DECEMBER 2023 Monthly Running Challenge



  • quilteryoyo
    quilteryoyo Posts: 6,117 Member
    I like that @AlphaHowls !

    @Mari33a Nice run and great job putting calories in the bank. I hope you enjoyed your lunch with your sister.

    Nice run with the running club @tarun_yadavA !

    Nice run @SummerSkier . I still can't get the ticker to get out of the refresh loop. The last time I did get it to work, I had to do it again every day. When I first started on here it worked great and I could save it. Not sure what they did, but I wish they would put it back like it used to be.

    @chris_in_cal That is a long run for the beginning of a plan! You did great though. I hope you aren't too sore tomorrow.

    Pretty snow @Laurz9191 ! I'm glad you weren't hurt when you fell.

    You are doing great @Mokkola 1
  • SummerSkier
    SummerSkier Posts: 4,909 Member
    I am not sure I like that training plan @chris_in_cal and hopefully you are not too sore today. 😳
    Love seeing we are already on page 3. This has to be one of the BEST challenges on MFP.