Ages 70+



  • Corina1143
    Corina1143 Posts: 3,099 Member
    Blue Bonnets are gorgeous! Thank you Lady Bird!
  • BarbMessimer
    BarbMessimer Posts: 346 Member
    @deniserzaj ... Welcome! Glad you joined us. It's so easy for weight to creep back up but you know how to lose it and coming here for support will help! What kind of diet do you follow?
  • Yoolypr
    Yoolypr Posts: 2,960 Member
    @deniserzaj ... Welcome! Glad you joined us. It's so easy for weight to creep back up but you know how to lose it and coming here for support will help! What kind of diet do you follow?

    I was doing well in maintenance for five years. Then I had some injuries and bursitis pain that severely curtailed my activity level. No gym and less movement at home. So thus the weight creep. I’m hoping to get it under control.
    I don’t follow any special diet. I cut back on fats and sweets. However I still indulge once in a while. Mostly it’s been smaller portions of calorie dense foods. I have a big appetite- I fill the void with plain veggies and big salads. And making substitutions like low fat yogurt or mayo, low carb tortillas, skinless chicken, no fried foods etc.
  • nsk1951
    nsk1951 Posts: 1,299 Member
    Week 2 day 5 stats
    5 of 5 street ready before logging on. ... Feels a little more natural to be 'presentable' and 'ready to exit if needed' before getting into the things I like to do with my morning coffee. ...
    My second addition on my focused item was to log my food and pay attention to the macros that resulted. I don't know if that action has caused it or I'm just in a less-phase; but my daily average calories dropped by 300 a day this week compared to last week, Carbs also too a large plunge. And surprise, surprise, protein increased a little bit. Will continue this focus into next week.

    Welcome @deniserzaj, like you, I don't follow any special diet. I just try to eat only one meal during wake-up until 1 PM and one meal between 1 PM and 7 PM. If I need to, I'll have a snack. The only thing that I do now that I didn't do in the days of unchecked weight gain is how much bakery or other treats and fast food I eat. I prefer to cook from scratch and thus my meals tend to be whole foods.
  • Corina1143
    Corina1143 Posts: 3,099 Member
    I feel you Niki. Fast food didn't help me gain, but it darn sure never helped me lose! And cookies.
  • BarbMessimer
    BarbMessimer Posts: 346 Member
    Quote: "I don’t follow any special diet. I cut back on fats and sweets. However I still indulge once in a while. Mostly it’s been smaller portions of calorie dense foods. I have a big appetite- I fill the void with plain veggies and big salads. And making substitutions like low fat yogurt or mayo, low carb tortillas, skinless chicken, no fried foods etc."

    That sounds nutritious. I've sworn off all ultra-processed foods except perhaps a piece of birthday cake when it's my birthday (Not till November, thank God). Currently, I eat high protein with animal fats (I don't overdo the fats, but they keep my appetite under control) and low cal vegetables... Only real food. I've tried every diet known to man over the years but have settled on this one. It works for me, and I can maintain it. I have 60 pounds I need to lose... so a long journey is ahead.

    I think we have to find what works for us. What works for one doesn't work for everyone. It's been a process of elimination for me. Fortunately, I love meat and salads. I cleaned out my freezer the other day and just loaded it up with meat (There was a good sale on at Publix.) I'm all set for a while.
  • nsk1951
    nsk1951 Posts: 1,299 Member
    @BarbMessimer ; you are so correct! We each have to find what works for us, because we are all so individual. The 'diets' we read about (and all stats, I think) are compiled from a large database and so are 'averages'. None of us is average. LOL
    What I like about reading other peoples changes and methods is that is shows what a large variety of approaches there are; and that when the one we are currently following doesn't seem to work anymore, we have ideas of some other methods we can employ to 'break the stall'.

    I am so looking forward to tomorrow. It is my weigh-in day, and my 79th birthday!
  • jonni82014
    jonni82014 Posts: 1,463 Member
    I committed cooking Mediterranean in January. I found it very challenging, tasty, time consuming (shopping/planning). I try to eat at least two meals per day. DH, the meat and potatoes guy; has joined me eating this way for a few meals. I was successful- 6# loss in 4 months, however I got off the path; due to DH's knee surgery. Caregiving was 24/7. So the eating plan was just about non-existent. I would like to release 10+# I'm slowly getting back on track. We are back at the gym 3XWK. I am so tired of being held hostage by "diets" . I always think I "need" a diet whether I "need" it or not. I look at my image in the mirror, I see "You look pretty good for a 71year old" ..however LOL. The recording needs to change. I want to break free, to do other things in my life, so having stated this. Mindful eating. Time waits for no-one The clock is only wound once. This forum is really giving me a good perspective and support. Thank you
  • BarbMessimer
    BarbMessimer Posts: 346 Member
    @nsk1951 ... A very happy birthday to you. Congratulations on 79 years! You've done well to live this long and hopefully have many more years ahead. I hope you have a great celebration. You've earned it!

