Do I still need a team?

I grew up in dance troupes and sports teams. I didn’t know any other kind of fitness. I used to go hiking a lot, but I had my loyal Labrador Retriever by my side. Now I can’t find the motivation to get to the gym, go for a walk, or watch a fitness video (how does one watch a tiny little screen while working out??? I don’t get it!) Has anyone overcome a motivation block, anything like this, and how did you do it?


  • peggy_polenta
    peggy_polenta Posts: 310 Member
    Zumba might be up your alley. its kind of like a team in that you all have to work together so you don't trip over each other. and its typically the regulars who keep showing up for the class. and you have your teacher who would be like the team leader. plus you have experience in dance.