Hey everyone!

Good morning everyone! I’ve been using the app for a while, but wasn’t aware there was a community feature. Anyway, glad to be here. Since July 10th I’ve lost 22.7lbs, coming from 280. I’ve always had self-image issues, from the time I was 16 to 25 I stayed at a steady 185-198. However, when the pandemic hit I let myself go quite a bit and then moving back to my hometown to help my family, 7 months of being unemployed, and the regular stresses of life contributed to me gaining nearly 100lbs in the span of 2.5 years. But now that I’m back in my desired career and being mindful of what not necessarily what I put into my body, but just how much has helped so much. Anyway, I hope everyone is doing great in their weight loss/fitness journeys. We got this, guys!


  • evileyefirefly
    evileyefirefly Posts: 104 Member
    Good morning! I'm right there with you. I've used MFP for years on and off though, but my re-start date was the same as your start date. Thought that was cool. I was at 235 on July 10th, I'm down 24lbs since then and while I'm somewhat at a plateau, but just pushing through it. I've always been heavy, but I started to get more health issues around 230 and definitely needed a change. Looking to get down to 165 or so by July. Keep up the good work, I'll shoot you a friend request as well.