
  • deepwoodslady
    deepwoodslady Posts: 11,826 Member

    My name is Donna. I am 5’ 5” tall, 62 years old and from the Midwest USA. In 2016 I weighed 253 lbs. I am on a journey of health and to get back to the real me.
    Every healthy habit brings me closer to scratching each of these off to NEVER see them again!
    250’s; 240’s; 230’s; 220's; 210's; 200's; 190's; 180’s; 170's; 160's; 150’s

    Starting Weight (from Nov 30th): 196.2
    Goal: 191.2 (Five lb Loss)
    Actual Ending Weight: xxxxx

    **************************************ONE DAY, ONE STEP, ONE DECISION AT A TIME************************************

    Weight in blue makes me blue because it’s a gain. Weight in fuchsia pink makes me feel cheery because it’s a loss. Weight in black means no change.

    12/01-198.4-(Trend Weight 197.8)-

    12/02-197.8-(Trend Weight 197.8)-

    12/03-197.0-(Trend Weight 197.7)-

    12/04-197.0-(Trend Weight 197.7)-

    12/05-197.8-(Trend Weight 197.7)-

    12/06-199.6-(Trend Weight 197.9)-

    12/07-198.0-(Trend Weight 197.9)-

    12/08-196.6-(Trend Weight 197.8)-

    12/09-198.4-(Trend Weight 197.8)-

    12/10-198.4-(Trend Weight 197.9)-

    12/11-198.2-(Trend Weight 197.9)-

    12/12-198.2-(Trend Weight 197.9)-

    12/13-198.4-(Trend Weight 198.0)-

    12/14-198.8-(Trend Weight 198.1)-

    12/15-198.2-(Trend Weight 198.1)-

    12/16-198.2-(Trend Weight 198.1)-

    12/17-198.6-(Trend Weight 198.1)- Can we tell my daughter and DGS are staying the entire weekend with me? No, it’s not necessarily her fault (even though she comes with so much food & junk). It’s what I decide to put into my pie hole. I got on the exercise bike for 30 minutes to mitigate the damage.

    12/18-199.0-(Trend Weight 198.2)- Damn! A little travel yesterday to get to a big box store for some baking supplies. I haven’t even started baking yet! I have a birthday party today for my DGS turning 6. I won’t be able to take my medications yet once again. I love the season, but getting things back to normal in January will be a welcomed thing.

    12/19-xxxxx-(Trend Weight xxxxx)-

    12/20-xxxxx-(Trend Weight xxxxx)-

    12/21-xxxxx-(Trend Weight xxxxx)-

    12/22-xxxxx-(Trend Weight xxxxx)-

    12/23-xxxxx-(Trend Weight xxxxx)-

    12/24-xxxxx-(Trend Weight xxxxx)-

    12/25-xxxxx-(Trend Weight xxxxx)-

    12/26-xxxxx-(Trend Weight xxxxx)-

    12/27-xxxxx-(Trend Weight xxxxx)-

    12/28-xxxxx-(Trend Weight xxxxx)-

    12/29-xxxxx-(Trend Weight xxxxx)-

    12/30-xxxxx-(Trend Weight xxxxx)-

    12/31-xxxxx-(Trend Weight xxxxx)-
  • ashleycarole86
    ashleycarole86 Posts: 6,258 Member
    edited December 2022
    @joans1976 Oh man you hit the nail on the head! It can be so tiring to feel like we're fighting against ourselves all the time.
    I have had company in my house since December 4, and that will continue until December 27. As much as I'd love to be completely in control despite that, it's very hectic right now.
    Thanks for putting my year in perspective. I am still so much further along than when I started, but it's easy to get frustrated when things slip a bit. However, I do know what I need to do, and I'm still here... that's the key I think.
    I've been sloppy on tracking, so I know I'm not going to magically get back on track without that.

