KacyCarpe Posts: 495 Member
    @justanotherloser007 You are so close to your goal!!!!! So inspiring. Sometimes we have so far to go that we forget people have covered that same distance, one step at a time. Way to go!
  • pamperedlinny
    pamperedlinny Posts: 1,599 Member
    Happy pre-Turkey day!

    I learned something about myself yesterday. I have finally figured out one of my big triggers. Some background.... I was considering what I'm taking to Thanksgiving tomorrow at my friend's home. They have essentially adopted us since we moved to South Carolina and we go to their family events since we don't have any family close by. I always make cinnamon rolls in the morning and watch the parade while helping with any prep that needs to happen. Then I always bring the sweet potatoes - Maryland style (which means we skip the marshmallows and candy them with brown sugar & king syrup... the King Syrup is what makes it Maryland style really). Then I occasionally bring an additional side dish, especially since my husband is so picky so I'll bring something I know he will eat. While stressing over if I should bring something green to Thanksgiving (healthy! no!!!) and doing my internal debate I started eating a lot of junk. It was like I couldn't stop. It then occured to me that last week on Thursday, while prepping for Friday's Friendsgiving movie night, I also fell and ate a ton a stuff I wasn't planning to eat.

    What I've learned? I tend to overeat or over-indulge while worrying about making food for events. It doesn't seem to matter if I'm taking food to an event or hosting the event. Normally I don't cook for big events except maybe once a month or so and I never really put it together that those weeks I fall off the wagon easier. With the events being back to back it finally clicked in my brain. I'm hoping now that I've figured this out about myself I can watch and prepare for those trigger days. Prep myself some veggies or healthier crunchy snacks.

    I do always realize that I fall off the wagon around events but I never really noticed that it's while I'm thinking about what to take or make, if I will have enough food, if people will like the choice, etc. I just thought it was while I stressed in general or while I got too busy to pay attention. It definitely has been while worrying specifically about food though. I guess thinking about food plans plus emotional eating means I'm all over all the food in the house.

    Anyone else learned anything about themselves lately???
  • VickyEltonGreen
    VickyEltonGreen Posts: 116 Member
    Great post Pamperdinny! What I loved about it was the insight you had. Those aha moments are like a gift to me. The next big thing is the whys. I have learned that doing the work is exhausting but that is when the change really happens.

    I know I have a total diet mentality that I have worked so hard to try and break, 61 years old and attended my first WW class at 10. Weight has always taken center stage in my brain. I have let the number on the scale rob me of so many moments.

    I am in a profession where I have a chance to support and mentor others in my field(I'm a college professor)I sincerely have counseled others about the value they have in everything in their lives and not to compare themselves to others but secretly still struggle myself. But like I said at the beginning insight and acknowledgment is really my first step toward getting this monkey off my back.

    I want the net 30 years of my life to be free from the scale and the lie that I;m not good enough today.
  • pamperedlinny
    pamperedlinny Posts: 1,599 Member
    Happy Thanksgiving!!! 🦃

    I just got home from my friend's house. I stayed all day and didn't track but I still kept my portions under control and enjoyed myself. I also went on a few short walks and helped prep a ton. When I checked my blood sugars thru the day they all looked good.

    I hope all in the USA had a fabulous holiday.
  • RavenStCloud
    RavenStCloud Posts: 358 Member
    Happy Thanksgiving, ladies!

    I went about 1,000 calories over today, but I'm not too bothered. No guilt for enjoying myself with family and eating things I usually don't. Hope everyone had a lovely day!
  • VickyEltonGreen
    VickyEltonGreen Posts: 116 Member
    Good morning everyone,

    Weigh-in day here in Ottawa, Canada

    Highest Weight 240 2005

    SW 217
    WK 1 215.8
    WK 2 214.2
    WK 3

    Let's see what I will make for the end of the month but so happy that I have started back on the right track. At the beginning of Covid, my husband and I would walk every day. We kept this for almost 2 years and was a lifesaver but got off track. We started again a few days ago and am enjoying it. I also want to start doing some core strength exercises.

