Running for charity

SOIJ20 Posts: 30 Member
So I've decided to challenge myself and do 30 miles in the whole of April, the plan is to run 3 times a week and do 2.5miles each run, and at the same time do it as a fundraiser for a sight loss charity to spead awareness of a rare eye condition that my little one has.

I'm not comfortable with outdoor running yet so this will be indoor running on a treadmil, with inclines and all, hopefully after this I'll want to progress to outdoor running.

Any tips with how I can keep motivated?
Plan is to start on Monday and do Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays.

Before this I've never been much of a gym goer.


  • westrich20940
    westrich20940 Posts: 921 Member
    1st question....have you ever ran before?

    For me personally, I think slow and steady wins the race when it comes to getting into running. 2.5 miles is absolutely doable for a non-runner but you may be SUPER duper sore after and not be able to run 2.5 miles again 2 days later. Maybe you can...IDK.

    I'm assuming you already started this since April has how's it going so far?

    I want to stress to you that if you need to walk at all during your run, that's completely fine. Walk a bit to get your heartrate back down and start again. It's still a run. =D

    And ideally yeah, keep it going and move outside especially with the weather getting nicer (hopefully)! I find that I am significantly better at running outside vs. a you might notice it's great.

    Only things I'd say to keep in mind is listen to your body. It can be quite hard to learn what is a little pain that's OK to keep running through or a little pain that means something is wrong. Do your best to avoid injury. Some stuff to help with that would be some light weight lifting to support your glutes/lower back/quads/hammys. Other than've got rest days built in, not a huge amount of mileage, a plan, try to have the best form you can. Only real risk with your plan is an over-use type injury (shin splints, IT band pain, etc....).