    In the meantime:
    -We ordered pre-made salads that are healthy and light and I've been throwing those in for the occasional lunch or as a side dish to ensure I'm still getting my veggies.
    -When I think of it, I fill my water glass. I could be better at this.
    -I'm trying to avoid the mindless snacking and nibbles as best I can, knowing the indulgences are already coming more in the form of bigger meals and desserts more often.
    -Not picking the higher calorie option just because. Not forgetting to log on to here.
    -Trying to stay focused on movement and exercise.

  • ashleycarole86
    ashleycarole86 Posts: 6,258 Member
    Name: Ashley
    Original Starting Weight (Jan/21): 293
    December Starting Weight: 170.8
    Target Maintenance Range: 160-165

    Dec 1: 170.8 (Starting December 0.8 higher than November. I am going on a 3 week vacation in 2 months and I'd like to be back to my maintenance range by then. Very cold and snowy here today. Happy December! We have a Christmas potluck at work today.)
    Dec 2: 171
    Dec 3: 172
    Dec 4: 174.2 (Great weekend full of fun. Clearly I had a lot of indulgence. We had dinners with friends, checked out a Christmas market, did an afternoon tea, got our house set up for Christmas, and welcomed my dad who will be staying with us for weeks. Tis the season!)
    Dec 5: 173.4
    Dec 6: 171.4
    Dec 7: 171 (Busy now with company at the house. Took today off to run some errands with my Dad.)
    Dec 8: 170.8 (Had my two holiday work events and feel like I navigated them well. Minimal drinks, waited to start on food before most had had a few plates.)
    Dec 9: 171.2
    Dec 10: 171.2
    Dec 11: 173.8 (My brother and his fiancee arrived yesterday so I now officially have a very full house. My husband is like a short order cook right now so some of the normal weighing and measuring he does for me when it's just us is a lot to ask right now. We went out to a Christmas market yesterday so I got some steps from that but I should have exercised on top of that.)
    Dec 12: 171.8
    Dec 13: 174.6 (Today my husband leaves for a business trip. He and I will have lunch downtown before he goes. I have a full house of company so there are lots of folks around while he's gone but I always miss him!)
    Dec 14: 175
    Dec 15: 174.6
    Dec 16: 174.6 (Happy to be holding and not swooping back up to 175, which is 10 pounds higher than I want to be at max. Things have quieted down on the company front for the weekend before picking up again on Monday, and I can now say my last full week of work for 2022 is behind me.)
    Dec 17: 176.2 (So much for holding. I am sloppily tracking at best, or skipping days, so it's to be expected. It is hard with the company, but that's no excuse. I need to get on the Peloton today for sure!)
    Dec 18: 176 (My nose is a bit runny, but I feel fine. It's super cold here right now and snowy, and it's low humidity where I live. Could just be that. We'll see....)
  • Bemybestby60
    Bemybestby60 Posts: 1,699 Member
    I am back in for December. My name is Mary and I join for the accountability and the benefit I noticed is I have a better understanding on how my weight fluctuations due to calories and lack of activity.
    My goal is to lose the weight I put on since April. I know it won't be done this month but I can go in that direction.
    Goal weight is 175lb.
    Current weight 187lbs.
    December goal 185lbs.
    Dec. 1 187lbs
    Dec. 7 185.5 lbs Wednesday is my weekly check in.
    Dec. 8 185.5 and walked on the treadmill for 30 minutes.
    Dec. 9 185
    Dec. 10 194 lbs. Here I go again. How can you gain 9lbs in one day. Re weighed. Yep it is correct.
    Dec 11. 187 lbs. My body is weird.
    Dec. 14th 185 lbs. To day I measured various parts of my body. I quit doing that last April. I am bigger by at least one inch on my waist and abs.
    Dec. 15th 185 lbs
    Dec. 16th 185.5 lbs
    Dec. 17th 185 lbs
    Dec. 18th 185 lbs
  • xandraxian
    xandraxian Posts: 11 Member
    Hope you don’t mind me jumping in. Just started doing this, so I don’t have much info. I would like to try keto, but I just bought a 15lb bag of rice, so…I’ll try it after that’s all gone.

