Just Give Me 10 Days - Round 218



  • quiltingjaine
    quiltingjaine Posts: 5,962 Member
    @deepwoodslady I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to ignore your question the other day. I would have to research each of those ingredients as it has been several years since I eliminated most of them and went to using heavy cream instead of frozen whipped topping, And the only way I used to eat gelatin desserts was with a LOT of whipped topping! It’s a texture thing.
  • RenaPink11
    RenaPink11 Posts: 343 Member
    Skyleen75 wrote: »
    Gardening season has started but it’s a funny time- you can’t stomp around on spongy spring soil or you damage the delicate roots or crush delicate “noses” just starting to poke up.
    I do an efficient Fall clean but Spring always brings more raking. But those little leaf piles are protecting insects and animals from the cold. Not time to rake yet!
    Try explaining that five times a day to eager home/business owners that have Spring Fever!!! Shhhhh, be patient it will all happen before you know it. Just like every other year.
    For now a few hours a day finger combing wet leaves off of bulbs, a little pruning, sawing down giant grasses, picking up sticks.
    Listening to the peepers and birds, watching the world wake up.

    We never rake the leaves - the neighbors get annoyed. I tell them it’s best to just leave them for nature to do its thing, but still get the looks. 🤣 The most I do is blow the leaves off of my patio and into the yard.
  • TerriRichardson112
    TerriRichardson112 Posts: 18,408 Member

    In maintenance
    JGM10Ds Round 218

    🍎🥝 MARCH 2023
    Mostly over Covid but still one or two niggly symptoms hanging on.
    • In Maintenance since July 2019
    • Smart BMI - optimal weight.
    • Muscle/Fat %ages in normal range
    Just because Covid restrictions aren’t compulsory doesn’t mean they’re not necessary.
    😷Take care! Stay safe!😷
    March focus:
    * maintain weight < 140 (I have been maintaining since July 2019)
    * Maintain Daily Solid Habits
    I liked this so much I'm borrowing it.
    Every healthy habit brings me closer to scratching each of these off to NEVER see them again!
    220's; 210's; 200's; 190's; 180's; 170's; 160's; 150's; 140's; 130's

    🔹Posting weight and comments each evening.
    Terri: Female; 76; Northern Ireland; married > 56 years; ex Maths teacher; volunteer group leader for U3A (University of the Third Age - life-long learning charity)
    SW: 227 (Mar 2014)
    LW: 130.9(14 March 2023)
    GW: < 140
    I am - MINDFUL - of making heathy choices
    to - MAXIMISE - the achievement of my goals!
    Giving up is NOT an option! I KNOW I am doing this!
    JGM10Ds ROUND 218
    Round 217: EW: 132.3
    23/03: 132.4: Daily Habits💚
    24/03: 132.6: Daily Habits💚
    25/03: 132.4: Daily Habits💚
    26/03: 132.7: Daily Habits💚
    27/03: 132.5: Daily Habits💚
    28/03: 132.4: Daily Habits💚
    29/03: 132.6: Daily Habits💚
    30/03: 133.1: Daily Habits💚
    31/03: 132.4: Daily Habits💚
    01/04: xxx: Daily Habits
    Daily Habits - 2023
    Update - March 2023
    1. Log ALL CI/CO (Daily)
    2. Stay under goal (Daily)
    3. Balance macros/micros (Daily)
    4. Hydrate adequately (Daily)
    5. Choose healthy options (Daily)
    6. Steps > 6000 (Daily)
    7. Stretch before/after workouts
    8. 15+ minutes Cardio > 5 days a week
    9. 15+ mins Strength > 5 days a week
    10. 15+ mins Flexibility > 5 days a week
    11. Active hours > 6
    12. Practice self-care (Daily)
    13. Stay up to date with accounts (monthly)
    14. Mindfulness Practice/meditation ((Daily - morning/evening)
    15. 1 > 15 mins Declutter sessions (Daily)
    16. Be creative
    17. Purchase essential items only
    18. Read a book > 15 mins
    19. Work on ongoing craft projects
    20. Learn something new
    21. Develop Healthy Habits
    THERE ARE NO QUICK FIXES OR SHORTCUTS to achieving permanent change.
    REMINDERS: One or two thoughts which might give heart to some of you.
    • Daily weight fluctuations are normal, and can be as much as 2 lbs a day for no apparent reason.
    • A general downward trend is what we are looking for.
    • Eating out can cause apparent weight gain because of high sodium levels, but usually goes quickly. Drinking extra water helps with this.
    • The human body does not react instantly to what we do to it. Sometimes it can take several days to see results.
    • Plateaus are a normal part of the process. The body is consolidating and adapting to your new way of eating/exercising.
    • The closer you get to your goal weight, the more difficult it becomes to lose weight, as your body becomes more efficient at using what you feed it.
    • When you exercise you build muscle, which takes up less space than fat, so use measurements as well as weight to assess your progress.
    • Getting/Staying fit and healthy requires a lifestyle change for most people.
    Stick with the process. It DOES work! But it does take time, effort, and most of all, patience!

