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New Kid On The Block, Can you Relate? haha

taylorcjobson Posts: 1 Member
edited July 2023 in Fun and Games
I just signed up for a new gym in Miami and I walked in like a new kid at school. Everyone in the gym I felt like knew each other and I was being stared down by dozens of eyes. Apparently they are running a three month free special so the gym had a ton of new people sign up, which pissed off the vets. Its just crazy how you think the world grows up, but we are all still in our own high school world.

PS: Definitely trying to become prom king this semester ;)


  • nossmf
    nossmf Posts: 9,086 Member
    Every New Year's my gym opens its doors for one-month-free specials, with the expected tons of newbies flooding in. But before Valentine's comes around, that flood of noobs has dwindled to maybe 3-4 full-time attendees. I'm betting any eyes you may be noticing are just looking to see if you know what you're doing, if you're gonna hog the bench while taking video selfies for online viewers, and placing private bets whether you'll still be there a month from now.