    Name: Al
    SW (Dec 7): 210lb
    First GW: 199
    Target GW: 175

    Dec 07: 210lb
    17: 208.8 (Just got a scale, PM)
    18: 205.6 (PM, Waking)
    First time using Casein & Ketones. I put the two in a banana and almond milk mixture and…hmm, idk. I think I’ll need to find a different method. I’m thinking maybe in a dressing. The viciousness of the casein would probably be beneficial to it or a sauce or a…hmm, do you think I could make béchamel with it instead of flour?
    19: 207.6 (AM, Hours after eating)
  • joans1976
    joans1976 Posts: 2,201 Member
    Hello all, I’m Amanda from Michigan. I have some scary medical procedures this month (Dec 2, 5, 6) but otherwise would like to lose or maintain. I lost 49 pounds since March and gained 4 back last month. I worked hard to lose those 49 and I know it’s easy to gain.
    Best of luck to all and welcome to any new members!

    SW: 250
    GW: 150
    12/1: 205.7
    12/31 goal: 202

    12/1: 205.7
    12/2: 205.7
    12/3: 205.4
    12/4: 205.3
    12/5: 205.6
    12/6: 205.6
    12/7: DNW
    12/8: DNW
    12/9: 209.6
    12/10: 209.4
    12/11: 209.4
    12/12: 209.2
    12/13: 209.2
    12/14: 209.3
    12/15: 208.3
    Finally, a little reprieve! I know this must be swelling going down because clothes where I had my surgery are loose.
    I returned to work yesterday. Only 9 hours and I actually took 2 breaks! Man oh man am I sore this morning though.
    Halfway through the month and I am 6 pounds away from goal, 2.5 pounds from staying the same. 🤔
    12/16: 207.1
    🙏 Glad this is happening
    12/17: 205.6
    Down to pre-surgical weight. I’ll take it!
    12/18: 204.9
    I made 4 kinds of cookies with my mom yesterday and I chewed gum the whole time to avoid extra bites. I ended up eating 4 cookies total but that’s way less than other years. Getting busier for Christmas.
    12/19: 205.9
    I’m just so exhausted! I’m getting news from the tumor board today, keep your fingers crossed for no surgery and no chemo for me!
  • deepwoodslady
    deepwoodslady Posts: 11,826 Member
    joans1976 wrote: »
    Hello all, I’m Amanda from Michigan. I have some scary medical procedures this month (Dec 2, 5, 6) but otherwise would like to lose or maintain. I lost 49 pounds since March and gained 4 back last month. I worked hard to lose those 49 and I know it’s easy to gain.
    Best of luck to all and welcome to any new members!

    SW: 250
    GW: 150
    12/1: 205.7
    12/31 goal: 202

    12/1: 205.7
    12/2: 205.7
    12/3: 205.4
    12/4: 205.3
    12/5: 205.6
    12/6: 205.6
    12/7: DNW
    12/8: DNW
    12/9: 209.6
    12/10: 209.4
    12/11: 209.4
    12/12: 209.2
    12/13: 209.2
    12/14: 209.3
    12/15: 208.3
    Finally, a little reprieve! I know this must be swelling going down because clothes where I had my surgery are loose.
    I returned to work yesterday. Only 9 hours and I actually took 2 breaks! Man oh man am I sore this morning though.
    Halfway through the month and I am 6 pounds away from goal, 2.5 pounds from staying the same. 🤔
    12/16: 207.1
    🙏 Glad this is happening
    12/17: 205.6
    Down to pre-surgical weight. I’ll take it!
    12/18: 204.9
    I made 4 kinds of cookies with my mom yesterday and I chewed gum the whole time to avoid extra bites. I ended up eating 4 cookies total but that’s way less than other years. Getting busier for Christmas.
    12/19: 205.9
    I’m just so exhausted! I’m getting news from the tumor board today, keep your fingers crossed for no surgery and no chemo for me!

