Just Give Me 10 Days - Round 254



  • motheroftwins95
    motheroftwins95 Posts: 594 Member
    Female 61 5’5”

    SW (this round - my last round was in November 2022) - 164.6

    3/18: 164.6
    3/19: 161.0 water weight gone. 7105 steps (3/18)
    3/20: 160.8 too many extra bites here and there - 3 bites ice cream, licked brownie spatula and handful of baked sweet potato fries. All logged and stayed in calorie window but could get out of hand. 7370 steps
    3/21: 160.0 Ate another 3 bites of ice cream (Breyer's Carb Smart Brownie Ala Mode - not my favorite but maybe it will get better - it sounded good when I got it and I refuse to throw it away lol) and finished the baked sweet potato fries but stayed under calorie budget. Otherwise I ate pretty healthy. I do need to substitute veggies for my snacks instead of fruit but that will be easier once the garden starts producing. There is nothing better than home grown tomatoes, corn, cucumbers, spinach, broccoli, green beans, zucchini and peppers. 7229 steps
    3/22: 160.4 Hmmm. I don’t know.
    3/23: 160.2
    3/24: 162.6 A lot of salty Chinese food and a couple of delicious brownies. Back on track today.
  • judefit1
    judefit1 Posts: 774 Member
    Chapter_3 wrote: »
    NSV: Epiphany

    While currently on my morning walk, (I just sat down on a bench to write this) I just realized a huge, huge milestone. Without going through 10+ MAJOR different life-altering examples throughout the past 50 years, I have an ingrained pattern of “slacking off” right before OR as I am accomplishing a long-term goal OR the pinnacle of accomplishment. It’s an obvious pattern. Many will call it “self sabotage“… I’m calling it mindlessly NOT reaching my God-given potential. Sometimes I’m aware and sometimes I’m not, but I choose to do nothing, stop or reverse.

    It has happened throughout my entire life. When I’m just about to grasp or seriously excel… I don’t breakthrough with the momentum, but I SHOULD from all the hard work & sacrifice that it takes to get to THAT certain point.(school, career, relationships, health). Every darn facet of my life is impacted by this unfinished, finish line.

    I want to learn how to push through and reach the ultimate. (which of course there is no ultimate - life is a constant journey…)

    Why not? Why not me? WHY NOT YOU?!

    Join me in this race! I’m going to bust through the finish line and go for more!!!

    @Chapter_3 : OMG- I was just having this conversation this morning! I wonder if it was a generational thing for women, taking a step back??? Don't push too hard, stay in your lane? It happened to me too, in so many aspects of my life.
    I'm with you, let's get it done- whatever "it" is for you!!!