Back to the Grind to Lose Weight

Hi! I used MFP awhile back and was successful with it. Upon graduating and some life & covid happening, I gained so much weight at 31 now, almost 10 years later. I'm back to becoming motivated to be HEALTHY again. I also have GERD and probably LPR, and I am pretty scared about my health. I gained so much body fat percentage in recent years and will be focused on eating less, consuming healthy food and cutting out junk food. It has worked for me before and I know I can do it again. I'm excited and I'm happy to be here to be motivated by looking at everyone else's progresses!

I enrolled in the nearby gym on Friday with my SO and we have been walking everyday this week (any Pkmn Go/MHW players? lol) Also lost some pounds this week probably water weight from eating a lot less than I normally would this week. I started body weight exercises again and will be looking into doing more for my body.. don't know a lot about weightlifting and I am looking into getting into it!

Thanks for reading and hope to see you around