    @joans1976 Many prayers.
  • deepwoodslady
    deepwoodslady Posts: 11,826 Member

    My name is Donna. I am 5’ 5” tall, 62 years old and from the Midwest USA. In 2016 I weighed 253 lbs. I am on a journey of health and to get back to the real me.
    Every healthy habit brings me closer to scratching each of these off to NEVER see them again!
    250’s; 240’s; 230’s; 220's; 210's; 200's; 190's; 180’s; 170's; 160's; 150’s

    Starting Weight (from Nov 30th): 196.2
    Goal: 191.2 (Five lb Loss)
    Actual Ending Weight: xxxxx

    **************************************ONE DAY, ONE STEP, ONE DECISION AT A TIME************************************

    Weight in blue makes me blue because it’s a gain. Weight in fuchsia pink makes me feel cheery because it’s a loss. Weight in black means no change.

    12/01-198.4-(Trend Weight 197.8)-

    12/02-197.8-(Trend Weight 197.8)-

    12/03-197.0-(Trend Weight 197.7)-

    12/04-197.0-(Trend Weight 197.7)-

    12/05-197.8-(Trend Weight 197.7)-

    12/06-199.6-(Trend Weight 197.9)-

    12/07-198.0-(Trend Weight 197.9)-

    12/08-196.6-(Trend Weight 197.8)-

    12/09-198.4-(Trend Weight 197.8)-

    12/10-198.4-(Trend Weight 197.9)-

    12/11-198.2-(Trend Weight 197.9)-

    12/12-198.2-(Trend Weight 197.9)-

    12/13-198.4-(Trend Weight 198.0)-

    12/14-198.8-(Trend Weight 198.1)-

    12/15-198.2-(Trend Weight 198.1)-

    12/16-198.2-(Trend Weight 198.1)-

    12/17-198.6-(Trend Weight 198.1)-

    12/18-199.0-(Trend Weight 198.2)- Damn! A little travel yesterday to get to a big box store for some baking supplies. I haven’t even started baking yet! I have a birthday party today for my DGS turning 6. I won’t be able to take my medications yet once again. I love the season, but getting things back to normal in January will be a welcomed thing.

    12/19-197.0-(Trend Weight 198.1)- Goodbye bloat! I took my medication in spite of the birthday party. Travel today for rehab again. Last minute Christmas shopping and grocery shopping for my baking and candy-making supplies. This is when things can really balloon so I’ve got to formulate a plan!

    12/20-xxxxx-(Trend Weight xxxxx)-

    12/21-xxxxx-(Trend Weight xxxxx)-

    12/22-xxxxx-(Trend Weight xxxxx)-

    12/23-xxxxx-(Trend Weight xxxxx)-

    12/24-xxxxx-(Trend Weight xxxxx)-

    12/25-xxxxx-(Trend Weight xxxxx)-

    12/26-xxxxx-(Trend Weight xxxxx)-

    12/27-xxxxx-(Trend Weight xxxxx)-

    12/28-xxxxx-(Trend Weight xxxxx)-

    12/29-xxxxx-(Trend Weight xxxxx)-

    12/30-xxxxx-(Trend Weight xxxxx)-

    12/31-xxxxx-(Trend Weight xxxxx)-
  • twilcoxstratton
    twilcoxstratton Posts: 10 Member
    Hey everyone, I'm Tanya from Wyoming. I am 5'4" and weigh 267.8. Every few months I start MFP and do outstanding for a few weeks, and then I stop because I have self sabotaged myself. I feel like a failure when I give up. My hopes with putting this on here is that I will be more accountable. So here is to my 1st challenge.

