

  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    I pretty much keep the radio in my car tuned to our Christian radio station. There was this song on about David and Goliath and when he was so small that God provided him with the supplies and strength he needed to slay the giant. So this song had this recurring phrase 'when you're in a valley, there is a rock'. It rally hit me hard since this plateau and even worse, slight gradual weight gain that I am in a big valley. But there is a rock for to cling to. I just need to use it and slay this giant. Also when you are in a valley you can only look up.

    Since I have this huge walk (1 mile) tomorrow to do I decided I needed to do the walking track today at the Y instead of my usual bike. 13 laps is one mile and I walked 16. I can remember how The other day when I was having so much trouble with my MS that it kind of affected me the next day so I didn't push it any more than that. It also burned more calories than the bike. I the closer tomorrow comes the more my husband feels left out that I am doing this and he isn't. I'm sure that Michelle wouldn't mind. I looked up the info on the internet and the regristration fee is $35 so that did it for him. Not going!!! But he loves his supper at 5 PM, no ifs ands or butts about it. 5 PM. This walk is at 5 PM:ohwell: Plus there are food vendors etc. It's a big fund raiser for the Humane society. So I guess he may be having supper here by himself. It's not going to be easy for him to find a seperate parking place and he has never bee one who can just sit and wait for us and meet us at the food vendors when we are ready to eat. Plus he may have to pay just to get in the area. Poor boy.

  • meyllisa
    meyllisa Posts: 284 Member
    :flowerforyou: Hello to All, have been reading all the posts, just trying to keep up with all of you!
    Welcome to all who are new , congrats to all the great losses and nsv's
    Best wishes to all in your endeavours

    Juanita in Sudbury
  • kevrit
    kevrit Posts: 3,902 Member
    Sylvia, the puppy wouldn't be a terrier of some sort would it? I used to raise Rat Terriers when I had the room and they are the smartest most active dogs I had ever seen. So much fun! I had a male who used to do things just to make you laugh! He would get under a blanket then sit up with the blanket still covering his head and look around like a periscope until someone laughed at him. Then he would come out tail stub (he was docked) wagging as hard as it could! :laugh: He would sometime sit like a human on the recliner with one paw on the arm of the chair and watch TV just like a person and casually look over at you if he noticed you watching him. Hilarious!:bigsmile:

    Well I am proud of myself. My husband was drinking last night and asked me if I wanted some. I said no and didn't have any all night. That was tough but I did it! Today there was a picnic at work and I watched what I took to eat and came away satisfied and not over done! Now I am craving sweets, but chewing gum to avert that. Tonight is going to be tough. It is 'movie' night at my house. My BFF comes over and we watch a movie, have drinks, and popcorn. Oh, well 3 good days at least......

    My goals for September (late but better than nothing!)

    1. log everything that goes into my mouth!
    2. log on here at least once a day (the thread I mean)
    3. not drink more than 3 alcoholic beverages a day (baby steps when I drink it is way more than this!)
    4. stop the self destructive behaviors! (going to be a tough one!)
    5. find a way to exercise that doesn't cause pain and detour my efforts! (suggestions?)

    Rita from middle TN
  • SueMizZou
    SueMizZou Posts: 146 Member
    Hi one and all,

    I just found you and am happy to do so. I'm way past 50, past 60 truth be told but I don't feel that old. I've been on MFP for two years. off and on. I've been married forever to the same man I still like. I have 2 grown children and 4 grands (8,6,4,<1). Like everyone else, my life has its ups and downs -- right now things are pretty good. I just restarted and am looking for people to share my journey.

    It's been two weeks and i've lost less than 1 lb. I'm trying to avoid discouragement by focusing on fitness goals mainly walking more than 10,000 steps every day. I figure I can measure that and my goal is clear. Weight loss confounds me. I've been logging and measuring to no avail. I know that its supposed to be that if you are in a calorie deficit the weight comes off but it doesn't seem to be working.

