

  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Well that's just a bummer. Since I still can't get my laptop to work and all the shows I was going to watch don't really require me to watch them right now, like Survivor would, I stayed in my office and did my silly face book games and did my usual web surfing back here. So I turned on my Bill Cosby radio station. Seems like that there are a lot more of the more recent comedians on the station than I would prefer. And you can only 'thumbs down' a certain in an hour. Well you can thumbs down them and it will remember that but you still have to listen to them. Then it ran out of tracks to play!:huh: :huh: So with all the ones I did a thumbs down in the memory bank I will have to see how many I actually get now. I had such hope that I could enjoy that station. :sad: But I found a good classical hymns station I liked.

    Michelle, I don't see myself as anyone special. I'm just a Mom who loves her kids. I made sure I had a good job and kept it. I had a good base at first and got an education. My husband realizes how important that is now that our girls are struggling so. He only has his high school and good medic experience in the Navy which got him the job he stayed in for over 40 years. But he always stressed to the girls that college education is only what you make of it and many people with a high school degree can do the same things. They are just all underpaid. Now he is living to regret stressing that so much to them. Now he tries to make it up by providing them with their financial needs now that we are retired, debt free and drawing our pensions and social security and have a nice nest egg also. Also, life with MS must go on. It doesn't define me or own me. Everyone in my Mother's genetic line has some sort of auto immune disorder and she taught us that you get up in the morning, put your feet on the floor and get going. My bad days are so rare I feel very lucky. I am part of an MS forum and I see what my life could have been. Now if I can just get over my latest plateau and back to the negative weight loss again. I think my stress level lately has had a lot to do with it. Your words of encouragement mean a lot to me, especially since my youngest daughter's name is Michelle and she is the one who had the really bumpy teenage and young adult years and we are slowly building that.

    Speaking of my youngest. I have my first 'walk' Saturday!!!!!! I hope this week at the gym has helped me so that I can walk this mile. Yes, that's what I said. It's just a mile:laugh: :tongue: But walking doesn't came as easy to me as riding my recumbent bikes. If I hadn't dropped out of the Y for about 3 weeks it would sure have been a lot better. So her boxer is going to 'walk' with us. I hope he behaves himself.

    Joyce, Indiana
  • Anamika703
    Anamika703 Posts: 202 Member
    You go girl! Love your writing........
    Cheers for your walk
  • Anamika703
    Anamika703 Posts: 202 Member
    I love horses and riding myself. Felt very great about your friend, and sorry the way she was cheated, sooner or later the cheats will get their just rewards.
    Great to know u r still pitting in to support her.
    Meditation is known to be a great help to counter depression / panic. Wishing you all the best. Like Barbie said she meditates while walking :smile:
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,765 Member
    wow good morning, and I feel soooooo much better, didnt get to sleep until about 9 because of the thunder boomer's but did sleep well:bigsmile: and I lost a little, so that is just a bonus...
    I think my mind was stressing and that's why I was having all that sleep problems,plus I am taking some herbal menopuase stuff and maybe that seems to be helping too.
    I am having my lemon water and will get myself to the gym in a bit...
    There is a certain quote from a certain 12 step program that says- Let go Let God - and that and the serenity prayer have gotten me through alot...
    My mom raised both my brother and I catholic and went to parochial schools and to church every sunday.. brought my kids up mostly that way.. both of them baptized ,holy communion, and confermation.. But I haven't really been back.. the way it used to be you would burn in hell if you weren't at church every weekend.. But you know what? God hasn't let me down yet, I pray all the time,I know I am in his hands, sometimes life deals you a bad hand,but he has the master plan.. So I will not stress....
    Hopefully I haven't offended anyone with my words. everyone has there own beliefs ..
    but just feeling a little nostalgic is all I guess:smile:
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,311 Member
    Joyce - I think I did lose a lb or two when all that lymph fluid was squished out of me, but it was before I started my "diet", so I wasn't keeping track. I did look funny with my arm all bandaged for a week. At that time I had damaged my knee badly on holiday and was doing yoga in a chair. The week I had my arm bandaged I was still wanting to go, but in the end I decided I would just be a distraction for the other ladies!:noway:

    Katla - I don't have a smart phone, yet, so haven't seen that goal setter. Thanks.

    Vicki - sending love to you.:love::flowerforyou: I hope you are feeling better soon. Forgive yourself, that was then, this is now and tomorrow is another day. I hope your stress is easing up.

