Pet Peeves at work??



  • coolraul07
    coolraul07 Posts: 1,606 Member
    Wow, I just posted these first 2 on my wall this afternoon:
    1) People who don't take advantage of the mute button during teleconferences. My company has liberal teleworking some most peole work from home at least 1 day/week. During t-conf today, I could hear dogs barking, babies crying, and kids fighting... and none of these were from people who were actively talking. If you work from home (I do thrice-weekly) invest in a headset or phone that has a mute button and USE IT! If you don't, press '*6' and the t-conf service will do it for you.
    2) People who schedule meetings at the last minute. On previous job, there was one guy (not a manager) who'd regularly send out invites for meeting with less than 5 min warning. After a while, we'd stop calling in or showing up and wouldn't acknowledge the invite until the next day. I think he got the hint. I had this happen today, but in hindsight it was actually warranted. It regarded an issue with the potential for tripling a project's cost by SEVEN FIGURES! Yeah, we needed to have that talk so I'll give that one a pass.
    3) Loud cubical talkers, cubical speakerphone users, and people with offices that have their conversations in the doorway! You're an AVP, VP, or VP who has a much-coveted window office... invite your guest in to sit down and close the friggin' door!
    4) Hallway conversations that cross the walkpath. Stand on the same side of the hall so I don't have to walk between you. If I do, I'm walking right through and NOT saying 'excuse me' either!
  • dianesheart88
    dianesheart88 Posts: 111 Member

    And to the women that Hover ( most women) WIPE THE PEE OFF THE SEAT WHEN YOUR DONE!!! Sometimes I would rather use the men's bathroom at work!

    ^^^ So super true!!! Your not going to die from sitting on a public toilet nor are you going to get a disease. Man this one gets me every time. And... it's GROSS... You know it's down your leg too! Yukky!
  • adowling80
    adowling80 Posts: 7 Member
    Smelly poops in the women's bathroom.

    I agree, especially when I'm hiding in the next stall over trying to get my peeping tomness on.

    OK so where would you rather have them go poop when there at work, in your cube???????????? It's what the bathroom is for.

    There are etiquette rules...unspoken etiquette rules. You should spray and leave the fan on. Pooh in the bathroom all you want, but darn'it, spray some air neutralizer!

    Courtesy flush. Do it.

    Also I'll add anyone that uses a speakerphone to talk to one person when you're the only other person in your office. And you yell at the phone.

    And I'll add the people that 1) dont read instructions and 2) think they're above following said instructions.
  • brittany2188
    Full moons and new moons.
  • adowling80
    adowling80 Posts: 7 Member

    And to the women that Hover ( most women) WIPE THE PEE OFF THE SEAT WHEN YOUR DONE!!! Sometimes I would rather use the men's bathroom at work!

    ^^^ So super true!!! Your not going to die from sitting on a public toilet nor are you going to get a disease. Man this one gets me every time. And... it's GROSS... You know it's down your leg too! Yukky!

    I have a friend that is totally going to read this that once told me she builds a nest. Now every time I use a public bathroom this is what I do, instead of the hover. Public toilets are gross; watch the Mythbusters episode about using them, you will never sit on a public toilet again.
  • ladymiseryali
    ladymiseryali Posts: 2,555 Member
    Smelly poops in the women's bathroom.

    I can do better! Fecal smearing on the toilet seat AND urine droplets! Also, no toilet paper in the non-handicapped stall!
  • gonnasee33
    that person in the next cube that brings all the "home drama" to work with them and feels the need to..... whats the word.... whine comes to mind..... but I think ill use the word "vent" instead...
  • carbons2k
    carbons2k Posts: 383 Member
    Being at work!
  • MeepleMuppet
    MeepleMuppet Posts: 226 Member
    The "I don't have time for this" attitude....Your time is no more valuable than mine

  • peeaanuut
    peeaanuut Posts: 359 Member
    I have 2 pet peeves.

    1. sits about 3 cubicles back. She is an oompaloompa that tells everyone how to be healthy. She walks so much for no reason I figured she would be fit, but nope, that 3k calorie lunch is doing her in. I really dont care about her health, but that leads to #2

    2. The food police. #1 thinks she is chief. People know I am on a diet and now think they have to police everything i eat. I cant take a bite in this office, even in the break room, without 3-4 rude comments about my food. Or even worse they do the take away and try to make it a joke "im gonna have some snickers, you want some? oh wait, nope, you cant have none cause of your diet" which im not even on
  • Reedern
    Reedern Posts: 525 Member

    1. Coming to work sick - GROSS! Believe me, nobody wants to hear your sniffling, hacking, coughing, barfing self. I work in HR, I promise, we want you to be at home, not at work.