    December 1:
    December 2:
    December 3:
    December 4:
    December 5: 267.8 (Just started :) Today's victory was not eating any of the birthday cake in the lounge. Did I think about it most of the day, YES!!
    December 6: 266.4
    December 7: 264.2
    December 8: 261.8. Victory over the lounge yet again. 7 Boxes of cookies sit in the lounge. Of course all of my favorites were there. I just went in and got my water and left with no cookies. VICTORY!!!
    December 9: 259.8.
    December 10: 258.8
    December 11: Did not weigh
    December 12: 258.2. Will need lots of strength this week. Staff carry in today. Then elastic pants week for the remainder of the week. Honestly I would have already been grazing in the lounge. I forgot to put my shake in the fridge last night so no breakfast. I could have stopped and got something but instead I grabbed a sweet potato for breakfast. Starting the day off strong. :)
    December 13: 257.0
    December 14: 257.6 First gain since I started.I know that isn't bad and I will have days that I do gain. However it is how I react to them. My daughter was craving Arby's for dinner. I caved and ordered also, My attitude was, what the hell is the point I am going to gain those pounds back anyways. So I ordered the classic sandwich with 4 mozzarella sticks with bronc berry sauce. I had been doing so good. So disappointed in myself.
    December 15: 259.8 Bigger gain than yesterday. What did I expect.We have a snow day so at least the cookies and treats won't tempt me. I notice when I am at home I don't drink as much water as I do at work. Maybe that could be part of it. definitely need some motivation.
    December 16: 259.8 Well I will take a stay the same over another gain. Back at work today. Hopefully I can be better on staying on track. Focusing on my water today.
    December 17: 260.4
    December 18: 260.8
    December 19: 260.2. Finally the scale is going to right direction again.
  • ashleycarole86
    ashleycarole86 Posts: 6,258 Member
    @joans1976 Keeping you in my thoughts for good results
  • ashleycarole86
    ashleycarole86 Posts: 6,258 Member
    Name: Ashley
    Original Starting Weight (Jan/21): 293
    December Starting Weight: 170.8
    Target Maintenance Range: 160-165

    Dec 1: 170.8 (Starting December 0.8 higher than November. I am going on a 3 week vacation in 2 months and I'd like to be back to my maintenance range by then. Very cold and snowy here today. Happy December! We have a Christmas potluck at work today.)
    Dec 2: 171
    Dec 3: 172
    Dec 4: 174.2 (Great weekend full of fun. Clearly I had a lot of indulgence. We had dinners with friends, checked out a Christmas market, did an afternoon tea, got our house set up for Christmas, and welcomed my dad who will be staying with us for weeks. Tis the season!)
    Dec 5: 173.4
    Dec 6: 171.4
    Dec 7: 171 (Busy now with company at the house. Took today off to run some errands with my Dad.)
    Dec 8: 170.8 (Had my two holiday work events and feel like I navigated them well. Minimal drinks, waited to start on food before most had had a few plates.)
    Dec 9: 171.2
    Dec 10: 171.2
    Dec 11: 173.8 (My brother and his fiancee arrived yesterday so I now officially have a very full house. My husband is like a short order cook right now so some of the normal weighing and measuring he does for me when it's just us is a lot to ask right now. We went out to a Christmas market yesterday so I got some steps from that but I should have exercised on top of that.)
    Dec 12: 171.8
    Dec 13: 174.6 (Today my husband leaves for a business trip. He and I will have lunch downtown before he goes. I have a full house of company so there are lots of folks around while he's gone but I always miss him!)
    Dec 14: 175
    Dec 15: 174.6
    Dec 16: 174.6 (Happy to be holding and not swooping back up to 175, which is 10 pounds higher than I want to be at max. Things have quieted down on the company front for the weekend before picking up again on Monday, and I can now say my last full week of work for 2022 is behind me.)
    Dec 17: 176.2 (So much for holding. I am sloppily tracking at best, or skipping days, so it's to be expected. It is hard with the company, but that's no excuse. I need to get on the Peloton today for sure!)
    Dec 18: 176 (My nose is a bit runny, but I feel fine. It's super cold here right now and snowy, and it's low humidity where I live. Could just be that. We'll see....)
    Dec 19: 176.2 (Feeling good today, yesterday was just a blip I guess. Busy work day and we're under an extreme cold warning so I have stayed inside. Husband was off and spent the day baking so there are lots of goodies in the house.)
  • Bemybestby60
    Bemybestby60 Posts: 1,699 Member
    I am back in for December. My name is Mary and I join for the accountability and the benefit I noticed is I have a better understanding on how my weight fluctuations due to calories and lack of activity.
    My goal is to lose the weight I put on since April. I know it won't be done this month but I can go in that direction.
    Goal weight is 175lb.
    Current weight 187lbs.
    December goal 185lbs.
    Dec. 1 187lbs
    Dec. 7 185.5 lbs Wednesday is my weekly check in.
    Dec. 8 185.5 and walked on the treadmill for 30 minutes.
    Dec. 9 185
    Dec. 10 194 lbs. Here I go again. How can you gain 9lbs in one day. Re weighed. Yep it is correct.
    Dec 11. 187 lbs. My body is weird.
    Dec. 14th 185 lbs. To day I measured various parts of my body. I quit doing that last April. I am bigger by at least one inch on my waist and abs.
    Dec. 15th 185 lbs
    Dec. 16th 185.5 lbs
    Dec. 17th 185 lbs
    Dec. 18th 185 lbs
    Dec. 19th 186 lbs Guilty of sampling baked goods.
  • joans1976
    joans1976 Posts: 2,201 Member
    Hello all, I’m Amanda from Michigan. I have some scary medical procedures this month (Dec 2, 5, 6) but otherwise would like to lose or maintain. I lost 49 pounds since March and gained 4 back last month. I worked hard to lose those 49 and I know it’s easy to gain.
    Best of luck to all and welcome to any new members!

    SW: 250
    GW: 150
    12/1: 205.7
    12/31 goal: 202

    12/1: 205.7
    12/2: 205.7
    12/3: 205.4
    12/4: 205.3
    12/5: 205.6
    12/6: 205.6
    12/7: DNW
    12/8: DNW
    12/9: 209.6
    12/10: 209.4
    12/11: 209.4
    12/12: 209.2
    12/13: 209.2
    12/14: 209.3
    12/15: 208.3
    Finally, a little reprieve! I know this must be swelling going down because clothes where I had my surgery are loose.
    I returned to work yesterday. Only 9 hours and I actually took 2 breaks! Man oh man am I sore this morning though.
    Halfway through the month and I am 6 pounds away from goal, 2.5 pounds from staying the same. 🤔
    12/16: 207.1
    🙏 Glad this is happening
    12/17: 205.6
    Down to pre-surgical weight. I’ll take it!
    12/18: 204.9
    I made 4 kinds of cookies with my mom yesterday and I chewed gum the whole time to avoid extra bites. I ended up eating 4 cookies total but that’s way less than other years. Getting busier for Christmas.
    12/19: 205.9
    I’m just so exhausted! I’m getting news from the tumor board today, keep your fingers crossed for no surgery and no chemo for me!
    12/20: 204.4
    Below my December starting weight but not sure where I will go from here. Wednesday is my dads birthday and he wants to eat at a Chinese buffet. I have no idea how to avoid sodium there. Then Christmas Eve and Christmas. One day at a time.
    The tumor board met and decided they want pathology to review the biopsy slides from surgery again so I will likely be waiting for a plan for treatment until after the new year. So. Not good news, not bad news. More waiting.
  • deepwoodslady
    deepwoodslady Posts: 11,826 Member

    My name is Donna. I am 5’ 5” tall, 62 years old and from the Midwest USA. In 2016 I weighed 253 lbs. I am on a journey of health and to get back to the real me.
    Every healthy habit brings me closer to scratching each of these off to NEVER see them again!
    250’s; 240’s; 230’s; 220's; 210's; 200's; 190's; 180’s; 170's; 160's; 150’s

    Starting Weight (from Nov 30th): 196.2
    Goal: 191.2 (Five lb Loss)
    Actual Ending Weight: xxxxx

    **************************************ONE DAY, ONE STEP, ONE DECISION AT A TIME************************************

    Weight in blue makes me blue because it’s a gain. Weight in fuchsia pink makes me feel cheery because it’s a loss. Weight in black means no change.