    Well, I had a most interesting morning! DH took his sleeping pill and slept OK. I changed to the spare room because I was a bit wakeful between 1pm and 2.30. Read a book. I think I was worrying about seeing my EX at the brewery opening. It hadn't occurred to me before for some reason. I still don't know if he is coming. Also I was a bit upset that DS#1 hadn't told me he was coming and he hasn't replied to my text. Anyway I got back to sleep. When I went back to our room in the morning DH was having a panic attack. Very bad. I got him back by getting him to open his eyes, uncurl himself and count back from 100. It was just overbreathing, but he was terrified and throwing himself about. Luckily I have had experience of helping people in this state before as I used to be a Team Leader on personal development courses and it happened from time to time.
    The result is that I do feel a little weary!:huh: We still got on with our gymming and I did my weight training, but it was a chore. Still, I did it!:flowerforyou:
    Now I have to decide whether to go out and buy something to wear for tomorrow. All I have that fits, sort of, is my skinny jeans and a couple of t shirts. My EX hasn't seen me since I was almost at my very worst, at DGS' s christening last year. I have photos of that day and my stomach was absolutely HUGE! Double chin, everything. So I want to look stunning!:laugh: :laugh: :drinker: I am going along there with my BFF so we can support each other. Of course DGS and DDIL will be there unless she has the baby early! (It is due next week) My EX still owes me the legacy my beloved ex DMIL left me, so he is probably nervous of seeing me!

    Enough already! To all those lovely ladies who are coming out of wanting to be invisible, YES, you are worth it! Good for you for making steps in that direction. For me the legacy of my childhood meant I need to control my environment. Hence my noise and music phobia. It has got so much better recently, but used to really rule my life. I hope I continue to improve and so will you.

    Quinoa salad for lunch. DH can have his ham sandwich.:laugh:

    Love from Heather in gloomy, rainy Hampshire UK
  • LinCharpentier
    LinCharpentier Posts: 1,122 Member
    Yesterday I answered to all on page 18. Went to post reply it wasn't there. So today I just got through page 19 hope it posts. But sorry no time this morning it's almost time to hit my Legion for coffee.

    Must have been something in the air last night.
    I had the feed bag on to. After two servings of 1/2 cup of ice cream. I cracked open two ritz crackers 100 calorie packs.
    I was lucky the wii still gave me a loss for yesterday but I hope I don't find it today.

    Yes encouragement not instructions. And we get a lot of encouragement here. And I thank you all for it.
    No one in the year I've been here ever said You lost this week you'll find it next. But hubby sure does.

    Well it's 7:30 and i'm going to coffee with the vets but my cousin does it to. So we have great chats.

    Linda in Northern Ontario.
  • Gardengail
    Gardengail Posts: 596 Member
    bump for later, though we'll likely be in a new thread by then! Going to a local garden with a friend tomorrow and will get in LOTS of walking. :happy:

    Gail, metro ATL
  • dantanjah
    dantanjah Posts: 100 Member
    Although I joined MFP last year I really just started actively using it and working on my weight loss goals this month. In September I would like to get my water consumption up to 8 cups per day.
  • kevrit
    kevrit Posts: 3,913 Member
    Good day lovely ladies of the world! Just a quick update. 2 days of being on track, eliminating my steroid nasal spray and making sure I get 8 oz of water on top of anything I drink got me down 1.8 pounds! And I feel a whole lot better! I think I found my answer for now.

    Grandmallie, you did not offend me with your post, I am much the same way as you as far as religion, church, and God. He has never let me down and has guided me through my move to TN and now back to CT. I rely on his guidance every day of my life.

    Talk later gals!
    My goals for September (late but better than nothing!)

    1. log everything that goes into my mouth!
    2. log on here at least once a day (the thread I mean)
    3. not drink more than 3 alcoholic beverages a day (baby steps when I drink it is way more than this!)
    4. stop the self destructive behaviors! (going to be a tough one!)
    5. find a way to exercise that doesn't cause pain and detour my efforts! (suggestions?)

    Rita from middle TN
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,765 Member
    oh my those prednisone pills stick in my throat and I have to get something in my mouth to get that nasty nasty taste out of my mouth..:grumble:
    have everything logged for the day(I think) except for the rest of my pedometer and fitbit steps:wink:
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Katla - how do you get a goal from MFP? I can't find one.
    I have lymphodema from having my lymph glands removed under my arm when I had the breast cancer op. My arm swells. I used to go to a clinic where they give you elastic sleeves to wear. My arm kept swelling and they began to get worried. When it gets to 20% bigger than the other arm you have to go into hospital. Mine was nearly that. The health authority was applied to by the clinic and they funded 20 lymphatic drainage massages by a specialist therapist. This is not automatic funding so I was lucky. I had to be bandaged up like a mummy! I had the 20 and now I go every so often for maintenance. I really like her and I advise her on her dating adventures!!!

