

  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,202 Member
    kevrit wrote: »
    My insurance company called and insisted I have an in-home visit by a nurse practitioner. I was about to refuse when they said they only used Zoom in my area so agreed. Had that on Friday and found out some things I didn’t know existed! Did you know there is a Functional Diet specialty? I did not. The NP was one and answered an embarrassing question I had for her regarding one of the symptoms of my Colitis. It may help someone here too. Women out age never get enough fiber, so she recommended I take a dose of Metamucil twice a day. She also suggested I use probiotics (50,000 units) every day and a digestive enzyme. She explained that because I have teeth missing AND wear a dental plate with some of them on it, I do not chew my food properly. Also missing a Perotid gland (spit gland - had a tumor removed about 20 years ago), my food does not begin the digestive process properly so adding the digestive enzyme (she suggested a ‘good one’ so did research and had a choice of $50 a month or $24, so bought that one at Amazon) should help control, possibly resolve the issue I have.

    So, I have some powdered Metamucil (generic), and some chewable ones. I take the orange sugar free powdered with breakfast, I don’t drink juice b/c of sugar and find it replaces orange juice flavor nicely. I take the chewable at lunch, and added 5 psyllium husk pills at night. Worked yesterday so hope she hit on something. I am waiting on the digestive enzyme but will go to town tomorrow and check my doctor’s ‘pharmacy’ (vitamins and health food) for the enzymes so I can start on them too. The research I did explained that the enzymes should show an improvement in digestion, GERD, acid reflux, and other dietary malaise within a month. We shall see….

    Oh, if you want to give the added fiber a try, add only 1 dose at a time a week working up to 3. Otherwise, your tummy will not like it. It’s not a bad thing, but you may want to avoid the uncomfortable feeling adding that much at once will do. Supposed to help with diet too. Fills you up!d

    RVRita who’s sorry about the book! In Roswell, NM

    I've been tested and I digest things very slowly. This means that food sits in my duodenum and causes me upper right quadrant pain similar to gallbladder pain.

    I take a digestive enzyme and use probiotics when I notice the pain starting up.

    M in Oz
  • dlfk202000
    dlfk202000 Posts: 3,034 Member
    edited March 11
    Dh has had a great weekend selling at Sac-Con. Pretty much sold out of everything. He will figure out the grand total for the two days but is sure it is at least $1,500.Will be getting all 6 printers(I think we have 6 here, plus one at his mom's he can get going) with shows coming up in just a few weeks possible- not sure if he is doing the one in 3 weeks- he just found out about it- I think he should skip it. It is Easter weekend and a 3 day show. Will be up to him.

    Didn't get near as much done this weekend as I had planned but oh well. Did get some done.
    I did go check on MIL and she was actually ok- lets see how she treats dh this week. That is the real test.
    I will be there at least a few days in the mornings to walk the dog. She is usually a bit nicer to him when I am there- just lets him have it when I am not there.
    Took a piece of cake that I made yesterday. She wasn't going to eat it- said she wasn't eating sweets because she is diabetic- called her out on that one, in a nice, teasing way, because she had us pick up Hershey bars for her and it had to be the really big ones and had to be 2 of them. She did try a pinch of the cake and said it was good. If it is still sitting on the table on Tuesday, I will know she didn't like it or won't eat it beings I made it.

    Need to figure out dinner- waiting to see what the "kids" want- not really kids but he is MY kid at almost 26 yrs old. He will be 26 on the 26th.
    numbers work out this year- I turned 62 and was born in '62, he will be 26 on the 26th, Ezie will be 8 on the 8th of Sept.

    Two dr/dentist appointments this week- PAP tomorrow and dentist on Friday. Should be done with appointments for a while I think.

    Have a wonderful week ladies

    Napa Valley,CA
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,202 Member
    barbiecat wrote: »
    :) I walk morning and evening, in the dark and in the daylight. I think daylight savings time is appealing to people because it happens when the days are already getting longer and they think DST causes the longer daylight and the return to standard time causes the darkness.

    <3 Barbie in NW WA

    We used to exercise in the dark, until my husband's accident. He can't walk in the dark and feels disoriented cycling in the dark.

