Just Give Me 10 Days - Round 254



  • tiabirdie56
    tiabirdie56 Posts: 4,043 Member
    Sheila, @sheilaboneham, I wanted to give you a couple of article links to your burning feet question. I apologize that it's taken this long but I just had too much going on in my personal life at the time. Burning feet is peripheral neuropathy. I have that burning in my hands off and on.
    B12 is the vitamin that can help this problem, but other B vitamins also. Maybe get a good Methyl B complex vitamin containing methylcobalamin b12. Your body absorbs methalayted B vitamins better. I also take alpha lipoic acid- ALA and N-acetyl cysteine N-ac for whatever benefits I can get from them for nerve pain relief.
    Anyway here are the links


    https://www.verywellhealth.com/burning-feet-5214915#:~:text=Burning feet at night or,the sensation of burning feet.

    https://www.mayoclinic.org/symptoms/burning-feet/basics/causes/sym-20050809#:~:text=While fatigue or a skin,vitamin deficiencies or HIV infection.
  • deepwoodslady
    deepwoodslady Posts: 11,256 Member

    Chapter_3 wrote: »
    NSV: Epiphany

    While currently on my morning walk, (I just sat down on a bench to write this) I just realized a huge, huge milestone. Without going through 10+ MAJOR different life-altering examples throughout the past 50 years, I have an ingrained pattern of “slacking off” right before OR as I am accomplishing a long-term goal OR the pinnacle of accomplishment. It’s an obvious pattern. Many will call it “self sabotage“… I’m calling it mindlessly NOT reaching my God-given potential. Sometimes I’m aware and sometimes I’m not, but I choose to do nothing, stop or reverse.

    It has happened throughout my entire life. When I’m just about to grasp or seriously excel… I don’t breakthrough with the momentum, but I SHOULD from all the hard work & sacrifice that it takes to get to THAT certain point.(school, career, relationships, health). Every darn facet of my life is impacted by this unfinished, finish line.

    I want to learn how to push through and reach the ultimate. (which of course there is no ultimate - life is a constant journey…)

    Why not? Why not me? WHY NOT YOU?!

    Join me in this race! I’m going to bust through the finish line and go for more!!!

  • Krysless2
    Krysless2 Posts: 1,985 Member
    edited March 25
    Pw: 175
    • Sun 03/24: 173.7; -1.3lbs
      ~ Typical weekend struggles
    Stayed Below SW 173.7 ☘️=Yes ⛔️=No
    (Sun> > > > > > > > Next Tue )
    *MiniGoal: Under 171 Not thinking I’m gonna to make it !🤔👀
    • 03/25 Mon ~ 9th Day
    • 03/26 Tue ~ Last Day
    Prev Days :
    (”..On 2nd thought..”in RED):
    • Sat 03/23⛔️175; +2.7lbs
      ~ Husband ordered a steak sub from Hungry Howie’s and I thought I had such a fail proof plan in place. While he waited for his delivery I made myself a little keto pizza but I ended up burning it!🙄 Ultimately I ended up eating the other half of his sub with some Cajun seasoned Howie bread. Man it was good though! I had not regrets until getting on the scale this morning.. ouch!
    • Fri 03/22☘️172.3; +.4lbs
      ~ I ate when I wasn’t hungry and I think I forgot to track something somewhere. Otherwise this gain doesn’t really make sense. Yesterday’s weight did keep fluctuating even after I changed out the batteries. 🤷🏻‍♀️ Maybe I need a new scale because it’s been doing that aloe lately.
      ~ Nothing going on this weekend so I’m getting ready to pump up the jam.. in the gym💪🏋🏻‍♂️
    • Thu 03/21☘️171.9; -1.3lbs
      ~ I’m getting excited now!! Finally past all the bloat and have been on a good track for the last 3 days.Woot woot!
      ~ We’re at the 10-day halfway check point everyone!
    • Wed 03/20☘️173.2; -1.4lbs
      ~ I didn’t sleep well.. I had vanilla chai tea last night and I’m always the one who’s like “caffeine doesn’t affect me!” I’ve actually tested this theory multiple times and i would have an espresso an hour before bed and still I’ve slept fine. But I had never tried this particular tea before and boy was I thrashing around last night! Dreams upon vivid dreams. So maybe two vanilla chai tea bags might be one too many for me. I slept terribly and so I slept in to try to “catch up” on it.
      ~ I usually weigh in at 7-730am but this was more like 9-930am and so I’m not sure my weight today is a fair reading
      ~ I’m sitting here thinking about the day ahead and I already skipped my morning session at the gym and I’m not really feeling the treadmill this morning so I really hope I can turn this day around!
    • Tue 03/19⛔️174.6; +.7lbs
      ~ it was a damage control type of day. Got in a lot of steps, ate well (other then the pint of Rebel pistachio low carb ice cream I ate late at night) I was really hungry throughout the day and I finally caved in. .
      ~ Day 2 of my accountability partner/cousin not answering my phone call 🫤 my hubs seems to think I should give it up for now. I’ll definitely consider his suggestion since he’s not someone who naturally likes to work out.
      ~ /\/\ Pre-TMI above /\/\
      **Note to self: Workout gear seems to add about 1.7 lbs
    • Mon 03/18⛔️173.9;-1.5lbs
      ~ Yesterday was a total bust.. but the scale went down(Must. Be. Positive.)
    • Sun 03/17⛔️175.4;+1.7lbs
      ~ It’s not real; It’s not real; It’s not real! 4 slices of thin crust supreme and a ton of Mich-ultras later. If I was in my right state of mine I would have thrown a Quest pizza in the oven but alas, I was far from that state
    • SW 03/16:☘️173.7;-0lbs
      ~ Didn’t stick to this one for this last round and it shows! Will try again for round 254. **NOTE** Drinking also makes me get hot in my sleep so not only does it add empty calories but it causes me to eat extra and sleep less.. May want to try to remember also.. not to make declarative statements the day before St. Patrick’s Day!
  • UTMom81
    UTMom81 Posts: 1,409 Member
    64-year old female, 5'5"
    Highest Weight: 213
    RND 252: SW-191.3, EW-187.6
    RND 253: SW- 187.8, EW- 185.6

