Loving the app so far!

Started out at 231lbs a few weeks before actually setting up the app. I am really enjoying the accountability of being able to stay in a calorie deficit and track the types of foods I’m eating and also track the weight loss. Down to 206.4lbs as of today, with a goal of 198lbs. The app has definitely motivated me to workout daily and to stick to my goals of removing as much junk food and processed sugar from my diet. I have now been intermittent fasting for 3 months and I have found that eating between 9:30am and 6:30pm has also really helped remove the late evening snacking that was packing on calories I’d never burn off. The routine exercise has greatly improved my overall water intake.


  • MovinNow
    MovinNow Posts: 131 Member
    I love the app too! Has rely helped me take back control of my health. I have lost weight, am eating healthier because of being mindful (weighing!!) and increasing my activity. Congratulations on your successes and keep up the good work!
  • J383
    J383 Posts: 4,573 Member
    I agree, I have just started back this week and I already feel the motivation creeping back. I like being able to see my food log knowing where I can change up or substitute items that will kick start my weight loss better. It's great key to success. 🙌