

  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Barbara—I love the snow photo. It is beautiful. ⭐️ ❤️ ⭐️
  • Anniesquats100
    Anniesquats100 Posts: 3,112 Member
    Good evening ladies!

    Michele Hope Vince is okay. Sounds like a scary episode!

    Barbara and Machka I'm afraid of dropping a dumbbell on my foot, or worse, my face! I do chest presses and flies and such on my back on the carpet. I just need to make sure my wrists are strong enough before I lift more weight.

    I did my yoga and aerobic walking Yay! So that's a 247 calorie deficit today. Yay!

    Annie in Delaware
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,713 Member
  • skuehn48
    skuehn48 Posts: 2,887 Member
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,180 Member
    Good evening ladies!

    Michele Hope Vince is okay. Sounds like a scary episode!

    Barbara and Machka I'm afraid of dropping a dumbbell on my foot, or worse, my face! I do chest presses and flies and such on my back on the carpet. I just need to make sure my wrists are strong enough before I lift more weight.

    I did my yoga and aerobic walking Yay! So that's a 247 calorie deficit today. Yay!

    Annie in Delaware

    I'm not sure you would want to go to a bar if you're doing exercises while lying on your back.

    If you drop a bar across your neck or chest you could do some serious damage.

    M in Oz
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,180 Member
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,180 Member
    Machka9 wrote: »
    Only if you're interested in doing something like this as we go along ...

    Feel Good Feb and/or Exercising the Alphabet in February
    Feel Good Feb

    Exercising the Alphabet in February

    In other words, on February 1, you'd walk to a street that starts with A or do an exercise video hosted by someone whose name starts with A or something ... A.

    On February 2, you'd go swimming at a Beach or play a game of Baseball or something ... B.

    On February 3, you'd go Cycling or Climb some stairs or something ... C.

    and so on.

    There are, of course, 26 letters in the alphabet and 28 days in February, so you'd have 2 free days if you didn't exercise those days or couldn't fit in the next letter of the alphabet.
    I have listed several January highlights so that meets the calendar suggestion for February 1...

    And I walked to the Asian "dollar store" next to the Asian grocers and bought Art supplies at lunch today. That'll be my A. :)

    Put myself in someone else's shoes --- I've been treating my difficult work colleague with kindness by talking to her about her son, complimenting her skirt, talking quietly and gently to her and so on.

    And today, I walked to Bathurst Street to Buy some Books. I also climbed stairs in my Building. :)

    Watch a movie that reminds me of kindness --- probably not tonight!

    C is for Climbing and walking on Collins St!

    Take a picture of three things that make you happy --


    D is for exercising Downstairs!
    Rowing - 16 minutes
    Walking - 38 minutes
    Weights - 10 minutes

    Be kind to yourself -- Sleep, gardening and cycling! :)

    E is for Exercising!
    Plus we cycled on Endeavour Ave and the Esplanade. :)

    Start a conversation with someone new --- I'm not the sort to strike up random conversations, or conversations at all. But I did chat with a person I met recently and one I haven't seen in a few months today.

    And ... F!

    Consider a current struggle. Write down two thoughts that bring you comfort.

    Hmmm ... A current struggle, like only one? Let's go with waiting. I feel like I spend most of my life waiting.


    And a walk to the botanical Gardens through the rose Garden!

    Consider and celebrate diversity! Does that include people who look at things completely differently than you do? If so ... woohoo! I've had that opportunity today!

    H is for Hobart - walking around. And Hanging clothes outside.

    Identify a role model who embodies perseverance and find 2 ways to emulate them.

    Well, I don't have role models ... and I've persevered as much or possibly even more than many people I know.

    However, today was brought to you by the letter I. I did walk by and around IMAS (Institute for Marine and Antarctic Studies).

    Check an item off your to do list this weekend!

    YES! I tidied a shelf in the kitchen. I've been meaning to do that for months but finally did it today. There was a large quantity of rubbish on that shelf ... more than I thought. So, much of the cleaning process was just throwing things out.

    I've also been dusting our entertainment unit and all the stuff on it.

    And I went outside and tidied the area right in front of our front door which involved moving a whole bunch of pots and other garden things to a different location and then sweeping out a year's worth of leaves and stuff. I climbed up and down and up and down stairs doing that.

    This evening I made an attempt at digging the area I want to plant things next to my dry stream. I got a new spade which is great, but even so, there are so many roots, I'll need to use something else to break it up.

    Just getting rid of Junk and Jabbing the Soil

    Make twice as much for dinner and either invite guests or deliver a meal to a friend ...

