50 Shades of Grey



  • luvJOJO
    luvJOJO Posts: 1,881 Member


    ok im done...ha!
  • babyj0
    babyj0 Posts: 531 Member
    attention guys- get this book and read your lady or lady of evening a bed time story and thank me later.

  • silver_arrow3
    silver_arrow3 Posts: 1,373 Member
    attention guys- get this book and read your lady or lady of evening a bed time story and thank me later.

    Attention guys: If your woman loved this book, you're probably doing wrong.

    Seriously, I don't get what is so exciting about 50 shades,

    Or how exactly they are going to take that book and make it into a movie, will half the movie be her biting her lip?

    I pictured her inner goddess business a bit like the cartoon segments in Lizzy McGuire. Bit ridiculous, really.
  • Junken_Diraffe
    Junken_Diraffe Posts: 716 Member
    If you are into any type of BDSM you would most likely enjoy it, kinda softcore pornish, I like to call it erotica. :smile:

    Really?! :huh: I'd say those with any sort of bdsm tendencies or experience are going to be sorely disappointed by this.
  • SoDamnHungry
    SoDamnHungry Posts: 6,998 Member
    Just to let everyone know, there already is an x-rated porn version of 50 Shades of Grey...it was AVN's award winner a year or two back, I believe.

    I sell it to A LOT of soccer moms and Mormons in my neighborhood. Yep, spreading kink one white picket fence at a time...

    You SELL it? Did you make it..?
  • I'm actually shocked that they're making a movie of such an atrociously written book. I "read" the first one -- and by read I mean I flipped through the pages because it was so poorly written I couldn't take it looking for the "steamy sex scenes" everyone was talking about and was so disappointed over the fact that there was nothing steamy about it at all. I think they hype came from the undersexed housewives who were reading it. They're probably going to be the ones who go to the theater to see the movie and get all hot and bothered all over again.

    I will say though that the author had one heck of a marketing company and when I get published I would love to have them. If they can market this rubbish AND get a movie deal out of it as well then that's a good firm.
  • SoDamnHungry
    SoDamnHungry Posts: 6,998 Member
    Or how exactly they are going to take that book and make it into a movie, will half the movie be her biting her lip?

  • If you are into any type of BDSM you would most likely enjoy it, kinda softcore pornish, I like to call it erotica. :smile:

    Really?! :huh: I'd say those with any sort of bdsm tendencies or experience are going to be sorely disappointed by this.


    It was bad all around.
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    the movie what is everyone's opinions on who the cast for the 2 lead roles.
    Dakota Johnson and Charlie Hunnam?
    I am so happy they cast actors I've never heard of and don't care about so I don't have to despise someone I used to like.
  • Luvmesumkenny
    Luvmesumkenny Posts: 779 Member
    I thought Charlie Hunnam was a horrible choice until I saw his transformation picture into Christian Grey. The only thing that was going through my mind was. SHOW ME THE WAY TO THE RED ROOM OF PAIN! :love:
  • Luvmesumkenny
    Luvmesumkenny Posts: 779 Member

    YES SIR!
  • @ genuinelyfake YES !! gideon cross anyday over christian whatshisname! :smokin:
    Mr.X is utter tormented perfection that's for sure! ;D
  • _Emma_Problema_
    _Emma_Problema_ Posts: 261 Member
    the movie what is everyone's opinions on who the cast for the 2 lead roles.
    Dakota Johnson and Charlie Hunnam?
    I am so happy they cast actors I've never heard of and don't care about so I don't have to despise someone I used to like.

    THIS. I was about to say this.

    It's bad enough that Twilight took Lee Pace away from me. I couldn't stand this horrible bs dragging in another one of my favorite actors.

    Plain and simple. Abusive relationship. Offensively inaccurate portrayal of a healthy BDSM relationship. Poorly written. Anyone involved with the movie version I will refuse to monetarily support in any way, shape, or form.
  • I was really surprised who they cast, but they say they had great chemistry so we'll see. I did enjoy the books and everyone has their own opinions/tastes, but they are probably only making a movie becuase of the $$$ signs....those who liked the books will go see it...I know I will.
  • 007bondage
    007bondage Posts: 631 Member
    I thought Charlie Hunnam was a horrible choice until I saw his transformation picture into Christian Grey. The only thing that was going through my mind was. SHOW ME THE WAY TO THE RED ROOM OF PAIN! :love:

    Setting aside the ahem "merits" of the book as a literary work, I am looking forward to seeing how the producers translate the "novel" into film. Must log the popcorn and Vanilla milkshake ;)
  • tzig00
    tzig00 Posts: 875 Member
    Love him in SOA but I've never read it so I don't know if he fits it or not.
  • Trechechus
    Trechechus Posts: 2,819 Member
    I don't understand why everyone is so worked up. No one watches porn for the acting.
  • Ha! :)
  • Pixi_Rex
    Pixi_Rex Posts: 1,676 Member
    If you are into any type of BDSM you would most likely enjoy it, kinda softcore pornish, I like to call it erotica. :smile:

    Really?! :huh: I'd say those with any sort of bdsm tendencies or experience are going to be sorely disappointed by this.

    This is what I have heard.

    I never read the book, I think it is a disgrace to the BDSM community. It is poorly written and to be quite honest I question anyone who thinks it is a wonderful book.

    I wont be watching the movie but thats my personal choice.
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    attention guys- get this book and read your lady or lady of evening a bed time story and thank me later.

    Idea generator?
    Made me never want to have sex again, ever, with anyone. Blech.

    And totally took me back to the abusive relationship I was in when I was 19.