    I was thinking long term and thought if I could commit to eating healthily and exercising I could be down 52 pounds by this time next year. That is a pound a week, I think that is doable. I want to have energy and feel better and finding carrying around this extra weight is slowing me down. I know they say 60 is the new 40 but seriously lol my old bones feel it lol. I just don't have the energy I once had and I have 3 1/2 more years until I retire. On a positive note, the pain from the shingles has lessened a lot, and feeling on the mend from that.

    Hope you all have a great week and again, love reading your posts.

  • pamperedlinny
    pamperedlinny Posts: 1,599 Member
    Good morning!

    I haven't checked in since Thanksgiving. Calorie-wise I've manged to stay ok. Exercise-wise I didn't do too much all weekend. I did do a hike with a friend on Saturday but it was an easy hike with 3 kids and 2 small dogs in tow so it was more about getting some fresh air and a little movement than really about exercise. Still, it was a lot of fun.

    Today I plan to get back on my exercise plan. I did my short workout this morning, I hope to walk during lunch and I want to get to the gym for my Zumba class tonight. We have events on Thursday, Friday and Saturday so I need to try and stay on track for the early part of the week.

    @KacyCarpe That’s fabulous that you were able to speak up and say no thank you. I feel like I’m imposing sometimes too but I’m trying to be a lot better about that too. Most people I know well are either fine with my doing my own thing or seem to agree that they should be better too and we’ll split something different. It’s hard when I don’t know people super well though because I hate speaking up that way.

    @VickyEltonGreen I’m so glad your pain has lessened. I love that you have a plan for a full year.
  • RavenStCloud
    RavenStCloud Posts: 358 Member
    edited November 2022
    Nov Start: 260
    End of Week 1: 257
    End of Week 2: 255
    End of Week 3: 253
    End of Week 4: 251

    Some Week 4 Goals:
    🍁 Swim 4/3 (one extra swim)
    🍁 Salad 5/5 (finally hit my goal)
    🍁 Log All Food 7/7
    🍁 Stay Within Calorie Range 5/7 (two thanksgivings)
    🍁 Crochet 2/3

    I'm overall happy with this last week. I've been swimming more than I thought and I'm finally carving out time to both make and eat salads 5 times a week.

    I celebrated Thanksgiving twice this week at two different families' homes, so that's why I went over my calorie goal twice. But I tried my best to log everything I ate once I got home.

    Gotta keep it up for the last three days of the month!
  • pamperedlinny
    pamperedlinny Posts: 1,599 Member
    Happy Wednesday!

    It's the end of the month and I have soo much work I need to get done today. I also have a doctor appt and need to log out early today. Hopefully, I can get everything done.

    I hope you all had an excellent month and that we will all have an amazing December!
  • sandielewis2001
    sandielewis2001 Posts: 318 Member
    Age: 39
    Height 5'10"
    SW Jan 7 2021: 271.1
    SW November 2022: 186.2
    GW this month: 186 (maintain)
    Goal for 2022: Stay the course

    Thursday weigh-ins
    11/3 - 185.8
    11/10 - 187.2
    11/17 - 189.2
    11/24 - 188.4
    11/30 - 188.2

    Nov Change: +2.0lbs
    Loss to date: -82.9lbs

    Goals -

    🍁 - Log everything as accurately as reasonably possible
    🍁 - Avoid mindless snacking
    🍁 - Take vitamins every day (Log in MFP for accountability)
    🍁 - Gym or home workout 3X per week minimum

    Wow, where did November go? I have been terrible about checking in here and life has been a bit crazy. This month we hosted two thanksgiving meals (Friendsgiving and family Thanksgiving), completed a bathroom remodel, had family photos taken, went out for monthly date night and dealt with MIL having a 5 day emergency hospital stay and surgery (she is doing well now).
    All of these activities really challenged my goals and I didn't complete any of them. With all of that said, I am still really happy with my progress this month. Even though I gained a small amount over the Thanksgiving meals I am trending back in the correct direction. I also managed to not go crazy overboard with stress eating even when spending long days at the hospital and being unable to cook at home. Looking forward to getting back on track with goals in December.

    NSV -

    Took family photos and I am actually really happy with how I look. I am no longer embarrassed to see my extra weight in photos. I am also, for the first time in my life, smaller than my younger sister. It was very off to come to that realization.

    Remodeling a bathroom is HARD work. We did everything ourselves from demo to tile and through it all my body felt great. Very little pain and I was easily able to complete all of the tasks.