    I refuse to waste my sick days being home sick. As I told HR at work: "Why would I stay home and make my family miserable, when I can come in here and make you ****ers miserable?"

    People who stay home from work at the slightest sniffle suck.

    There is a BIG difference in a little sniffle and being sick. It's so rude when people bring their sick butts into work and make others sick.


    The only thing that will keep me out of work is a decent fever (I wont stay home if it's just hitting 100) or stomach issues that may require an *immediate* trip to the bathroom (either end). Everything else is "not really sick"

    You are probably the same guy that doesn't wash his hands and handles things all over everyone else's desks too. If there is a chance you are contagious... stay home! You don't have any idea what other people's situation is. Perhaps they cannot afford to catch your illness because they have small children at home, or no leave, or are fighting other health issues that will be made worse. Have some consideration! There is a purpose for sick leave.... when you are SICK!!! I realize that not everyone has sick leave, so if you are forced to come to work, at least bring lysol or clorox wipes and tissues and stick to your own area. Do your very best to avoid as much contact as possible with others and PLEASE wash your hands every chance you get. Obviously, this is a big pet peeve for me.
  • peeaanuut
    peeaanuut Posts: 359 Member
    The "I don't have time for this" attitude....Your time is no more valuable than mine


    the best part is that person is usually the least busy person ever.
  • runnermama81
    runnermama81 Posts: 388 Member
    Smelly poops in the women's bathroom.
    While I agree this stinks (literally!) What are they supposed to do, hold it in?

    Oh and loud talkers! Ugh! Inside voices, people!
  • Reedern
    Reedern Posts: 525 Member
    Smelly poops in the women's bathroom.

    I agree, especially when I'm hiding in the next stall over trying to get my peeping tomness on.

    OK so where would you rather have them go poop when there at work, in your cube???????????? It's what the bathroom is for.

    There are etiquette rules...unspoken etiquette rules. You should spray and leave the fan on. Pooh in the bathroom all you want, but darn'it, spray some air neutralizer!

    Courtesy flush people! It's not hard and it helps....
  • MeepleMuppet
    MeepleMuppet Posts: 226 Member
    My boss, my bosses boss, and even his boss. Every single person under me, the building, the entire place in general.

    I love this with all my heart. I would also like to add "trying to get away with the bare minimum" to the list. I have people who will spend hours crafting a five page memo trying to justify their laziness instead of just doing it.
  • penrbrown
    penrbrown Posts: 2,685 Member

    1. Coming to work sick - GROSS! Believe me, nobody wants to hear your sniffling, hacking, coughing, barfing self. I work in HR, I promise, we want you to be at home, not at work.

    I refuse to waste my sick days being home sick. As I told HR at work: "Why would I stay home and make my family miserable, when I can come in here and make you ****ers miserable?"

    People who stay home from work at the slightest sniffle suck.

    There is a BIG difference in a little sniffle and being sick. It's so rude when people bring their sick butts into work and make others sick.


    The only thing that will keep me out of work is a decent fever (I wont stay home if it's just hitting 100) or stomach issues that may require an *immediate* trip to the bathroom (either end). Everything else is "not really sick"

    Yup. :) Also, in my workplace, you call in sick you're probably going to piss everyone off because somebody is going to get called in to cover your shift.

    People who complain so much about others being sick just remind me of germaphobes. Unless you have a compromised immune system being around a sick person isn't going to kill you. In fact, being exposed to germs is part of being human and living in communal areas.

    Again, I'll stay home when I get sick pay... but I don't. I'm very happy that some people can afford to stay home but we all don't have that luxury and yes it irritates me that everyone gets so angry with me for going to work when I can't afford to not go. A little compassion? I mean for frick's sake, nobody CHOOSES to be sick and not everyone can afford to stay home.

