💐May Daily Logging and Weighing Challenge💐



  • mkksemail
    mkksemail Posts: 1,562 Member
    ddainiak wrote: »
    A few weeks ago, another challenge I am in had a quest to travel 2 miles in 2 different ways. I pondered on what to do and asked my hubby to get out our bikes from storage. I didn't get to use it to fulfill the challenge as the tires were flat and the chain rusty. Hubby fixed that (yes he's a keeper), and it was ready to go. I haven't been on a bicycle in probably 20 years, but today took it out (just after sunrise so noone would see me) for a 2 mile ride on the linear trail behind my house. The chain may not be rusty, but I sure am.


    @ddainiak , Great job, you !!! 💪🚴‍♀️🚴🚴‍♂️🚲🚵‍♀️🚵🚵‍♂️

    And Ty! on salads 🤗
  • iLive2Walk
    iLive2Walk Posts: 4,853 Member
    @Buckeyebabe7l7 Monty is a goldendoodle too. They could almost be twins (the Golden Doodles that are not so "Golden"), except Monty has a tuxedo on. Funny your youngest is "Woody". That was the name of one of our past dogs; Woody the dalmatian. He was a mean old coot, I'm guessing that your labradoodle is nothing like that and as sweet as can be.
  • Buckeyebabe7l7
    Buckeyebabe7l7 Posts: 603 Member
    edited May 2023
    ddainiak wrote: »
    @Buckeyebabe7l7 Monty is a goldendoodle too. They could almost be twins (the Golden Doodles that are not so "Golden"), except Monty has a tuxedo on. Funny your youngest is "Woody". That was the name of one of our past dogs; Woody the dalmatian. He was a mean old coot, I'm guessing that your labradoodle is nothing like that and as sweet as can be.

    When I first got Brutus and would walk him in the neighborhood people would stop me and want to know what kind of dog he was and when I told them goldendoodle you would not believe how many people did not believe me....lol They didn't realize a "golden"doodle could be black! Woody is a sweet heart and so full of energy.
  • nanerkay
    nanerkay Posts: 725 Member
    mkksemail wrote: »
    I made this post for another challenge, but I'm so proud of myself for finally making the salads, that I'm sharing it here too 🤩😃 ...

    Dry ingredients prepped - 12 containers ready 👏 -


    Dry add-ins have:
    Dried blueberries
    Black currants
    Chopped cashews
    Raw pumpkin seeds
    Sesame sticks
    Flax seeds
    Dried pineapple
    Dried dates
    Dried apricots
    (We left out the dried figs - or, I should say, hubby helped me understand that was tooooo much! 🤪)

    Wet ingredients added on top (separated by Saran wrap) - forgot to add the cherry tomatoes! -


    Wet add-ins have:
    Hard boiled egg (only in 10 of them)
    Cottage cheese (in all 12)
    Ricotta cheese (in all 12)
    Avocado (only in 8 of them)

    Four sacks of greens with carrot shavings prepped and ready! -


    Greens have:
    Red cabbage
    Green cabbage
    Romaine lettuce
    Green Leaf lettuce
    Carrot shavings
    Cherry tomatoes (cherry tomatoes are not in the greens sacks, they're separate 🍅)

    Hubby's salad - you can't see depth, but this is a small pasta serving bowl, not an entree sized plate 😳 (hubby loves salad). He has all his stuff mixed into the center, with more greens added on top. -


    My salad - I do NOT love said, lol. This is a regular sized plate 🤪 -


    We'll be eating these salads all week 🥗

    @tatilove1988 - pix added! 👏 (ty!)

    That looks great. I'm going to prep some salad stuff later.
  • nanerkay
    nanerkay Posts: 725 Member
    @jm216 You've got a super cute dog and so do you @ddainiak 😍. I have two dogs. The old man is Brutus(black dog) and he is a goldendoodle and our younger dog is Woody, a labradoodle.


    Aww they are so cute 🥰
  • nanerkay
    nanerkay Posts: 725 Member
    jm216 wrote: »
    This is Super Nova Butter Baby….AKA Nova.
    My daughter loving calls her Menace, because she is into everything. If it’s within her reach, she thinks it’s hers.

    Aww she's beautiful 😍
  • nanerkay
    nanerkay Posts: 725 Member
    Here's a picture of four of my grandkids I watch daily...we went to the zoo this last weekend. I had a lot of fun watching them explore the zoo.

    They are so cute . I say they loved the zoo.
  • nanerkay
    nanerkay Posts: 725 Member
    Sandy here hope everyone is having a great day today. It's beautiful weather here. I've been having IBS problems but they changed my medication and this one really worked yesterday 😂

    5/1 246.6
    5/2 244.4
    5/3. 246
    5/4 245.6
    5/5 247
    5/6 DW
    5/7 DW
    5/8 247.2
    5/9 243.6
  • Buckeyebabe7l7
    Buckeyebabe7l7 Posts: 603 Member
    edited May 2023
    My name is Kelly. I am 52 and watch my grandkids 5 days a week. I watch 4 of them 5 days a weeks and 6 on Wednesdays so I keep busy with babies all week. They are all 3yrs and under. I weigh weekly.

    Goals for May:
    Walk for 30 minutes a day 6 days a week
    Log all my food daily
    Hit at least 10,000 steps 6 days a week
    Get into the 100's

    May SW:204
    May GW:194

    1. Walked, logged, 14k+
    2. Walked, logged, 16k+
    3. Walked, logged, 14k+
    4. Walked, logged, 16k+
    5. Walked, logged, 15k+
    6. Walked, logged, 15k+, weight 201 😊
    7. Walked, logged, 10k+
    8. Walked, logged, 17k+
    9. Walked, logged, 16k+

    @nanerkay Thanks for the love on the dogs and the grands! They really did love the zoo. <3
  • mkksemail
    mkksemail Posts: 1,562 Member
    nanerkay wrote: »

    That looks great. I'm going to prep some salad stuff later.

    Awesome, @nanerkay !!! Yay so happy 🤩
    (Having Day Two salad today 👏)

  • mkksemail
    mkksemail Posts: 1,562 Member
    nanerkay wrote: »
    Sandy here hope everyone is having a great day today. It's beautiful weather here. I've been having IBS problems but they changed my medication and this one really worked yesterday 😂

    5/1 246.6
    5/2 244.4
    5/3. 246
    5/4 245.6
    5/5 247
    5/6 DW
    5/7 DW
    5/8 247.2
    5/9 243.6

    Haha!!! 🤣 But, yay, that's great! 👏
  • gomifune
    gomifune Posts: 446 Member
    Start weight: 206
    Goal weight: 146
    May goal weight: 174

    January end weight: 200.7
    February end weight: 192.1
    March end weight: 185.6
    April end weight: 179.1

    1 179.3
    2 178.6
    3 178.3
    4 178.4
    5 178.6
    6 177.8
    7 177.8
    8 177.4
    9 178.1
    10 178.7
  • 39flavours
    39flavours Posts: 1,494 Member
    F42 5'4"
    Starting weight: 146.8 (trend 148.3)
    Weight Goal for May: 144.8

    My goals for May:
    3 minute plank ⏱️
    8500 steps a day 👣
    Strength training min 4 X week🏋‍♀️
    Total Calories below 1200 🎯
    Protein above 80g 🍳
    Fibre 25g+ 🥦
    Water water water water water 2.5l💧

    January 31 weight: 157.6lbs
    February 28 weight: 152.8 (-4.8lbs)
    March 31 weight: 149.2 (-3.6lbs)
    April 30 weight: 148.2 (-1.0lbs)

    🌿April 29 145.8
    🪻April 30 148.2

    1-146.8 (trend 148.3)😄🎯
    2-147.2 🙂👣
    3-147.0 🙂👣🏋‍♀️🎯🥦
    4-146.8 🙂👣👣🎯
    5-147.0 😶⏱️👣🏋‍♀️🎯
    6-145.8 🙂🎯
    7-145.2 😄🎯
    8-145.8 🙂⏱️👣🏋‍♀️🥦
    9-145.6 🙂👣🥦
    10-147.4 😖🎯
    15- (trend)
    31- (trend)
  • joans1976
    joans1976 Posts: 2,201 Member
    Hello! I am Amanda, I am back in for the month of May! This is an inspiring group!
    My goal for May is to get moving! I am such a procrastinator when it comes to this and I set it as a goal every month and NEVER do it. The weather should cooperate now.