    Eventually, I will succeed. I wonder if the fact that I've been dieting on and off forever has screwed up my metabolism. I guess I'll just stick with it and see what happens.
  • trisH_7183
    trisH_7183 Posts: 1,486 Member
    I always tell ppl to try water aerobics .Great exercise,but doesn't hurt. I go to a gym.
    The Y was way too $$. Walking is also good. You can walk as much as you want.
  • jodios528
    jodios528 Posts: 379 Member
    bump for now so I can find you all later

    for those frustrated with a lack of weight loss...are you getting trimmer? If you are putting on muscle while losing fat - you are not seeing the scale go down since muscle weighs more. Stick with it in this case...the weight will start to come off. If you are not changing your body shape (e.g. no change in your measurements) take a good look at what and how much you are eating and exercising. For example are you weighing your food so you know you are truly eating the portion size specified (I was shocked when I first started what the actual serving size was once measured vs. what I thought/guessed it to be - lots of hidden calories in misjudged portions)...invest in a kitchen scale and measuring cups - although I find the kitchen scale to be much more accurate. My DH can shove an awful lot of ice cream in a 1/2 cup measure :laugh: :laugh: Also, think about a heart monitor or fit bit so you can more accurately assess the calories you are burning...it might be less than you thought. Just some thoughts...but the most important is do not give up!!!!

    Happy Friday the 13th from comfortably cool N. Illinois Jodios:smile::love: :flowerforyou: :smooched: :drinker: :bigsmile:
  • DeeDee2211
    DeeDee2211 Posts: 1,133 Member
    Stopping by to save my place!

    Have a wonderful Friday evening everyone!
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,755 Member
    evening ladies,
    well I have a bunch of energy, amazing... came home from work at 5, whipped up spagetti and meatballs and mini chocolate chip cookies for my FIL,did the dishes, and walked the dogs, and still ready to go..
    Busy day tomorrow, mow the lawn ,go the dump,go check on my FIL and ,walmart, sams and going to dinner at 99 and Im sure we will be home before 6:laugh:
    what a couple of old farts we are:blushing:
    getting some long pants tomorrow, I do have a couple of pair of jeans,but need every day pants, and I am buying the danskin now yoga pants, not the ones that are like leggings but, the wider ones, they are soft and comfortable and I dont care what people think, I want to be comfortable:bigsmile:
    much cooler here after the storm last night, it is seasonal now, Fall is my favorite:heart:
    NSV- my boss was sitting in his office and I was doing something in the hallway, putting something away I guess, and he say's ,you have changed so much -unbelievable.. I sorta smiled to myself.. because I know its true.. I still have more to go.but this chickie is gonna keep on truckin.. we did get lunch out today,I only ate a 1/2 a sandwich, whole grain bread,real turkey, brie(heather :bigsmile: ) baby spinach, was very good.
  • suebdew
    suebdew Posts: 1,330 Member
    Hot again! We played early but it was so humid and 91 degrees. Wiped me out. came home, showered ate lunch and took a two hour nap. Probably won't sleep tonight! Now I know why I didn't do so well at golf, it's Friday the 13th!!!

    Janet - I agree with the advice others have given you. Don't give up!! When I started I was doing everything right and gained the first week! Sure burst my bubble. You have to work at this and believe in yourself. You Can do this.

    Michele - can't believe I'm giving you some cooking advice but I did cook spaghetti squash last night. I cut mine in half, cleaned out seed and stuff. Put a little water in a glass bowl covered with saran wrap and cooked in the microwave for 12 minutes. It was perfect.

    Katia - I think you are right about setting your own goal. I looked around the site and found the BMI and BRM questions. They ask what your goal weight will be. I agree that most people change their goal after losing some weight.

    Have to think about getting dinner ready. Have a great evening.
    Joyce - good luck and enjoy your walk tomorrow.

    Sue inTX
  • yoyonomore55
    yoyonomore55 Posts: 350 Member

    Deb A in CNY
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,368 Member
    Nancy - many times I'll have one of my bran muffins. They are high in fiber and make me want to drink a lot. Usually, and I say *usually* that helps. But I still have to sample at least some of the dough. It's almost like an addiction.

