

  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,371 Member
    katla - While Denise was still in grade school, we moved to Kennett Square (dh's job). She wrote a note to us telling us how she hated it there and how we "made" her move. Now she doesn't want to leave there! It would be nice if Bryan were to see that "home" isn't that bad after all, but I'm not counting on it. For some reason, and I honestly can't fathom it, he doesn't seem to want to better himself. Why he doesn't want to better himself is beyond me. To me, it's just such a shame, he was the one of my three children who was always in the gifted classes, graduated summa cum laude, he was renting a house and had all the utilities in his name. I just don't understand this turnaround. It wouldn't surprise me if now that they've moved back to LaReunion, he doesn't ever send me his new address.

    I'm going to the Y this morning, then go to Aldi and probably PetSmart, then coming home. The plan is to put landscape fabric down and riverrock on the area that we cleared yesterday (along the sidewalk to the back door). I do hope that Vince will rock the small area between the old retaining wall and the fence inside the pool area, then we can use the rock up by doing under the deck. And what doesn't get done will wait until next year when we'll get another load for the front along the sidewalk and finish under the deck. I do think Vince miscalculated how much rock we needed. My guess is that in some areas we needed to put it down really thick (like between a retaining wall and the lower patio) and he probably just figured on the smaller amount. Oh well.......

    Tomorrow there is a general meeting for the Newcomers then our senior bowling. I'm planning to do a step DVD at home.

    Heather - wonderful plank!!!! You've got me beat, that's for sure. I'm not a competitive person or I'd be trying to outdo you! I can't believe that your hubby got mugged in Florence! How horrible!

    Don't know if I'll be able to get in the pool today. We gottta finish working early so we can take a shower. I have Rummikub and Vince has shooting. The lady who is hosting the Rumikub is going to make baked ziti. I just look at the calories on MFP -- yikes!!!! Looks like I'm not going to have a lot. Well, I'm not crazy about pasta or desserts, although I do eat them. Give me my veges and my fruit....and I'm in heaven. I have a feeling that she won't have fruit for dessert. Those Slimful bars really fill me up so maybe I'll have one before I leave.

    Yesterday (Tues) was a bit on the crazy side. Worked outside putting down riverrock with Vince (we have to wait for more landscape border to be delivered before we can do any more), then took a shower, went in the pool for about an hour (my timer didn't go off so I may have been in there a bit longer), then went to Rummikub. The lady made baked ziti, I only had a little but filled up on the corn on the cob that I brough, mushrooms, salad, and green beans. She made pizelles for dessert and a chocolate cake. I had a few pizelles and a tiny bit of the cake. Only had water to drink. Then she made some pizelles for me to bring home to Vince -- he loves them. So I was there extra-late. Got home just in time to log my food, give Loki his med and get to bed.

    Today (Wed.) did an hour of a step DVD, then we had the Newcomer general meeting (people usually bring baked goods so I have an egg, egg substitute, half of a Boca burger, and some parmesan cheese. Then I went to senior bowling, took my carrots with me.

    Tomorrow I'm planning to do Tammy Lee Webb's DVD "I Want That Body".

    Ordered a book today from Amazon and HAD to get another DVD so that I'd get the free shipping. Isn't life tough???

    Debbie - welcome! What brought you to Malta?

    Meg - you are so compassionate and caring.

    Heather - doesn't it just feel wonderful when others notice our weight loss and how hard we've worked? Your vacations sound awesome

    Oh, the Newcomers are having a social in the early part of October. It's a murder mystery. Ours is set at a French Chateau. I need to come up with French foods to take. I'm thinking crepes, but I also need a side, not sure what to bring. I'm supposed to bring a side and a dessert. This is one social that I'm looking forward to. They are also having a social at this BBQ place here. I understand that it's quite well known but is going to close at the end of the season. Only thing is that I have to lector at the church that night. I have to see if I can work it out, maybe leave early.

    Sherry - congrats on the loss!

    Sylvia - I listen to audiobooks sometimes while on cardio machines. Some are very motivating.

