Women 200lb+, Let's Have An Extraordinary January!!!



  • limnological
    limnological Posts: 18 Member
    @pamperedlinny I love beans, so I might not be a great source here, but:

    If you like the flavor but not the texture, try blending the beans and ingredients to make a spread (like [url=" https://justinesnacks.com/broccoli-panini-with-chickpea-spread-mozzarella/"]this one[/url]). They work as dips, as a thin, flavorful smear to replace mayo, or as a thick component of a sandwich/taco/whatever.

    Or look for recipes with red lentils or yellow split peas. They seem to break down better than green split peas and cook into a thick mush instead of the more beany texture.
  • pamperedlinny
    pamperedlinny Posts: 1,584 Member
    Good morning!!!!

    Yesterday I got to the YMCA for my Zumba class during my daughter's basketball practice. I really needed that workout. I didn't make it to any workouts in almost 2 weeks and it was hard to get started but once I was midway into the class I felt so much better. In fact, I hadn't even realized I felt badly until I felt better. Go figure.

    Today it's raining buckets outside so I can't get my walk in and there is no group wellness classes that I'm interested in attending. I'll need to force myself to either do a video workout, my at home elliptical or go back to the gym for the iron forest (otherwise known as all the equipment). When it's raining like this I just never feel much like moving. My husband calls it "sleepy weather" and he isn't wrong in my case. Even if I don't do much today I have already made a plan to get back to tomorrow's Zumba class too. Also, it shouldn't be raining tomorrow so I can get my neighborhood walk in tomorrow at lunch as well.
  • KeriA
    KeriA Posts: 3,275 Member
    69 years old
    SW: 266ish
    CW: 249.
    Next Goal weight: 220 (how much I got down to the last time I lost a significant amount on MFP)
    Halfway GW: 199.5
    UGW: 150 (healthy weight) then reconsider
    January GW: Get bak into the 240s and start to slowly lose.

    I post weigh- in when I lose.
    8/3: 244.4
    9/1: 245.2
    10/1: wavering between 245. 6 and 248 after starting back to work full-time
    11/1: 249.2 then have been wavering around 250.
    1/2/2023: 251.8
    1/3/2023 250.4
    1/4/2023 249.8

    ⭐ Aquafit 3 days a week and walk between
    ⭐Plan and cook healthy meals at home - I was not doing well with this at the end of last year.
    ⭐ Log daily on MFP and track on my spreadsheet –I logged some but not every meal
    ⭐ Eat at a sensible deficit - staying within my calorie goal
    ⭐ Drink plenty of water and get enough sleep

    I am going back down and hopefully I can continue to my low of the summer 244ish. So I am just watching what I am eating. So far this week we have made meals at home. That is what makes the most progress with me. Eating left overs and bringing lunch to work when not working from home. So far no exercise since this weekend.
  • Angief05
    Angief05 Posts: 102 Member
    How often do you all weigh in?
    I'm not gonna lie, I weigh everyday, but I don't record it until Saturday mornings.
    I just find weighing daily helps to keep me motivated and going. Yes, I fluctuate somedays depending on what I ate or how much water I drank day before. Even if scale goes up one day it doesn't bother me in fact, think it helps me.
  • pamperedlinny
    pamperedlinny Posts: 1,584 Member
    @Angief05 I mostly weigh on Friday or Saturday. Occasionally I'll weigh other times during the week but when ib used to weigh every day I stressed about it a lot and made myself crazy.
  • RavenStCloud
    RavenStCloud Posts: 356 Member
    @Angief05 I weigh-in here once a week, but it's completely up to you.

    Some people do it once a week or even more frequently, some just at the end of the month, and some never do and just post their goals and accomplishments.

    Whatever works for you, works for us!
  • pamperedlinny
    pamperedlinny Posts: 1,584 Member
    Happy Thursday!

    I didn't do a big workout yesterday but I did make myself do 15 minutes on the elliptical. I had eaten pasta for dinner and knew if I didn't get some movement my blood sugar would likely be higher than I wanted 2 hours after eating. Thankfully it was all in good range after that. I had mixed my angel hair pasta with angel hair palmini, appetizer sized meatballs and marinara sauce. Adding a vegetable or something to my pasta to give me volume and help me be more full without adding even more carbs is one of my favorite tips.

    This afternoon I have allergy shots at 4:20. I have to stay in the office for 30 minutes after receiving my shot and I'm a good 20 plus minutes from home.... and I want to get to my Zumba class at 5:30 today. If I get held up at all I'll be late but I'm going to do my best to get to the class on time.
  • KacyCarpe
    KacyCarpe Posts: 495 Member
    Oh! Forgot to add...

    "One thing I have decided, it's time for me to put me first,is that selfish?" NO. Never has been and never will be.
    "I just find weighing daily helps to keep me motivated and going." I read that if you weigh yourself daily, it's helpful to take your weekly average. From week to week, you can then see your progress better. Maybe something to try so you don't get lost in the daily fluctuations.

    @tahitig "When the ultimate goal weight is achieved - 150 - TahitiG wants to celebrate by posting photos here from - you guessed it - Tahiti ! 🥥🌺🍍🏝 It could happen THIS year with a strong commitment." I can't wait to see those photos!!!
  • sandielewis2001
    sandielewis2001 Posts: 318 Member
    Age: 39 (for one more month)
    Height 5'10"
    SW Jan 7 2021: 271.1
    SW Jan 1 2023: 192.6
    GW this month: 189
    Goal for 2023: Reach Maintenance (likely 165-175)

    Thursday weigh-ins
    1/1 - 192.6
    1/5 - 190.4
    1/12 -
    1/19 -
    1/26 -

    Jan Change: -2.2 lbs
    2023 Change: -2.2lbs
    Loss to date: -80.7lbs

    ⭐ Workout 3x per week - focus on AM workouts before work
    ⭐ Log everything - the good, the bad, the ugly (good data is key to assessing what is happening)
    ⭐ Physical Therapy exercises 3x per week minimum - my hip is starting to hurt again but I know what I need to do to stop the pain.


    This week we celebrated my wife's 50th birthday! We had a lovely day and it is so exciting to know that together we are healthier than either of us have been in many years.
    It is also nice to see how our lifestyle changes have helped others we love lead a healthier life. My MIL moved in with us last year and has dropped weight and gone completely off of diabetes medicine because she eats the way we do. My Mom, Sister and BIL have all joined MFP and the gym we belong to. We even had a day recently of all playing racquetball together!

    This week starts my crazy busy time at work. I am still trying to prioritize my health while working longer hours and in the office more frequently. Trying to get back in the rhythm of AM workouts and keep with packing my breakfast/lunch while in the office.

    For the weekend ahead we have pedicures and a date night scheduled. I really enjoy taking the time for self-care and to prioritize my marriage. These things are important to my overall health and wellbeing.

    ⭐ Workout goal - I hit 4 workouts this week. In fact this morning I did a spin bike ride and then realized we had a tree down blocking the main road and spent 30 minutes helping a neighbor drag cut branches to clear the road. I am so thankful that my health is in a place where I can keep up.
    ⭐ Log everything - I did well at logging this week. I also changed my preferences to not add back exercise calories so that I can more mindfully incorporate those into my total. I upped my goal to 1750 and am going to try to eat back only half of my exercise calories.
    ⭐PT - I didn't do any of my exercises this week. Need to make this a priority!
  • pdd1216
    pdd1216 Posts: 319 Member
    Hello lovelies and happy 2023!
    I found this group last month and I didn't post much but I did find support in just reading your posts. One of my goals is to be more engaged in the MFP community. It definitely helps having others that are on a similar journey.

    My goal for 2023 is to get to a low enough BMI to get a new hip. I'm in a lot of pain which limits my activities greatly. I'm having to depend only on caloric deficit to get the job done. I've been really faithful in logging since the first of November and the weight is SLOWLY coming off. I haven't been giving a definite number....only come back when you've lost weight...I'm currently at 283 so my goal is 250 and I will try again. 2022 was a hard year and I am VERY hopeful that by the end of 2023, I have rejoined the human race!

    I work from home as does my husband. Between that and my limited mobility, we find ourselves more isolated. My other non-weight goal is to find ways to connect more online and with my friends. I did meet a friend out for lunch today and it was great to catch up. I realized when I was walking that my jeans were falling off my backside so I will count that as a NSV!