    Today started out with my going to WalMart. I was thinking that I'd probably need more egg substitute for tomorrow. I took it to the Y with me and put it in their refrig while I took the deep water class. Then I put it in the refrig at the Green Room while I volunteered there. I tell you, the shows for this weekend are almost totally sold out. Then I came home, had lunch (tuna on a tortilla), went in the pool, then did some running around. Went to Kohl's (I almost died when I saw the price for pillowcases!), Target, then Sam's. I do need new headphones, I can't find what I'm looking for so I think I'll have to go to Best Buy. Home for dinner. Jessica and Kris should be here later tonight.

    Tomorrow is farmer's market then yoga. If the guy with the sweet corn on the cob is there, I'm going to buy, buy, buy. Really, don't have anything else planned for tomorrow. Jessica is going to leave here Sun to drive Kris back to VA and go to work, but she'll be back Tues night.
    She has an interview at NC State Vet School on Wed. I know somewhere in there she has a dentist appt.

    Cleaned the spa today. That's a good way to dry the back of me before going in the house. Jessica and Kris might want to use the spa tonight.

    Oh, gotta tell you the news. I got an email from Bryan. Talk about shocked. I emailed him twice saying "thinking of you". The second time I asked for his new address. Didn't get that. He did say that they are now on the island of LaReunion, they have an apt., bought a car, that he is happy with his boss, Diana is working and looking for more work at the airport (don't quite understand that, but that's OK, probably doing translation)

    Joyce - I always love reading your posts, they are so uplifting. Thank you. Good luck on your walk

    grandmalle - I always feel that God's plan is the best plan. Sometimes I just wish I understood it. But then again, it took me 30 years to realize why His plan to take my mother when I was so young was really the best plan. You didn't offend me one bit with your post. I was raised Catholic, too. Every Sun going to church, I still remember wearing a big hat because I didn't have time to take the rollers out of my hair....lol You sure are one busy lady. How do you find the time to get everything done? Great NSV. I gave a pair of pants to this lady to make smaller. I really should have had them in a 6 only I got the 8. I had another pair in a 6, so I hope she can cut them down to the same size.

    Heather - I just can't get over how great you are with dh. Truly inspirational

    Welcome everyone new! This is a great thread

    Sue in SD - when our furbabies hurt, we hurt, too. You're probably right, I bet she's playing the sympathy card.

    Sylvia - I know what you mean by people looking at you at the gym when you're laughing at something they can't hear. I get looks when I start dancing and they can't hear the music....lol

    janetsilver - oh, that's happened to me, too. Sometimes it just takes your body a while to catch up with itself. Also, I've found that no matter what, even if I'm below on the total daily calories, if I eat something in the evening, I can be absolutely guaranteed that I'll gain the next day. I take the body test on the Wii, but don't use that as a definitive weight (besides, it doesn't give me a number, only the number of how much I lost/gained)

    Got the book "the Cure For Everything Untangling Twisted Messages about Health, Fitness and Happiness" along with another rebounder DVD from Amazon today. I wanted this book and didn't feel like paying the shipping so, trajedy of all trajedies, I had to order a DVD to bring the total up. Isn't that a crying shame?????????? I'll probably do that DVD Tuesday just so I can be sure there's no problem with the DVD.

    Rita - congrats on saying "no". I had a mini-NSV today while I was in Sam's. They were giving out these samples of donuts or muffins and I actually had my hand reaching for one but then drew my hand away and walked away. Unfortunately, when I got home, I did have two cookies. Shouldn't have. Didn't really need them. Hope Jessica and Kris finish them up so I don't have to look at them

    patceoh - I agree, water exercise can be very demanding. You don't feel it, tho...that is...until the next day

    Sue in TX - and your spaghetti squash wasn't real "watery"? I'd give it a try if that'll help. I cut mine in half, took out the seeds, roasted it cut side down, and there was still a lot of water from the squash.

    I'm going to post this so that I mark my spot.

    Michele in NC
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,962 Member
    :flowerforyou: After not doing my strength training on Wednesday, I was determined to not miss it today.......I woke up tired after our trip to Victoria yesterday and staying up hours past my usual bedtime. I walked the dogs for less than our usual two hours and taught half the line dance class followed by going out to lunch with our friends who went to Victoria with us.:bigsmile: We had shopping to do at Costco on the way home (I ate no free snacks and bought only the items on my list:bigsmile: ). I told Jake that as soon as I walked the dogs I wanted to do strength training. He said he wanted to do it with me but wanted a nap even more I resisted the nap idea and did my strength training and did everything on the list and an extra set of three things.