    Pat - my guess would be that those were items at the end of the line that people decided they didn't want. If someone else was bagging, they probably thought they were your items. Congrats on throwing out the roll.

    Joyce - the other day while I was at the Y, even tho I was downstairs and the treadmills are upstairs, I kept hearing this "thump thump thump" sound. Someone was walking with a real heavy foot!

    grandmalle - great NSV

    Welcome to everyone new (too many to mention individually)

    Made a keylime pie for when Jessica comes down this weekend. Now I'm making a salmon loaf to have during the week

    Renny - no, I know my doctor doesn't know me. For one thing, we changed primary care doctors about a year ago. And I only go to the MD's usually for my annual physical

    Joyce - computers can be great when they work right, but a real pain when there's problem

    barbie - that trail sounds heavenly

    katla - I do go to yoga classes, but sometimes I need to do a DVD. But I figure it all balances out. I believe, too, that you need an instructor, at least in the beginning, to tell you want you are or aren't doing right.

    renny - when you're doing yoga and if you're on your hands, can you use weights and just grip those? This way the weight isn't on your wrists

    shapefitter - you're so right, dates are chock full of good things for you. I love them

    Pat - have fun shopping!

    Paula - we had a cat that got skunked. It was at the point where he couldn't even stand himself. He'd lay down in one spot, stay there a few minutes, then move. We got a spray from the vet, he actually LET us spray him. But do you think he learned "keep away from animals with a white stripe'? Nope, he got skunked again!

    In a way I wish it was cooler now and warmer over the weekend when Jessica was here to use the pool. Well...we can always turn on the heater

    katshaper - happy birthday!

    This a.m. got a call from the dentist. Seems Jessica has/had an appt. tomorrow at 8. I bet she forgot because she didn't say a word about coming down here. I really wish she'd go to my dentist. The one Vince goes to (and she does, too) isn't open on Fri Sat or Sun. That can make it real hard for her. At least my dentist is open on Fri and Sat.

    meg - so sorry about dh's aunt. My deepest condolences.

    Michele in NC
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Wow, I think this is the first time since joining this group that I have waited all day long to post. My lap top still doesn't work so I'm sitting here in my office. I miss the noise of the TV. I guess I could turn it on and put it way loud:laugh: So I changed my Pandora station to love songs. Has not been a gold star day for me at all. I got up feeling OK. I went to bed earlier last night because for some reason the internet on my PC went out and the only thing I could do was play solitaire on it. My husband was having difficulty watching Netfix, via the router on the Wii also. I couldn't get on my Ipad so something weir was going on. So I went to bed at 12:30 instead of 1:30. That meant I got up earlier. Maybe I should learn from that:laugh: First thing I did was try to turn on the laptop, no go. So I came back to the office, logged on, put in my diary for today, and did my silly face book games. Since I had my doctor's appointment today I knew I had to take a shower. Why do we always do that??? Ate lunch then got ready for my shower. It is pretty rare I have one of more severe MS days. But I knew with the exhaustion my limbs had form brushing my teeth that it wasn't going to be good. I just dreaded getting in that shower but I knew I had to. With the typical MS fatigue, anything that has to do with heat and raising your arms above your head is difficult. Of course a shower and washing your hair involves both. Oh I wanted to sit down so bad as I was finishing but I don't have any kind of shower chair. I thought about sitting down in the bath tub but I didn't know what kind of strength my legs would have in standing up and my husband wasn't home so I just willed myself to get it done. So there I sit naked on the commode, not even the strength to dry myself. I put my dirty gown on and lay down on my bed until I knew I could sit up. With my psoriasis I have to lotion myself down with Keri lotion after I take a bath. So I do my legs and wait until I have the energy to do the arms. Then wait until I can get in the bathroom since I knew once I was in there I had to blow dry my hair. Put my goo in my hair, rest. Then blow dry. I finally get it done and back in the bedroom to sit and try to dress. Then I go and curl. my hair. I swear in any future home I will have a vanity I can sit in a chair with a back on it to do this! So I am done!!!!! And I am really done. No Y today.