    Love Heather U K

    It is hard to say exactly how the goal was delivered. I set up my whole system on my iphone app. The app asked questions and I answered. Then I was given a goal weight and calories that gradually lowered over time. Weeks later I found the web site and decided to use a ticker. I attribute the goal weight to the app process but I don't remember exact details. It is undoubtedly the result of some answer to a question.


    Thinking about this answer, it is likely that if the goal was set based on my answers to questions I probably picked it our myself. I was trying something new with no expectation of the level of success I've actually experienced.
  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    I found a down side to listening to the Pandora comedy channel at the gym. People stop and look at me when I am laughing out loud to something they can't hear. It happened once with Cosby and once with Bob Newhart. Oh well, just let them wonder. I agree with you that I don't like the newer comics so much as the older ones. I didn't know about the thumbs down thing. I'll have to try that.

    My arms were feeling better today, so I did the weight machines again. It went pretty well.

    The scale was playing a little trick on me this morning. After three days of holding at the same weight it said I had GAINED 1.6 pounds! Since I know that cannot be possible - I ate below my limit and did all my exercise - then I am not going to worry too much. Right?

    I think I may be in trouble with my new puppy. He is a little too clever. He's already learned sit, down, off, leave it, and up (where he stands on his hind legs for a treat). We are working on stay this morning. And he is completely house trained. And we've had him less than two weeks. I think I may have trouble keeping him busy and out of trouble. His tiny little brain is always clicking away. You can see the evil lurking in his eyes. I plan to look into some agility classes for him. I found out how he is getting stuff off the table. He pushes a chair out so he can jump up on it. I saw him do it. Little stinker.

    Have a great day everybody!

  • skuehn48
    skuehn48 Posts: 2,868 Member
    Hello All: I have done pool therapy and physical therapy already this morning and my shoulder is saying enough!! Going out to lunch with a friend and then we will walk around downtown. Have not done that for a long time. There are lots of little shops and of course the sculpture walk so I should get some steps on my fitbit.

    Poor Ginger our dog is dragging around today. Yesterday she went to the vet to have her teeth cleaned so her mouth is sore. They removed two growths from her back and chest so she is sore there and they cut her claws way back because our groomer has not been clipping them properly so her feet are sore too. We are giving her pain pills and I think she is very happy about not having to eat kibble but getting canned food but she looked very, very sad when I told her she had to go in her kennel while I went to PT. I think she is playing up the sympathy bit as much as possible.:happy:

    Everyone have a good Friday and enjoy the weekend. Sue in SD
  • seasonsofjoy
    seasonsofjoy Posts: 47 Member
    I laughed out loud when I read about YOU laughing at the comedians on Pandora while you worked out at the gym! When I walk outside, vs. at home on my treadmill, and listen to my Ipod, sometimes I just cannot keep myself from singing out loud, and people passing me, well,......whatever! It makes the time fly, and it makes me walk faster! You go girl!

    I love this quote, so simple, so great for me, hope it helps you gals:


    I know sometimes in the past when I have been on healthy eating plans, or as I used to call it, "diets", and I would get hungry, I would start to constantly think about the next food i got to eat, when, what, where, how much, the calories, etc., etc. I would get so preoccupied with these thoughts of food, I would almost panic sometimes, if I were getting really hungry. I learned, in one of my favorite books "The Beck Diet Solution", that of course, people can fast for medical or religious reasons, others have gone on hunger strikes for days. Of course, I don't have to act on the feeling of hunger immediately, impulsively; I can focus on other things. Hunger can come and go, and it will pass.

    This has helped me so much! I hope it helps others, also.

    Nancy, from sunny Arizona
  • janetsilver31
    janetsilver31 Posts: 3 Member
    good morning! I need an answer or two, Ive been here 12 days, worked out like a maniac, stayed with the calorie plan, and have lost zero pounds. I may be someone with a very firm set point. I know I can eat like a maniac for two weeks and not gain, but to be good for so long and see no results, is hard to keep going.

    has anyone had this experience?
    oh and by the way, I have plenty to lose. at least 40 pounds.
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Heather could it be that the upcoming possible meeting with your ex, you trying to make sure you show him what you look like now and your husbands fear of losing some one he loves is connected. Maybe even subconciensly?