    :bigsmile: Our trip yesterday was awesome…..beautiful weather, good friends, lots of walking, and three restaurant meals with sensible eating. Eating in a restaurant is always a sodium filled experience and thus my weight was up two pounds this morning.

    :flowerforyou: I consider myself a “spiritual omnivore” and I welcome helpful spiritual advice from all paths…….putting my will and my life into the hands of a power greater than myself has been the basis of my life for years. I’ve also learned that a good idea can come from anybody, so I try to listen with an open mind.

    :yawn: :laugh: :yawn: The dogs want to go for another walk and I may go to bed even earlier than usual.

    :heart: Barbie from NW Washington

    “If it’s important to you then you will find a way, if it’s not you’ll find an excuse.”

  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Heather: Your DH is a gem. I wonder if he realizes it and tend to think he doesn’t. I’ll bet it is impossible to tell him how much you value him often enough. If I was going to a place where my long ago BF was sure to be, I think DH would be a bit unsettled—despite me throwing over the other guy and picking him. Will your DH go with you? Good luck at the opening. :bigsmile: :flowerforyou:

    Rita: from TN Congratulations on two wonderful NSV’s, passing up the offered drink from DH and being wise at the work picnic.:flowerforyou:

    SueMiizZou: IF you’re consistently logging at deficit and not losing I’d look at sodium and alcohol as possible causes. Water helps combat both issues. Hang in there. Welcome to the group.:flowerforyou:

    Grandmallie: Congrats on the Boss noticing how well you’re doing. Big NSV!:bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    Sue in TX: I’m a cool weather girl. You’ wouldn’t catch me playing any sport at 91 degrees with high humidity. You rock!:wink:

    Michelle: Congrats on hearing from your son. It sounds like they are trying to build a life. Keeping my fingers crossed for more good things as time goes by.:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    DH and I spent most of the day sanding failed deck flooring off of our upper deck so that we can put on new and do a good job. It was hard, but we worked like a good team and got through it. We rented a 4” belt sander and took turns operating it so that we each got plenty of breaks but the work kept on. Next there is detail work, removing the deck railing temporarily and then the primer coat. Lots to do. I hope I sleep well and nothing is cramping from over use tonight or tomorrow.

    Be well and happy.

    Katla in Beautiful NW Oregon

    September goals:
    1. Log every bite
    2. Move more.
    3. Drink at least 4 glasses of water daily.
  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    HI!just got in,spent 3 hours looking for a dress for daughter for homecoming,to no luck.
    Fd was on the go,stayed under,but not the best food.
    Exhausted,gonna shower and relax.
  • phoo513
    phoo513 Posts: 231 Member
    Happy Friday night, Ladies! Hope you have all had a great day. Mine has been great, spent the morning with my little elder friend. Took her to get her hair done, out for coffee, stopped at the grocery store, and then back home so she could rest. While we were waiting for her turn at the washing stand, we met another woman who will be 102 next month! So, 98 + 102 = many, many years of Wisdom! It's really something to think about isn't it. What changes have these women experienced? What hardships have they lived through? What joys have they appreciated? And, they were both smiling, sharp-minded and happy......life is good. I was blessed today to have this experience.

    Grandmallie- I do not take prednisone, but I do take other huge pills & have difficulty w/ swallowing them sometimes. For me, warm water makes it easier to take the pills and a little breath mint takes away the taste. They are just nasty! :frown:
    Nice compliment from your boss. Things like that really make you smile, don't they. :happy:

    Sylvia- A chair! Sneaky little devil! Agility training sounds like just the plan for him. Of course, as you run the course with him, you'll get some extra steps in each day! That sounds like a win-win situation!

    Nancy- Love the quote- I need that on my fridge!

    Janetsilver- Welcome! I really can't tell you why some weeks things work well and other weeks things don't. I, too, have done the week "right" only to find no loss or a slight gain. Could be water weight, could be muscles are defining themselves, could be a gremlin..... Just keep working your plan, and it will work. It's not a fast process, but it does work.

