No to Ozempic - No to Diabetes - Motivated, ready to fight

ByeByeToDiabetes Posts: 61 Member
edited March 2024 in Motivation and Support

I signed up today and have a rather long story (don’t we all?)

“You have diabetes!” my doctor told me last Tuesday and it shocked me. I knew it was coming. Last year in April I was already prediabetic. And what did I do? Nothing! I continued living in denial land.

I had it coming. I am heavily overweight (348 lbs last week). I am older (59 but feel much younger). I eat what I want, fulfill all my cravings and have a husband who enjoys ordering in as much as I do. What was a nice break from the yearly daily cooking at first, became a bad habit.

My blood glucose was 220, the A1C 6.7. Wow! That hit me hard as it should.

“I can put you on Ozempic,” my doctor offered and without thinking I heard myself say, “NO!”

I have done this to myself. I am very lucky and very fortunate that I haven ‘only’ type 2 diabetes. I have the chance to change my future and my health.

I do not want to be on any kind of diabetes medication. For anybody who might be reading this who is losing weight with ‘help’ from the new wonder drug. I wish you all the best and good luck. It’s not for me.

Why would I inject myself with a diabetes medication if I can avoid it? I need to change my ways. I need to relearn to eat!

I ordered a glucose meter reader, which was delivered on Friday the 29th. With very thin needle and a pen I put a small amount of blood on a test strip. 220


I emptied our pantry. “We are going to live healthy from now on,” my husband was told and he is all in. I stayed up until 11. Made a meal plan. I read articles about reversing diabetes.

I check my glucose now 3 times a day. Today it the morning it was already in the normal range. We ate very healthy.

This is my motivation. Not the number on the scale but the number on the glucose meter reader. Weight loss is already happening. I haven’t been on the scale but I can tell.

I skipped hash brown today, had a tomato instead. The glucose was at 118 today in the morning. In normals range. The next doctor's appointment is on July 2, after 90 days.

I wish for friends here on MyFitnessPal. Maybe friends who have been successful already. I hope for friends who will be joining me on my journey. Maybe there are more out there like me who are trying to avoid a diabetes medication?

I signed up here because I need all the help I can get. I hope I can reach someone.

Happy Easter everybody!
Thanks for reading (Sorry it was so long)
Please don't judge me harshly. I don't judge you!

I signed up here because I need all the help I can get. I hope I can reach someone.

Sorry wrong category I can't delete (How?)


  • AnnPT77
    AnnPT77 Posts: 34,934 Member
    It seems like an OK category for this post to me, but it's your call.

    To delete your own post, click on "flag" right below the post, click "report" in the pop-up, then click on "This is my post and I want to delete it" then "Send report". The moderators will delete the post (it may take a bit of time for them to get to it in their work queue, so it won't happen instantly).

    It sounds like you're highly motivated right now, and making good progress. I hope you'll be able to settle into a manageable routine that keeps that progress going, and that you'll reach your goals. It's possible!

    Best wishes!
  • Erikalynne18
    Erikalynne18 Posts: 558 Member
    Hi and welcome to MFP. Sending you a friend request. :) (MFP is always better with friends)
  • ByeByeToDiabetes
    ByeByeToDiabetes Posts: 61 Member
    First official weight check today and I have lost 6 pounds. Bye-bye for good! (My blood glucose was under 140 several times *yippie* I check it now 3 to 4 times a day and I am going down :-)

    My goodness, I have been hungry. Cravings were rolling in like waves. I think that's normal, my body must be in shock. "Where is the fast food?" "Where is the chocolate?" Too bad, it has to deal with it.

    I use smaller plates now. The American portions are out of control. I have been out of control for a very long time. I haven't had any fast food in 10 days since I signed up here. I haven't been snacking in the evening. Guess what? A craving is not a command!

    I am tickled pink. I will turn 60 by the end of the year and I will still be overweight, but much lighter and ***I will not be on any kind of diabetes medication*** that's the goal. Keep you Ozempic doctor! Don't underestimate me! I am not giving in without a fight! Keep your wonder drug.

    Next week's meals will be exotic. Salad with strawberries and humus dressing. Quinoa bowl with beets and avocado. Chicken and sweet potato salad. I found a webpage called "Eating well" Oh my. It all looks healthy and good!

    I am here to stay!
  • ByeByeToDiabetes
    ByeByeToDiabetes Posts: 61 Member
    I have lost 15 pounds and my glucose was 90 tonight. It's often under 100 now, so I am no longer prediabetic or diabetic. I wanted to share this with my friends, but my newsfeed is gone. I am on my own now. The community board is not the same. So I am saying goodbye. Thank you to all who have helped me the last two months. I have the same name at 'Loseit'. I am strong and could do it alone, but why would I if I don't have to? All the best to all! Go after your dreams.
  • AnnPT77
    AnnPT77 Posts: 34,934 Member
    Best wishes, wherever you decide to go instead of MFP!
  • Erikalynne18
    Erikalynne18 Posts: 558 Member
    hi ByeByetoDiabetes, I can't add you on Lose it. Feel free to send me a friend request. I'm on the MFP exodus group
    LINIA Posts: 1,161 Member
    Add me here at MFP - no worries about where you post your comments , i just read one you wrote in April.