    One other thing that is really weighing heavy on my heart is my daughter and her financial situation and her car wreck. The other driver did not have insurance and so the whole thing has to be paid for through my daughter's insurance. They are offering $150 for the crap metal of her car. That's all the help she will get. That sure doesn't buy a car. We always give them a monetary gift for Christmas, not my choice but my husband likes to do it. So last night she took us up our offer to go ahead and send that. But she needed it by tomorrow:cry: She found out that she is paying $35/day for her junked car to sit in the tow companies lot. Plus she has to pay the tow charge. So we were going to send a check by registered mail to get it there and get it there safe. My husband knew I couldn't stand long enough at the post office yet he wouldn't go himself.:mad: :mad: :mad: By this time I had to go to the doctor. So I went to the bank on the way home to see if they could direct deposit it, nope. She doesn't bank with Old National. A bill pay account would take several days. So I come home and put the letter in the mail box to be sent regualr mail. The check was well hidden in the envelope. Of course husband didn't like that and went to the post office himself this time. She'll get it Friday but that means at least two more days of lot rental. Why doesn't an insurance agent be her advocate and try to intervene and put a hold on this?????

    I knew I needed to go to the grocery store but DH was going Karoake tonight and I usually LOVE going out on Wensday nights with out him, shop, window shop and enjoy that solitude. But as stressed as I am tonight I know where my grocery cart would migrate to. So I come home and sit in the office, knowing I still need to get my laptop fixed.

    We have the money, the Mom in me just wants to drive the three hours right now and give them a check to buy a decent used car for them. i feel so sorry for them that they have to go through this. It isn't their fault. They didn't ask for any of this. But we have bailed them out so many times. But yet I have the money.

    OK, I think I'm done. Sorry for making you read all of my troubles tonight. but yet thank you for being here. Knowing you are here and understand helps.

    I see more members and rejoice int hat. You will get the same welcome, warm and cozy feeling I got when I joined. One ting I learned about making goals is that at this in your lives you have different kinds of goals and each of them are as important as dietary goals. Sometimes personal goals help us in the diet in ways we may not realize.

    Joyce, Indiana I'm not usually this long winded.
  • trisH_7183
    trisH_7183 Posts: 1,486 Member
    A beautiful good morning to everyone! Today is perfect weather. I enjoy a beautiful sunrise in my face as I drive to work :) Speaking of work, it has been very stressful lately. Yesterday had me in tears a couple of times out of sheer frustration. But I ended the day on a positive note. On the way home I found myself thinking of which fast food place to stop and get dinner. I REALLY wanted fast food. I have always been such a fast food junkie! Then I pointed out to myself that it was really only emotional eating and that I was much better off going straight home. And I actually listened to myself :0 I work a 10 hour or more day 4 days a week, so I get home so late it is sometimes difficult to get in exercise, dinner and bed at a decent hour. Usually sleep is what is sacrificed. Last night I decided to instead treat myself to a quiet relaxing hour of reading and I ate at home within my daily calories. I still didn't go to bed early enough, but at least I really am enjoying that book :0

    Today is a new day. Hope everyone has a great day!

    Sherry from Buckeye, AZ

    That is great! Doesn't it make you feel good,knowing you did what I best for you..A neighbor gave me 6 peanut butter cookies,my fav.I had one with /2 C milk within my calorie limit.The rest went to a Grson who is super thin.Patceoh
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,967 Member
    :flowerforyou: Deb A., thank you for your kind words……anything I know that’s useful, I probably learned through adversity…”success is inspirational, disaster is educational”…..I learned a lot by reading “The Happiness Project” by Gretchen Rubin…….through our entire married life whenever we traveled we played a game we called “what if we lived here”……..it helped us sort out what our real values were…..in 1990 we took a trip to the North Olympic Peninsula and never got over our enchantment with the area so when I retired in 2004, we began to make plans to move……I saw Danny Kaye playing Noah on Broadway with a broken leg and a cast, so I have a great visual of your husband

    :flowerforyou: Rita, having your diary open is a good idea……have you thought about increasing protein and decreasing sugar to see if that has any effect on your depression/anxiety?

