

  • teklawa1
    teklawa1 Posts: 675 Member
    Tracey, enjoyed your camping pictures.

    Lisa, sounds like John found a soul mate.

    Carol, Happy Anniversary.!!

    Betsy in NW WA
  • Anniesquats100
    Anniesquats100 Posts: 3,115 Member
    Carol happy anniversary!

    Annie in Delaware
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,197 Member
    1948CWB wrote: »
    Today is our 54th wedding anniversary! Nothing planned as life has been unpleasant these past few days. Will go out to eat on Monday evening to celebrate GD's 12 birthday with family.

    Carol in GA

    Happy Anniversary!

  • cyntdooley
    cyntdooley Posts: 61 Member
    My Basil plant is about that height or a tad higher not much more. Looks great. One plant is all you need.
    Cindy from Pensacola
  • cyntdooley
    cyntdooley Posts: 61 Member
    Up and out of the house early and we did our hour bike ride. Supposed to be 103 to 105 degrees. Today.
    Everyone have a great w/e.
    Cindy from Pensacola
  • kevrit
    kevrit Posts: 3,968 Member
    Recommended exercise: cardio 5 days 30 min 13/23
    Strength all muscles 2 x 1/8 a week
    Flexible (yoga, stretching) 1/8 a week 10 min
    Balance 5 days 10 min 3/20

    2023- Altruistic August

    Word of the year: appreciate. Today I appreciate our volunteer job as camp hosts.

    Meditation: daily. 23/31 (82%(started Feb)(94%,100%, 74%, 93%,100%)

    Walking and exercising slowed down because of record heat this month. Had bad asthma attack sending me to ER.

    Stop B12
    Switch DHEA to every other day on sept 6
    Add folic acid, once a day
    Add magnesium to 3x a day
    Up Berberine to 3x a day

    1. cut back drinking and limit to 2 days a week. 7/8–(100%,100%,0%,0%,0%,0%,0%)
    2. Average 7,000 steps a week. 5418,4157,6745,7029 (7,700,100%-9851,100%-9526,100%-9,559,100%, -8347,100%—7465,100%—6328,90%)
    3. Update budget every 2 weeks 3/2 —(100%,100%,100%,100%,100%, 100%.100%)
    4. Contact close family every week (4x) 174/208—(100%,100%,100%,50%, 83%, 100%, 100%)should be 154 by September 1)
    5. Contact Donat and sibs once a month (8x)71/94 (100%,100%,100%,100%,100%,100%,100%,100%)
    6. Weigh less last day of month compared to first until I reach 140. Start at 178.6,176,174.2,173.4,175.4,174,175.6 (100%,100%,100%,0%,100%,100%,0%)
    7. Develop a journaling practice by aiming to journal at least 5 days a week. 13/22 (100%,88%,100%,100%,100%,93%,100%)
    8. Read 12 books at least this year. 31/12 (100%)
    9. Pay off credit card debt by January 2024 by making monthly payments to NDR/Reach Financial 8/12—(100%.100%,100%,100%,100%,100%,100%)
    10. Continue building emergency fund at SLFCU (min$25 a month)$25+$25+$71+700+25+25 +25+25 (100%,100%,100%,100%,100%,100%,100%)
    11. April started putting 4% on income in savings. 700,200,200, 107, 157,(100%,100%,100%,100%)

    January Met —100%
    February met —-90%
    March met met —-90%
    April met——86.36%
    May met——-89%
    June met—-99%
    July met — met 81%
    August met
    September met
    October met —
    November met—
    December met—

    1. Set an intention to be kind to others (and yourself) this month. I plan to be kind to people I meet and to myself. Not just this month but all the time. It may not be every time, but I will try.
    2. Send an uplifting message to someone you can’t be with. I will text my best friend who lives in Michigan, and my friend that lives in NY. Did this
    3. Be kind and supportive to everyone you interact with. I did this!
    4. Ask someone how they feel and really listen to their reply. I plan to try to remember to do this. Done!
    5. Spend time wishing for other people to be happy and well. Will meditate and do this through a loving-kindness meditation.
    6. Smile and be friendly to the people you see today. Will do!
    7. Give time to help a project or cause you care about. I volunteer at Bottomless Lakes State park and also belong to the ‘Friends of’ group and am on the board as secretary. Does this count?
    8. Make some tasty food for someone who will appreciate it. My DH does all the cooking. Perhaps i will look for something KETO to cook. Otherwise, we give food to our co-host often.
    9. Thank someone you’re grateful to and tell them why. I will!
    10. Check in with someone who may be lonely or feeling anxious. Checked in with my son.
    11. Share an encouraging news story to inspire others. Did this at ER when the diagnosis was given.
    12. Contact a friend to let them know you’re thinking of them. Did this yesterday and will do again today.
    13. No plans day! Be kind to yourself so you can be kind to others too. I need the rest!
    14. Take an actions to be kind to nature and care for our planet. Will do! Need to de-stress!
    15. If someone annoys you, be kind. Imagine how they may be feeling. I will try to put myself in the other person’s shoes. Did this again last night with a camper.
    16. Make a thoughtful gift as a surprise for someone. Will have to think about this! Did not do this. :(
    17. Be kind online. Share positive and supportive comments. Will do!
    18. Today, do something to make life easier for someone else. I did try to accommodate a camper.
    19. Be thankful for your food and the people who make it possible. I am.
    20. Look for the good in everyone you meet today. Sometimes that is hard but I am getting better at it. Maybe not right away but after I thought about the person’s reactions and what could cause it.
    21. Donate unused items, clothes, or food to help a local charity. I will have to think on this. Not planning on going to town today. Did not do this.
    22. Give people the gift of your full attention. I will try.
    23. Share an article, book, or podcast you find helpful. I do when I find something useful.
    24. Forgive someone who hurt you in the past. This one is hard. I will try to forgive my father.
    25. Give your time, energy, or attention to someone in need. Easy! I did that yesterday giving someone a campsite who didn’t know how to use the electronic means to reserve a site.
    26. Find a way to ‘pay it forward’ or support a good cause. I subscribed to a foundation newsletter.
    27. Notice when someone is down and try to brighten his day. (My DH’s birthday. He always gets depressed on this day. Worse this year as he turns 70 today).
    28. Have a friendly chat with someone you don’t know very well.
    29. Do something kind to help in your local community.
    30. Give away something to those who don’t have as much as you.
    31. Share Action for Happiness with other people today.

