50 Shades of Grey



  • Pixi_Rex
    Pixi_Rex Posts: 1,676 Member
    The only thing I have to say about this is thank sweet baby Jesus that they did NOT cast Kristen Stewart.

    IDK she might have the lip biting down for it.

    Hearing Kristen Stewart utter the phrase "inner goddess" a few million times would make me want to puncture my ear drum with an ice pick

    Hearing anyone utter that phrase a few million times is enough to make me want to puncture my ear drum with an ice pick. :laugh:
  • Pixi_Rex
    Pixi_Rex Posts: 1,676 Member
    If you are into any type of BDSM you would most likely enjoy it, kinda softcore pornish, I like to call it erotica. :smile:

    Really?! :huh: I'd say those with any sort of bdsm tendencies or experience are going to be sorely disappointed by this.

    This is what I have heard.

    I never read the book, I think it is a disgrace to the BDSM community. It is poorly written and to be quite honest I question anyone who thinks it is a wonderful book.

    I wont be watching the movie but thats my personal choice.

    I attempted to read the book - horrible writing at best, and does no justice to the BDSM community. I posted this exact sentiment on my FB and it is amazing how many bored women are aching (literally) to see this.

    I will not waste my good money on this piece of rubbage either!

    I can't talk about it on FB. The last time I brought up 50 Shades majority of my friends list over there came after me with pitchforks and fire lol
  • LauraMacNCheese
    LauraMacNCheese Posts: 7,173 Member
    The only thing I have to say about this is thank sweet baby Jesus that they did NOT cast Kristen Stewart.

    IDK she might have the lip biting down for it.

    Hearing Kristen Stewart utter the phrase "inner goddess" a few million times would make me want to puncture my ear drum with an ice pick

    Hearing anyone utter that phrase a few million times is enough to make me want to puncture my ear drum with an ice pick. :laugh:

    LOL! Excellent point!
  • Amanda21202
    Amanda21202 Posts: 210 Member
    It should of been Alexander Skarsgard damn it! :grumble: :explode: :angry: :mad: :sad: :sad: :sad: :sad:

    Edit: I'm not a fan as such, it was okay to read although I couldn't finish it through being utterly bored but Alexander is HOTTTT
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    If you are into any type of BDSM you would most likely enjoy it, kinda softcore pornish, I like to call it erotica. :smile:

    Really?! :huh: I'd say those with any sort of bdsm tendencies or experience are going to be sorely disappointed by this.

    This is what I have heard.

    I never read the book, I think it is a disgrace to the BDSM community. It is poorly written and to be quite honest I question anyone who thinks it is a wonderful book.

    I wont be watching the movie but thats my personal choice.

    I attempted to read the book - horrible writing at best, and does no justice to the BDSM community. I posted this exact sentiment on my FB and it is amazing how many bored women are aching (literally) to see this.

    I will not waste my good money on this piece of rubbage either!

    I can't talk about it on FB. The last time I brought up 50 Shades majority of my friends list over there came after me with pitchforks and fire lol
    I'd say the majority of my FB friends hate it as much as I do, but there is a good number who love it, too. According to them, you're not allowed to criticize it.
  • Carl01
    Carl01 Posts: 9,307 Member
    attention guys- get this book and read your lady or lady of evening a bed time story and thank me later.

    Idea generator?
    Made me never want to have sex again, ever, with anyone. Blech.

    And totally took me back to the abusive relationship I was in when I was 19.

    It's like a 101 guide to an unhealthy relationship. Plus she blatantly misused the oxford comma.

    And you can get better smut online for free. With correct grammar and less dun-con.

    I have never read any part of it nor will but a person who did described the general plot and I said "so it is a book that makes a parody of all the stereotypical bad/stupid choices a woman can make getting into a relationship".

    My guess is that it brought something a bit mysterious and perhaps taboo for many into a bit of the mainstream so it was their first real reading of BDSM stuff (disclosure...not my thing but not offended by it) and as such the book was alluring.
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    attention guys- get this book and read your lady or lady of evening a bed time story and thank me later.

    Idea generator?
    Made me never want to have sex again, ever, with anyone. Blech.

    And totally took me back to the abusive relationship I was in when I was 19.

    It's like a 101 guide to an unhealthy relationship. Plus she blatantly misused the oxford comma.

    And you can get better smut online for free. With correct grammar and less dun-con.

    I have never read any part of it nor will but a person who did described the general plot and I said "so it is a book that makes a parody of all the stereotypical bad/stupid choices a woman can make getting into a relationship".

    My guess is that it brought something a bit mysterious and perhaps taboo for many into a bit of the mainstream so it was their first real reading of BDSM stuff (disclosure...not my thing but not offended by it) and as such the book was alluring.
    Those of us saying it's a textbook abusive relationship are not saying so because of the "BDSM," which really isn't BDSM at all. We're saying it because if the CG character were not rich and handsome, Ana would have taken out a restraining order against him by chapter 3.
  • FearAnLoathingJ
    FearAnLoathingJ Posts: 337 Member
    attention guys- get this book and read your lady or lady of evening a bed time story and thank me later.

    Idea generator?
    Made me never want to have sex again, ever, with anyone. Blech.

    And totally took me back to the abusive relationship I was in when I was 19.

    It's like a 101 guide to an unhealthy relationship. Plus she blatantly misused the oxford comma.

    And you can get better smut online for free. With correct grammar and less dun-con.

    I have never read any part of it nor will but a person who did described the general plot and I said "so it is a book that makes a parody of all the stereotypical bad/stupid choices a woman can make getting into a relationship".

    My guess is that it brought something a bit mysterious and perhaps taboo for many into a bit of the mainstream so it was their first real reading of BDSM stuff (disclosure...not my thing but not offended by it) and as such the book was alluring.
    Those of us saying it's a textbook abusive relationship are not saying so because of the "BDSM," which really isn't BDSM at all. We're saying it because if the CG character were not rich and handsome, Ana would have taken out a restraining order against him by chapter 3.

    But it's soooooooo romantic
  • rosellasweet
    rosellasweet Posts: 163 Member
    I made it through the entire series. I do not know how. I was also attacked because I don't "understand." I picked it up because, well, I like BDSM. And not like, "Oh you have furry handcuffs, how kinky!" Nononono. But this book wasn't even that. I did not think it was possible to be bored with sex. Also, worst story imaginable. Uninteresting brunette attracts hot overprotective rich dude because she is "innocent" or "different." Aaaaaand that's about it. Oh and she's gone 22 years without anything distrastous happening to her, but as soon as this dude comes into the picture, CATASROPHE. Holy repitious phrases, Batman.

    Please don't get me started on how we are supposed to believe this woman is intelligent. So you read Jane Eyre. Big deal. She also gets a job and is instantly promoted to head honcho because she is with Grey. Is that what we're teaching girls now? Get yourself a hot/rich man and you'll never have to work hard (i.e. Twilight and 50 Shades.)

    Anyway, I could write a book about how terrible it was. In fact, I just may because based on the sales of this thing, anything is a best seller!

    Sorry about the rant, but no one I know will read this book lol. I only did to see what the fuss was about. If someone out there loves these books and it is their lifeblood, then don't be offended. I don't hate you; I hate E.L. James.
  • Miepke99
    Miepke99 Posts: 31 Member
    Disappointed in the casting, i'll still go see it out of curiosity.

    The casting so far s u c k s -sorry-, but we'll see...
    Of course the movie won't be as good as the book but then again, I'm really curious!
  • NaturalinCO
    NaturalinCO Posts: 164 Member
    I don't know her work, but I LOVE "Jax" in Sons of Anarchy! I think he'll do a fine job. Whether or not it'll be a worthwhile movie, I don't know, but I guess we'll see!!
  • Carl01
    Carl01 Posts: 9,307 Member
    attention guys- get this book and read your lady or lady of evening a bed time story and thank me later.

    Idea generator?
    Made me never want to have sex again, ever, with anyone. Blech.

    And totally took me back to the abusive relationship I was in when I was 19.

    It's like a 101 guide to an unhealthy relationship. Plus she blatantly misused the oxford comma.

    And you can get better smut online for free. With correct grammar and less dun-con.

    I have never read any part of it nor will but a person who did described the general plot and I said "so it is a book that makes a parody of all the stereotypical bad/stupid choices a woman can make getting into a relationship".

    My guess is that it brought something a bit mysterious and perhaps taboo for many into a bit of the mainstream so it was their first real reading of BDSM stuff (disclosure...not my thing but not offended by it) and as such the book was alluring.
    Those of us saying it's a textbook abusive relationship are not saying so because of the "BDSM," which really isn't BDSM at all. We're saying it because if the CG character were not rich and handsome, Ana would have taken out a restraining order against him by chapter 3.

    You misunderstood or I didn`t say it right...people overlooked that part,abusive,controlling,demeaning because of the other.
    The other did not make it that way.

    I truly hope there are not very many that believe that power,wealth,excitement = desirable or that they will in some way tame the beast and turn him into Prince Charming.
    If they do then they better hope to be the luckiest woman alive or prepare to live a life of misery.
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    attention guys- get this book and read your lady or lady of evening a bed time story and thank me later.

    Idea generator?
    Made me never want to have sex again, ever, with anyone. Blech.

    And totally took me back to the abusive relationship I was in when I was 19.

    It's like a 101 guide to an unhealthy relationship. Plus she blatantly misused the oxford comma.

    And you can get better smut online for free. With correct grammar and less dun-con.

    I have never read any part of it nor will but a person who did described the general plot and I said "so it is a book that makes a parody of all the stereotypical bad/stupid choices a woman can make getting into a relationship".

    My guess is that it brought something a bit mysterious and perhaps taboo for many into a bit of the mainstream so it was their first real reading of BDSM stuff (disclosure...not my thing but not offended by it) and as such the book was alluring.
    Those of us saying it's a textbook abusive relationship are not saying so because of the "BDSM," which really isn't BDSM at all. We're saying it because if the CG character were not rich and handsome, Ana would have taken out a restraining order against him by chapter 3.

    You misunderstood or I didn`t say it right...people overlooked that part,abusive,controlling,demeaning because of the other.
    The other did not make it that way.

    I truly hope there are not very many that believe that power,wealth,excitement = desirable or that they will in some way tame the beast and turn him into Prince Charming.
    If they do then they better hope to be the luckiest woman alive or prepare to live a life of misery.
    Apologies. I did misunderstand.

    However, I wish what you said was true. Sadly, I've been around the 'Net a lot and seen a lot of what these books' fans have said and a large number of them think Christian's abusive behavior is romantic. It's quite scary.
  • ebae9cd05a33e2433bdb61f788a17e43.jpg

    Guilty. *hangs head in shame*
  • PlanetVelma
    PlanetVelma Posts: 1,223 Member
    attention guys- get this book and read your lady or lady of evening a bed time story and thank me later.

    Idea generator?
    Made me never want to have sex again, ever, with anyone. Blech.

    And totally took me back to the abusive relationship I was in when I was 19.

    It's like a 101 guide to an unhealthy relationship. Plus she blatantly misused the oxford comma.

    And you can get better smut online for free. With correct grammar and less dun-con.

    I have never read any part of it nor will but a person who did described the general plot and I said "so it is a book that makes a parody of all the stereotypical bad/stupid choices a woman can make getting into a relationship".

    My guess is that it brought something a bit mysterious and perhaps taboo for many into a bit of the mainstream so it was their first real reading of BDSM stuff (disclosure...not my thing but not offended by it) and as such the book was alluring.
    Those of us saying it's a textbook abusive relationship are not saying so because of the "BDSM," which really isn't BDSM at all. We're saying it because if the CG character were not rich and handsome, Ana would have taken out a restraining order against him by chapter 3.

    And BAM, we have another winner of the interwebz! lol

    In all seriousness, you're right....on all counts!
  • I am *SO* glad that a lot of you have pointed out the exact things I came here wanting to say.

    I read the series. I literally skipped the "sex" scenes because they were mundane and just..ugh. It is not an accurate picture of a BDSM relationship. It makes me so sad that there are women reading these books and wishing to be in the ABUSIVE relationship between Ana and Christian. There is hardly any consent, and Ana is uncomfortable and not ready for pretty much ANYTHING they do. This book has stirred up a lot of bad publicity for the BDSM community, which I am a part of. It is incredibly frustrating to have a 50 Shades label slapped on you just because you and your partner are kinksters.
    That being said- I REALLY want to see 50 Shades! The Musical. It looks like a hysterical parody.
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    I am *SO* glad that a lot of you have pointed out the exact things I came here wanting to say.

    I read the series. I literally skipped the "sex" scenes because they were mundane and just..ugh. It is not an accurate picture of a BDSM relationship. It makes me so sad that there are women reading these books and wishing to be in the ABUSIVE relationship between Ana and Christian. There is hardly any consent, and Ana is uncomfortable and not ready for pretty much ANYTHING they do. This book has stirred up a lot of bad publicity for the BDSM community, which I am a part of. It is incredibly frustrating to have a 50 Shades label slapped on you just because you and your partner are kinksters.
    That being said- I REALLY want to see 50 Shades! The Musical. It looks like a hysterical parody.
    I highly recommend this: http://jennytrout.wordpress.com/jenny-reads-50-shades-of-grey/
  • Ge0rgiana
    Ge0rgiana Posts: 1,649 Member
    I am *SO* glad that a lot of you have pointed out the exact things I came here wanting to say.

    I read the series. I literally skipped the "sex" scenes because they were mundane and just..ugh. It is not an accurate picture of a BDSM relationship. It makes me so sad that there are women reading these books and wishing to be in the ABUSIVE relationship between Ana and Christian. There is hardly any consent, and Ana is uncomfortable and not ready for pretty much ANYTHING they do. This book has stirred up a lot of bad publicity for the BDSM community, which I am a part of. It is incredibly frustrating to have a 50 Shades label slapped on you just because you and your partner are kinksters.
    That being said- I REALLY want to see 50 Shades! The Musical. It looks like a hysterical parody.
    I highly recommend this: http://jennytrout.wordpress.com/jenny-reads-50-shades-of-grey/

    HAHAHAHA!!! You too???? :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
  • michellemybelll
    michellemybelll Posts: 2,228 Member
    never read the books, don't know the actors, but i have it on good authority that those who are really into BDSM and the kink lifestyle sort of despise the 50 Shades books.

    just sayin'.
  • Kaylee_law_123
    Kaylee_law_123 Posts: 450 Member
    Like any movie that is based on a book I think there will be controversy as to who they pic, no matter who they are, as when you are reading you create a picture of the character and they will never be able to cast someone who is everyone's version of Christian Grey!