Diabetes and weight loss!

I’m looking for a support system with others fighting this disease and losing weight. I’m a wife, mom, grandmother, teacher. I was diagnosed a year ago and started using this app right before diagnosis. I’ve lost 75 lbs so far and need to lose at least 25 more. I would love to have a support group on here.


  • PeachHibiscus
    PeachHibiscus Posts: 163 Member
    Welcome! Come join us here - https://community.myfitnesspal.com/en/group/1772-type-2-diabetes-support-group

    I was diagnosed in March and have been using MFP since then to track my carbs & calories. I've since lost 33 pounds but have more to go so I'll be around for a while.

    I wish you the best!
  • mychellelynne
    mychellelynne Posts: 122 Member
    I am a diabetic also and have lost 92 lbs. so far. Although my A1C is back to normal I am still working to keep diabetes at bay. Always looking for friends!
  • barbwood05
    barbwood05 Posts: 6 Member
    Hi! My name is Barb. I am a 60 yo female living in western NC. A mother of two daughters and a lover of mountains and nature. I just joined MFP today in an effort to loose weight and control my blood sugar. I'm basically diabetic, but not yet using insulin. I really want to change my diet, loose weight and prevent diabetes. Looking for a place for encouragement and support. I'd really also like to become fit enough to enjoy hiking and kayaking once again.
  • PeachHibiscus
    PeachHibiscus Posts: 163 Member
    Hi @barbwood05 welcome!
  • bethinela
    bethinela Posts: 9 Member
    Hi I'm Beth. I am 55, type2 on metformin only. Diagnosed 5 yrs ago. Rejoined here with premium this time. Trying to get the weight down to help with this plus other health problems. And because of aging and vanity!
  • bethaboo2409
    bethaboo2409 Posts: 9 Member
    Hi! My name is Beth….really! I’m joking this group to be accountable and to have a place to meet people in similar situations. 3 years ago I had a stroke, which you do not want, and I started to eat right. I’ve lost over 100 pounds since then and would like to lose 15 more.

    I just got back from walking my dog Lulu, cleaned up the kitchen, made my bed, took a shower and got dressed. I’m looking forward to a great day.

    Looking forward to meeting you and sharing our stories! I had a tough job and ate to make myself feel good. My diabetes was out of control and I was doing nothing about it. When I woke up and walked into the kitchen, my best friend was there by the sink and I walked up to her and said Booboop. Apparently that word was the only one I remembered. Long story short, I’m retired now and the most important thing I do is walk my dog. Oh, I pay my bills and do all the other stuff, but my priorities have changed.