    RVRita in Roswell, NM

    The best predictor of the future or future behavior is the past. If until this point the relationships, hobby, friendship, job, etc. has not served you in any positive regard, it likely won't in the future.
    A Word From Verywell
    Sunk cost fallacy can be tricky to wrap your head around, and it’s not without nuance. For more clarity in these complex decision-making moments, completely disregard how much you’ve already invested so that it doesn’t hold influence. Then, look at the facts.

    Thrive Market EFGT code

    Are you satisfied? Have you repeatedly been met with dead ends? Is there still potential for a positive outcome if you continue investing your resources and energy? What are the benefits of walking away and opening a new door? These are the factors that should influence your decision rather than any previously sunk costs.
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,197 Member
    kevrit wrote: »
    Machka9 wrote: »
    kevrit wrote: »
    The last 3 months have seen me have a terrible bought of arthritis where everything hurt like the dickens, a colitis D attack, a UTI, and then the Asthma attack. My NP believes something is going on and so do I so, I am doing another blood test for food sensitivities to address my gut, and awaiting for the other doctor appointments to resolve what I can’t on my on. I am so glad I go to a functional doctor for my PC! They begin with the better diet and look for the root cause of the issues, not just treat the symptoms.

    Thank you all for your concerns. I love you all!!

    RVRita in Roswell, NM

    A lot of that could be stress.

    I believe that chronic stress from my husband's situation and a few things going on in my life too over the past 5+ years has been the root cause of my Chronic Kidney Disease. I think it raised my BP and a high or highish BP is one of the things that can cause CKD (plus I've had minor kidney issues for quite a while).

    I do box breathing before I embark on a really stressful situation or before I have my BP tested.

    I hope you can make some changes that ease your stress level.

    Machka in Oz

    Stress was the first thing my NP said. I’m not sure what else I can do? I walk, meditate, do box breathing, 4-7-8 breathing, breathing out longer than in, all work temporarily. I am also going to a therapist who has me on 3 different meds! I read, color, and crochet to help as well. Not sure what else I can do. More research I suppose!


    I have found that the best way to deal with stress and to ease the stress is to work with the cause of the stress.

    So if I am feeling overwhelmed, colouring, walking, etc may help a bit, but what helps more is figuring out why I feel overwhelmed and doing something about it. For me that usually involves getting a few things done from my To Do list.

    Or removing something from my To Do list.

    It might mean unsubscribing from emails and cancelling events.

    Or it might mean signing up for a course to teach me more about my work (or whatever) so that I can feel a bit more in control of my life.

    M in Oz
  • KetoneKaren
    KetoneKaren Posts: 6,411 Member
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,396 Member
    Worked then soup kitchen. I then helped at the soup kitchen making the meals that they freeze for the customers. Came home and am making a chocolate cake for Vince. I was going to make a pineapple angel food cake, but Jess won’t eat it and she’s supposed to be here this weekend. Instead of icing, I’m going to try melting chocolate chips and drizzling that on top.

    Cindy – I don’t know about being in the sun helping weight loss. I’m in the sun a lot in my pool and I wish I’d see a weight loss.

    Lisa – have a great visit. How long will they be there? So happy for you and John

    Allie – looks like a great time for everyone. I’m jealous of your view

    Jess came last night (Fri). She has an appt for her inspection, not sure when it is.

    Margaret we had wasps in the retaining wall behind the pool. I got a WHY (wasp, hornet, and yellowjacket) trap at Lowe’s Hardware. The first year, every time I went to change the apple juice (I use this as the attractant), you won’t believe how many wasps were in the trap! Now it seems to catch not only the one or two, but everything else

    Carol – happy anniversary

    Made chicken for the freezer and to have this week. Now making meatloaves

    Vince just told me that Jess couldn’t get an appt to get her car inspected (you’d think she’d learn that you need to make appts in advance) so she’ll get it done by her. However, she and Colby went to a Mary Kay representative. Don’t know how Colby is going to take to that….lol

    Michele NC
  • ginnytez
    ginnytez Posts: 1,359 Member
    /Carol-Happy anniversary! I love the picture of you two. For the record I turn 69 in November. Thanks for the encouragement!