    We're actually doing that sort of dinner thing on Tuesday.

    Meanwhile, all my exercise was in K ... Kingborough today!


    Heaving a heavy mattock in the garden:

    And walking our Kitty, Rhody. :)

    Make a list for the week ahead so you stay focused.

    I have one massive ongoing things to do list with the most urgent things at the top.

    Walking exercised my Legs.
    Gardening exercised all my Limbs!

    Consider a recent disagreement. Did you extend forgiveness?
    I don't like being at odds with people.

    Meandering around Bunnings.
    Moving the Mattock.

    Express creativity! I finished another version of my Project Plan!! That's as creative as I had a chance to be today.

    N = Nowhere
    I walked the stairs to nowhere and the road to nowhere.

    If you are in line today, let someone go ahead of you. I do every now and then. :)

    O - walking Rhody near home.

    The next time someone does something you appreciate, let them know. I did today! :)

    P - Perusing the shops today while it rained outside and Purchasing a few things.

    Offer a helping hand to someone such as holding the door for a stranger. I do this now and then ... probably about once a week. :)

    Q is for Queen.

    My lunch walk was around the Queen's Domain!

    Share about a recent book you read and what you learned.

    The recent books I have read have been fictional mystery/suspense, and I have confirmed I like this genre for relaxation and stress relief.

    R is for Rocks.
    Hauling rocks. Placing rocks.

    And walking Rhody.

    Show sincere appreciation when someone serves you food or drink. I always thank my husband when he serves dinner. :)

    S is for ... Sifting and Shovelling through Soil. Gardening ... I was gardening.

    Compliment someone today. I didn't have a chance today because there was hardly anyone around.

    T is for Target!
    It was raining again today so I walked through the shops.

    Where was I before I was swallowed up by work??

    Feb 21 - When you recognise someone is struggling, offer words of support.
    Frequently, with my husband

    U - Another rainy day so I walked up and down through the shops.

    Feb 22 - Ask for help. That's a simple way to express bravery
    I frequently ask for help. I don't often get help, but I ask.

    V - Vinnies!! I walked to Vinnies ... but didn't buy anything. 3.15 km plus commute walk.

    Feb 23 - Encourage your teammates to utilise their unique strengths
    Yes, and I thanked so many people today. :)

    W - Walked!! 2 km plus commute walk.

    Machka in Oz

  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,180 Member
    sh0tzz99 wrote: »
    Machka-I love the bee photos! I am fascinated with bees. Insects generally, but bees and ants are really amazing.

    Hugs to those in need!

    Tina in CA where we are about to blow away in the wind.

    Thank you, I think the bees are fascinating too. :)

    Katla49 wrote: »
    It will be a while before our son & daughter are able to pack things in our Oregon home and bring them here. Meanwhile the home is safe. The couple who want to buy it are watching it until the title can be transferred. I hope all goes well. ⭐️ ❤️ ⭐️

    That's good ... I'm glad people are taking care of you.

    Poerava14 wrote: »
    Today I took a friend to our closest mineral hot springs and vapor caves. We had a very relaxing time, followed by a delicious pizza on the best cauliflower crust I've ever found.
    Colorado Foothills

    That sounds wonderful! I've enjoyed hot springs in Canada several times.

    Machka in Oz

  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,180 Member
    ginnytez wrote: »
    Good morning all:

    Didn't sleep overly well last night, got up at 4. Cold feeling a bit worse than yesterday. Took Covid test to make sure it is clear before going into office-it's positive. So-no office for me! Will call my doctor this morning to see if he recommends any treatment. Meanwhile I will work from home as I feel like it and rest in between. Gets me out of a community business dinner tomorrow night that I really didn't want to attend :)

    Oh well, I said from the start I wanted to avoid it until it mutated down and they had treatments. Since I have had all vaccines hopefully won't be too bad-I am pretty achy this morning.

    Take care all,

    Ginny in Ohio


    Just read an article today where they're predicting another surge of COVID this coming winter.

    And I saw that Vax Number 5 is coming available.

    Touching my Toes - Even at 6 years old, when we were supposed to touch our toes in gym class, I was able to reach about mid-shin.

    "It turns out that the ability to touch your toes is the summation of a number of different physiological factors, many of which we have no control over. “The two biggest factors are the flexibility of your hamstrings and and the range of motion of your hip joints,” says Jeffrey Jenkins, a physiologist at the University of Virginia School of Medicine. “But the other big factor is the relative length of your arms and your torso to your legs.”"

