
gajohnstonjr Posts: 1 Member
edited June 2023 in Health and Weight Loss
My doctor has suggested several different diabetes type drugs to help me lose some weight, I do not however have Diabetes. my job sucks for any type of weight loss or fitness. on 4 weeks/off 4 weeks, just as I start gaining some traction at home i go back to work and gain back all that I had lost, so frustrating. any info on whats out there and how well/bad it works would be appreciated. also need a litttle help on where to start my goals at. my ultimate goal is around 225 lb and I weigh 275 now. I have access to a fantastic Gym my friend owns and go 4-6 times a week when im home. just getting the numbers right in the app to get a guideline on where to start is frustrating. my friend that owns the gym says 45%P/25%C/30%F is what would help me drop fastest while my brother who is very knowledgeable and is a cross fit instructor as well as a certified nutritionist says more carbs less protein and just burn more calories than you intake.........output should be more than intake and whatever plan you chose works. less calories taken in vs more calories used = weight loss. I am very confused, talk to 5 different people get 5 different answers


  • ddsb1111
    ddsb1111 Posts: 739 Member
    edited June 2023
    Switching up routines can be tricky but the first step is, I feel, the toughest part which is taking responsibility. You’re the only one choosing to eat what you eat and how you eat. Once you’ve established that you take back control. Then I think the next step would be to select your goals, get your calorie allowance from MFP, and make meals that you enjoy in those calories. For work it sounds like a good idea to meal prep so you don’t fall into the same trap as before. If you can increase your activity just moving your body throughout the day can help. You don’t have to be in the gym to reach your goals, you can do this with diet and activity while you’re working if necessary. I’ll let others chime in regarding the medication as I don’t have personal insight here. So, Welcome! I’m sure you’ll get a lot of support and ideas here from others in the same boat as you are who are finding success.
  • ddsb1111
    ddsb1111 Posts: 739 Member
    edited June 2023
    Just read your added details, that’s really helpful. Nothing is more confusing than hearing and implementing multiple plans at once. Best to go with 1 you can adhere to and track it carefully with a food scale to monitor your progress. Since you’re here on MFP, add your weight, select your goal of 1 or 2 lbs a week, and it will give you your daily calorie allowance. If you work out that much consensus is to eat back some or up to half your exercise calories as those burns are highly inflated numbers. Others don’t eat back their calories at all so this may be personal.

    The fact of the matter is CICO is the ONLY way anyone can lose weight. It is the makeup of every diet because it’s not a diet, it’s a rule of physics or an explanation of how weight loss works. CICO tells us that if you burn more energy than you're taking in, you'll be in an energy deficit, which leads to weight loss.
  • thesawyerbunch
    thesawyerbunch Posts: 22 Member
    Personally, I wouldn't get caught up in all of the fad diets; I would just focus on CICO. Find your daily calorie limit, log your foods, and stick to it. Good luck.