    May goals:
    💥Walk 3x/week
    💥Lose 4 or 5 pounds

    OSW: 250
    OGW: 150
    5/1/23: 199.7
    5/31/23 goal: 195

    5/1: 199.7
    5/2: 199.7
    5/3: 199.7 🤨
    5/4: 199.7
    5/5: 199.0
    5/6: 199.0
    5/7: 198.7 *walked*

    5/8: 197.8 (!)
    It’s a new week. I’m going to try really hard to go for a walk or at least get my steps in 3 days this week. I’ve been feeling really tired so it’s a delicate balance.

    5/9: 197.8
    I am feeling much more lively and promised myself I would only work 10 hours yesterday and go for a walk after. That did not happen. I ended up working 13 hours and it was raining and dark by the time I got done. Mondays are always crazy at work but I need to work on firmer boundaries. Set my work status to “No.” 🤨

    5/10: 197.8 *walked*
    Well that work boundary thing didn’t work out great yesterday but I won’t bore you with details.
    I did great with calories and steps (for me) yesterday and the weather is supposed to be nice today too, so hopefully a repeat.
  • iLive2Walk
    iLive2Walk Posts: 4,853 Member
    Hello, I'm Darlene. I'm 62. I Married, and have one kid (28) and one pup (Monty), no grandkids. I have been retired since 2020. My husband was retired, but returned to work in January. I vowed to take this year to lose weight, get healthy, give up some bad habits, exercise, read more, etc. I started a few challenges last month to see which ones I liked, this is one that kept me accountable so I am back! Looking forward to see what May brings!

    Start Weight: 227
    Goal Weight: 160

    January weight Lost: 9 Pounds
    February weight Lost: 5 Pounds
    March weight Lost: 5 Pounds
    April weight Lost: 8 Pounds

    My goals for May:
    Lose 4 Pounds ⚖️
    Log 50 Fit Bit Miles Per Week 🏃‍♂️
    Read 1/2 Hour each Day (at least 5 days/week) 📖
    Knit 1/2 Hour each Day (at least 5 days/week) 🧶

    🌻May 🌻

    1 - 200.2 - Very close to Onederland - hoping to get there this week! 🤞
    2 - 199.8 - 😁Made it! Now to keep it there!
    3 - 200.0 - :s
    4 - 200.0 :s
    5 - 199.6 - :) Well let's try this again!
    6 - 199.6 :|
    7 - 199 - 😁 Woo Hoo! Don't know how that happend, but I'll take it.
    8 - 199.4 - :s
    9 - 198.6 - 😁
    10 - 197.2 - 😁😁 That one deserves a double Woo Hoo! Probably be up tomorrow! LOL
  • joans1976
    joans1976 Posts: 2,201 Member
    Ladies you are making me so happy with your pictures of your doggies! Makes my vet tech heart happy! There’s been some overweight dogs that come in to work and we do the same plan that MyFitnessPal does, CICO and more movement. You wouldn’t believe some of the far fetched stories owners come up with as to why their pet is eating more than they should. Or they blame it on their SO who isn’t there. Lol
  • joans1976
    joans1976 Posts: 2,201 Member
    HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!! 🎈🎁🎊🎂🎉
    I hope it’s lovely and filled with joy!
  • Buckeyebabe7l7
    Buckeyebabe7l7 Posts: 603 Member
  • iLive2Walk
    iLive2Walk Posts: 4,853 Member
  • jm216
    jm216 Posts: 3,919 Member
    @jm216 You've got a super cute dog and so do you @ddainiak 😍. I have two dogs. The old man is Brutus(black dog) and he is a goldendoodle and our younger dog is Woody, a labradoodle.


    Such handsome boys! We’re thinking about getting another… Nova needs a buddy.