    I always thought it was because my hamstrings were too tight, and they are a little bit tight, but according to my most recent physiotherapist they aren't overly tight.
    However, my most recent physiotherapist informed me, my hips have limited range of motion.

    I saw my most recent physiotherapist for my numb leg issue a few months ago, and he was checking the range of motion of my legs, hips and back ... and asked me what was stopping me from moving my leg further and I said, "It simply doesn't GO further!!" Turns out that's just the way my hips are built.

    Fibre -



    The recommended daily fibre intake is:
    men = 30g of fibre each day
    women = 25g of fibre each day.

    1 cup frozen mixed vegetables - 8.6 grams. I eat 2-3 cups of veggies a day which is 17.2 to 25.8 grams
    Add a piece of fruit, rice, some pasta, and a couple crackers and I'm in the range. :)

    dlfk202000 wrote: »
    Dh had a major, really major fit last night. ... He was cussing and throwing stuff. Mad because I didn't care about HIS stuff. Went on for over an hour then went to bed. I stayed up until he was asleep.
    Napa Valley,Ca

    Did you tell him him that he has no right to treat you that way and to shut it?

    I hope he didn't throw anything at you!

    Machka in Oz

  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,180 Member
    dlfk202000 wrote: »
    Machka9 wrote: »
    Hugs to those in need!

    Tina in CA where we are about to blow away in the wind.

    Headache, feeling hot, dizzy, nauseated etc.?

    That's describes a hot flash for me. I have 5 to 10 of those a day ... down now from 20+ each day thank goodness.

    What kind of Headache?

    M in Oz

    I can't imagine that many hot flashes. I only had them for a few months and it was during the winter so wasn't too bad. Did dress in layers and was funny walking around in a tank top for the few minutes but then had to put sweatshirt back on after that.

    sh0tzz99 wrote: »
    Machka9 wrote: »

    I woke up with a really strange headache today. I was super hot too. It felt like my BP was really high. I checked it and it was fine, but I really felt like I was going to pass out a couple of times. I had to cut my workout a bit short. I'm not sure what that was about. I still don't feel great, but I'm better.

    Tina in CA where we are about to blow away in the wind.

    Headache, feeling hot, dizzy, nauseated etc.?

    That's describes a hot flash for me. I have 5 to 10 of those a day ... down now from 20+ each day thank goodness.

    What kind of Headache?

    M in Oz

    It was kind of dull all across my forehead. I suspect it had something to do with the weather. A storm came in yesterday and winds are screaming through. Probably was messing with my allergies and asthma.

    I haven't had hot flashes for nearly a year, thankfully. I'd really hate for them to start up again though.

    Tina in CA

    I started having hot flashes about 11 or 12 years ago. It started gradually, with going through weird symptoms on the couple days before my periods started. The weird symptoms included being nauseated and so dizzy I could hardly walk.

    After a couple years of that, the dizziness eased up, thank goodness.

    But I started having the hot flashes I still have.
    1. I start feeling like I'm coming down with the flu - nauseated, achy and generally unwell.
    2. My skin goes all prickly. It feels like a combination of a bad sunburn and the pins and needles you get if you sit with your leg curled up under you. It runs from the back of my head all over my torso and arms.
    3. And then I heat up!! But at least the nausea is gone by this point.

    It wasn't too bad for a while ... maybe a half-dozen a day.

    Then my husband had his accident, and my hot flashes shot up to about every 15 minutes. Stress, I'm sure.

    After a couple months, I couldn't handle it and went on Effexor which brought the number down to about once an hour.

    Now I'm down to about 5-10 hot flashes a day. :)

    Machka in Oz

  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,804 Member
    Debbie- that is abuse my friend,please please get the help you need. The most important person is you..
    Im over with Miles ,Michelle gave him hugs and kisses for you...
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,180 Member
    Machka9 wrote: »
    Headaches ... I have had a wicked one like the front left quarter of my head is being hammered. It's been there since late January.

    New glasses helped a bit.

    Pretty sure it's stress.

    Funny thing is that I was working on a work project all evening yesterday and about midnight I decided to go to bed "because I was getting a headache" ... meaning that other parts of my head were starting to hurt as well as the usual part!

    M in Oz
    auntiebk wrote: »
    Machka that is too long for the same headache to linger. What does your new pcp say?


    I've had headaches most of my life. I just assumed that everyone did. Then one day, I made some comment somewhere about headaches, and people told me that they went significant periods of time without a headache. I could hardly believe it.

    Most of mine are low-level headaches that can be tolerated. Like right now, mine has eased off to what I would call mild pain in the left front quarter of my head, especially my forehead.