    :flowerforyou: Sherry, congrats on making smart choices……every smart choice you make will make the next one easier

    :laugh: Syvia, puppy Bruno LOL……we dog lovers understand

    :flowerforyou: Katshaper, welcome…..the first words of wisdom are keep coming back

    :flowerforyou: ill, knitting is a great way to keep your hands out of the food

    :brokenheart: Meg, sorry to hear about DH’s aunt…..I’ll miss you while you are gone

    :flowerforyou: I got a lot done today……..many hours of dog walking, line dance class, important errands completed, plans made for the Friday line dance class, backpack packed for our trip to Victoria tomorrow and I was feeling very smug as I crossed items off my “to do” list until I noticed that it was an hour before bedtime and I’d forgotten to do my strength training…….I was too tired to even envision strapping weights on my ankles and picking up dumbbells. So I decided that this would be the week with only two sessions instead of three. We have to leave the house at 7 AM to catch the ferry and I need to take the dogs on a long walk before we leave.

    :heart: Barbie from NW Washington

    “If it’s important to you then you will find a way, if it’s not you’ll find an excuse.”

  • Kalley1959
    Kalley1959 Posts: 287 Member
    Quick note tonight as I'm heading to bed shortly.

    katshaper - happy birthday!

    Meg - I'm so sorry for your loss. Travel safely!

    Day 2 of strength training...I know I'm going to feel it tomorrow :laugh: The pool opens at the Y on Monday so I'm trying to figure out a schedule so I can take advantage of a couple of the aquafit classes. I did a chicken stew in the slow cooker this morning so I came home to a complete meal already made....yay!

    I hope everyone has a great night.

    :heart: Sandy from ON
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Hi my friends. DH's aunt died last night (the one on hospice) so we are leaving tomorrow bright and early for Oklahoma. I'll be thinking of all of you and cheering you on. I'll try to log on each day but dont think I will be able to post much, but I don't want my day count to start over!!! Take care. Hugs to those who need them and high fives for those celebrating! Meg from Omaha

    Travel safe! If you have a phone app logging while traveling is easy. Just put in your information. Best wishes to DH and the whole family. Gathering at a time like this is important for families so they can say their farewells and reconnect with each other

    Katla in NW Oregon.
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Oh ladies I found what I needed!!!! I was tying to find something on Pandora for me to listen to while I'm on the internet without my TV:sad: I found Bill Cosby network!!!!!:laugh: :laugh: :laugh: Bill Cosby, Abbott and Costello, Jerry Seinfeild, Jeff Foxworthy!, Bob Newman, Andy Griffith!!!! All on one station. Oh my, this is wonderful.:smile::bigsmile: I might just pee in my pants

    Joyce, indiana
  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member

    Thanks! I'm downloading Pandora right now so I can listen to that channel.