    DST doesn't cause the longer daylight ... DST shifts time so that we can enjoy the longer daylight. :) I'd like it to stay on DST year round.

    M in Oz

  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,202 Member
    Heather - You're right - it showed your same post four times. Weird.

    And... went out this afternoon for two hours plus of brushpopping and fence-pulling once more. Figured out how to tape that dicky ankle at a level that let me get through it without swelling, which is great. I love working with Corey on these days. All the hard work to get these piles and piles of brush and branches burned and gone is so satisfying at so many different levels. And, unlike last weekend, didn't even fall down! :smiley:

    One of the things I'm finally beginning to figure out is something that came out of comments from Lanette and from Heather, and from Barbie, as well. I'm paraphrasing, but Lanette talked about using our bodies for functional things, like walking with buckets, getting wood, hunting, gathering, etc., and Heather said something to the effect that she wasn't fond of just walking to walk, she wanted to walk to do something or get something done. Barbie talked about the learning she does with podcasts when she gets her thousands and thousands of steps in every day.

    The point of all that being that I hate lifting weights because I can't tie it to anything concrete. It's also part of what Annie's doing by listing her reasons for losing weight. It helps tie something fairly specific, like lifting weights or losing weight to the specific reasons for it. When I'm out working in the yard, lifting much heavier weights for longer periods of time than I would with my small hand weights, I feel an immediate sense of achievement.

    I don't get that feeling with lifting weights.

    Please don't think I'm discouraging anyone from doing what's necessary to keep your body strong. But for me, I'm going to have to find something that feels like specific achievement, rather than just lifting weights. It can't be summer weather every day, so this can't be the only thing! But it's a start.

    I'm only 63. I am, apparently, kind of slow, though. :smiley:

    Later, y'all,
    Lisa in AR

    I started lifting weights again when we started fencing ... because I realised that holding sword out in front of me for over an hour needed extra strength!!

    M in Oz
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,397 Member
    Did a pilates DVD today then walked to the Dollar general for a sympathy card for Lynette. Also walked by in-laws old house. It’s really junky looking

    Happy Mother’s Day to all who celebrate it today

    Posture: I tend to lean forward many times when I’m walking, especially if I’m walking uphill. I try to remind myself constantly to stand upright

    I love DST. Couldn’t wait for it to get here

    Went to the Orlando Wetlands. I’ve always wanted to go there. Well, I don’t think I’ll be going back. Too many alligators sitting on the side of the road. There’s a launch tonight so we’ll probably go out and see it

    My store sells HUGH chicken breasts, too and I cut them up. When we make a “beer butt” chicken, I usually get the smaller ones. We tend to like bone-in chicken breasts, but as you can imagine, they are harder to cut

    Lisa – government-controlled medicine leaves a lot to be desired. When I was on private insurance (I may have told you) they wouldn’t pay for the Prolia because my bone density improved so much. So I went on one of the biphosenates (what a pain) and, of course, bone density got worse. So the MD got them to pay for the Prolia.

    Sue WA – A tree by our house cracked. When we took it down what happened is that some sort of ant was inside eating away the wood which made the tree weak.

    who wishes she was in the sun today
  • skuehn48
    skuehn48 Posts: 2,892 Member
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,368 Member
    So sorry Machka about the cycling. I'm the same with going to the theatre. I used to love it, but John feels a bit claustrophobic, so we don't go. I try very hard to keep up my interests independently, but sometimes the enthusiasm just fades. I'm sure I wouldn't have kept up the painting without him. There is a joy in discovering a shared passion. Fortunately, I've always led an independent life, and have gone away and done things by myself, or with friends. At one stage John took against flying, and trains. He got extremely anxious and had severe panic attacks. If I went somewhere on my own, like to a girls weekend, I had to get his sister to stay and babysit him. He is much better now.
    A shared passion brings such joy. We were sad when our singing group moved. When even doing it feels like an uphill task, against resistance, it's hard to keep the enthusiasm. My sympathy.

    Painful, aching night. This resting and heat doesn't seem to be working. Fed up. I will do some mat work today. I'm sure John is lonely in the exercise room, but he doesn't seem to mind.
    I'm hoping for my X--Ray results.