    12/01-198.4-(Trend Weight 197.8)-

    12/02-197.8-(Trend Weight 197.8)-

    12/03-197.0-(Trend Weight 197.7)-

    12/04-197.0-(Trend Weight 197.7)-

    12/05-197.8-(Trend Weight 197.7)-

    12/06-199.6-(Trend Weight 197.9)-

    12/07-198.0-(Trend Weight 197.9)-

    12/08-196.6-(Trend Weight 197.8)-

    12/09-198.4-(Trend Weight 197.8)-

    12/10-198.4-(Trend Weight 197.9)-

    12/11-198.2-(Trend Weight 197.9)-

    12/12-198.2-(Trend Weight 197.9)-

    12/13-198.4-(Trend Weight 198.0)-

    12/14-198.8-(Trend Weight 198.1)-

    12/15-198.2-(Trend Weight 198.1)-

    12/16-198.2-(Trend Weight 198.1)-

    12/17-198.6-(Trend Weight 198.1)-

    12/18-199.0-(Trend Weight 198.2)-

    12/19-197.0-(Trend Weight 198.1)- Goodbye bloat! I took my medication in spite of the birthday party. Travel today for rehab again. Last minute Christmas shopping and grocery shopping for my baking and candy-making supplies. This is when things can really balloon so I’ve got to formulate a plan!

    12/20-198.6-(Trend Weight 198.2)- Yesterday was horrid. My blood pressure dropped way too low at rehab. I had to stay an extra two hours to see if I would need to go through emergency. Exercise was so much easier when I was younger and healthier. I could choose what I wanted. Dieting was so much easier before diabetes and heart started dictating my foods. I hope everyone who still has choices and opportunities will grab them. This is why I am sharing. Starting to get a bad cold this morning too. Don’t worry, I should feel much better after more coffee.  However, they are even trying to take that away from me. Boo Hoo!

    12/21-xxxxx-(Trend Weight xxxxx)-

    12/22-xxxxx-(Trend Weight xxxxx)-

    12/23-xxxxx-(Trend Weight xxxxx)-

    12/24-xxxxx-(Trend Weight xxxxx)-

    12/25-xxxxx-(Trend Weight xxxxx)-

    12/26-xxxxx-(Trend Weight xxxxx)-

    12/27-xxxxx-(Trend Weight xxxxx)-

    12/28-xxxxx-(Trend Weight xxxxx)-

    12/29-xxxxx-(Trend Weight xxxxx)-

    12/30-xxxxx-(Trend Weight xxxxx)-

    12/31-xxxxx-(Trend Weight xxxxx)-
  • Bemybestby60
    Bemybestby60 Posts: 1,699 Member
    I am back in for December. My name is Mary and I join for the accountability and the benefit I noticed is I have a better understanding on how my weight fluctuations due to calories and lack of activity.
    My goal is to lose the weight I put on since April. I know it won't be done this month but I can go in that direction.
    Goal weight is 175lb.
    Current weight 187lbs.
    December goal 185lbs.
    Dec. 1 187lbs
    Dec. 7 185.5 lbs Wednesday is my weekly check in.
    Dec. 8 185.5 and walked on the treadmill for 30 minutes.
    Dec. 9 185
    Dec. 10 194 lbs. Here I go again. How can you gain 9lbs in one day. Re weighed. Yep it is correct.
    Dec 11. 187 lbs. My body is weird.
    Dec. 14th 185 lbs. To day I measured various parts of my body. I quit doing that last April. I am bigger by at least one inch on my waist and abs.
    Dec. 15th 185 lbs
    Dec. 16th 185.5 lbs
    Dec. 17th 185 lbs
    Dec. 18th 185 lbs
    Dec. 19th 186 lbs Guilty of sampling baked goods.
    Dec. 20th 186 lbs
  • joans1976
    joans1976 Posts: 2,201 Member
    Omg @deepwoodslady my mom and I sit around and talk about how we can survive anything as long as they don’t take our coffee away from us! 😱 This is horrible to hear, I am so sorry, I will be thinking of you. Hope you are already feeling better!
  • xandraxian
    xandraxian Posts: 11 Member
    Name: Al
    SW (Dec 7): 210lb
    First GW: 199
    Target GW: 175

