NYC, 10 years vegan, lifelong martial artist, yogi, new to food logging

mmboarder93 Posts: 1 Member
edited December 2023 in Introduce Yourself
Always lead a pretty active lifestyle but never stressed too hard about calorie or weight gain as I burned it all off. Just hit 30 and the rumors are true, you have to start watching what you eat even if you’re extremely active as I am! I’m an arborist, climber pruner for work, do Muay Thai, kyokushin karate, mma and bjj, rock climbing, yoga, but with such an active lifestyle, I eat nonstop. Time to control what I eat. This app looks amazing! I live just outside NYC in Yonkers, work in queens. Any healthy, active friends welcome! Let’s go!


  • lynn_glenmont
    lynn_glenmont Posts: 10,072 Member
    Logging should help you to target foods that are costing you more calories than they're worth to you in satiety, pleasure, and/or nutrition. Don't forget to log drinks, condiments, and cooking/finishing fats (butter, oil, etc.).

    Best of luck.
  • AnnPT77
    AnnPT77 Posts: 33,770 Member
    For sure, there are limits . . . at any age. Eventually, many of use will find them. Catching and reversing that early, and managing it better going forward, is really smart.

    I wish I'd been smart enough to do that at 30-something, speaking from the perspective of 68, finally now pretty active and at a healthy weight. ;)

    Good advice from Lynn up there on the how-to.

    You can find quite a few other vegans, and other serious lifters (bodybuilders, power lifters, etc.) if you look in the right places here.

    Best wishes!