    I'm freaking glad I don't work with any of you. I gotta say. I never complain when someone comes to work sick and I do everything I can to make things easier for them. If they go home I rejoice for them and if they can't I help them. Guess I'm just a rarity.
  • bcf7683
    bcf7683 Posts: 1,653 Member
    My cubicle neighbor, I SWEAR TO GOD, will NOT eat anything unless it comes in the LOUDEST wrapper on this damn planet. To make it worse, he has to dive his hand into said annoying wrapper for 5 minutes at a time to fish out the perfect piece of junk to stuff into his face.... This continues for about 35 minutes every time a bag of anything is opened. It happens about 5 times a day. And when he chews it's like he has a damn microphone up to his mouth. It's the WORST when he eats popcorn... Dear Baby Jesus- that one lasts for about an hour. That happens at least once a day.
    And sometimes he'll act like he's healthy by eating baby carrots drenched in ranch. It sounds like he's eating f*c&ing cinder blocks. UGHHHHHHHHHHH he's the worst cubicle neighbor I've ever encountered. If he never came back into this office I'm pretty sure I'd throw the whole company a freaking party.
  • Reedern
    Reedern Posts: 525 Member

    1. Coming to work sick - GROSS! Believe me, nobody wants to hear your sniffling, hacking, coughing, barfing self. I work in HR, I promise, we want you to be at home, not at work.

    I refuse to waste my sick days being home sick. As I told HR at work: "Why would I stay home and make my family miserable, when I can come in here and make you ****ers miserable?"

    People who stay home from work at the slightest sniffle suck.

    There is a BIG difference in a little sniffle and being sick. It's so rude when people bring their sick butts into work and make others sick.


    The only thing that will keep me out of work is a decent fever (I wont stay home if it's just hitting 100) or stomach issues that may require an *immediate* trip to the bathroom (either end). Everything else is "not really sick"

    Yup. :) Also, in my workplace, you call in sick you're probably going to piss everyone off because somebody is going to get called in to cover your shift.

    People who complain so much about others being sick just remind me of germaphobes. Unless you have a compromised immune system being around a sick person isn't going to kill you. In fact, being exposed to germs is part of being human and living in communal areas.

    Again, I'll stay home when I get sick pay... but I don't. I'm very happy that some people can afford to stay home but we all don't have that luxury and yes it irritates me that everyone gets so angry with me for going to work when I can't afford to not go. A little compassion? I mean for frick's sake, nobody CHOOSES to be sick and not everyone can afford to stay home.

    I'm freaking glad I don't work with any of you. I gotta say. I never complain when someone comes to work sick and I do everything I can to make things easier for them. If they go home I rejoice for them and if they can't I help them. Guess I'm just a rarity.

    It's not about being a germaphobe. It's about that you have no clue what other problems people face if you get them sick. Just be respectful and if you have to come to work sick, warn people, and be prepared with things to kill germs and do your best to prevent others from being infected. I have compassion for those that do not have the blessing that is sick leave, but where I work, people get 4 hours of sick leave every 2 weeks which adds up. There should be no reason they cannot stay home until they are not contagious.
  • lucentabella
    lucentabella Posts: 114 Member

    And to the women that Hover ( most women) WIPE THE PEE OFF THE SEAT WHEN YOUR DONE!!! Sometimes I would rather use the men's bathroom at work!

    ^^^ So super true!!! Your not going to die from sitting on a public toilet nor are you going to get a disease. Man this one gets me every time. And... it's GROSS... You know it's down your leg too! Yukky!

    I have a friend that is totally going to read this that once told me she builds a nest. Now every time I use a public bathroom this is what I do, instead of the hover. Public toilets are gross; watch the Mythbusters episode about using them, you will never sit on a public toilet again.

    That nest is my sanity! And, it keeps my gag reflex from going into action.
  • smesche
    smesche Posts: 234 Member
    Women who clog the toilets up and leave it. Nothing I despise more than walking into the stall to see a ton of poop covered toilet paper and water everywhere. Ugh.. :sick: :sick:

    Stinky people. If you don't want to shower, please at least put on some deodorant.

    People who send out meeting invites last minute and know that there are already other meetings in place and then get pissed off when no one shows up.

    This one guy who uses my trash can. I normally have the door to my office closed. He opens my door and throws his trash in my trash can. WTF? A few more steps and he can use the trashcan in the break room. :grumble:

    The "I'm more important than you" "My time is more valuable" people. We are a team. Everyone needs to pitch in to get things done.

    Those who choose to use perfume or cologne rather than bathe. Oh yuck :sick: