Hello My Fitness Pal Friends Viera, FL

BlakeSharkDad Posts: 5 Member
Hello everyone. I hope your fitness journey is going well! After losing 70 pounds I am looking to cut and bulk up.

I love to hear others stories for motivation, How much do you plan to lose? How much have you lost? Are you adding muscle as well? How do you balance being a parent and make your health a priority? How do you take care of your mind? Open to being added as a friend to idea share and motivate.

Working on a recompisition phase to go from "BigDaddy" as my kids used to call me before my weight loss to Ripped Daddy! Or....ok I will settle for just dad, but you get the idea.

Using the app helps me track the finer details of my daily calorie and protein intake coupled with my calories burned on my daily runs and gym workouts. So far so good! How about you?


  • lboyleav
    lboyleav Posts: 7 Member
    Good morning Blake - I like many others put on some covid fat and I broke my right foot just as covid was starting. Couldn’t drive or walk and I put on 28 lbs. which I have now just lost - took me over 2 years. Now down to my normal adult fat and plan on losing 20 lbs. To help motivate me, I use the Withings scale. It provides a lot of detail, and shows me how much muscle I am gaining, my BMI, etc. It is exciting to see how much muscle I am gaining and don’t get so frustrated when the scale goes up in weight. The MF app is great and I tract the macros. I have a thyroid issue and need to be gluten free. It is amazing how instantly I put on weight when I eat gluten carbs! I am getting more focused and brave about entering everything I eat and using it as a learning session when I screw up. I am now an empty nester and cooking for one and eating OMAD is much easier without a family to feed. When the grandkids come over I tend to blow it :)