    Love Heather UK xxxxxxxx
  • auntiebk
    auntiebk Posts: 2,520 Member
    Sleepy, skimming, accountability tomorrow, maybe.
    Rita thanks for sharing the functional diet NP’s info. Something that helps me is to slow down and chew thoroughly. Digestion begins in the mouth so the loss of that gland really affects you. Mfp is $19.99 a month? No wonder I don’t subscribe. Now if it were $0.99 like icloud storage . . .
    Beth “snow” ? :noway:
    Lanette thanks for the Ed Deboo posture exercises. Much needed and timely.
    Barbie what you said about DST, the abrupt twice yearly changes and what some people think causes the longer daylight. SMH. Wish all the western states would agree to stay on standard time, like Hawaii and Arizona.
    Michele “alligators”?! :noway:
    Machka and Heather with me its travel. Before we got together I used to travel every other year. Joe won’t fly but we used to take long, lovely road trips together. Imagined that when I retired we’d travel more. Nope. Joe really doesn’t care to leave our property and mostly I want to be with him. Will take a girl trip with T to Crater Lake this summer but no other travel plans.
    mfp community has been acting weird this evening. Something called "vanilla" is reporting server timeouts, but able to get right back in. Hmm.
    Later, lighter, lovelies!
    Barbara, the Southern Oregon Coastie AHMOD x8zcp1ya37k1.gif
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,202 Member
    auntiebk wrote: »
    mfp community has been acting weird this evening. Something called "vanilla" is reporting server timeouts, but able to get right back in. Hmm.
    Later, lighter, lovelies!

    Vanilla is the software used by the community section of MyFitnessPal.
  • Anniesquats100
    Anniesquats100 Posts: 3,116 Member
    Good morning ladies!

    It's a bit early, but I'm awake. Mostly. I'm trying to read my phone in the dark without waking Teddy.

    Yes functional fitness is very important. I need to be able to stand all day to go back to work. So I need to pump up my walking. But I have at least six months to get ready while I study.

    Lisa you might try a habit tracker calendar. There's a sense of achievement seeing all the green days.

    Machka so sorry the long distance cycling had to end. But you are doing so well at the stair climbing, you must be in great shape.

    Rita twenty bucks a month is a lot for me right now, and I get plenty of info from the free version. I use the free version of Duolingo and solitaire, too.

    And I just discovered the free version of I heart radio, which has lots of ads, but that's the deal. I prefer my music radio style, where someone else does the choosing, instead of making me
    assemble and rotate playlists. I was using the free version of Amazon Music but I kept hearing the beginning of each playlist over and over. So I heart radio is much better.

    The only subscription I pay for right now is my dating app, and that's kind of a bust. The interesting guys don't live around here. So I won't renew, if I can catch it.

    Dad has a doctor's appointment today. We should find out if his thyroid dosage is right. The doctor is leaving the practice, so we might switch. If I remember correctly, the new guy has an accent that was hard for me to understand.

    Have a lovely day, my friends!

    Annie in Delaware

  • Anniesquats100
    Anniesquats100 Posts: 3,116 Member
    Yes the forum software is wonky today. Save early, save often!

    Annie in Delaware
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,368 Member
    Just bought an easel from Amazon. I've not painted on an easel before, but I can learn. It takes up to A3 paper. I usually use A4, but I do stray into A3 territory sometimes. It arrives on Thursday, so I will have to improvise today.

    Love Heather UK xxxxxxxx
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,202 Member
    edited March 11
    Good morning ladies!

    Machka so sorry the long distance cycling had to end. But you are doing so well at the stair climbing, you must be in great shape.

    Have a lovely day, my friends!

    Annie in Delaware

    Thank you ... but unfortunately, I'm not even back up to 25 flights a day yet after the COVID situation. I managed 18 flights 2 days last week, so hopefully I'll be doing 25 flights 4-5 days a week by the end of this month. I need to be doing that in order to lose weight.

    Meanwhile, I'm also focusing on walking more at lunch rather than just browsing the shops. Probably better for me and my budget.

    And we're working on another plan.

    Life is a series of plans often involving thinking outside the box.

    And regarding functional exercise, I have been walking (and sometimes cycling) to run errands for most of my life. I'm not keen on using a car if I can help it ... I'd much rather travel by human power.

    Machka in Oz