    @Angief05 I weigh in every day and have a happy scale app on my phone that tracks the ups and downs. I only record it here once a week. Sometimes the scale takes over in my head and then I back off of it for a while. Hope that makes sense!

    @tahitig - That sounds like a great way to celebrate! There is a piece of me that says don't wait to take that trip but I get having a goal. So glad you have recovered; I know those are rough illnesses to deal with.

    @pamperedlinny - I'm interested in what devotional you are going through.

    Hope everyone has a great day!

  • Angief05
    Angief05 Posts: 102 Member
    How do you all keep up with your workouts when your body is sore from working out? Yesterday was lowr body day, and omg my quads and butt are on fire today. I honestly had to talk myself into my cardio workout today, the old me would have not done it taking a "rest" day.
  • pamperedlinny
    pamperedlinny Posts: 1,584 Member
    Angief05 wrote: »
    How do you all keep up with your workouts when your body is sore from working out? Yesterday was lowr body day, and omg my quads and butt are on fire today. I honestly had to talk myself into my cardio workout today, the old me would have not done it taking a "rest" day.

    Honestly, I take the rest day still. Not every time but if it's extremely sore or painful I'll stick to just walking for something for that day and not do a real workout.
  • pamperedlinny
    pamperedlinny Posts: 1,584 Member
    pdd1216 wrote: »
    @pamperedlinny - I'm interested in what devotional you are going through.

    @pdd1216 I'm working through Taste For Truth by Barb Raveling.
  • pamperedlinny
    pamperedlinny Posts: 1,584 Member
    KacyCarpe wrote: »
    [*] Fatigue is my kryptonite. When I'm physically tired, when I'm mentally drained, I don't want to cook a healthy meal from scratch or go to the gym. I want something EASY. So, I have to think through having some go-to's in the house for those times... instead of takeout.

    @KacyCarpe I love your bullet points even if I’m sad you had to receive heavy news first. As for the easy when you are fatigued… I bought a small dry erase board and starting writing on it all the things in the freezer. If I make a batch of freeze ahead sliders ala White Castle, it goes on the board. When I have leftover taco meat portioned out I put it on the board. Ham, Sliced turkey, frozen burritos, chicken nuggets, etc. I don’t put vegetables because I know I always have a bunch of frozen vegies but anything else I have goes up there. I erase when I kill something off. I add if I pick up a bag of chicken tenders at the store. But having that list keeps me from running to McDonald’s as soon as the busy or the rough hit.

  • pamperedlinny
    pamperedlinny Posts: 1,584 Member
    Good morning all!

    I'm soooo glad it's Friday. After having off from Dec 23 thru Jan 2 it has been HARD to be back at working every day. I need a vacation to recover from vacation. LOL.

    I did get to my Zumba class yesterday and given some drama with my daughter nearly left only 15 minutes into the class. Instead I dragged her down the hall to Child Watch, told her we would deal with her drama when we got home and I finished. Honestly, my attitute and heart weren't really in it most of the class after that but I still stuck it out and had a really good workout. I'm proud of myself for not just leaving and going home. That 45 minutes didn't make any difference in the conversation being had and if anything it gave me some time to calm down before dealing with it.

    My daughter has a basketball game at 8:30am tomorrow so I'm not going to get to sleep in but maybe I can get a nap in tomorrow since that's the only thing on the calendar. I love naps. 8haztzh8n2so.png

  • KacyCarpe
    KacyCarpe Posts: 495 Member

    It is also nice to see how our lifestyle changes have helped others we love lead a healthier life. My MIL moved in with us last year and has dropped weight and gone completely off of diabetes medicine because she eats the way we do. My Mom, Sister and BIL have all joined MFP and the gym we belong to. We even had a day recently of all playing racquetball together!

    Amazing nonscale victories! I love this!

  • KacyCarpe
    KacyCarpe Posts: 495 Member

    I bought a small dry erase board and starting writing on it all the things in the freezer. If I make a batch of freeze ahead sliders ala White Castle, it goes on the board.

    Thank you for this tip! We first need to buy the freezer (heh heh), but I really want to make it a priority. Then we can make extras or big batches on the weekends and have those go-to homemade items. Using a white board to keep track of things is a terrific idea.