    When I complain about a headache, it has reached the point where it is barely tolerable.

    I read that using painkillers frequently can cause rebound headaches, so from time to time I go off them for a while. With the exception of my skin cancer surgeries, in the last several months I have rarely used painkillers.

    So it has to get pretty bad before I'll break out the Panadol. I used a couple last night.

    I was diagnosed with migraines in my early 20s, but the medication for that was worse than the migraines.

    I don't know if my headaches are migraines or not, but I've opted for other techniques to ease them ... making sure I am well hydrated, stretching my neck and shoulders, closing my eyes with the heels of my hands pressing over my eyes, breathing techniques, making sure my glasses are up to date, changing the colour/light on my computer, etc.

    M in Oz

  • ginnytez
    ginnytez Posts: 1,358 Member
    Morning all-I have skimmed through but don't know how much I am retaining.

    Welcome to new people and returnees

    Kylia-prayers for Aubrey. It is so sad when young children have to go through so much. Hope prep for testing went well. At least it isn't as bad as it used to be (which means it still isn't pleasant.)

    Lisa-Perhaps Corey is right and your testing in July may give your system a reset. The two of you seem to balance each other out well.

    Karen-you are right about increased exposure being possible in senior communities. I know a lot of our nursing homes are currently seeing and increase. Just seems to be a cycle.

    Doctor ordered paxlovid for me yesterday (one of the antivirals that is supposed to help keep you out of hospital). I was able to drive to drug store in late morning and pick it up at drive through. Then went through drive through to get some lunch. Came home, ate, worked on a couple of emails for work I needed to get out. After an hour, I was done! I was talking to staff member and told her I felt like my face was falling off! Spent rest of day on couch binge watching season 2 of Bridgerton.

    I was able to sleep fairly well last night-body aches subsided. Today I notice dizziness at times when waking. Going to try to do one letter for work but need to rest up-breakfast took it out of me! I must say-Covid is a bit interesting. Staff member (who has had Covid early on and has had all vaccines) also tested positive yesterday (her husband tested over the weekend). She has different, and I would say more severe symptoms. She is going to doctor later this am.

    Enough whining on my part! Have a good day all.

    Ginny in Ohio
  • drkatiebug
    drkatiebug Posts: 1,946 Member
    Good morning, all!

    Fiber, I do track mine with MFP. I always exceed my MDR. I should probably say almost always, but I do a pretty good job of adding fiber.

    touching toes I can touch my toes, but I need to bounce a little to be able to do it. I could not do it when I was younger. So, I call that progress.

    sleep I have not been sleeping well. Last night I ached all over. Even after taking Aleve, I could not get comfortable. Dave has been complaining for a while that he thought our mattresses were shot, so we are going mattress shopping this morning.

    This is going to be the year that we work on our lawn. I just signed us up with a service that treats the lawn with preemergent, fertilizer, etc. about every 6 weeks throughout the year. We shall see if we like it. We are also going to work on filling up the chipmunk holes. Hopefully, if we get the holes plugged, having a cat now will keep them further away from the house. They can build all the tunnels they want in the woods!
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,093 Member
    edited February 2023

    Ash Wednesday's services were cancelled here because of our storm. Shoveled/snow blower morning and afternoon. DH used a snowblower at about 9 last night. Still have 7 inches to clean up this morning. At least 15 inches total. I was here for our 36 inch total we got in the 90's with no snow blower so this is much more manageable. I think of you Beth and the 50 inches you had to contend with earlier this winter.

    I am pausing In The Body Block Course until snow clean up is complete.

    I learned I have to be more diligent with DrewB's paws after a walk. Many are using salt to make sidewalks safe for walks. The salt did upset here digestive track. Even the use of safe paws is not totally safe for dogs or the environment.
  • bwcetc
    bwcetc Posts: 2,777 Member
    Touching Toes ... My arms are disproportionately longer than my torso, but I also have very long legs. Still, I can not only touch my toes, but stand on my hands. Think of a monkey dragging his arms! :D My family has had a good time making fun of me over the years.

    Fiber ... I go in cycles of doing really well with fiber intake and then eating nothing but carbs and fat ...

    Ginny ... I found Paxlovid to be worse than my covid symptoms ... blech! My husband had significant digestive issues from Paxlovid; I just had a horrible taste in my mouth for 5 days.

    We had a significant layering of ice last night. Took 45 minutes with the car running before my son could get his doors open. Thankful for remote vehicle starters! I was planning on visiting with my mom today but will put that off until tomorrow. Too messy out there and too much ice on the driveway!

    Beth near Buffalo