Down 100+lb and wanting to motivate others

maggpi7 Posts: 6 Member
edited September 2023 in Motivation and Support
Hello ๐Ÿ‘‹ my name is Maggie and I've struggled with weight, feeling good enough and not being an active participant in my own life. I've had a hard life and spent most of it overweight, depressed and lonely. I moved from Chicago to Seattle in 2020 to start fresh. In january 2022 I looked at myself a 38 almost 39 years old woman who is so defeated and lost and thought "are you going to let another decade pass as a ghost or are you going to do something about it and something clicked in my head like "LET'S GO" I've got this. I left a dead end job in April and started a new wonderful job in May and committed to giving 100% to bettering myself as a whole. On June 2022 I weight 333.8 and today I'm 40 and weigh 226, I'm about 50lb from my goal and crushing it everyday like it's second nature. The mental part of it is still a struggle because I think my mind is still stuck in the past version of myself...but that is why consistently is stronger then willpower. I am working on putting myself out in the world and making friends and possibly dating! Basically a long winded way of saying I have found success and if anyone out there is looking for support or ideas or motivation, I got you, you're worth it and don't be afraid of living your life to the fullest!


  • waxingturtle
    waxingturtle Posts: 34 Member
    Wow! That's wonderful! Good on you!!
    Just this year. I have come to terms that I must put myself first and take care of myself. I have some medical issues to deal with, mainly elevated liver enzymes but I also have neurological conditions that having extra weight has impacted.
    Did you use my fitness pal for the whole time? I'm really interested in that. I'm having issues finding community and keeping track of where I've posted. I'm new to this as of 25 days! And I'm just having trouble sorting it out. but I've been a consistent and faithful logger. Because I came to the realization that I'll have to log my foods everyday for the rest of my life to keep myself healthy. I've come to terms with that figuring if I have time for Facebook, i have time for MFP. ๐Ÿ˜‚
    Nice to meet you Maggie!
  • watchmeshine82
    watchmeshine82 Posts: 6 Member
    Hi, Maggie! Thanks for your post. I just posted a new thread myself for similar reasons -- looking for motivation, support, and accountability. We have a very similar background. I 'm 41 and started at 328 pounds. I lost 100 lbs and held steady for about 7 years +/- 10-15 lbs.

    Last November, I got motivated to start again (I was in the 220s) and began taking Mounjaro in January of 2023. I'm now weighing in between 181-185 lbs. I'm only 5'2.5" though so I need to get down to 140 lbs or so to be a healthy bmi. I'm going to see how I feel at 160 lbs though and suspect that I may stop at 150 lbs as I have a lot of excess skin that I am going to need to get rid of as I'm getting rashes.

    I'm also single and have been too afraid/ashamed/scared of being vulnerable to be in an intimate relationship with a guy. My weight has definitely held me back with respect to dating. I have a lot of thoughts of not being good enough. I thought that would go away once I started fitting into "normal" size clothes (i.e. once I got out of the plus sizes). But I'm fitting into size large pants and shirts at Macy's now and still don't feel like I'm good enough for men who are average weights and heights or even men who are a little overweight. I'm trying to do a lot of affirmations and work with a therapist on this. She thinks I have some body dysmorphia. We basically decided that at 160 lbs I need to say no matter what, I'm going to put myself out there. Her point was that if a guy doesn't like me because I'm at 160 but does because I'm at 140, he's not the right guy. She's letting me choose the weight for my own comfort and confidence but wishes I was ready to put myself out there now.

    Anyway, if any of this resonates with you and you want to be support buddies, please message me!
  • jellis1388
    jellis1388 Posts: 47 Member
    Hi Maggie! What an amazing story of transformation. You have to be so proud of yourself. Losing weight is not easy, especially when our brain fights us. So happy for you and blessed that you want to help inspire others!

    I am on a path to lose 100lbs. I started my journey 8/1 and down about 20lbs. I did a full body cleanse for 20 days and then a weight loss body cleanse immediately following. I am feeling so much better. I plan to continue eating the way I have been while on the plan. I am just nervous to get off of a cleanse. My brain is playing tricks on me.

    Feel free to connect with me if you are interested!
  • izzified
    izzified Posts: 30 Member
    This was like reading about myself. Iโ€™m almost 39, over 340 lbs, and I just went on a flight for the first time in 20 years and the things that scared me were size related not being in the air. I was exhausted, in pain, and trailing behind everyone at the conference I attended. Iโ€™m so tired of this and have a long way to go. Looking for real accountability from someone who understands.
  • watchmeshine82
    watchmeshine82 Posts: 6 Member
    This was like reading about myself. Iโ€™m almost 39, over 340 lbs, and I just went on a flight for the first time in 20 years and the things that scared me were size related not being in the air. I was exhausted, in pain, and trailing behind everyone at the conference I attended. Iโ€™m so tired of this and have a long way to go. Looking for real accountability from someone who understands.

    Happy to help if I can. I'm 41 and around 180 lbs now. But I was at 328 at my all-time high at age 31.