  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,765 Member
    argggggggggh:angry: this is getting so damn frustrating. I was up at 12:30 -12:45 this morning and up a couple of oz.. that I can deal with ,but this crazy sleep schedule is gonna drive me to drink...
    once I wake up my head starts thinking and forget about going back to sleep...im trying to figure out ,how to scrape together vacation money... now isn't that sad?:blushing: I have 50.00 a week for spending,30 in checking account ,20 cash.. I try and stash the cash, and use the 30 to pay bills, the only bills I have on my own are a credit card bill, the gym and a life insurance policy for the DGD.but of course the week we are on vacation is the week they take the bi- annual maintance fee out for the gym...
    I would like to have a couple of hundred saved by the 10th of October when we leave but that wont happen...
    The hubby is a tightwad,but actually very shrewd when it comes to money ,so I dont do much complaining. he is good at squeeking out a buck..
    there is usually one spender,and one saver in a household, and you can tell which is which...
    we only go out to dinner once a week and try and find a coupon to use :laugh: and I make his lunch every day and mine, even though at work the DH has a cafeteria, and the girls at my work order out once every week or 2, I dont buy lunch out.
    I used to love fast food that doesnt appeal to me anymore either. and nothing overly sweet either,which is amazing I would die for chocolate.. I only buy it once in awhile and in small doses, I was bad I would get the large bags of milky ways or snickers or stuff like that and keep at it until it was gone:blushing:
    I still like sweets but, fruit,stuff with pumpkin in it, Kind Bars,and Graham Crackers .. they make stacker packs that if I am really out on a limb the whole stack pack is 250 calories..
    can ya tell I am rambling on :wink: I will get to the gym early,take a quick trip to Walmart,come home walk the dogs and then go to my hair appt.. that will be a few laughs,love my hairdresser:heart: then have to run and pick up prescriptions for the DH and maybe get the back lawn mowed,and go to the dump and make dinner ,would be nice to catch a quick nap in there maybe but we shall see..
    I am wondering while my weight is up, im drinking the water,had over 12,000 steps yesterday and I wasn't crazy over on sugar? Oh well. Im sure I will check in later...
  • yoyonomore55
    yoyonomore55 Posts: 350 Member
    grandmallie= I am with you on the crazy sleep problems! I have been up for hours-just can"t sleep. I do this way too often. It makes working with teens a little more challenging than I would like! Going to try once more to catch 2 hours before the alarm goes off. Let me know if you find any solutions. I have been dealing with this for years.

    Deb A in CNY
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,765 Member
    wonderful to know Deb thanks....:sad:
  • RebelRenny
    RebelRenny Posts: 1,073 Member
    :noway: granmallie...sleep patterns change as you age. This is very common, unfortunately. Google "sleep patterns",and you will find that evryone comes close to awakening stages several times during the night. I have awake times almost every night and have for years. The less I worry about it, the better. But, of course, I am writing this at 2 AM!

    Goodnight.:yawn: :yawn:
  • burbunya
    burbunya Posts: 23 Member
    August could have been better. But September is off to a great start having lost a couple of kilos already and in a much nicer and more positive headspace????

    As for sleeping ... Well that is a whole other story. Sleep when I cAn. Generally 6-7 hours always broken .... seems I always have to pee lol
  • faithsimmons526
    faithsimmons526 Posts: 162 Member
    I'm a 50+ who is also here, having a (hopefully short) motivational ... shall we say, 'leak'? I don't know. I wonder how often it happens that we get almost there, but give up. And if we do, then why? Are we afraid that if we get our bodies back we still won't have 'what it takes' .... or perhaps have lost our chance in the first place?

    As grown up women, did we miss -- through circumstances beyond our control perhaps -- our opportunity to come face-to-face with our own power, sensuality? As soon as we either 'gained a few' or developed a few lines and grey hairs, suddenly we had more things to hold us back than we had when we were young. And some of us weren't doing well then. WTH?

    So here's my thoughts:

    I figure that we women have been at least partners in the crap that's kept us insecure. We are afraid that a little extra thigh or boob (ya like that would happen) might not be good enough in the seduction arena. So ... we may lose some weight because of whatever happened to get us totally off balance ... but we don't realize that we are already sexy, long before we reach whatever ultimate goal we've set.

    We get freaked because we're not at the 'goal' yet. This is the mistake. Sexy women will spend time being just that ... but they're probably sensual too ... which means that tastes, touches and who-knows-what might interfere with good intentions. Oh dear ... sometimes it's worth it.

    The shame would be in letting sexy go to waste. Isn't what losing weight is all about for us older women? Aren't we afraid we might be running out of time? I salute and support any woman who wants to get back to where she's comfortable ... but won't hear of any woman who doesn't know how beautiful she already is.
  • DeeDee2211
    DeeDee2211 Posts: 1,133 Member
    Good morning beautiful ladies:flowerforyou:

    Wow....last week was great being at home:bigsmile: , this week has been a challenge:grumble: , it seems like every minute of this week has been busy:sad: . It has made the week go by very fast though!

    Today is my youngest granddaughter`s birthday, she`ll be 7 yrs. old:love: . She has dance class tonight so we`ll be getting together around 7:30 pm for cake and presents. I`m thinking the cake may be my dinner tonight:ohwell: .