    Vicki- Overeating and Alcoholism are closely related in the illnesses catagories because they are both based on sugar addictions with very negative physical/emotional/mental consequences. (IMHO) In OA, we talk about the irony that overeating is the only addiction in which you actually can not, should not, and aren't expected to totally and completely abstain from the substance which is giving you the grief! I really can live the rest of my life w/o an alcoholic drink, but I can not live my life w/o food. It isn't a more difficult struggle, but it is a different struggle for those of us who are compulsive overeaters.

    Joyce- Have fun with your walk tomorrow! :flowerforyou:

    Rita- My partner has a short-haired Jack Russell terrier. She is almost 14 years old, and I love her to pieces! She is a rock hound. If you throw a rock she will chase it and bring it back. She chews on them, so her front teeth are pretty well shot. When she grins and shakes her stub, she looks really ridiculous! We surely do get attached to our critters, don't we. Have fun w/ movie night, I can smell the popcorn from here! :flowerforyou:

    I did ok with my food today, even ate some of those nasty vegie-things, but the cravings were bad. I think after the big binge, I am going to have to work to retrain my brain again. Once again, two steps forward....one step back. But, that's ok, I see which direction I need to go.

    Have a good night everyone...... I wish you all peaceful sleep, uninterrupted sleep, and happy dreams!

    Pat (Phoo in Az)
  • SandyC04
    Wow, how have I missed this thread! You ladies are awesome!!!!

    I have been on a clean eating (as in all organic, no processed or GMO foods, gluten and dairy free) diet for 4 months now... I have severe rheumatoid arthritis and all the complications that come with it... I decided to make a major lifestyle change and lose weight in the process... I am happy to say I saw my doctor today and I no longer have to take several meds as my disease seems to be under control... my HCT is normal without the EPO shots as are my liver function tests... I have to say I am no longer complaining about the cost of this diet nor the prep work, just call me June Cleaver with the apron and pearls :-), as I much prefer to drop the bucks at the market then to docs and hospitals...

    Now that my health is on the up swing have been allowed do an easy walk... Looking forward to losing more weight, my goal is 145, and continue my healthy ways... Would love to get to know you all better... Way to go Women over 50!!!
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    phoo, Grandmakkie is right about the Prednisone. They aren't big pills but oh they taste terrible. You have to do something to make sure they don't touch your tongue, roof of your mouth or throat. It's a challenge!!!

    When I was working and the good ol' days had semi private rooms, my favorite patients were when I had two old men in a room together. Men generally didn't have as much whining as a lot of the women do. But when they wold start talking about their first cars, working on the farm, first jobs or whatever it was so neat. They had seen the first cars on the road to having a man on the moon. Who else could say that?? They are just so neat to work with. The hospital was doing some major construction in a side lot and installing a big MRI department which involved a lot of digging and took a long time. Those two old men could just put their chairs by the window and just watch all day long. They didn't need a TV, books or anything else. They had big machinery, big digging was exciting!!

    Well my husband is really pushing coming with our daughter and I tomorrow. I know one of the things he is looking forward to is the fried greasy foods from the food vendors. He says if he knew Michelle would still be going out to eat with us on Sunday he would feel better. I guess I never realized he was so insecure.

  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,117 Member
    Just trying to keep up.........but I'm not doing very well at it. :sad: Thinking of you Vitamin F ladies. Best wishes (as always).:heart:

    Lin in Central Iowa

  • skuehn48
    skuehn48 Posts: 2,859 Member
    Hello to all!! Just bumping to find my spot. Sue in SD
  • Gardengail
    Gardengail Posts: 596 Member
    Bumping to find the new thread. It has been an exhausting week and I'll have to work some this weekend as well. Boss travels Sunday night, and did not get everything done today, so we'll be in the office Sunday afternoon before he leaves town getting the presentation ready.

    We had a company come this week to pressure wash the house, all the concrete and the fence. Looks fabulous and they'll be back in a couple of weeks to stain the fence. It would have taken DH and I multiple weekends and they were done in a few hours. Such luxury to pay someone to do these things....Yay!

    Going to bed - hope everyone has a full night's sleep!

    Gail, metro ATL