    Janet, sorry, I don't have an answer to you. I do know that some people try to hard and the weight seems to win. Welcome to our group and hope some one can help.

  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,311 Member
    Joyce - that is very insightful. I do think my new found confidence has something to do with it. Relationships are so complicated aren't they. My ex is going to be there, but I only just found that out. It's making me quite jumpy. I have found though that recently my horizons are expanding and I am itchy to try new things, go new places. I'm not getting any younger and I have a long bucket list! He is definitely more of a home body.
    When we met over the internet I was attracted to his profile initially because he was interested in travelling and was involved professionally with travel and tourism. He has written books on it and developed courses all over the world, leading conferences in Russia, Hungary, Hong Kong etc. Some irony!
    When I moved out of London it was to escape the noise from the apartment building I lived in, with everyone constantly improving their homes. We moved in to our house just when the house next door was embarking on a year and a half major building construction. They were still at it last month!!
    :sad: :sad: :sad:
    Well, they were both good plans . .. . . . . . . !!!!!
    The good thing is I do really love DH and he is doing his absolute best to get through this. He is a lovely man. He married me four years after his partner died of breast cancer and I got the same thing. So his plan was about as good as mine. But he saw me through it and loved me when I put on all that weight. He is a gem :love:
    I am hoping my ticker shows up this time as I have adjusted it to show my real weight loss.
    Love Heather UK
    Whoops no ticker!
  • Vickil57
    Vickil57 Posts: 1,812 Member
    Good morning ladies. It's Friday the 13th!! I am feeling alot better today. Got up and been to the chiropracter and got my hair cut. Now just catching up and waiting for DH to get home so we can run more errands and then pick up DGD to go to Ravenna to DGSs football game. thanks for all the support and listening it really helps.

    Katshaper--Welcome and Happy Birtday. You have found a great group, come back often and tell us about yourself.

    Linda--Congrate on the loss.

    Meg-- Sorry for your loss. Drive careful and take care of yourself.

    Joyce-- Hope you get some rest. I do think as we get older we sleep less. I remember visting my grand parents and they seem to get up so early. Your DD is lucking you have the means to help. I know it's hard not to jump in and make everything OK. I love my kids and grandkids and want only the best for them. That is easier said than done. It is so hard to see them struggle.

    Barbie--Hope you enjoy your trip.

    grandmallie-- I don't remember the last time I slept all night without waking up. My mind seems to work the hardest in the middle of the night. I have started using the time to talk with God. So many things I wish I would of done different. Sometimes I think I should just get up and work on projects. HAHA It is funny how the mind works during the night. Everything seems bigger and scarier.

    Pat-- Thanks for your support. I know about depression and drinking. I take an antidepessant and most the time after I take them several months I think I can do without them. This time I have been on Wellbutrin since Jan2013 and do think they help. I used to use drinking as my drug of choice. Everything seemed so much better, but that was not the truth. I almost lost my DH and family this last time. I have not had a drink since April 5, 2016. Why is it easier to give up drinking then eating junk?

    Heather-- Great news about DS#1. I hope all goes well with DSs opening. Its always nice to let those in our past see how well we are doing. Sounds like DH is really trying to get a handle on things. Keeping you both in my prayers.

    Best get somethings done as DH should be home anytime. So much to do for a day off. LOL
    Blessed, Vicki GI NE
  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,060 Member
    Bumping try to keep up.
  • RebelRenny
    RebelRenny Posts: 1,073 Member

    I know sometimes in the past when I have been on healthy eating plans, or as I used to call it, "diets", and I would get hungry, I would start to constantly think about the next food i got to eat, when, what, where, how much, the calories, etc., etc. I would get so preoccupied with these thoughts of food, I would almost panic sometimes, if I were getting really hungry. I learned, in one of my favorite books "The Beck Diet Solution", that of course, people can fast for medical or religious reasons, others have gone on hunger strikes for days. Of course, I don't have to act on the feeling of hunger immediately, impulsively; I can focus on other things. Hunger can come and go, and it will pass.

    This has helped me so much! I hope it helps others, also.

    Nancy, from sunny Arizona

    :flowerforyou: Nancy, the quote is now one of my mantras as well. Growing up post-war in a country with memories of its citizens' hunger, feeling hungry and being skinny was considered a bad thing. I am working on getting rid of that subconscious thought that slim is unhealthy and chubby is healthy, and hungry is unhealthy and feeling full is a must.

    Janet, I know it is so discouraging when you do everything right and the scale does not move. You are not unique. Keep going, eating healthy and being active. It will pay off!