    I`ve been keeping up with the posts, reading everyday when I find a minute or two. I`m wishing you all well:flowerforyou: !!!

    Grandmallie:smile: What time do you go to bed? Reading about being up at 2am or so, makes me really grateful I don`t have a problem sleeping. However, I go to bed around 11:30 or so and I`m up around 5am everyday. I usually get around 5 1/2 to 6 hrs. of sleep, which seems to be enough for me. Sometimes I have a slump in the afternoon, I usually try to take a short little walk to get over it. I hope you get a nap in!!!

    Meg:smile: So sorry to hear about your loss:flowerforyou: ! Sending you good thoughts! Have a safe trip!

    Michele:smile: Hope you`ve been enjoying the pool:glasses: !!! This weekend will feel like fall, I know the low one night is suppose to 49 degrees:noway: , brrr.....

    Barbie:smile: Have fun!!!

    Katla:smile: I love smoked salmon:love: !!! You`ll have to let us know how it turns out!

    Welcome to everyone new:flowerforyou: ! Come in often and chat!!

    Time to get myself out the door!!! Have a great day ladies! Drink your water:drinker: :drinker: :drinker: and log your food!

    DeeDee in sticky hot NC
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,311 Member
    Just a short one before I go off to wash my hair. I've got a lymphodema massage this pm so want to look my best!!! Yes, Joyce!

    Yesterday was only the 2nd time I've filled in all my calories and exercise. I normally do it all in my head. My estimate was bang on for the day, but I had under estimated breakfast and over estimated lunch and dinner. So I told DH to put a bit less muesli in my bowl.!

    DH had another very bad night so we organised an urgent doctor's appointment. He said he was so depressed about it all in the night he had thought about killing himself. When I said I could go to Rome on my own he burst into tears and said,' Don't leave me!'
    That is not on in my book however bad he gets. So off we went. He wanted me to go with him, though oof course he was absolutely fine once we got going.
    He really liked the male doctor, who listened to him for 20 minutes, and prescribed Seroxat and three Temazipam for sleeping when he is desperate. He has another appointment in 2 weeks before we go away.
    When he came back from the therapist yesterday he was so happy and positive, but as the night time approached he began to get anxious again. So, enough is enough and down the medication route we go. I am sure it is the right decision. He needs a bit of First Aid.
    Managed to get my gymming in first thing as I was up early!!!! Should be press up day, but I will see. I'm a bit drained. Looking forward to seeing my massage therapist as we always have a good laugh!

    Tonight we have butternut squash with bolognaise sauce. I have eaten mainly fish and veg recently so it will be nice to get some iron into me! I make the sauce (ragu) with some chicken livers in it. It makes it lovely and rich. Not too much tomato.

    Michelle - I am quite proud of my planks, but I find them hard and almost dread them. I think they are my least favourite exercise, but probably are doing me lots of good!

    Katla- how much more do you want to lose? It's difficult to know what might the best weight for us at our age, isn't it. I am asking people to give me an honest opinion of when I start looking scraggy. Yikes! I too am trimmer at this weight than I used to be. The results of exercise I think. My waist measurement is refusing to budge though and I hate the lumpy look of my fat and the loose skin on my much shrunken lymphodema arm. Then I am not 25 any more.

    Bye for now, Heather in Hampshire U K
  • kevrit
    kevrit Posts: 3,912 Member
    I don't usually post this early in the day, but have the time right now, so here I am!
    First of all, thanks to all you well wishers, and encourage-rs! I need that! I did very well yesterday and hope for the same today. I did notice that after having forgotten to take my steroid nasal allergy spray, I have been feeling better both emotionally and physically. Well I am going to experiment and stop taking that all together and see what happens for the next 2 weeks (that includes a trip to New England for an interview and family visit!). I also drank about 10 cups of water yesterday and notice that today my feet are not on fire! HUMMMMM maybe I've stumbled onto a solution for my maladies of the day??