    SW RND 254

    3/17 185.0 Worked in the yard on a glorious spring day and changed out winter to spring decor in the house. Still not feeling 100% but getting better. Over 9K steps in spite of no formal exercise. Maybe I’ll feel like a long walk today.
    3/18 183 Lots of garden/yard work, carrying off limbs fallen from trees over the winter, weeding, hoeing, etc. Got in a walk with Dad at the lake. When he needs to sit and rest, I will walk out and back to him at a faster rate. Works for both of us. Such a beautiful day!
    NSV: I’ve noticed the sugar and fast food cravings have passed. This is huge for me. Hope it holds!
    3/19 182.4 Almost no exercise yesterday because the grand baby was sick, and I took care of him while Mommy worked. Food intake was right where I like it. I’m finding a macros balance that seems to be working for me—keeps me from being hungry, isn’t extreme, but keeps me losing. Fingers crossed.
    3/20 182.0 I didn’t start my day out with a high protein meal, and I was hungry all day because of it (at least, I think that was the problem.) I stayed under calories, but my macros weren’t what I’ve been aiming for lately. I’m surprised to see the loss again this morning, but I’ll take it. I’m sure there’s a bounce coming soon. I dread it, but it’s bound to happen. Hope I can minimize it. It's going to be a beautiful, warm day here. Hoping to get outside a bunch!
    3/21 181.8 Hunger from two days ago—managed! Started out with enough protein and felt much more satiated all day. Got in lots of walking and some weeding in the flower beds, etc.
    3/22 182.4 Well I hope that is all the bounce I get, but I was expecting this uptick either way. Restaurant food a couple times yesterday and even though the choices fit in the calories and macros, you never know how much more salt/butter there are in things than there should be. Now to figure out what I can cook here at the house today! :blush:
    3/23 182.2 Good day food wise and got in a hill-climbing walk at the library park. Going to be in a class all day today, so steps will be minimal. Need to ride my exercise bike when I get home if it goes like I think it will.
    3/24 183.2 No exercise yesterday and a social gathering where, though I was careful, I indulged in some homemade bread/oil and cheese/charcuterie meats. It’ll be fine. I’ll get back in the groove today.
    3/25 184.4 Not sure exactly what is going on here, but hoping it stops before tomorrow’s end of the round weigh in. Ate out one meal yesterday, but it was a vegetable plate, but I guess I need to go back to preparing all my own meals. I did get in over 10K steps, too. Maybe next round I will make water intake my new goal, too. I drink a good bit, but I don’t track it yet.
  • judefit1
    judefit1 Posts: 774 Member
    Just Give Me 10 Days Rnd 254 (my 10th)
    Jude, 5'-2, 67 YO. Been as high as 165, started here in December at 147lbs.
    EW Rnd 253: 131.6
    SW Rnd 254: 13
    GW this rnd: under 131
    Previous rounds:
    SW Rnd 245: 146.6
    SW Rnd 246: 147.0
    SW Rnd 247: 143.4
    SW Rnd 248: 140.8
    SW Rnd 249: 140.6
    SW Rnd 250: 137.2
    SW Rnd 251: 136.2
    SW Rnd 252: 134.2
    SW Rnd 253: 133.4
    SW Rnd 254: 131.6
    Overall loss: 15.0 lbs since 12/22/23

    Goals this round:
    * follow sustainable habits in both nutrition and exercise to keep feeling my best.
    * continue daily tracking, posting and weighing.
    * think about what my goal is now, as I get closer to the weight that works well for me.
    3/17: 132.8
    3/18: 131.6
    3/19: 131.0
    3/20: 130.2
    3/21: 130.2
    3/22: 130.2
    3/23: 131.0
    3/24: 130.2
    3/25: 131.4

    3/25: dinner out for my partner's birthday, totally worth the "bump" which really wasn't so much food but it was pasta and Prosecco! That rounds out the birthday weekends for March, but next Sunday is Easter and we'll have company, so March food madness is still with me for at least one more week.