Female Bulking Advice Needed



  • funfang
    funfang Posts: 200 Member
    bump, I have been trying to bulk but without much success, this can give me a lot useful info. Also, you look AMAZING!!!!!!!! wish I will look like you when I am 46 ;)
  • Bigmitch41
    Bigmitch41 Posts: 73 Member
    B) Wow!
  • Barbellgirl
    Barbellgirl Posts: 544 Member
    Awww, thank you ladies. I'm actually 47 now. I turned 47 two weeks before I stepped on stage in May.

    @betterkimmer, I'll be very happy to keep you updated on the shortcut to size program. I'm starting it on Monday.

    I'm up to eating 2,500 calories a day and I'm starting to gain weight. I'll provide an update in a few weeks. :)
  • 3laine75
    3laine75 Posts: 3,070 Member
    Great to see your progress on this thread :)

    I've done my own bulk/cut since commenting on here but nowhere near as fabulous results - you are totally winning at bulking!! Well done :)
  • Barbellgirl
    Barbellgirl Posts: 544 Member
    Grrr...got that stupid stomach virus after Thanksgiving. I lost several pounds from not being able to keep food down. I got it all back, and I'm officially back to gaining. I hate flu season! :(
  • aylajane
    aylajane Posts: 979 Member
    Just getting into a week or two of my first bulk, starting at 17% BF (down from 40 a year ago!). Thanks for documenting your progress! I am going to read back through this again and make some notes. I definitely need to get more pics for comparison later. Hope you feel better!
  • Barbellgirl
    Barbellgirl Posts: 544 Member
    ^ that is some seriously impressive progress with your body fat level. I'm much better now, thank you. Taking pictures is extremely helpful. Measurements are as well. I'm going to repeat my DEXA scan next September and I can't wait to see how much lean mass I gain. :smile:
  • aylajane
    aylajane Posts: 979 Member
    ^ Lol - I actually thought I was at 25% for the last 6 months due to my Aria scale not being so accurate for muscular people. I finally got a DEXA scan to find out it was 17%... The tech said before telling me "Yeah, your scale stopped working a long time ago!". I came home and started my bulk that day!

    Here is my little story... I have been lifting a year, but new to this whole bulk thing. Kind of excited!

  • Serah87
    Serah87 Posts: 5,481 Member
    You look fantastic!!! :)

    I'm getting ready to do my first bulk in January, excited and a little nervous.
    My body fat is around 17%.

  • Barbellgirl
    Barbellgirl Posts: 544 Member

    Back to tracking (after a three month break) and gaining weight. Good luck everyone!
  • Springfield1970
    Springfield1970 Posts: 1,945 Member
    Holy bat cave you've built some booty! Good to have you back!
  • Barbellgirl
    Barbellgirl Posts: 544 Member
    Holy bat cave you've built some booty! Good to have you back!

    Hey girl, it's good to see you again. Wow, you are looking amazing!

    I'm trying to get back into a consistent routine but it's been tough. I took measurements today hoping that will get me fired up and accountable.

    How have you been? What goals are you working on?
  • Daisy253
    Daisy253 Posts: 42 Member
    Hi barbell girl :) amazing progress, your my inspiration.

    Seeing your original post made me really try to knuckle down and get to where you are now. I started off looking much like you did in your first starting post and have the same body type.

    Unfortunately for me I am not doing something right :( I haven't made anywhere near the progress you have!!! I am lifting 4 days a week. Progressive overload is what I am currently concentrating on, and I am getting stronger but not really seeing much change.

    Can you tell me what your calories and activity level look like please? How long has it taken you from start till now??


    And again you look awesome!!!!

  • Barbellgirl
    Barbellgirl Posts: 544 Member
    Daisy253 wrote: »
    Hi barbell girl :) amazing progress, your my inspiration.

    Seeing your original post made me really try to knuckle down and get to where you are now. I started off looking much like you did in your first starting post and have the same body type.

    Unfortunately for me I am not doing something right :( I haven't made anywhere near the progress you have!!! I am lifting 4 days a week. Progressive overload is what I am currently concentrating on, and I am getting stronger but not really seeing much change.

    Can you tell me what your calories and activity level look like please? How long has it taken you from start till now??


    And again you look awesome!!!!

    Hi Daisy. I started lifting weights in late June 2013. I workout at home, but during my 13 weeks of contest prep last year I was in the gym 3-4 days a week.

    I lift 3-4 days a week and do minimal cardio right now since I'm trying to gain again. I just started tracking again and I aim for at least 1900 calories though I often hit 2,100. I'll see how this month goes with my weight and body fat, and increase my calories if I need to.

    Progressive overload is really the key to building muscle. I also like to mix things up with rep ranges. Some days lifting very heavy (3-5 reps), medium weight (6-10 reps) and lighter (10+ reps). I also switch the exercises I do so I don't get bored. Be sure to mix in some explosive work like plyometrics or sprinting. Stretch well, and also rest and recover. You also have to eat a good number of calories or you'll be wasting your efforts from my experience.
  • Springfield1970
    Springfield1970 Posts: 1,945 Member
    Holy bat cave you've built some booty! Good to have you back!

    Hey girl, it's good to see you again. Wow, you are looking amazing!

    I'm trying to get back into a consistent routine but it's been tough. I took measurements today hoping that will get me fired up and accountable.

    How have you been? What goals are you working on?

    I'm 3lbs up from that picture, and have been taking it a little easier on all fronts and slightly struggling with comfort eating the past few months (for a good cause but now I'm back on track).

    On a slow cut and still holding onto the muscle I gained 18 months ago which is good. Trying also to get my speed back on bike run swim in time for triathlon in August. Trying hard not to party too much with my fun friends.

    It's hard work but I'm holding it together despite life trying to get in the way!
  • Daisy253
    Daisy253 Posts: 42 Member
    Thank you :)

    Seems I am on the right path then.

    Our stories are similar, I can only workout from home but have a pt once a month to keep on top of my form.

    Been lifting since jan 2014 so a yr less than You, hoping one yr gets me to where you are today.

    I do add different lifts to keep it interesting and change the rep ranges, currently I am liking 10,8,6,15
    Currently eating 1850 but not gaining so will up cals again soon, my cardio is walking about 4hrs a week so not really "cardio" as such.

    Looking forward to when I can post before/after photos :)