    Katshaper---Happy Birthday!
    Grandmalie ---DH sounds like mine! Loves to yell, complain about health, but won't do anything about it. (Italian so the yelling he doesn't even know he is doing......?!?!?!) Are you not wearing your fitbit to bed to maybe see what is going on with your sleep patterns?
    Barbiecat - protein versus sugar? sounds like it might work. I did feel good when on the Atkins diet, but found out that soy protien bars make my blood pressure skyrocket. I have an allergy to soy, so maybe if I try other proteins instead of sugar it will help. I will give it a try!
    Faithsimmons - I loved your post! Truer words were never spoken!

    My goals for September (late but better than nothing!)

    1. log everything that goes into my mouth!
    2. log on here at least once a day (the thread I mean)
    3. not drink more than 3 alcoholic beverages a day (baby steps when I drink it is way more than this!)
    4. stop the self destructive behaviors! (going to be a tough one!)
    5. find a way to exercise that doesn't cause pain and detour my efforts! (suggestions?)

    Rita from middle TN
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Joyce: I had no idea Pandora included comedy. I’ll remember this!:bigsmile:

    Deb A and Grandmallie: I have similar sleep issues once in a while. I wonder if it is age related. I get up and haunt the net for a while, and then try to sleep again. Sometimes I just stay up.:grumble:

    Faithsimmons: I’m not dieting to be sexy, I’m dieting to be healthy, feel good and be able to have fun. That said, Mae West was one of the sexiest women in the history of film. She was not thin or even slim. Marilyn Monroe & Jayne Mansfield were not thin, either. They had curvy bodies. This whole super skinny business started with Twiggy and the peculiarities of the video camera. It adds the appearance of pounds so female TV personalities tend to be skinny bones just to look normal.:frown:

    Heather in Hampshire: What is a lymphodema massage? I’m hopeful the medication your DH has been prescribed will help him. I have been taking an antidepressant ever since my mom died, more than a decade ago. I’m very pleased with it. This particular medication is also given to people with attention deficit disorder. The depression following mom’s passing ended years ago and this medicine helps me focus. Many of us are “living better through chemistry.” :wink:

    On the topic of goal weight, MFP set my goal at 145 pounds. I’m 6 or 7 pounds away at this point. I’m planning to keep at it until I reach the goal set for me, and then reevaluate. I’m also planning to stay with this group after I reach my goal to help keep me on track and stable. I’ve done the yoyo diet before and don’t want to do it again. It would be all too easy to slide back into old destructive patterns of eating. I started this diet in an effort to combat knee pain and get healthy enough to have fun. That is still my main objective. I’ve noticed a good deal of improvement, but that knee joint will always be an area of weakness and will always need me to do what I can to keep it strong.

    Katla in Beautiful NW Oregon

    September goals:
    1. Log every bite
    2. Move more.
    3. Drink at least 4 glasses of water daily.
  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    On the subject of antidepressants...

    I have suffered from major depression since I was a child and have bounced from one med to the next without much relief. I think I tried every new antidepressant that came along. They all had miserable side effects and most didn't help me at all. Then about 7 years ago my doc put me on trazodone and it was like flipping a switch. It not only helps the depression a LOT, but it helps me sleep and keeps the migraine headaches away almost completely. Not only that, but I had fewer adverse side effects than on any of the other meds. Another little bonus is the cost. After insurance they cost me 96 cents for a month. It's an old drug, not glitzy and new, but it works for me. If you have a depression problem and trouble sleeping, you might check into it.

    I'm suffering from three days with no weight loss again. It seems like I lose a couple of days then hold for three, then lose for two, and hold for three. So hopefully I just keep plugging along and it will happen again. Hubby says he can tell when I lost because I come out of the bathroom smiling.

    Well, I have to get around and go to the Y. Today I'm listening to the Pandora comedy channel instead of an audiobook. Thanks Joyce!

  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    Happy Thurs.
    Meg sorry for your loss,have a safe trip.
    Going home tonite after being at son`s since sun.Normally don`t babysit on thurs,but son was offered overtime.
    So Violet knows her dad is normally home,tells me today,I`m taking all her Daddy days.lol
    Have a good one.