    @jonni82014 ... "Mindful eating" sure sounds better than "dieting". (How I hate that word) Like you, I'm enjoying this group. I like sharing my thoughts with ladies my age. We understand the challenges and also can rejoice in the victories.
  • jonni82014
    jonni82014 Posts: 1,463 Member
    @nsk1951 Happy Birthday!
    @BarbMessimer Sorry to read the negative comments from your previous classmates; however you are very courageous to share the incident. I really liked the word you described yourself as a "condition" It's a journey towards attaining Health.
    Every day is new
  • Corina1143
    Corina1143 Posts: 3,099 Member
    H A P P Y. B I R T H D A Y !
  • BarbMessimer
    BarbMessimer Posts: 346 Member
    @jonni82014 ... Thank you. I feel better today. Damage has already been done and I can't do anything about it so won't think about it anymore Maybe next reunion people will be astonished at how much weight I will have lost.
  • SbetaK
    SbetaK Posts: 385 Member
    Joy1580vb wrote: »

    Does anyone have any recommendations for walking at home videos? Any other type of exercise that you do?

    Hi Joy! I like to do walking videos on Youtube with Leslie Sansone. There are quite a few with different paces, basic speeds with 1 mile walks, and others with increased speeds and "distances" (times), some with arm movements, some with resistance stretch bands for added strength workouts. You can go through them and pick something that might work for you. I also found a few Silver Sneakers videos, a few free ones but also some you must pay for. Youtube has so many choices, just search senior exercises, walking videos,etc and you can find sitting chair exercises, yoga, stretching, etc. I've used several for a long time, and I feel so much better! Now to try and ignore my computer and be more active :D

  • nsk1951
    nsk1951 Posts: 1,299 Member
    Thanks for the birthday wishes, everyone.
    I've had quite a day with many surprises today. It was certainly a day of being with people instead of alone in my little apartment. I feel truly blessed and gifted today.
  • BarbMessimer
    BarbMessimer Posts: 346 Member
    I had a good day. Prepared a nice St Patrick's Day dinner for my son and me... I even decorated! It was very festive, and I think my son really liked everything. The Corned Beef turned out perfectly and was so easy to make. I used my Crock Pot and programmed it on low for 10 hours. I prepared the vegetables (Cabbage, potatoes, onions) separately. I let the period between my last meal yesterday and first meal today go for 19 hours so there was plenty of time for fat burning and then had (2) meals 4 hours apart. I feel good now. Just hope the "Night Snackin Monster" stays away! I plan to try to go for (1) meal a day, starting tomorrow at 6 PM.
  • jonni82014
    jonni82014 Posts: 1,463 Member
    edited March 18
    Check out the 8 week video; it was prepared for the Seniors during Covid
    The instructor is the president of the West End Seniors Activity Centre; he has a degree in Gerontologist (study of mental, physical and social changes in the aging population)
    We now meet at the Seniors Centre to do these exercises@2WK
  • Corina1143
    Corina1143 Posts: 3,099 Member
    That looks great, Jonni!
    I went to a physical therapist a few months ago to get some exercises to strengthen my back and core muscles. She sent me a list of exercises, all but one were floor exercises. I can't get up and down easily, so they were worthless to me. It looks like these are a lot of chair and standing, which I can do!
  • Yoolypr
    Yoolypr Posts: 2,960 Member
    I’m still getting over a broken wrist in December. It healed well but with my arthritic hands it’s still painful at times. Doctor suggested physical therapy but it just seems like a waste of time to drive across town (big city traffic) to have someone lead me through hand exercises. I have the home exercises sheet the doc gave me. Hope that will be enough.
    I’ve never been happy with my experiences in physical activity therapy. Maybe if I was younger? Right now concentrating on a hand doesn’t solve arthritis. When I had hip bursitis therapy was okay but didn’t fix the resulting mobility issues.