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tabithas2293 Posts: 1 Member
It would be great if boxing could be added. I have to add other workouts that I do while boxing but there is no boxing choice at all.
1 votes

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  • Jean
    Jean Posts: 909 MFP Staff
    Thanks for your suggestion! To confirm, when you are in your Diary to log an exercise - do you type in "Boxing" when searching for an exercise, and then pressing the search button (or magnifying glass) afterwards? This will search the whole database, and boxing should show as an option.
  • AnnPT77
    AnnPT77 Posts: 35,087 Member
    In addition to what Jean said, if you do run across an exercise you can't find in the cardiovascular part of the exercise database, you can add your own custom exercises. When you do that, you do need to provide an initial calorie estimate. There are reasonable ways to derive such an estimate (but I won't go into exhaustive detail here on speculation that you might need that some day - it's not that hard to do, but it's a lot of typing to explain clearly ;) ).

    Once you add a custom exercise, and provide that starting calorie estimate, you can use that custom entry in the future for different amounts of time, and at different body weights, and MFP will do the behind-the-scenes math for you to tailor the calorie estimate to your new duration/bodyweight.
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