  • caitlinnf84
    caitlinnf84 Posts: 46 Member
    RND 218

    HSW: 175
    SW this round 169.6

    3/23 169.6
    This morning I played pickleball for 3 hours with my friends and had a fantastic time burning calories without even trying. I had a huge, delicious salad for lunch and then my day got out of control and at 9pm I was begging my husband to bring me some food to where we were visiting. He brought a little bit of peanut noodles and peppers, and a tiny bit of potato salad. So I ended up being way too far under my calories for the day, but wasn't hungry when I went to bed.

    3/24 168.2
    It's been a hectic day and I got no dedicated exercise, just steps from errands and life. I did great with water and food. Had a yummy turkey sandwich for lunch, a banana and protein shake for snack, and dinner was roasted sweet and russet potatoes, chicken apple sausage with onions, spinach and chickpeas, and mango and grapes. I feel satisfied. My family will be at my daughters' dance competition all day tomorrow so food is likely to be a struggle (takeout and snacks), stress level will be high, and no real exercise will happen. But lots of steps. We shall see!

    3/25 No weigh in today as we left super early for dance competition. Spent 16 hours there and traveling. No dedicated exercise but lots of steps. We ordered sandwiches for lunch and mine came loaded with mayo on white bread even though I ordered wheat with no mayo. Ate it anyway, felt sick. Had pizza for dinner. Not the most balanced, but it was fine. Stayed under calories and missed my veggies.

    3/26 166.6 Apparently the weird food choices yesterday didn't do too much damage. Got back on track today with a protein shake and awesome salad, but got nauseous halfway through the salad because I took my vitamin before eating it. Now I feel both queasy and hungry. About to head to a family dinner. It's always hard to track at these things. Not stressed though, I can do it. Any suggestions for a women's multivitamin that won't make me feel sick?

    3/27 167.6 Family dinner last night was french bread pizza, garlic rolls, and chocolate chip cookies. I stayed within calories, but still feeling it today. Got up early and spent the morning at the gym. Back on track with food and water too.

    3/28 166.8 Ate great yesterday but was super hungry, probably from the morning workout. I snacked a bit after dinner. Popcorn at first and then recognized it was real hunger, so I mixed greek yogurt and PB2 and thinned with a little almond milk. Tasted like melting peanut butter ice cream, and gave me a protein boost. Still felt hungry but knew I had eaten plenty and slept fine. Pretty much starving right now because I haven't been home all day and was unprepared.

    3/29 165.8! I am so thrilled, I can't remember the last time I saw this number! Yesterday went pretty well with food. I felt satisfied with all my meals. It was sad because my pickleball game got cancelled, but I fit in a short walk instead. Not nearly as much exercise as pickleball or as fun, but I still moved. Today will not be a very active day...I woke up with a super sore throat and am trying to rest it away. Feeling really encouraged with the progress I am seeing and how not-too-hard it is feeling this go round.

    3/30 166.4 Not sure what that increase is about, but whatever. I had a lovely morning playing pickleball and spent the afternoon chaperoning my son's field day, so tons of calories burned and hours spend outside in beautiful weather.

    Great exercise that pickleball. Kudos for doing it for hours! I don't eat popcorn anymore but when I did I blended PB2 with water (or regular peanut butter) and drizzled it right on my popcorn. Num!

    That sounds AMAZING. Definitely going to try it! And yes, pickleball is my favorite!