    Dec 07: 210lb
    17: 208.8 (Just got a scale, PM)
    18: 205.6 (PM, Waking)
    First time using Casein & Ketones. I put the two in a banana and almond milk mixture and…hmm, idk. I think I’ll need to find a different method. I’m thinking maybe in a dressing. The viciousness of the casein would probably be beneficial to it or a sauce or a…hmm, do you think I could make béchamel with it instead of flour?
    19: 207.6 (AM, Hours after eating)
    —: 207.2 (PM, Not long after eating)
    Took the ketones as directed instead of pouring it into a drink, and got a wave of dizziness. Had to lay my head in front of the fan for a minute. Now, this had been right after a hot shower…so the culprit is currently inconclusive. I’ll figure the who to rule out with future doses.
    20: 204.8 (AM, Waking) (1)
    —: 206.8 (Drank water and got dressed) (2)
    In extension to the last update, it doesn’t seem like it was the ketones as the feeling did not happen again after this dose.
    21: 205 (1)
    —: 207.2 (2)
  • joans1976
    joans1976 Posts: 2,201 Member
    Hello all, I’m Amanda from Michigan. I have some scary medical procedures this month (Dec 2, 5, 6) but otherwise would like to lose or maintain. I lost 49 pounds since March and gained 4 back last month. I worked hard to lose those 49 and I know it’s easy to gain.
    Best of luck to all and welcome to any new members!

    SW: 250
    GW: 150
    12/1: 205.7
    12/31 goal: 202

    12/1: 205.7
    12/2: 205.7
    12/3: 205.4
    12/4: 205.3
    12/5: 205.6
    12/6: 205.6
    12/7: DNW
    12/8: DNW
    12/9: 209.6
    12/10: 209.4
    12/11: 209.4
    12/12: 209.2
    12/13: 209.2
    12/14: 209.3
    12/15: 208.3
    Finally, a little reprieve! I know this must be swelling going down because clothes where I had my surgery are loose.
    I returned to work yesterday. Only 9 hours and I actually took 2 breaks! Man oh man am I sore this morning though.
    Halfway through the month and I am 6 pounds away from goal, 2.5 pounds from staying the same. 🤔
    12/16: 207.1
    🙏 Glad this is happening
    12/17: 205.6
    Down to pre-surgical weight. I’ll take it!
    12/18: 204.9
    I made 4 kinds of cookies with my mom yesterday and I chewed gum the whole time to avoid extra bites. I ended up eating 4 cookies total but that’s way less than other years. Getting busier for Christmas.
    12/19: 205.9
    I’m just so exhausted! I’m getting news from the tumor board today, keep your fingers crossed for no surgery and no chemo for me!
    12/20: 204.4
    Below my December starting weight but not sure where I will go from here. Wednesday is my dads birthday and he wants to eat at a Chinese buffet. I have no idea how to avoid sodium there. Then Christmas Eve and Christmas. One day at a time.
    The tumor board met and decided they want pathology to review the biopsy slides from surgery again so I will likely be waiting for a plan for treatment until after the new year. So. Not good news, not bad news. More waiting.
    12/21: 204.4
    I’m pretty exhausted today, 2 more days of work then off for 3 days.
  • joans1976
    joans1976 Posts: 2,201 Member
    @xandraxian Hello, welcome! I will have to look up drinking ketones, I haven’t heard of that before.
  • Bemybestby60
    Bemybestby60 Posts: 1,699 Member
    I am back in for December. My name is Mary and I join for the accountability and the benefit I noticed is I have a better understanding on how my weight fluctuations due to calories and lack of activity.
    My goal is to lose the weight I put on since April. I know it won't be done this month but I can go in that direction.
    Goal weight is 175lb.
    Current weight 187lbs.
    December goal 185lbs.
    Dec. 1 187lbs
    Dec. 7 185.5 lbs Wednesday is my weekly check in.
    Dec. 14th 185 lbs. To day I measured various parts of my body. I quit doing that last April. I am bigger by at least one inch on my waist and abs.
    Dec. 19th 186 lbs Guilty of sampling baked goods.
    Dec. 20th 186 lbs
    Dec. 21st 185 lbs I have been holding pretty steady with the weight with no surprises in either direction. Continuing to measure & no change there.